Emirhan Altunkaya Res. Assist. Dr. GALATASARAY ÜNİVERSİTESİ
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1 Publication
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1 TR Dizin Cited

Research Fields

International Politics International Relations Theories Security Studies


Emirhan Altunkaya - Research Assistant, Galatasaray University

Altunkaya has obtained his bachelor’s degree at Galatasaray University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, International Relations Department in 2014. During his undergrad years, he pursued one year of education in Lyon, France at Institut d’Etudes Politiques, participating to Erasmus Student Exchange Program. After graduation, he continued for a Master’s Degree at Galatasaray University, Department of International Relations and in 2015, he engaged into an academic career by starting to work as a Research Assistant at the same department. In 2017, after completion of the Master’s Degree, he started International Relations PhD Program at Middle East Technical University. He successfully completed the necessary coursework and competency exams within the PhD Program. In 2019, he has been admitted for Fulbright Scholarship Program, one of the world’s most prestigious scholarship program, and pursued one year of research at New York University during 2019-2020 academic year, as a visiting scholar. Altunkaya, is actively continuing his academic career as a research assistant at Galatasaray University and PhD Candidate at Middle East Technical University. For the PhD Thesis, his research focuses on international politics in the Arctic Region. His other research areas are; international environmental politics, climate change, international security and international relations theories.  






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