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Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 795 - 806, 27.05.2024


Ice cream is a complex product obtained by blowing air through special equipment and then freezing a physicochemical mixture consisting of milk, sugar, emulsifier, stabilizer, oil, color and flavoring substances. Recently, especially with the pandemic experienced all over the world, consumers have begun to turn to functional foods that have high nutritional value and are important for health. Functional foods, in addition to its nutritional effects, are defined as foods that have health protective, corrective and/or disease risk reducing effects, depending on one or more effective ingredients, and these effects are scientifically and clinically proven. In order for a product to have functional properties, it must contain bioactive ingredients, probiotic microorganisms and also have a prebiotic effect. For this reason, our study aimed to provide functional properties to ice cream with blueberries, which are rich in phenolic compounds, and to examine the phenolic substance bioaccessibility of this functional ice cream under mouth, stomach and small intestine conditions simulated with the in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model system. In this context, functional ice cream was produced by trapping the phenolic rich blueberry fruit in six different concentrations of whey protein gel, and the amount of phenolic substance and protein amount were determined after in vitro digestion. While the phenolic substance content of protein gel ice cream in the small intestine environment was between 261-485 µg/100 g and an average of 114 µg/100 g in the control sample, in the oral environment these values were determined as 85-251 µg/100 g in protein gel ice cream and 291 µg/100 g in the control sample. As a result of our study, it was determined that the amount of gallic acid phenolic substance and bioaccessibility of ice cream samples produced with protein gel increased from the oral environment to the small intestine. In the control sample (blueberry ice cream without protein gel), it was observed that the amount of phenolic substance was highest in the oral environment and decreased as it went to the small intestine environment. According to the FAO Guidelines for Use of Nutrition Claims, samples with a whey protein gel ratio of 16%, 18% and 20% can be considered as "protein sources". Thus, in this study, functionalized in terms of protein content and phenolic substance, increased bioaccessibility and high protein ice cream production was carried out.


  • Anonymous (1994). Association of Official Analytic Chemists (AOAC). Nitrogen (total) in milk - Kjeldahl methods (No. 991.20).
  • Anonymous (2003). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Food and Nutrition paper 77: Food energy—Methods of analysis and conversion factors. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • Anonymous (2023). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (Accessed Date: 26.02.2023)
  • Arslan, M. (2021). The place of functional foods in health. Güven Plus Group Inc. Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Badıllı, A. G. (2020). Investigation of possibilities of chickpea flour usage opportunities instead of milk powder in reduced fat functional ice cream production (MSc Thesis). Harran Üniversity, Sanlıurfa.
  • Betz, M., Steiner, B., Schantz, M., Oidtmann, J., Mäder, K., Richling, E. and Kulozik, U. (2012). Antioxidant capacity of bilberry extract microencapsulated in whey protein hydrogels. Food Research International, 47(1): 51-57.
  • Boirie, Y., Dangin, M., Gachon, P., Vasson, M. P., Maubois, J. L. and Beaufrère, B. (1997). Slow and fast dietary proteins differently modulate postprandial protein accretion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94(26): 14930-14935.
  • Bujor, OC, Le Bourvellec, C., Volf, I., Popa, V.I. and Dufour, C. (2016). Seasonal variations of the phenolic constituents in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) leaves, stems and fruits, and their antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 213: 58-68.
  • Damodaran, S. (1994). Structure-function relationship of food proteins. In: Protein Functionality in Food Systems, New York, USA.
  • Engindeniz, S., Taşkın, T., Gbadamonsi, A. A., Ahmed, A. S., Seioudy, A., Kandemir, Ç. and Koşum, N. (2021). Analysis of preferences for milk and milk products of consumers. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 18(3): 470-481.
  • Fedakar, F. and Turgay, Ö. (2020). Some properties of Maras ice cream. Journal of Food and Feed Science Technology, (23): 19-24.
  • Goff, H. D. (2006). Ice Cream. In: Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 2 Lipids. Springer, US.
  • Gunasekaran, S., Ko, S. and Xiao, L. (2007). Use of whey proteins for encapsulation and controlled delivery applications. Journal of Food Engineering, 83(1): 31-40.
  • Hatamipour, M., Sahebkar, A., Alavizadeh, S. H., Dorri, M. and Jaafari, M. R. (2019). Novel nanomicelle formulation to enhance bioavailability and stability of curcuminoids. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 22(3): 282.
  • İnce, C. and Çağındı, Ö. (2020). Iron mineral: Functions, effects of food processing on bioavailability and interactions with bioactive components. Çukurova Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 35(2): 151-164.
  • İncedayi, B. (2021). Assessment of antioxidant properties and in-vitro bioaccessibility of some pomegranate products. Journal of Balikesir University Institute of Science and Technology, 23(1): 96-110.
  • Ju, M., Zhu, G., Huang, G., Shen, X., Zhang, Y., Jiang, L. and Sui, X. (2020). A novel pickering emulsion produced using soy protein-anthocyanin complex nanoparticles. Food Hydrocolloids, 99: 105329.
  • Keskin, M. (2018). Comparing the release of alginate-propolis micro capsules in an in vitro digestion system with the release of raw propolis. Uludag Bee Journal, 18(2): 94-100.
  • Lee, S. J., Lee, S. Y., Chung, M. S. and Hur, S. J. (2016). Development of novel in vitro human digestion systems for screening the bioavailability and digestibility of foods. Journal of Functional Foods, 22: 113-121.
  • Legassa, O. (2020). Ice cream nutrition and its health impacts. Journal of Food Nutritional Science, 7(1): 19-27.
  • Li, J., Ye, A., Lee, S. J. and Singh, H. (2013). Physicochemical behaviour of WPI-stabilized emulsions in in vitro gastric and intestinal conditions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 111: 80-87.
  • Mehmetoğlu, S. and Tarakçi, Z. (2023). Investigation of the physicochemical properties of propolis added ice creams during storage. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 361-373.
  • Ménard, O., Cattenoz, T., Guillemin, H., Souchon, I., Deglaire, A., Dupont, D. and Picque, D. (2014). Validation of a new in vitro dynamic system to simulate infant digestion. Food Chemistry, 145: 1039-1045.
  • Minekus, M., Alminger, M., Alvito, P., Ballance, S., Bohn, T., Bourlieu, C., Carrière, F., Boutrou, R., Corredig, M., Dupont, D., Dufour, C., Egger, L., Golding, M., Karakaya, S., Kirkhus, B., Le Feunteun, S., Lesmes, U., Macierzanka, A., Mackie, A., Marze, S., … Brodkorb, A. (2014). A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food - an international consensus. Food & Function, 5(6): 1113–1124.
  • Opazo-Navarrete, M., Schutyser, M. A. I., Boom, R. M. and Janssen, A. E. M. (2018). Effect of pre-treatment on in vitro gastric digestion of quinoa protein (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) obtained by wet and dry fractionation. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69(1): 1-11.
  • Remondetto, G. E., Beyssac, E. and Subirade, M. (2004). Iron availability from whey protein hydrogels: an in vitro study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(26): 8137-8143.
  • Salihler, K. (2020). Studies on the evaluation of leaves and fruits of Vaccınıum myrtıllus l. (yabanmersini) plant growing in our country by the food and cosmetic industry. (MSc Thesis) Bezmialem Foundation University, Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Sopade, P. A. and Gidley, M. J. (2009). A rapid in‐vitro digestibility assay based on glucometry for investigating kinetics of starch digestion. Starch‐Stärke, 61(5): 245-255.
  • Sunal, Z., Pehlivanoğlu, H., Aksoy, A. and M., Yaman (2022). Determination of sensory acceptability of functional ice cream produced using whey protein gel and blueberry in International Research in Engineering Sciences III, (Edt: M. Kamanlı), 1. Edition, November-December 2022, Eğitim Publishing House, Istanbul.
  • Ürkek, B., Gürmeriç, H. E. and Şengül, M. (2021). Effect of addition of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) on physicochemical and sensory properties of ice cream. The Journal of Food, 46(1): 180-189.
  • Yaman, M., Mızrak, Ö. F., Catak, J. and Sargın, H. S. (2019). In vitro bioaccessibility of added folic acid in commercially available baby foods formulated with milk and milk products. Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(6): 1837-1844.
  • Yerlikaya, O., Kınık, Ö. and Akbulut, N. (2010). Functional properties of whey and new generation dairy products manufactured with whey. The Journal of Food, 35(4): 289-296.

Peynir Altı Suyu Protein Jeli ile Zenginleştirilmiş Yaban Mersinli Fonksiyonel Dondurmanın Biyoerişilebilirliğinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 795 - 806, 27.05.2024


Dondurma süt, şeker, emülgatör, stabilizatör, yağ, renk ve aroma maddelerinden oluşan fizikokimyasal karışımın, özel ekipmanlar aracılığıyla hava verilmesi ve ardından dondurulması ile elde edilen kompleks bir üründür. Son zamanlarda özellikle tüm Dünyada yaşanan pandemi ile birlikte tüketiciler, besin değeri yüksek ve sağlık açısından önem arz eden fonksiyonel gıdalara yönelmeye başlamışlardır. Fonksiyonel gıda, besleyici etkilerinin yanı sıra bir ya da daha fazla etkili bileşene bağlı olarak sağlığı koruyucu, düzeltici ve/veya hastalık riskini azaltıcı etkiye sahip olup, bu etkileri bilimsel ve klinik olarak ispatlanmış gıdalar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bir ürünün fonksiyonel özelliğe sahip olabilmesi için, biyoaktif bileşenler, probiyotik mikroorganizmalar içermesi ve bununla birlikte prebiyotik etkiye sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda fenolik bileşiklerce zengin yaban mersini ile dondurmaya fonksiyonel özellik kazandırılması ve bu fonksiyonel dondurmanın in vitro gastrointestinal sindirim model sistemi ile simüle edilen ağız, mide ve ince bağırsak koşullarında fenolik madde biyoerişilebilirliğinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda fenolik madde açısından zengin yaban mersini meyvesi 6 farklı konsantrasyondaki peynir altı suyu tozu protein jeli içerisine hapsedilerek fonksiyonel dondurma üretimi gerçekleştirilmiş ve in vitro sindirim sonrası fenolik madde miktarı ve protein miktarı belirlenmiştir. Protein jelli dondurmanın fenolik madde miktarı ince bağırsak ortamında 261-485 µg/100 g arasında ve kontrol numunesinde ortalama 114 µg/100 g iken, ağız ortamında bu değerler protein jelli dondurmalarda 85-251 µg/100 g ve kontrol örneğinde 291 µg/100 g tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamız sonucunda, protein jeli ile üretilen dondurma örneklerinin, ağız ortamından ince bağırsağa doğru gidildikçe gallik asit cinsinden fenolik madde miktarının ve biyoerişilebilirliğinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol numunesinde (protein jeli içermeyen yaban mersinli dondurma) ise fenolik madde miktarının en fazla ağız ortamında bulunduğu, ince bağırsak ortamına gidildikçe azaldığı gözlenmiştir. FAO Guidelines for Use of Nutrition Claims’e göre peynir altı suyu tozu protein jeli oranı %16, %18 ve %20 olan numuneler “protein kaynağı” olarak nitelendirilebilmektedir. Böylece bu çalışmada protein içeriği ve fenolik madde bakımından fonksiyonelleştirilmiş, biyoerişilebilirliği arttırılmış dondurma üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Anonymous (1994). Association of Official Analytic Chemists (AOAC). Nitrogen (total) in milk - Kjeldahl methods (No. 991.20).
  • Anonymous (2003). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Food and Nutrition paper 77: Food energy—Methods of analysis and conversion factors. FAO: Rome, Italy.
  • Anonymous (2023). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (Accessed Date: 26.02.2023)
  • Arslan, M. (2021). The place of functional foods in health. Güven Plus Group Inc. Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Badıllı, A. G. (2020). Investigation of possibilities of chickpea flour usage opportunities instead of milk powder in reduced fat functional ice cream production (MSc Thesis). Harran Üniversity, Sanlıurfa.
  • Betz, M., Steiner, B., Schantz, M., Oidtmann, J., Mäder, K., Richling, E. and Kulozik, U. (2012). Antioxidant capacity of bilberry extract microencapsulated in whey protein hydrogels. Food Research International, 47(1): 51-57.
  • Boirie, Y., Dangin, M., Gachon, P., Vasson, M. P., Maubois, J. L. and Beaufrère, B. (1997). Slow and fast dietary proteins differently modulate postprandial protein accretion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94(26): 14930-14935.
  • Bujor, OC, Le Bourvellec, C., Volf, I., Popa, V.I. and Dufour, C. (2016). Seasonal variations of the phenolic constituents in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) leaves, stems and fruits, and their antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 213: 58-68.
  • Damodaran, S. (1994). Structure-function relationship of food proteins. In: Protein Functionality in Food Systems, New York, USA.
  • Engindeniz, S., Taşkın, T., Gbadamonsi, A. A., Ahmed, A. S., Seioudy, A., Kandemir, Ç. and Koşum, N. (2021). Analysis of preferences for milk and milk products of consumers. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 18(3): 470-481.
  • Fedakar, F. and Turgay, Ö. (2020). Some properties of Maras ice cream. Journal of Food and Feed Science Technology, (23): 19-24.
  • Goff, H. D. (2006). Ice Cream. In: Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 2 Lipids. Springer, US.
  • Gunasekaran, S., Ko, S. and Xiao, L. (2007). Use of whey proteins for encapsulation and controlled delivery applications. Journal of Food Engineering, 83(1): 31-40.
  • Hatamipour, M., Sahebkar, A., Alavizadeh, S. H., Dorri, M. and Jaafari, M. R. (2019). Novel nanomicelle formulation to enhance bioavailability and stability of curcuminoids. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 22(3): 282.
  • İnce, C. and Çağındı, Ö. (2020). Iron mineral: Functions, effects of food processing on bioavailability and interactions with bioactive components. Çukurova Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 35(2): 151-164.
  • İncedayi, B. (2021). Assessment of antioxidant properties and in-vitro bioaccessibility of some pomegranate products. Journal of Balikesir University Institute of Science and Technology, 23(1): 96-110.
  • Ju, M., Zhu, G., Huang, G., Shen, X., Zhang, Y., Jiang, L. and Sui, X. (2020). A novel pickering emulsion produced using soy protein-anthocyanin complex nanoparticles. Food Hydrocolloids, 99: 105329.
  • Keskin, M. (2018). Comparing the release of alginate-propolis micro capsules in an in vitro digestion system with the release of raw propolis. Uludag Bee Journal, 18(2): 94-100.
  • Lee, S. J., Lee, S. Y., Chung, M. S. and Hur, S. J. (2016). Development of novel in vitro human digestion systems for screening the bioavailability and digestibility of foods. Journal of Functional Foods, 22: 113-121.
  • Legassa, O. (2020). Ice cream nutrition and its health impacts. Journal of Food Nutritional Science, 7(1): 19-27.
  • Li, J., Ye, A., Lee, S. J. and Singh, H. (2013). Physicochemical behaviour of WPI-stabilized emulsions in in vitro gastric and intestinal conditions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 111: 80-87.
  • Mehmetoğlu, S. and Tarakçi, Z. (2023). Investigation of the physicochemical properties of propolis added ice creams during storage. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 361-373.
  • Ménard, O., Cattenoz, T., Guillemin, H., Souchon, I., Deglaire, A., Dupont, D. and Picque, D. (2014). Validation of a new in vitro dynamic system to simulate infant digestion. Food Chemistry, 145: 1039-1045.
  • Minekus, M., Alminger, M., Alvito, P., Ballance, S., Bohn, T., Bourlieu, C., Carrière, F., Boutrou, R., Corredig, M., Dupont, D., Dufour, C., Egger, L., Golding, M., Karakaya, S., Kirkhus, B., Le Feunteun, S., Lesmes, U., Macierzanka, A., Mackie, A., Marze, S., … Brodkorb, A. (2014). A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food - an international consensus. Food & Function, 5(6): 1113–1124.
  • Opazo-Navarrete, M., Schutyser, M. A. I., Boom, R. M. and Janssen, A. E. M. (2018). Effect of pre-treatment on in vitro gastric digestion of quinoa protein (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) obtained by wet and dry fractionation. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69(1): 1-11.
  • Remondetto, G. E., Beyssac, E. and Subirade, M. (2004). Iron availability from whey protein hydrogels: an in vitro study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(26): 8137-8143.
  • Salihler, K. (2020). Studies on the evaluation of leaves and fruits of Vaccınıum myrtıllus l. (yabanmersini) plant growing in our country by the food and cosmetic industry. (MSc Thesis) Bezmialem Foundation University, Institute of Health Sciences, Istanbul.
  • Sopade, P. A. and Gidley, M. J. (2009). A rapid in‐vitro digestibility assay based on glucometry for investigating kinetics of starch digestion. Starch‐Stärke, 61(5): 245-255.
  • Sunal, Z., Pehlivanoğlu, H., Aksoy, A. and M., Yaman (2022). Determination of sensory acceptability of functional ice cream produced using whey protein gel and blueberry in International Research in Engineering Sciences III, (Edt: M. Kamanlı), 1. Edition, November-December 2022, Eğitim Publishing House, Istanbul.
  • Ürkek, B., Gürmeriç, H. E. and Şengül, M. (2021). Effect of addition of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) on physicochemical and sensory properties of ice cream. The Journal of Food, 46(1): 180-189.
  • Yaman, M., Mızrak, Ö. F., Catak, J. and Sargın, H. S. (2019). In vitro bioaccessibility of added folic acid in commercially available baby foods formulated with milk and milk products. Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(6): 1837-1844.
  • Yerlikaya, O., Kınık, Ö. and Akbulut, N. (2010). Functional properties of whey and new generation dairy products manufactured with whey. The Journal of Food, 35(4): 289-296.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği, Gıda Teknolojileri
Bölüm Makaleler

Halime Pehlivanoğlu 0000-0003-3138-9568

Zeynep Sunal 0000-0001-6186-6594

Mustafa Yaman 0000-0001-9692-0204

Aslı Aksoy 0000-0002-7775-6514

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 19 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Pehlivanoğlu, H., Sunal, Z., Yaman, M., Aksoy, A. (2024). Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(3), 795-806.
AMA Pehlivanoğlu H, Sunal Z, Yaman M, Aksoy A. Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel. JOTAF. Mayıs 2024;21(3):795-806. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1399931
Chicago Pehlivanoğlu, Halime, Zeynep Sunal, Mustafa Yaman, ve Aslı Aksoy. “Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream With Blueberry Enriched With Whey Protein Gel”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2024): 795-806.
EndNote Pehlivanoğlu H, Sunal Z, Yaman M, Aksoy A (01 Mayıs 2024) Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 3 795–806.
IEEE H. Pehlivanoğlu, Z. Sunal, M. Yaman, ve A. Aksoy, “Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel”, JOTAF, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 795–806, 2024, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1399931.
ISNAD Pehlivanoğlu, Halime vd. “Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream With Blueberry Enriched With Whey Protein Gel”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21/3 (Mayıs 2024), 795-806.
JAMA Pehlivanoğlu H, Sunal Z, Yaman M, Aksoy A. Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel. JOTAF. 2024;21:795–806.
MLA Pehlivanoğlu, Halime vd. “Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream With Blueberry Enriched With Whey Protein Gel”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 795-06, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1399931.
Vancouver Pehlivanoğlu H, Sunal Z, Yaman M, Aksoy A. Investigation of the Bioaccessibility of Functional Ice Cream with Blueberry Enriched with Whey Protein Gel. JOTAF. 2024;21(3):795-806.