Arzu Güldöşüren Dr. İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi
Publication 2 Review 5
2 Publication
5 Review

Research Fields

Heritage, Archive and Museum Studies (Other) History of Ottoman Education Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other) Oral History Late Modern Ottoman History Ottoman history


In 2000, they graduated from the History Department of Istanbul University's Faculty of Arts. They completed their master's degree in the field of Islamic History at Marmara University's Institute of Social Sciences with a thesis titled "Ilmiye Ricali According to Tarik Registers in the First Half of the 19th Century." In 2013, at the same university, they completed their thesis on "Ottoman Scholars of the Second Mahmud Period." After their doctoral studies, they coordinated an oral history project at the Science and Art Foundation (Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı). They are currently working at the Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Center for Islamic Studies (TDV İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi). Their main areas of research include biography, institutional history, and oral history. They have conducted research on the Ottoman Ilmiye organization and recent spatial and cultural life.


İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi




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