Funda Songur Asst. Prof. Dr. PİRİ REİS ÜNİVERSİTESİ
Publication 3 Review 1 CrossRef Cited 1 TR Dizin Cited 2
3 Publication
1 Review
1 CrossRef Cited
2 TR Dizin Cited

Research Fields

Institutional Economics International Corporation Maritime Business Administration History of Economics Late Modern Naval History Late Modern Ottoman History Ottoman history Tourism


1. Name Surname : Funda SONGUR
Address : Tuzla/ İstanbul/ Turkey
Phone Number : 0090 216 5810050 – 1764
E-mail : fsongur@pirireis.edu.tr, songurfunda@gmail.com
2. Title : Dr. Lecturer
3. State of Education : Ph.D.
4. Current Institution : Pîrî Reis University

Ph.D. in Economics
Thesis Title: “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Denizciliği ve Ekonomik Performans (Kurumsal Bir Analiz)” (Turkish Maritime and Its Economic Performance (Institutional Approach) Uludağ University,
Bursa/ Turkey
Institute of Social Sciences
(2015) continuing

Ph.D. History
Thesis Title: “Osmanlı Bahriyesinde Lojistik İmkân ve Kabiliyetler ve Üslerin Durumu (1867-1914)”
(Logistics Facilities and Capabilities and the State of the Bases in the Ottoman Navy (1867-1914) Uludağ University,
Bursa/ Turkey
Institute of Social Sciences
(2014) 29.07.2021

Master’s Leadership and International Management
Thesis Title: “Sustainable Tourism Development in Turkey: through Stakeholder Theory” University of Kalmar,
Kalmar/ Sweden

Baltic Business School

(2004) 2005

Bachelor’s Philosophy Anadolu University
Distance Learning/ Turkey
Faculty of Open Education
(2019) continuing

Bachelor’s Travel Management Akdeniz University,
Antalya/ Turkey
School of Tourism and Hotel Management
(1999) 2003

5. Academic Appointments and Services
Assistant Professor (Date) :
Associate Professor (Date) :
Professor (Date) :
Services :
6. Managed Thesis
6.1. Master Thesis
6.2. Doctoral Thesis
7. Academic Employment History & Administrative Services:
• Pîrî Reis University, Maritime Higher Vocational School (Maritime Brokerage Programme)
İstanbul/ Turkey
o 03.2016 – present: Lecturer
 April 2021 – present: Acting Director of Maritime History Research Centre
 November 2020 – May 2021: Responsible Lecturer for the Brokerage Programme
 November 2018 – April 2021: Acting Deputy Director of Maritime History Research Centre

• Bayburt University, Social Sciences Vocational School (Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Department)
Bayburt/ Turkey
o 11.2015 – 02.2016: Lecturer
 2015-2016. Director of Guest House

8. Publications
8.1. Articles published in internationally refereed journals
Songur, Funda. “Şehir Tarihi ve Turizm: Bursa Örneği”. Institutional Journal of Social Inquiry, 10(1), p. 99-124, 2017.
8.2. Assertions presented in international scientific congresses and published in the proceedings
1- Songur, Funda. “Cartography in the Modern Ottoman Navy in the Light of Archival Documents”. International Symposium on Historical Approach for Measuring and Protecting of World Oceans and Waters, 20-21 June, Monaco, 2019.
2- Songur, Funda. “II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Donanması’nda Teknoloji, Lojistik ve Kurumsal Yapı”. Turkish Historical Society, XVIIIth Congress of History, 1-5 October, Ankara/ Turkey, 2018.
3- Songur, Funda. “Osmanlı Bahriye Nezareti Teşkilatında Komodorlukların Yeri ve Önemi (1867-1914)”. CIEPO-23, Comité International des Etudes Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes, 11-15 September, Sofia/ Bulgaria, 2018.
4- Songur, Funda. Yaşar Barbaros Büyüksağnak. “Marşlar Tarihi Üzerine Bir Deneme: Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri”. INES, II. International Academic Research Congress, 18-21 October, Antalya/ Turkey, 2017.
5- Songur, Funda. “Abdülaziz Dönemi Osmanlı Donanması”. INES, II. International Academic Research Congress, 18-21 October, Antalya / Turkey, 2017.
6- Songur, Funda. “The Significance of Urban History for Urban Tourism Research and Practices: The Case of Bursa”. 1st International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, 1-4 October, Sarajevo/ Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015.
8.3. International books published, or chapters from a book
1- Songur, Funda. Sustainable Tourism Development in Turkey: Through Stakeholder Theory. Handelshögskolan BBS, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. (Master’s thesis)
8.4. Articles published in national refereed journals
1- Songur, Funda. “Geçmişten Günümüze Aydıntepe: Tarih, Kültür ve Ekonomi”. Mavi Atlas, 5(1), p. 238-268, Doi: 18795, 2017.
8.5. Assertions presented in national scientific congresses and published in the proceedings.
8.6. Other publications
9. Projects

10. Professional Affiliations/ Organisations completed as an organising committee member
- International Symposium on the Eastern Mediterranean Maritime History, Online, 29.05.2021.
- 2019 Year of Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Organisations (Conference and Competitions)
- International Symposium on Historical Approach for Measuring and Protecting of World Oceans and Waters, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, between 20.06.2019 and 21.06.2019.
11. Awards
12. Courses thought

2020-2021 Fall

Introduction to Economics
World Maritime and Transportation History
History of Civilisation
Yacht Management, Sale and Chartering
Yacht and Marina Management*

Electronic Trade

Yacht and Cabin Services
Management and Organisations*
Maritime History and Culture

2019-2020 Fall
Introduction to Economics
World Maritime and Transportation History
History of Civilisation
Yacht Management, Sale and Chartering
Yacht and Marina Management*

Marketing Management*
Electronic Trade
Yacht and Cabin Services
Management and Organisations*

2018-2019 Fall
Introduction to Economics
World Maritime and Transportation History
History of Civilisation
Introduction to Business
Yacht and Marina Management

Marketing Management
Management and Organisation*
History of Civilisation
Yacht and Marina Management
*Course thought in English
13. Professional Employment History

Vice General Director Responsible for
Yacht Operations, Commercial Services and Crewing, Yacht Building Finance and Budgeting, Sales and Marketing
Yacht Marine Ltd., Yachting Industry,
(Private Company) (01.2010-02.2014)
(responsibilities were changed and detailed within designated years)

Internal Communication Supervisor Oti Holding AŞ., Tourism Industry,
(Private Company) (10.2009-01.2010)

H&R Manager,
Import and Export Division Manager
Dragos Yachting AŞ., Ship Building,
(Private Company) (01.2009-09.2009)

Vice General Director Responsible for Administrative Management Marketing, H&R
Yener Yachting Ltd., Ship Building,
(Private Company) (03.2006-09.2008)

Project based part-time jobs
(Private Company) (2004-2006)

Sales and Marketing Assistant Yener Yachting Ltd., Ship Building,
(Private Company) (2003-2004)

Project based part-time jobs (Private Company) (2000-2002)

Trainee front of house manager
Receptionist Hadi Apart/ Hotel Bağevleri, Tourism Industry, (Private Company) (1996-2000)

14. Skills and Further Training

Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme (Research and Training)
School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London 09-13 March 2020 / London - UK
Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme (Research and Training)
Institute of Economics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 18-23 June 2018 / Freiburg - Germany
Entrepreneurship Training Course
KOSGEB August 2014 / Istanbul - Turkey
Maritime Law Professional Certificate Programme
Maritime Trade Institute November 2013 / Istanbul - Turkey
Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft (Amateur Seaman)
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure November 2012 / Istanbul - Turkey
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management November 2010 / Istanbul - Turkey
International Trade Regulations and Export Practice October 2010 / Istanbul - Turkey
Corporation Budgets and Budget Control Techniques October 2010 / Istanbul - Turkey
Communication and team work seminars December 2009 / Antalya - Turkey
Quality Management Systems; ISO 9001:2000, ‘Internal Auditor’ (Seminar) November 2006 / Antalya - Turkey
Quality Management Systems; ISO 9001:2000, ‘Internal Auditor’ (Seminar) 23-24 May 2006 / Fethiye - Turkey
• “Classical Texts in Business Administration”
• “Research Frontiers in Business Administration”
University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics, and Law September - December 2005/ Gothenburg - Sweden

Capital Internship and Youth Parliament Programme
International Republican Institute June 2004 / Ankara - Turkey



Popular Publications

Urban History and Tourism: The Case of Bursa
DOI: -







Urban History and Tourism: The Case of Bursa
DOI: -



Past and Present of Aydıntepe: History, Culture and Economy
Published: 2017 , Mavi Atlas
DOI: 10.18795/gumusmaviatlas.309747




Past and Present of Aydıntepe: History, Culture and Economy
Published: 2017 , Mavi Atlas
DOI: 10.18795/gumusmaviatlas.309747




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