Elmira Akhmetova Prof. Dr. Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture
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Tarih Eğitimi Çağdaş Dünya Tarihi


Elmira Akhmetova, a Tatar scholar from Russia, is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Knowledge Integration, Georgia; and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of South Australia. She was previously employed as an Associate Professor in Department of History and Civilization at the International Islamic University Malaysia between 2015-2021; and as a Research Fellow at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS), Malaysia, studying the history of Islam in Russia and current political developments, which are reflected in her two books, entitled “Islam in Russia: Historical Facts and Current Developments” (IAIS Monograph Series, 2013) and “Politics and Islam at the Age of Nationalism: The Conception of Pan-Islamism and the Issue of the Caliphate in Russia and Turkey” (IIUM Press, 2017). She obtained her PhD from IIUM in 2014, where she did a research on Pan-Islamism in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century. In 2005, she joined Centre for Islamic Studies (ISAM), Istanbul, Turkey, as a visiting scholar, working on the project entitled “Musa Jarullah: Career, Scholarship and Impact.” Akhmetova is the author and editor of several books in the areas of Islam in Russia, Islamic Political Thought, Diplomacy in Islam, Nationalism in the Muslim World, and has more than sixty articles and book chapters to her credit. She annually prepares reports on Islam in Russia for the prominent Brill Publications volume of Yearbook of Muslims in Europe since 2009. She is also a recipient of High Impact Responsible Innovation Award, Top 30 Contributors to IIUM Research Performance Awards in 2019 and 2020, and Journal Article Publication Award (Gold, 2020).


Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture
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