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COVID-19 Salgınında Türkiye’deki Özel Gereksinimi Olan Öğrenciler ve Ailelerine Yönelik Uzaktan Özel Eğitim Uygulamalarına İlişkin Uzman Bakış Açısı

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 133 - 164, 01.03.2022


Giriş: COVID-19 sırasında okullar kapatıldığında değişen yaşantılar yalnızca özel gereksinimi olan öğrencileri değil beraberinde ailelerini de olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Araştırmada COVID-19 salgını kısıtlama sürecinde Türkiye’de farklı özel gereksinimi olan öğrenciler ve ailelerine yönelik gerçekleştirilen uzaktan özel eğitim uygulamalarının uzman bakış açısı ile ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Kolektif durum çalışması olarak planlanan bu araştırmada kendi deneyimlerini ve gözlemlerini bildirmek üzere toplam 15 akademisyen araştırmanın doğrudan katılımcısı olmuştur. Araştırma bağlamında akademisyenler tarafından elde edilen bilgiler süzgeçten geçirilerek, farklılıklar ve örüntüler aranmış, gözlemler ve deneyimler heuristic (öz deneyimsel) bakış açısı ile yansıtılarak kaleme alınmıştır.
Bulgular: Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; Türkiye’de uzaktan eğitime geçişin hızlı bir şekilde devreye girmesiyle beraber özel gereksinimi olan öğrenciler ve ailelerine yönelik uzaktan eğitime dayalı uygulamaların resmi, özel kurum ve şahıslar tarafından sunulduğu görülmüştür. Ancak uygulamalar ülke geneline yaygınlaştırılabilecek biçimde sistemli olmamakla birlikte her bir yetersizlik grubu için mobil uygulamaların zenginleştirilmesi, kurumsal platformda aile odaklı destek mekanizmalarının oluşturulması gibi bu süreçten çıkarılması gereken dersler olduğu da açıkça ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca özellikle resmi kurumlar tarafından sunulan iyi uygulama örneklerinin salgın sonrasında devam etmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Tartışma: Araştırma sonuçlarının başta Türkiye olmak üzere farklı ülkelerde özel eğitim uygulamalarının planlanmasında ileriye dönük bir yol haritası çizilmesine yardımcı olabileceği öngörülmektedir. Türkiye’de kısıtlama sürecinde uzaktan eğitime geçişe hızlı bir tepkiyle yanıt verildiği ve bu süreçte iyi uygulama örneklerinin olduğu söylenebilmektedir. Çalışmada karar vericilere, okul, kurum ve uzmanlara, ailelere ve yeni normale yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Ackah-Jnr, F. R. (2020). Inclusive education, a best practice, policy and provision in education systems and schools: The rationale and critique. European Journal of Education Studies, 6(10), 171-183.
  • Ajans Press. (26 Haziran 2020). Medya takibi.
  • Alexander, R., Ravi, A., Barclay, H., Sawhney, I., Chester, V., Malcolm, V., Brolly, K., Mukherji, K., Zia, A., Tharian, R., Howell, A., Lane, T., Cooper, V., & Langdon, P. E. (2020). Guidance for the treatment and management of Covid-19 among people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Online First.
  • Armitage, R., & Nellums, L. B. (2020). The COVID-19 response must be disability inclusive. The Lancet Public Health, 5(5), e257.
  • Asbury, K., Fox, L., Deniz, E., Code, A., & Toseeb, U. (2020). How is COVID-19 affecting the mental health of children with special educational needs and disabilities and their families? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-9.
  • Baker, S. R., Farrokhnia, R. A., Meyer, S., Pagel, M., & Yannelis, C. (2020). How does household spending respond to an epidemic? Consumption during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic
  • Bartlett, L., & Vavrus, F. (2016). Rethinking case study research: A comparative approach. Taylor ve Francis.
  • Berger, Z. D., Evans, N., G., Phelan, A., & Silverman, R. D. (2020). Covid-19: Control measures must be equitable and inclusive. The BMJ: Leading General Medical Journal, 368(1141), 1-2.
  • Bilim Kurulu [Science committee] (2020). Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü 2019-nCoV sağlık çalışanları rehberi. [General Directorate of Public Health 2019-nCoV health workers directory]. alanlar_Rehberi.pdf
  • Bishop-Fitzpatrick, L., Minshew, N. J., Mazefsky, C. A., & Eack, S. M. (2017). Perception of life as stressful, not biological response to stress, is associated with greater social disability in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(1), 1-16.
  • Bozkurt, A., Jung, I., Xiao, J., Vladimirschi, V., Schuwer, R., Egorov, G., Lambert, S. R., Al-Freih, M., Pete, J., Olcott, Jr., D. Rodes, V., Aranciaga, I., Bali, M., Alvarez, Jr., A. V., Roberts, J., Pazurek, A., Raffaghelli, J. E., Panagiotou, N., de Coëtlogon, P., … Paskevicius, M. (2020). A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 1-126.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i-vi.
  • Burke, J., & Dempsey, M. (2020). Covid-19 practice in primary schools in Ireland report.
  • Callaway, B., & Li, T. (2020). Understanding the effects of tennessee's open covid-19 testing policy: Bounding policy effects with nonrandomly missing data.
  • Cascella, M., Rajnik, M., Cuomo, A., Dulebohn, S. C., & Di Napoli, R. (2020). Features, evaluation and treatment coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Cluver, L., Lachman, J. M., Sherr, L., Wessels, I., Krug, E., Rakotomalala, S., Blight, S., Hillis, S., Bachman, G., Green, G., Butchart, A., Tomlinson, M., Ward, C. L., Doubt, J., & McDonald, K. (2020). Parenting in a time of COVID-19. Lancet, 395(e64).
  • Colizzi, M., Bortoletto, R., Silvestri, M., Mondini, F., Puttini, E., Cainelli, C., Gaudino, R., Ruggeri, M., & Zoccante, L. (2020). Medically unexplained symptoms in the times of Covid-19 pandemic: A case-report. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity-Health, 100073.
  • Cooper, K., Smith, L. G. E., & Russell, A. (2017). Social identity, self-esteem, and mental health in autism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 844-854.
  • Courtenay, K. (2020). Covid-19: Challenges for people with intellectual disability.
  • Courtenay, K., & Perera, B. (2020). COVID-19 and people with intellectual disability: Impacts of a pandemic. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1-6.
  • Çetinkaya-Aydın, G. (2020). Covid-19 salgını sürecinde öğretmenler [Teachers during the Covid-19 outbreak].
  • Djuraskovic, I., & Arthur, N. (2011). Heuristic inquiry: A personal journey of acculturation and identity reconstruction. The Qualitative Report, 15(6), 1569-1593
  • d’Orville, H. (2020). COVID-19 causes unprecedented educational disruption: Is there a road towards a new normal?. Prospects, 1-5.
  • Douglas M., Katikireddi S. V, Taulbut, M., & Mckee, M. (2020). Mitigating the wider health effects of covid-19 pandemic response. The BMJ: Leading General Medical Journal, 369, 1-6.
  • Douglass, B. G., & Moustakas, C. E. (1985). Heuristic inquiry: The internal search to know. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 25(3), 39-55.
  • Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişimsel Gerilik/Yetersizlik Tanılı Çocukların Ebeveynlerine Yönelik Çevrim içi Evde Destek Dijital Platformu. (04 Temmuz 2020). Proje EV-DES.
  • Fiorillo, A., & Gorwood, P. (2020). The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and implications for clinical practice. European Psychiatry, 63(1), 1-2.
  • Goldschmidt, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic: Technology use to support the wellbeing of children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 53, 88-90. 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.04.013
  • Gulati, G., Fistein, E., Dunne, C. P., Kelly, B. D., & Murphy, V. E. (2020). People with intellectual disabilities and the COVID-19 pandemic. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1-5.
  • Hassiotis, A., Ali, A., Courtemanche, A., Lunsky, Y., McIntyre, L. L., Napolitamo, D., van der Nagel, J., & Werner, S. (2020). In the time of the pandemic: Safeguarding people with developmental disabilities against the impact of coronavirus. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 13(2), 63-65.
  • Işık, A., & Akbaş, E. (2019). Özel gereksinimli çocuklara sahip olan ailelerin evlilik yaşamına toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı yaklaşım [Gender based approach to the marital life of the families having children with special needs]. Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(2), 93-110.
  • İçişleri Bakanlığı [Ministry of Interior]. (2020). 09.04.2020 tarihli Özel gereksinimi olan çocuklar ve gençler genelgesi. [Children and youth with special needs circular dated 09.04.2020].
  • Jalali, M., Shahabi, S., Bagheri Lankarani, K., Kamali, M., & Mojgani, P. (2020). COVID-19 and disabled people: Perspectives from Iran. Disability & Society, 35(5), 844-847.
  • Joyce, H. D., & Early, T. J. (2014). The impact of school connectedness and teacher support on depressive symptoms in adolescents: A multilevel analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 39, 101-107.
  • Kavak, İ. (2020). Pandemi sürecinde özel eğitim [Special education during the pandemic].
  • Koca, F. (2020). Turkey remains firm, calm as first coronavirus case confirmed. Daily Sabah.
  • Kuper, H., Banks, L. M., Bright, T., Davey, C., & Shakespeare, T. (2020). Disability-inclusive COVID-19 response: What it is, why it is important and what we can learn from the United Kingdom’s response. Wellcome Open Research, 5(79), 1-8.
  • Landes, S. D., Stevens, D., & Turk, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 and pneumonia: Increased risk for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the pandemic.
  • McCallion, P. (2020). Social work response needed to the challenge of COVID-19 for aging people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1-3.
  • McConnell, D., & Savage, A. (2015). Stress and resilience among families caring for children with intellectual disability: Expanding the research agenda. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 2(2), 100-109.
  • McStay, R. L., Trembath, D., & Dissanayake, C. (2014). Stress and family quality of life in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: Parent gender and the double ABCX model. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(12), 3101-3118.
  • Mentally Handicapped Organization (MENCAP). (2020). Information and advice about changes to the care act during coronavirus pandemic.
  • Moustakas, C. E. (1990). Heuristic research: Design, methodology, and applications. Sage.
  • Nicola, M., Alsafi, Z., Sohrabi, C., Kerwan, A., Al-Jabir, A., Iosifidis, C., Agha, M., & Agha, R. (2020). The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. International journal of Surgery, 78, 185-193.
  • Noddings, N. (2012). The caring relation in teaching. Oxford Review of Education, 38(6), 771-781. 10.1080/03054985.2012.745047
  • Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]. (2020). A framework to guide an education response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020. OECD Publishing.
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Expert Perspectives on Distance Special Education Interventions for Students with Special Needs and Their Families in Turkey During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 133 - 164, 01.03.2022


Introduction: In this study, it was aimed to reveal the distance special education interventions carried out for students with different special needs and their families in Turkey during the restriction period due to the COVID-19 pandemic through expert perspectives. When schools were closed during COVID-19, the changing lives negatively affected not only students with special needs but also their families.
Method: In this study which was designed as a collective case study, a total of 15 academics constituted the direct participants of the study to report their own experiences and observations.
Findings: According to the results of the study, it was observed that distance education-based interventions for students with special needs and their families were provided by official, private institutions and individuals along with the rapid transition to distance education in Turkey. The interventions were not systematic in that they could not be spread across the country. This clearly demonstrated that there were lessons to be learned from this process, such as enriching mobile applications for each disability group, and establishing family-oriented support mechanisms.
Discussion: It is predicted that the results of the study may help to draw a forward-looking road map in planning special education interventions in different countries, especially in Turkey. In response to the lockdown conditions, the special education practice in Turkey has become one of the good examples in the process of transition. In the study, suggestions were presented to decision makers, schools, institutions, experts, and families.


  • Ackah-Jnr, F. R. (2020). Inclusive education, a best practice, policy and provision in education systems and schools: The rationale and critique. European Journal of Education Studies, 6(10), 171-183.
  • Ajans Press. (26 Haziran 2020). Medya takibi.
  • Alexander, R., Ravi, A., Barclay, H., Sawhney, I., Chester, V., Malcolm, V., Brolly, K., Mukherji, K., Zia, A., Tharian, R., Howell, A., Lane, T., Cooper, V., & Langdon, P. E. (2020). Guidance for the treatment and management of Covid-19 among people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Online First.
  • Armitage, R., & Nellums, L. B. (2020). The COVID-19 response must be disability inclusive. The Lancet Public Health, 5(5), e257.
  • Asbury, K., Fox, L., Deniz, E., Code, A., & Toseeb, U. (2020). How is COVID-19 affecting the mental health of children with special educational needs and disabilities and their families? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-9.
  • Baker, S. R., Farrokhnia, R. A., Meyer, S., Pagel, M., & Yannelis, C. (2020). How does household spending respond to an epidemic? Consumption during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic
  • Bartlett, L., & Vavrus, F. (2016). Rethinking case study research: A comparative approach. Taylor ve Francis.
  • Berger, Z. D., Evans, N., G., Phelan, A., & Silverman, R. D. (2020). Covid-19: Control measures must be equitable and inclusive. The BMJ: Leading General Medical Journal, 368(1141), 1-2.
  • Bilim Kurulu [Science committee] (2020). Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü 2019-nCoV sağlık çalışanları rehberi. [General Directorate of Public Health 2019-nCoV health workers directory]. alanlar_Rehberi.pdf
  • Bishop-Fitzpatrick, L., Minshew, N. J., Mazefsky, C. A., & Eack, S. M. (2017). Perception of life as stressful, not biological response to stress, is associated with greater social disability in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(1), 1-16.
  • Bozkurt, A., Jung, I., Xiao, J., Vladimirschi, V., Schuwer, R., Egorov, G., Lambert, S. R., Al-Freih, M., Pete, J., Olcott, Jr., D. Rodes, V., Aranciaga, I., Bali, M., Alvarez, Jr., A. V., Roberts, J., Pazurek, A., Raffaghelli, J. E., Panagiotou, N., de Coëtlogon, P., … Paskevicius, M. (2020). A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 1-126.
  • Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i-vi.
  • Burke, J., & Dempsey, M. (2020). Covid-19 practice in primary schools in Ireland report.
  • Callaway, B., & Li, T. (2020). Understanding the effects of tennessee's open covid-19 testing policy: Bounding policy effects with nonrandomly missing data.
  • Cascella, M., Rajnik, M., Cuomo, A., Dulebohn, S. C., & Di Napoli, R. (2020). Features, evaluation and treatment coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Cluver, L., Lachman, J. M., Sherr, L., Wessels, I., Krug, E., Rakotomalala, S., Blight, S., Hillis, S., Bachman, G., Green, G., Butchart, A., Tomlinson, M., Ward, C. L., Doubt, J., & McDonald, K. (2020). Parenting in a time of COVID-19. Lancet, 395(e64).
  • Colizzi, M., Bortoletto, R., Silvestri, M., Mondini, F., Puttini, E., Cainelli, C., Gaudino, R., Ruggeri, M., & Zoccante, L. (2020). Medically unexplained symptoms in the times of Covid-19 pandemic: A case-report. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity-Health, 100073.
  • Cooper, K., Smith, L. G. E., & Russell, A. (2017). Social identity, self-esteem, and mental health in autism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 844-854.
  • Courtenay, K. (2020). Covid-19: Challenges for people with intellectual disability.
  • Courtenay, K., & Perera, B. (2020). COVID-19 and people with intellectual disability: Impacts of a pandemic. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1-6.
  • Çetinkaya-Aydın, G. (2020). Covid-19 salgını sürecinde öğretmenler [Teachers during the Covid-19 outbreak].
  • Djuraskovic, I., & Arthur, N. (2011). Heuristic inquiry: A personal journey of acculturation and identity reconstruction. The Qualitative Report, 15(6), 1569-1593
  • d’Orville, H. (2020). COVID-19 causes unprecedented educational disruption: Is there a road towards a new normal?. Prospects, 1-5.
  • Douglas M., Katikireddi S. V, Taulbut, M., & Mckee, M. (2020). Mitigating the wider health effects of covid-19 pandemic response. The BMJ: Leading General Medical Journal, 369, 1-6.
  • Douglass, B. G., & Moustakas, C. E. (1985). Heuristic inquiry: The internal search to know. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 25(3), 39-55.
  • Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişimsel Gerilik/Yetersizlik Tanılı Çocukların Ebeveynlerine Yönelik Çevrim içi Evde Destek Dijital Platformu. (04 Temmuz 2020). Proje EV-DES.
  • Fiorillo, A., & Gorwood, P. (2020). The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and implications for clinical practice. European Psychiatry, 63(1), 1-2.
  • Goldschmidt, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic: Technology use to support the wellbeing of children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 53, 88-90. 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.04.013
  • Gulati, G., Fistein, E., Dunne, C. P., Kelly, B. D., & Murphy, V. E. (2020). People with intellectual disabilities and the COVID-19 pandemic. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 1-5.
  • Hassiotis, A., Ali, A., Courtemanche, A., Lunsky, Y., McIntyre, L. L., Napolitamo, D., van der Nagel, J., & Werner, S. (2020). In the time of the pandemic: Safeguarding people with developmental disabilities against the impact of coronavirus. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 13(2), 63-65.
  • Işık, A., & Akbaş, E. (2019). Özel gereksinimli çocuklara sahip olan ailelerin evlilik yaşamına toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı yaklaşım [Gender based approach to the marital life of the families having children with special needs]. Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(2), 93-110.
  • İçişleri Bakanlığı [Ministry of Interior]. (2020). 09.04.2020 tarihli Özel gereksinimi olan çocuklar ve gençler genelgesi. [Children and youth with special needs circular dated 09.04.2020].
  • Jalali, M., Shahabi, S., Bagheri Lankarani, K., Kamali, M., & Mojgani, P. (2020). COVID-19 and disabled people: Perspectives from Iran. Disability & Society, 35(5), 844-847.
  • Joyce, H. D., & Early, T. J. (2014). The impact of school connectedness and teacher support on depressive symptoms in adolescents: A multilevel analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 39, 101-107.
  • Kavak, İ. (2020). Pandemi sürecinde özel eğitim [Special education during the pandemic].
  • Koca, F. (2020). Turkey remains firm, calm as first coronavirus case confirmed. Daily Sabah.
  • Kuper, H., Banks, L. M., Bright, T., Davey, C., & Shakespeare, T. (2020). Disability-inclusive COVID-19 response: What it is, why it is important and what we can learn from the United Kingdom’s response. Wellcome Open Research, 5(79), 1-8.
  • Landes, S. D., Stevens, D., & Turk, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 and pneumonia: Increased risk for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the pandemic.
  • McCallion, P. (2020). Social work response needed to the challenge of COVID-19 for aging people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 1-3.
  • McConnell, D., & Savage, A. (2015). Stress and resilience among families caring for children with intellectual disability: Expanding the research agenda. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 2(2), 100-109.
  • McStay, R. L., Trembath, D., & Dissanayake, C. (2014). Stress and family quality of life in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: Parent gender and the double ABCX model. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(12), 3101-3118.
  • Mentally Handicapped Organization (MENCAP). (2020). Information and advice about changes to the care act during coronavirus pandemic.
  • Moustakas, C. E. (1990). Heuristic research: Design, methodology, and applications. Sage.
  • Nicola, M., Alsafi, Z., Sohrabi, C., Kerwan, A., Al-Jabir, A., Iosifidis, C., Agha, M., & Agha, R. (2020). The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. International journal of Surgery, 78, 185-193.
  • Noddings, N. (2012). The caring relation in teaching. Oxford Review of Education, 38(6), 771-781. 10.1080/03054985.2012.745047
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sunagül Sani-bozkurt 0000-0001-6648-9636

Gülden Bozkuş Genç 0000-0002-9444-7393

Sezgin Vuran 0000-0001-7658-1102

Gizem Yıldız 0000-0003-2693-6264

Seçil Çelik 0000-0002-1393-3382

İbrahim Diken 0000-0002-5761-2900

Çiğdem Uysal Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7884-8728

Hasan Gürgür 0000-0002-4016-4048

Gülefşan Kalaycı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7627-8477

Özlem Diken 0000-0003-1676-7989

N. Nazlı Ateşgöz 0000-0001-5944-937X

Rifat İçyüz 0000-0003-1279-3936

Murat Doğan 0000-0003-4942-3760

Pınar Şafak 0000-0002-3386-9816

Pınar Demiryürek Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1035-5246

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sani-bozkurt, S., Bozkuş Genç, G., Vuran, S., Yıldız, G., vd. (2022). COVID-19 Salgınında Türkiye’deki Özel Gereksinimi Olan Öğrenciler ve Ailelerine Yönelik Uzaktan Özel Eğitim Uygulamalarına İlişkin Uzman Bakış Açısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 23(1), 133-164.

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