Journal of New Results in Science (JNRS) is an Online, Peer-Reviewed, Open-Access journal that aims to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries by publishing Original Research Papers, Review articles that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Journal of New Results in Science (JNRS) is a multidisciplinary journal that accepts original research articles written in English in
The peer-review process is summarized as follows:
1. After a manuscript is submitted to the journal, an Editor is assigned to process it.
2. Editor produces a similarity report of the submission, which excludes Sources less than 1% and Bibliography, on iThenticate and uploads this report to the system for Reviewers to consider the report during the review.
a. The manuscript is rejected if the similarity rate (SR) is greater than 50%.
b. If 35% < SR < 50%, Editor checks the manuscript for plagiarism and whether it complies with the JNRS’s style guide and the required sections Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion are included in the paper. Editor then requests Author to resubmit it as SR reduced to 35% or less. If either or both of the above cases exist(s), then Author is required to reformat the paper following the style guide and/or to include the missing section(s).
c. If SR ≤ 35%, Editor checks the manuscript for plagiarism and whether it complies with the JNRS’s style guide and the required sections Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion are included in the paper. If Editor detects a likely case of plagiarism or realizes incongruence with the style guide and/or an absent/incomplete section, then Author is required to revise the manuscript before resubmission.
3. If required, Editor corresponds with Author until the article is ready for review.
If Author does not accept to resubmit the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to duly satisfy the listed requests, the manuscript is rejected.
4. If Editor assigns an Area Editor,
a. Area Editor appoints at least four reviewers, two of which are proposed by Author.
b. Area Editor judges Reject, Minor revision, or Major Revision based on reviewers’ comments. If the decision is Reject, Area Editor notifies Editor of the decision.
If Author does not accept to revise the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to upload the revised version and the compulsory files by the due date, the manuscript is rejected.
c. When the Minor Revision is completed, Area Editor reviews the revised paper and the accompanying response letter. Area Editor then notifies Editor of the decision.
d. When the Major Revision is completed, Area Editor forwards the revised paper and the accompanying response letter to Reviewers. Area Editor notifies Editor of the decision made based on the reviewers’ comments.
If Editor does not assign an Area Editor,
a. Editor appoints at least four reviewers, two of which are proposed by Author.
b. Editor judges Reject, Minor Revision, or Major Revision based on reviewers’ comments.
If Author does not accept to revise the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to upload the revised version and the compulsory files by the due date, the manuscript is rejected.
c. When the Minor Revision is completed, Editor reviews the revised paper and the accompanying response letter. Editor then notifies Author of the decision.
d. When the Major Revision is completed, Editor forwards the revised paper and the accompanying response letter to Reviewers. Editor then notifies Author of the decision made based on the reviewers’ comments.
5. Editor completes the process by forwarding the accepted manuscript to Layout Editor, Proofreading (Language) Editor, and Production Editor.
Workflow Settings
Additional time given for all assigned users, when Editor extends the due date 7 Days
Time given to make an action when a new submission arrives before becoming overdue 10 Days
Time given for Editor to assign an Editor in "checked" status before becoming overdue 10 Days
Time given for the assigned Editor to take an action in "With Editor" status before becoming overdue 10 Days
Time given for the assigned editors to take an action in "Ready for Decision" status before becoming overdue 10 Days
Time given for Editor to make a decision before becoming overdue 10 Days
Time given for the assigned Editor to make the article to be ready for publishing, after the article is accepted before becoming overdue 21 Days
Time given for the Copyeditor, Statistics editor, Layout editor, and Proofreader to complete the task before becoming overdue 21 Days
Time given for the author to answer the requested task i.e resubmission or revision requested before becoming overdue 7 Days
Time given for the author to take action before becoming overdue 21 Days
Time given for the reviewer(s) to respond to the invitation before becoming overdue 7 Days
Time given for the reviewer to review the article after accepting the invitation before becoming overdue 21 Days
Allowed Article Types
Research Article and Review
Submission Checklists
All Authors have read and approved the most recent version of the paper.
The docx file has been uploaded as a Supporting File. / The tex file has been uploaded as a Latex Source File.
The paper (Full Text) and the Copyright Form are in pdf format.
The Authors' title has not been included in any personal information.
All the Figures have been uploaded since the paper format is "tex". / Any Figures have not been uploaded if since the paper format is "docx".
The paper has been prepared using JNRS’s template.
The paper's reference-excluded similarity rate by iThenticate or Turnitin is 35% or less.
Any abbreviation has not taken part in the authors' names and surnames.
Submission last step confirm text
The manuscript has been prepared using JNRS’s template.
The manuscript’s reference-excluded similarity rate by iThenticate or Turnitin is 35% or less.
My/our title(s) has not been included in any personal information, such as Prof, Mr, and Dr.
Any abbreviation has not taken part in my/our name(s) and surname(s).
The reviewers we suggest are not co-authors with us and not our colleagues in the same university, our master's advisors, PhD supervisors, or students (current or old).
Necessary Files (When submitting the paper)
Full-Text File The manuscript (pdf)
Copyright Form The copyright form (pdf)
Latex Source File The manuscript (tex) OR Supporting file The manuscript (docx)
Figures For only LaTeX (pdf, png, etc.)
Supporting file(if any) For only LaTeX (bib)
Necessary Files (After revisions)
Full-Text File The revised manuscript (pdf)
Latex Source File The revised manuscript (tex) OR Supporting file The revised manuscript (docx)
Figures for only LaTeX (pdf, png, etc.)
Response to Reviewers The response letter (pdf)
Manuscripts should be typeset, preferably using the LATEX typesetting system. Manuscripts written in word format are also acceptable. Authors should prepare the article using the Journal's templates. The journal template for your manuscript in text or word form can be downloaded on the journal homepage.
All papers should include:
The title page should contain the title of the paper, running title less than 60 characters, full names of the authors (no degrees), affiliations addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. Authors are also required to submit their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)’s which can be obtained from as their URL address in the format Please indicate the corresponding author.
Abstract The manuscript must be accompanied by a brief abstract, no longer than 300 words. It should make minimal use of mathematical symbols and displayed formulae. The abstract should be written entirely justified and in 9 pt. The abstract should not contain any non-common abbreviations.
Keywords should represent the paper. Keywords should be written in 9 pt italics. The first letter of the keywords should be capitalized. The paper may contain a maximum of six keywords.
Each page of the manuscript should be numbered, and the page numbers should be on the top right of the page.
Authors Contribution Statement and Declaration of Competing Interests should be given at the end of the manuscript before the references.
Bibliographic references should be listed in the order of appearance in the manuscript and numerical order at the end of the manuscript, each numbered by a number between square brackets. The following information should be provided for references to journals: names of authors, the full title of the article, the full name of the journal, volume, year of publication, and range of page numbers.
Before publication, the galley proof is always sent to the author for correction. Thus it is solely the author's responsibility for any typographical mistakes which occur in their article as it appears in the journal.
Manuscripts are published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).
Journal Publishing Policy
Journal of New Results in Science is published on the ULAKBIM Journal platform with the "Refereed Journal" status. The journal is published three issues (April, August, and December) per year in electronic form.
The journal publishes original English studies in Mathematics and Statistics, Natural Science, Engineering Science, and Agricultural Science.
Manuscripts sent to the journal are directed to the relevant field editor after the editor and assistant editor review. According to the approval of the field editor, the manuscript will go through a single-blind peer-review process.
No fee is charged for the articles, book reviews, etc., published in the Journal of New Results in Science, and also, the journal does not pay any fees to authors.
Researches should be prepared by ethical rules, and citations in the manuscript should be indicated.
The arguments expressed in the published manuscripts do not represent the journal's views; it is the author's responsibility (s).
Authors are obliged to fill and send a "Copyright Form" for the journal's manuscripts.
Publication Ethics
Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities
The Responsibilities of the Journal Editorial Board
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
JNRS is an open-access journal. Hence, there is no publication charge for the papers including the special issues.