SARS-CoV-2 virüsünün neden olduğu COVID-19 salgını, son zamanlarda tüm dünyayı ele geçirmiş ve binlerce kişinin ölümüne neden olmuştur. COVID-19 gıda kaynaklı bir hastalık olmamasına rağmen, gıdalar COVID-19’un yayılımına aracılık edebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, gıda işletmelerinde iyi hijyen uygulamalarının sağlanması, personel hijyenine dikkat edilmesi, meyve ve sebzelerin işleme ve tüketim öncesinde mutlaka bol su ile yıkanması, ısıl işlem sonrası tüketilecek gıdaların uygun sıcaklıklarda pişirilmesi ve çapraz kontaminasyonun önlenmesi gibi birçok uygulama ile COVID-19’un gıdalara kontaminasyonu önlenebilmekte veya kontamine gıdada bu virüsün inaktivasyonu sağlanabilmektedir. Etanol (>%70), NaClO (%0.1), H2O2 ve kuaterner amonyum bileşikleri, COVID-19’un inhibisyonu amacıyla kullanımı önerilen dezenfektanlardır. Bu çalışmada, gıdalar aracılığıyla COVID-19’un yayılımı, gıdaların COVID-19 açısından güvenli hale getirilmesi, gıda işletmelerinde üretim, taşıma, servis ve satış aşamalarında COVID-19’a karşı alınması gereken önlemler ve bu amaçla işletmelerde kullanılabilecek dezenfektanlar ile ilgili bilgiler derlenmiştir.
Ahn, D.G., Shin, H.J., Kim, M.H., Lee, S., Kim, H.S., Myoung, J., Kim, B.T., Kim, S.J. (2020). Current status of epidemiology, diagnosis, therapeutics, and vaccines for Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19). J Microbiol Biotechn, 30(3): 313-324, doi: 10.4014/jmb.2003.03011.
Anonymous (2020). Preventing the spread of COVID 19: Guidance for food establishments. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Ayhan, B., Bilici, S. (2015). Toplu beslenme sistemlerinde kullanılan gıda dezenfektanları. Türk Hij Den Biyol Derg, 72(4): 323-336.
Baker, N., Williams, A., Tropsha, A., Ekins, S. (2020). Repurposing quaternary ammonium compounds as potential treatments for COVID-19. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Becker, B., Henningsen, L., Paulmann, D., Bischoff, B., Todt, D., Steinmann, E., Steinmann, J., Brill, F.H.H., Steinmann, J. (2019). Evaluation of the virucidal efficacy of disinfectant wipes with a test method simulating practical conditions. Antimicrob Resist In, 8(1): 121, doi: 10.1186/s13756-019-0569-4.
BfR (2020). Can the new type of coronavirus be transmitted via food and objects? (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Bosch, A., Gkogka, E., Le Guyader, F.S., Loisy Hamon, F., Lee, A., van Liesho ut, L., Marthi, B., Myrmel, M., Sansom, A., Schultz, A.C., Winkler, A., Zuber, S., Phistern, T. (2018). Foodborne viruses: Detection, risk assessment, and control options in food processing. Int J Food Microbiol, 285: 110-128, doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2018.06.001.
Bosch., A, Pinto, R.M., Guix, S. (2016). Foodborne viruses. Curr Opin Food Sci, 8:110-119.
Boyce, J.M. (2018). Alcohols as surface disinfectants in healthcare settings. Infect Cont Hosp Ep, 39(3): 323-328, doi: 10.1017/ice.2017.301.
CA, Codex Alimentarius (2009). Food hygiene: Basic texts (Accessed 1 May 2020).
CDC (2020b). Strategies to reduce COVID-19 transmission at the Smithfield Foods Sioux Falls Pork Plant. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
CDC (2020c). Guidance for the selection and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in healthcare settings. (Accessed 18 May 2020).
CDC (2008). Guideline for disinfection and sterilization in healthcare facilities. Chemical Disinfectants. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Chin, A., Chu, J., Perera, M., Hui, K., Yen, H.L., Chan, M., Peiris, M., Poon, L. (2020). Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions. The Lancet Microbe, 1(1): e10, doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30003-3.
Cortesia, C., Vilchèze, C., Bernut, A., Contreras, W., Gómez, K., De Waard, J., Jacobs, W.R. Takiff, H. (2014). Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio, 5(2): e00013-14, doi: 10.1128/mBio.00013-14.
Dellanno, C., Quinn Vega, M.S., Boesenberg, D. (2009). The antiviral action of common household disinfectants and antiseptics against murine hepatitis virus, a potential surrogate for SARS Coronavirus. Am J Infect Control. 37: 649-652,
Desai, A.N., Aronoff, D.M. (2020). Food safety and COVID-19. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
dos Santos Rodrigues, J.B., de Souza, N.T., Scarano, J.O.A., de Sousa, J.M., Lira, M.C., de Figueiredo, R.C.B.Q., Souza, E.L., Magnani, M. (2018). Efficacy of using oregano essential oil and carvacrol to remove young and mature Staphylococcus aureus biofilms on food-contact surfaces of stainless steel. LWT- Food Sci Technol, 93: 293-299, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.03.052.
Dvorak, G. (2005). Disinfection 101. Center for Food Security and Public Health. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Eggers, M., Eickmann, M., Zorn, J. (2015). Rapid and effective virucidal activity of povidone-iodine products against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and modified vaccinia virus ankara (MVA). Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 4(4): 491-501, doi: 10.1007/s40121-015-0091-9.
Ekici, L., Sağdıç, O., Kesmen, Z. (2006). Gıda endüstrisinde alternatif bir dezenfektan: ozon. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 1: 47-57.
Fathizadeh, H., Maroufi, P., Momen-Heravi, M., Dao, S., Köse, S., Ganbarov, K., Pagliano, P., Esposito, S., Kafil, H.S. (2020). Protection and disinfection policies against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Infez Med, 28(2): 185-191.
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COVID-19 outbreak caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, has recently been taken hold of worldwide and caused thousands of people death. Although COVID-19 is not a food-borne outbreak, foods can mediate the spread of COVID-19. Thus, prevention of contamination of foods with COVID-19 or inactivation of the virus from contaminated foods could be provided by ensuring good hygiene practices in food establishments, being careful in personnel hygiene, washing fruit and vegetables with plenty of water before processing and consumption, cooking foods at proper temperatures and avoid cross-contamination. Ethanol (>70%), NaClO (0.1%), H2O2 and quaternary ammonium compounds are suggested as disinfectants to inhibit COVID-19. In this study, information has been reviewed about the spread of COVID-19 through foods, making foods safe in terms of COVID-19, measures to be taken against COVID-19 in food establishments during production, transportation, service and selling stages and disinfectants that can be used in food premises for this purpose.
Ahn, D.G., Shin, H.J., Kim, M.H., Lee, S., Kim, H.S., Myoung, J., Kim, B.T., Kim, S.J. (2020). Current status of epidemiology, diagnosis, therapeutics, and vaccines for Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19). J Microbiol Biotechn, 30(3): 313-324, doi: 10.4014/jmb.2003.03011.
Anonymous (2020). Preventing the spread of COVID 19: Guidance for food establishments. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Ayhan, B., Bilici, S. (2015). Toplu beslenme sistemlerinde kullanılan gıda dezenfektanları. Türk Hij Den Biyol Derg, 72(4): 323-336.
Baker, N., Williams, A., Tropsha, A., Ekins, S. (2020). Repurposing quaternary ammonium compounds as potential treatments for COVID-19. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Becker, B., Henningsen, L., Paulmann, D., Bischoff, B., Todt, D., Steinmann, E., Steinmann, J., Brill, F.H.H., Steinmann, J. (2019). Evaluation of the virucidal efficacy of disinfectant wipes with a test method simulating practical conditions. Antimicrob Resist In, 8(1): 121, doi: 10.1186/s13756-019-0569-4.
BfR (2020). Can the new type of coronavirus be transmitted via food and objects? (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Bosch, A., Gkogka, E., Le Guyader, F.S., Loisy Hamon, F., Lee, A., van Liesho ut, L., Marthi, B., Myrmel, M., Sansom, A., Schultz, A.C., Winkler, A., Zuber, S., Phistern, T. (2018). Foodborne viruses: Detection, risk assessment, and control options in food processing. Int J Food Microbiol, 285: 110-128, doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2018.06.001.
Bosch., A, Pinto, R.M., Guix, S. (2016). Foodborne viruses. Curr Opin Food Sci, 8:110-119.
Boyce, J.M. (2018). Alcohols as surface disinfectants in healthcare settings. Infect Cont Hosp Ep, 39(3): 323-328, doi: 10.1017/ice.2017.301.
CA, Codex Alimentarius (2009). Food hygiene: Basic texts (Accessed 1 May 2020).
CDC (2020b). Strategies to reduce COVID-19 transmission at the Smithfield Foods Sioux Falls Pork Plant. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
CDC (2020c). Guidance for the selection and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in healthcare settings. (Accessed 18 May 2020).
CDC (2008). Guideline for disinfection and sterilization in healthcare facilities. Chemical Disinfectants. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Chin, A., Chu, J., Perera, M., Hui, K., Yen, H.L., Chan, M., Peiris, M., Poon, L. (2020). Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions. The Lancet Microbe, 1(1): e10, doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30003-3.
Cortesia, C., Vilchèze, C., Bernut, A., Contreras, W., Gómez, K., De Waard, J., Jacobs, W.R. Takiff, H. (2014). Acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, is an effective tuberculocidal disinfectant. MBio, 5(2): e00013-14, doi: 10.1128/mBio.00013-14.
Dellanno, C., Quinn Vega, M.S., Boesenberg, D. (2009). The antiviral action of common household disinfectants and antiseptics against murine hepatitis virus, a potential surrogate for SARS Coronavirus. Am J Infect Control. 37: 649-652,
Desai, A.N., Aronoff, D.M. (2020). Food safety and COVID-19. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
dos Santos Rodrigues, J.B., de Souza, N.T., Scarano, J.O.A., de Sousa, J.M., Lira, M.C., de Figueiredo, R.C.B.Q., Souza, E.L., Magnani, M. (2018). Efficacy of using oregano essential oil and carvacrol to remove young and mature Staphylococcus aureus biofilms on food-contact surfaces of stainless steel. LWT- Food Sci Technol, 93: 293-299, doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.03.052.
Dvorak, G. (2005). Disinfection 101. Center for Food Security and Public Health. (Accessed 1 May 2020).
Eggers, M., Eickmann, M., Zorn, J. (2015). Rapid and effective virucidal activity of povidone-iodine products against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and modified vaccinia virus ankara (MVA). Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 4(4): 491-501, doi: 10.1007/s40121-015-0091-9.
Ekici, L., Sağdıç, O., Kesmen, Z. (2006). Gıda endüstrisinde alternatif bir dezenfektan: ozon. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 1: 47-57.
Fathizadeh, H., Maroufi, P., Momen-Heravi, M., Dao, S., Köse, S., Ganbarov, K., Pagliano, P., Esposito, S., Kafil, H.S. (2020). Protection and disinfection policies against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Infez Med, 28(2): 185-191.
FDA (2020a). Food safety and the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). (Accessed 1 May 2020).
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