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The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 815 - 834, 15.12.2019


The theory about character education is
not new thing anymore, but in an effort to internalize the values of humanity
has not been studied, particularly in the current development, where there are
still many people who underestimated the existence of pesantren as a
terrorist base. In this qualitative case study, we examine a pesantren
in the practice of learning emphasizes the characters learning in an effort to
foster human values. Data taken used direct observation techniques and
interview with the informants (kiai, teacher and santri). Our
results suggest that pesantren are educational institutions which are
very effective in developing character in students (santri) especially
on human values which ensure the unity of the nation. This research gives
evidence that pesantren in Indonesia are friendly Islamic educational
institutions, uphold human rights, democratic, pluralist, and tolerant toward
religion. It becomes important to be known by people worldwide to uphold world

Destekleyen Kurum

Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) Republic of Indonesia


Thanks You for Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) Republic of Indonesia for supporting my doctoral program.


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  • Anam, S. (2017). Karakteristik dan Sistem Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal Sejarah Pesantren, Surau dan Meunasah di Indonesia. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 01(01), 146–147. Retrieved from
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  • Lovat, T. (2016). Islamic morality: Teaching to balance the record. Journal of Moral Education, 45(1), 1–15.
  • Lukens-Bull, R. A. (2000). The Pesantren Tradition: A Study of The Role of The Kyai in The Maintenance of The Traditional Ideology of Islam in Java. Journal of Asian Studies, 59(04), 1091–1092.
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  • Nurdin, E. S. (2015). The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National Character in Indonesia. International Education Studies, 8(8), 199–209.
  • Park, J., & Niyozov, S. (2008). Madrasa education in South Asia and Southeast Asia : Current Issues and Debates. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28(May 2012), 37–41.
  • Parker, L. (2014). Religious Education for Peaceful Coexistence in Indonesia ? South East Asia Research, 22(04), 487–504.
  • Patriadi, H. B., Bakar, M. Z. A., & Hamat, Z. (2015). Human Security in Local Wisdom Perspective: Pesantren and its Responsibility to Protect People. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 28, 100–105.
  • Porath, N. (2014). Muslim Schools (Pondok) in the south of Thailand: Balancing Piety on a Tightrope of National Civility, Prejudice and Violence. South East Asia Research, 22(3), 303–319.
  • Ramakrishna, K. (2015). Islamist Terrorism and Militancy in Indonesia (The Power of the Manichean Mindset). Singapore: Springer.
  • Sagala, R., Nuangchalerm, P., Saregar, A., & El Islami, R. A. Z. (2019). Environment-friendly education as a solution to against global warming: A case study at Sekolah Alam Lampung, Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 85–97.
  • Setyosari, P. (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan (Keempat). Jakarta: Kencana.
  • Sirry, M. (2010). The Public Expression of Traditional Islam: the. The Muslim Word, 60–78.
  • Srimulyani, E. (2007). Muslim Women and Education in Indonesia: The pondok pesantren experience. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 27(1), 85–99.
  • Stake, R. E. (2010). Qualitative Research Studying How Things Work. London: The Guilford Press.
  • Supriyadi, Karsidi, R., Soemanto, R., & Joebagio, H. (2014). The Application of Pesantren’s Social Responsibility Strategy In Anti-Corruption Community Action. International Journal of Scientific Research And Education, 2(3), 532–552.
  • Tamuri, A. H. (2007). Islamic Education Teachers ’ Perceptions of the Teaching of Akhlāq in Malaysian Secondary Schools. Journal of Moral Education, 36(September), 37–41.
  • Tan, C., & Ibrahim, A. (2017). Humanism, Islamic Education, and Confucian Education. Religious Education, 112(4), 394–406.
  • Ulfatin, N. (2015). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di Bidang Pendidikan; Teori dan Aplikasinya. Malang: Media Nusa Creative.
  • Umami, I., Gani, A., & Waskito, T. (2019). Proposal of Character and Moral Education for Gifted Young Scientists in Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 377–387.
  • Wahid, A. (2001). Menggerakkan Tradisi: Esai- Esai Pesantren. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta.
  • Yasin, A. F. (2008). Dimensi- Dimensi Pendidikan Islam. Malang: UIN-Malang Press.
  • Yin, R. K. (2002). Case Study Research Design and Method (Lima). London: Sage Publication.
  • Zahro, A. (2004). Tradisi Intelektual NU; Lajnah Bahtsul Masa’il 1926-1999. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta.
  • Zins, J. E., Bloodworth, M. R., Weissberg, R. P., & Walberg, H. J. (2004). The Scientific Base Linking Social and Emotional Learning to School Success. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 4412(November), 3–22.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 815 - 834, 15.12.2019



  • Amir, S. (2013). Pancasila As Integration Philosophy of Education and National Character. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(1), 1–3. Retrieved from
  • Anam, S. (2016). Pesantren Entrepreneur dan Analisis Kurikulum Pesantren Mukmin Mandiri Waru Sidoarjo dalam Pengembangan Dunia Usaha. Maraji, 1(1), 304–329.
  • Anam, S. (2017). Karakteristik dan Sistem Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal Sejarah Pesantren, Surau dan Meunasah di Indonesia. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 01(01), 146–147. Retrieved from
  • Arifin, I. (1993). Kepemimpinan Kiai; Kasus Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng. Malang: Kalimasahada.
  • Asrohah, H. (2001). Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: PT. Logos Wacana Ilmu.
  • Bandur, A. (2014). Penelitian Kualitiatif, Metodologi, Desain dan Teknik Analisis Data dengan NVIVO 10. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media.
  • Baso, A. (2012). Kembali ke Pesantren, Kembali ke Karakter Ideologi Bangsa. KARSA: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya Keislaman, 20(1), 1–20.
  • Berg, B. L. (2001). Qualitative Research, Methods for the Social Science. USA: Pearson Education Company.
  • Character School. (2016). Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. the Cornerstone of’s Philosophy. Washington: Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research Design (Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches). New York: Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research, PLanning, Conduting adn Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative (Four). Boston: Pearson.
  • Dewantara, K. H. (2011). Bagian Pertama Pendidikan. In Karya Ki Hajar Dewantara. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Persatuan Taman Siswa.
  • Dhofier, Z. (2011). Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Pendangan Hidup Kiai dan Visinya Mengenai Masa Depan Indonesia. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan, dan Penerangsn Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES).
  • Feillard, A. (2008). NU Vis-a-Vis Negara. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta.
  • Gillham, B. (2000). Case Study Research Methods (Pertama). New York: Continuum.
  • Gunawan, H. (2012). Pendidikan Karakter Konsep dan Implementasi. Bandung: Alfabeta.
  • Halstead. (2007). Islamic Values: A Distinctive Framework For Moral Education. Journal of Moral Education, 36(3).
  • Halstead, J. M. (2004). An Islamic Concept of Education. Comparative Education, 40(4), 517–529.
  • Izzati, U. A., Bachri, B. S., Sahid, M., & Eka, D. (2019). Character Education : Gender differences in Moral Knowing , Moral Feeling , and Moral Action in Elementary Schools in Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(September), 547–556. 597765
  • Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia. Al Quran dan Terjemah (2009). Jakarta: Kementerian Agama.
  • Kisyanto. (2016). Pendidikan Karakter Orang Dewasa di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Diba’a Fadlrah Turen Malang. Universitas Negeri Malang.
  • Kuswandi, D. (2005). Pengejawantahan Konsep Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara di Lingkungan Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang.
  • Lickona, T. (1996). Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. Journal of Moral Education, 25(01), 37–41.
  • Lodico, M. G., Spaulding, D. T., & Voegtle, K. H. (2010). Methods in Educational Research from Theory to Practice (Second). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Lovat, T. (2016). Islamic morality: Teaching to balance the record. Journal of Moral Education, 45(1), 1–15.
  • Lukens-Bull, R. A. (2000). The Pesantren Tradition: A Study of The Role of The Kyai in The Maintenance of The Traditional Ideology of Islam in Java. Journal of Asian Studies, 59(04), 1091–1092.
  • Matthew, B., Miles, A. Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative data Analysis. London: Sage Publication.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2009). Undang-undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No 20 Tahun 2003. Bandung: Fokus Media.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. (2010). Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa. Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum.
  • Mogra, I. (2007). Moral Education in the Makātib. Journal of Moral Education, 36(3), 387–398.
  • Muhaimin, Mujib, A., & Mudzakkir, J. (2005). Studi Islam dalam Rangka Dimensi dan Pendekatan. Jakarta: Kencana Media Group.
  • Nilan, P. (2009). The ‘spirit of education’ in Indonesian Pesantren. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30(March 2009), 37–41.
  • Noor, M. (2006). Potret Dunia Pesantren. Bandung: Humaniora.
  • Nurdin, E. S. (2015). The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National Character in Indonesia. International Education Studies, 8(8), 199–209.
  • Park, J., & Niyozov, S. (2008). Madrasa education in South Asia and Southeast Asia : Current Issues and Debates. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28(May 2012), 37–41.
  • Parker, L. (2014). Religious Education for Peaceful Coexistence in Indonesia ? South East Asia Research, 22(04), 487–504.
  • Patriadi, H. B., Bakar, M. Z. A., & Hamat, Z. (2015). Human Security in Local Wisdom Perspective: Pesantren and its Responsibility to Protect People. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 28, 100–105.
  • Porath, N. (2014). Muslim Schools (Pondok) in the south of Thailand: Balancing Piety on a Tightrope of National Civility, Prejudice and Violence. South East Asia Research, 22(3), 303–319.
  • Ramakrishna, K. (2015). Islamist Terrorism and Militancy in Indonesia (The Power of the Manichean Mindset). Singapore: Springer.
  • Sagala, R., Nuangchalerm, P., Saregar, A., & El Islami, R. A. Z. (2019). Environment-friendly education as a solution to against global warming: A case study at Sekolah Alam Lampung, Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 85–97.
  • Setyosari, P. (2016). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan (Keempat). Jakarta: Kencana.
  • Sirry, M. (2010). The Public Expression of Traditional Islam: the. The Muslim Word, 60–78.
  • Srimulyani, E. (2007). Muslim Women and Education in Indonesia: The pondok pesantren experience. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 27(1), 85–99.
  • Stake, R. E. (2010). Qualitative Research Studying How Things Work. London: The Guilford Press.
  • Supriyadi, Karsidi, R., Soemanto, R., & Joebagio, H. (2014). The Application of Pesantren’s Social Responsibility Strategy In Anti-Corruption Community Action. International Journal of Scientific Research And Education, 2(3), 532–552.
  • Tamuri, A. H. (2007). Islamic Education Teachers ’ Perceptions of the Teaching of Akhlāq in Malaysian Secondary Schools. Journal of Moral Education, 36(September), 37–41.
  • Tan, C., & Ibrahim, A. (2017). Humanism, Islamic Education, and Confucian Education. Religious Education, 112(4), 394–406.
  • Ulfatin, N. (2015). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di Bidang Pendidikan; Teori dan Aplikasinya. Malang: Media Nusa Creative.
  • Umami, I., Gani, A., & Waskito, T. (2019). Proposal of Character and Moral Education for Gifted Young Scientists in Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 377–387.
  • Wahid, A. (2001). Menggerakkan Tradisi: Esai- Esai Pesantren. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta.
  • Yasin, A. F. (2008). Dimensi- Dimensi Pendidikan Islam. Malang: UIN-Malang Press.
  • Yin, R. K. (2002). Case Study Research Design and Method (Lima). London: Sage Publication.
  • Zahro, A. (2004). Tradisi Intelektual NU; Lajnah Bahtsul Masa’il 1926-1999. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yogyakarta.
  • Zins, J. E., Bloodworth, M. R., Weissberg, R. P., & Walberg, H. J. (2004). The Scientific Base Linking Social and Emotional Learning to School Success. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 4412(November), 3–22.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Teacher Education

Saeful Anam 0000-0002-9989-7510

İ Nyoman Sudana Degeng 0000-0003-4684-552X

Nurul Murtadho Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1880-8609

Dedi Kuswandı 0000-0003-1005-6641

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Anam, S., Nyoman Sudana Degeng, İ., Murtadho, N., Kuswandı, D. (2019). The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(4), 815-834.
AMA Anam S, Nyoman Sudana Degeng İ, Murtadho N, Kuswandı D. The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia. JEGYS. Aralık 2019;7(4):815-834. doi:10.17478/jegys.629726
Chicago Anam, Saeful, İ Nyoman Sudana Degeng, Nurul Murtadho, ve Dedi Kuswandı. “The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7, sy. 4 (Aralık 2019): 815-34.
EndNote Anam S, Nyoman Sudana Degeng İ, Murtadho N, Kuswandı D (01 Aralık 2019) The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 4 815–834.
IEEE S. Anam, İ. Nyoman Sudana Degeng, N. Murtadho, ve D. Kuswandı, “The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia”, JEGYS, c. 7, sy. 4, ss. 815–834, 2019, doi: 10.17478/jegys.629726.
ISNAD Anam, Saeful vd. “The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7/4 (Aralık 2019), 815-834.
JAMA Anam S, Nyoman Sudana Degeng İ, Murtadho N, Kuswandı D. The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia. JEGYS. 2019;7:815–834.
MLA Anam, Saeful vd. “The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, c. 7, sy. 4, 2019, ss. 815-34, doi:10.17478/jegys.629726.
Vancouver Anam S, Nyoman Sudana Degeng İ, Murtadho N, Kuswandı D. The Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in Pesantren: A Case Study from Indonesia. JEGYS. 2019;7(4):815-34.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.