Current Issue

Issue: 30, 11/30/24

Year: 2024



ANASAY Journal is a Social Sciences journal that started its publication in 2017. All articles published in the journal are based on academic and scientific research. It aims to contribute to the production and accumulation of knowledge at the scientific level in the field of Social Sciences and to evaluate and discuss new findings and researches on these areas. It also aims to enable researchers to deliver their work to other researchers and society.
As ANASAY Journal, we believe that the scientific studies carried out by the young people who will bring us to our decisive goal are important in our country, which has made a significant progress in the way of modernization.
ANASAY Journal is published biannually, in February and September.
ANASAY Journal is open to the work of all researchers in the field of Social Sciences. Turkish and English articles are published in our journal, which has authors and referees from many different fields.


Although “ANASAY” Journal is open to studies to be prepared within the framework of different specialties, it will also focus on branches such as education, educational sciences, sociology, psychology, health, law, political science, social policy, working life, culture, anthropology, literature, history and geography. The articles in ANASAY are meticulously examined by the competent referee staff and the scientific committee in the field, and thus, they are presented to the readers in the best way, and theoretical and applied original researches, reviews and reviews are published in the journal where ethical values are preserved with precision.

1. Title
In the language in which each article is written, there must be a title in Turkish and English. The title must be short, clear and adequately reflective, written in capital letters and bold, not exceeding fifteen words.
2. Author Name(s) and Address(es)
It must be at the bottom right of the title of the article. The surname must be written in capital letters. The author's title, institution, e-mail address and Orcid number must be indicated in the footnote. You could get the Orcid number from the link by signing up at
3. Summary and Keywords
The Turkish summary must reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study. The abstract must be at least one hundred and a maximum of three hundred words. Turkish keywords consisting of at least three and at most eight words must be written under one line of the abstract. In addition, the abstract, title and keywords must be in English, as well. Articles written in a foreign language must include titles, abstracts and keywords in the written language, Turkish and English.
4. Main Text
Articles are preferred to be written not exceeding 40 pages using IBM compatible computer and Microsoft Word software program. Page structure must be adjusted in A4 size, with 3 cm margins on the right, left, top, and bottom, with 1.5 line spacing, aligned on both sides. The space between, before and after paragraphs must be adjusted as 6 pt. The page number must be placed in the middle bottom of the page. Times New Roman fonts must be used in the article in 12 font size. Paragraph heads must be adjusted to be 1 cm. Punctuation marks must be written adjacent to the words before them. One letter space must be left after these marks.
The study must comply with grammar rules. In the article, the latest TDK Spelling Guide must be taken as a basis in the use of punctuation marks, in the writing of words and abbreviations, a clear and simple way of expression must be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the scope and purpose must not be included. In preparation of the article, valid scientific methods must be followed, and the information such as the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, the reason for the preparation, etc. must be given in a sufficient and orderly manner.
An article must contain abstracts, sections of the main text, bibliography and annexes (if any). Whether to use titles such as “Introduction” and “Conclusion” depends on the type of study and the need of the subject. But the article must have a conclusion paragraph. The "conclusion" must be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the research and must be given in outline and clearly. Issues not mentioned in the text must not be included in the "conclusion". Main, intermediate and subheadings could be used to provide a certain order.

The bibliography has been prepared according to APA 6 guidelines. For detailed information, please refer to or visit

The articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal in accordance with the publication rules are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. ANASAY Journal uses the double-blind review system in which the names of the referees and authors are reserved at every stage of the process. Referee reports are kept for five years. If one of the two referees evaluating the article gives a positive report and the other a negative report, the article is sent to the third referee and the final decision is made according to the third referee's positive or negative opinion.
In the works sent to "ANASAY" Journal, the authors must take into consideration the criticism and suggestions of the referee and Editorial Board. If they have any disagreement, they have the right to appeal with their justifications. For the refereeing process in the journal, only those with an equal or higher academic title can be referees for publications of a person with an academic title.
The referee evaluation process of "ANASAY" Journal can sometimes take a long time because of unintended reasons. Under normal circumstances, as planned by the editor, the preliminary evaluation phase is planned as 10 days and the referee evaluation process is planned as 8 weeks. However, due to the lack of timely return from the referees, the referee evaluation process may take a long time due to reasons such as re-appointment of referees. In this regard, we ask the authors to submit their articles considering the duration.
Author / authors who submit articles to "ANASAY" Journal is / are deemed to have accepted the referee evaluation conditions and process. Individuals who do not contribute to the article intellectually should not be specified as authors.
The copyright of the works is transferred to the journal as of the date of sending the articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal. The copyright of the articles that are not accepted by the journal or whose refereeing process is over and not accepted belongs to the author.
Articles submitted to "ANASAY" Journal should not have been published anywhere before. Sending an article to a second journal before the publishing process is termed as "duplication". According to the law, the author who submitted the article in this way is committing a crime. If deemed necessary, our journal may initiate legal action against the authors determined to have "duplication".
To the Attention of the Authors, the withdrawal requests of the articles sent to the "ANASAY" journal after the refereeing process has started are not accepted. The author undertakes to make the corrections given by the referees in the study which is in the refereeing process. However, the author/s who want to withdraw their article by showing various reasons accept that the fees of the referees, the editor and all the people who contributed to the process will be paid.
For more information about "ANASAY" magazine, you can write to

Etik Kurallar/ Ethical Rules
“ANASAY” dergisi, sosyal bilimler alanlarında bilimsel makaleleri yayımlamak amacıyla uluslararası arenada kabul edilen COPE ilkelerine uygun olarak derginin etik ilkelerini oluşturmuştur. Etik kurallara ve ilkelere bağlı olarak yılda 4 defa yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. "ANASAY" dergisine yayın kurallarına uygun olarak gönderilen makaleler, değerlendirilmek üzere alanında uzman iki hakeme gönderilir. ANASAY Dergisi, sürecin her aşamasında, hakem ve yazarların isimlerinin saklı tutulduğu çift-kör hakemlik sistemini kullanmaktadır. Hakem raporları beş yıl süreyle saklanır. Makaleyi değerlendiren iki hakemden birisinin olumlu diğerinin olumsuz rapor vermesi durumunda makale üçüncü hakeme gönderilerek üçüncü hakemin olumlu veya olumsuz görüşüne göre nihai karar verilmektedir.

Editör dergide basılan tüm makalelerden sorumludur. Editörün etik görevleri ve sorumlulukları aşağıdaki gibidir:

Genel Sorumluluklar
“ANASAY” dergisi editörü derginin niteliğinin artırılması ve gelişimine katkıda bulunmak için mücadele sarf etmekle yükümlüdür.
“ANASAY” dergisi editörünün, yazarların ifade özgürlüğünü desteklemesi gerekmektedir.
“ANASAY” dergisi editörü, dergiye gönderilen yazıların uygunluğuna ve yayınına karar verirken yazar ve yazarların ırkı, cinsiyeti, inancı, uyruğu gibi etkenlere göre değil derginin yayın politikası ve ilmi hassasiyete göre karar vermelidir.
“ANASAY” dergisi editörü işlem süreci ile ilgili gizliliği esas tutar ve kişisel bilgileri hakemler, üyeler ve yayıncı ile paylaşamaz.
“ANASAY” dergisi editörü, editörler kurulu üyelerine yayım ve yazım kurallarının en güncel halini iletmelidir.

“ANASAY” dergisine makale gönderen yazar/yazarlar, derginin söz konusu hakem değerlendirme koşullarını ve sürecini kabul etmiş sayılırlar. Makaleye fikren katkıda bulunmayan kişiler yazar olarak belirtilmemelidir.
“ANASAY” dergisine gönderilen makalelerin gönderi tarihinden itibaren çalışmaların telif hakkı " Anasay" dergisine devredilir. Derginin kabul etmediği ya da hakemlik süreci sona eren ve kabul edilmeyen makalelerin telif hakkı yazarına aittir.
“ANASAY” dergisine gönderilen makalelerin daha önce herhangi bir yerde yayımlanmamış olması gerekiyor. Yayım süreci bitmeden 2. bir dergiye makale göndermek "duplikasyon" olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Bu şekilde makale gönderen yazarlar hukuki olarak suç işlemektedirler. "Duplikasyon" yaptığı tespit edilen yazarlar hakkında dergimiz gerekli gördüğü taktirde yasal işlem başlatabilir.
“ANASAY” dergisine gönderilen makaleye ilişkin çıkar çatışmaları belirtilmeli ve nedeni açıklanmalıdır.
“ANASAY” dergisi yazarların, hakem sürecindeyken çalışmalarına ilişkin verileri editörler kuruluna iletmesi istenebilir, bu durumda yazarların ham verilerini editörler kuruluyla paylaşmaları beklenmektedir. Yazarlar, yayımlanan bir makaleye ilişkin verileri 5 yıl süreyle saklamakla yükümlüdürler.
“ANASAY” dergisi yazarları çalışmalarında bir hata tespit ettiklerinde editörü ve editörler kurulunu bilgilendirmeli, düzeltme ya da geri çekme süreci için iş birliği kurmalıdırlar.
“ANASAY” dergisi yazarları, yazıların başta imla, üslup ve ilmi durumlarından sorumlu olup yayın sürecinde gerekli hassasiyeti göstermelidirler.
“ANASAY” dergisine makale gönderen yazarlar, derginin genel ilmi kaidelerin geçerli olduğu yayın, etik ve ilmi kurallarını kabul etmiş sayılırlar.
“ANASAY” dergisi yazarları yayın sürecinde editör ve hakemlerin önerileri doğrultusunda gerekli düzeltmeler yapmayı kabul etmelidirler.

“ANASAY” dergisi hakemleri yayın politikası ve yazım kurallarına göre tarafsız, yapıcı ve adil olarak makaleleri değerlendirmeleri gerekmektedir.
“ANASAY” dergisi hakemlerden çıkar çatışmaları bulunmayan makalelere hakemlik yapmayı kabul etmelerini beklemektedir. Hakemler herhangi bir çıkar çatışması fark ettiklerinde editörü bilgilendirmeli ve ilgili makalenin hakemliğini yapmayı reddetmelidirler.
“ANASAY” dergisi hakemlerin değerlendirdikleri makalenin yayımlanabilir olup olmadığına ilişkin "Anasay Dergisi Hakem Değerlendirme Formu" göndermektedir. Bu formda belirtilen kısımlar doldurularak kararları ile ilişkin gerekçelerini de bu formun altında ayrıntılı bilgi başlığı altında doldurmalarını rica ederiz.
“ANASAY” hakemlerin düzeltme önerilerinde kullandıkları üslubun kibar, saygılı ve bilimsel olmasını beklemektedir. Hakemler saldırgan, saygısız ve öznel-kişisel yorumlardan kaçınmalıdırlar. Hakemlerin bu tür bilimsel olmayan yorumlarda bulundukları tespit edildiğinde yorumlarını yeniden gözden geçirmeleri ve düzeltmeleri için editör ya da editörler kurulu tarafından kendileriyle iletişime geçilebilmektedir.
Hakemlerin kendilerine gönderilen yazıyı belirtilen sürede değerlendirememe durumları varsa, hakemler bu hususta editörleri bilgilendirmelidirler.

“ANASAY” dergisine gönderilen makalelerde etik kurul kararı gerektiren insan ve hayvanlar üzerindeki çalışmalar için klinik ve deneysel ayrı ayrı etik kurul onayı alınmış olmalı. Bu onay makalede belirtilmeli ve belgelendirilmelidir.
Anket, mülakat, odak grup çalışması, gözlem, deney, görüşme teknikleri kullanılarak katılımcılardan veri toplanmasını gerektiren nitel ya da nicel yaklaşımlarla yürütülen her türlü araştırmalar
İnsan ve hayvanların (materyal/veriler dahil) deneysel ya da diğer bilimsel amaçlarla kullanılması, İnsanlar üzerinde yapılan klinik araştırmalar, Hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar, Kişisel verilerin korunması kanunu gereğince retrospektif çalışmalar. Ayrıca;
Olgu sunumlarında “Aydınlatılmış onam formu”nun alındığının belirtilmesi,
Başkalarına ait ölçek, anket, fotoğrafların kullanımı için sahiplerinden izin alınması ve belirtilmesi, Kullanılan fikir ve sanat eserleri için telif hakları düzenlemelerine uyulduğunun belirtilmesi.
Geçmiş yıllarda tamamlanmış çalışma ve tezden üretilen yayınlar için geriye dönük etik Kurul İzni alınmalı mıdır?
2020 yılı öncesi araştırma verileri kullanılmış, yüksek lisans/doktora çalışmalarından üretilmiş (makalede belirtilmelidir), bir önceki yıl dergiye yayın başvurusunda bulunulmuş, kabul edilmiş ama henüz yayımlanmamış makaleler için geriye dönük etik kurul izni gerekmemektedir.
“ANASAY” dergisi yukarıda belirtilen Etik Kuralları Yayın Etiği Komitesinin (Committe on Publication Ethics - COPE) yazar, hakem ve editörler için belirtilen kurallardan yararlanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca editörlerin okuyucularla ilişkiler, yazarlarla ilişkiler, hakemlerle ilişkiler, editörler kurulu ile ilişkileri ile ilgili etik kurallara geniş şekilde ulaşmak için "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" adlı kaynaktan yararlanabilirsiniz.
Geniş Bilgi için bkz.

"ANASAY" Journal has established the ethical principles of the journal in accordance with the internationally accepted COPE principles in order to publish scientific articles in the social sciences. It is a national refereed journal published 4 times a year depending on ethical rules and principles. The articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal in accordance with the publication rules are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. ANASAY Journal uses the double-blind review system in which the names of the referees and authors are reserved at every stage of the process. Referee reports are kept for five years. If one of the two referees evaluating the article gives a positive report and the other a negative report, the article is sent to the third referee and the final decision is made according to the third referee's positive or negative opinion.
The editor is responsible for all articles published in the journal. The editor's ethical duties and responsibilities are as follows:
General Responsibilities
The editor of “ANASAY” Journal is responsible for struggling to increase the quality of the journal and contribute to its development.
The editor of “ANASAY” Journal must support the freedom of expression of the authors.
When deciding on the suitability and publication of the articles sent to the journal, the editor of “ANASAY” Journal must decide according to the publication policy and scientific sensitivity of the journal, not according to the factors such as race, gender, belief and nationality of the author(s).
The editor of “ANASAY” Journal maintains confidentiality regarding the transaction process and cannot share personal information with referees, members and publishers.
The editor of "ANASAY" Journal must provide the editorial board members with the most up-to-date version of publication and writing rules.

Author / authors who submit articles to "ANASAY" Journal is / are deemed to have accepted the referee evaluation conditions and process. Individuals who do not contribute to the article intellectually should not be specified as authors.
The copyright of the works is transferred to the journal as of the date of sending the articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal. The copyright of the articles that are not accepted by the journal or whose refereeing process is over and not accepted belongs to the author.
Articles submitted to "ANASAY" Journal should not have been published anywhere before. Sending an article to a second journal before the publishing process is termed as "duplication". According to the law, authors who submitted the article in this way are committing a crime. If deemed necessary, our journal may initiate legal action against the authors determined to have "duplication".
Conflicts of interest regarding the article sent to "ANASAY" Journal must be stated and the reason should be explained.
Authors of the "ANASAY" Journal may be asked to send the data related to their work to the editorial board while the referee process continues. In this case, the authors are expected to share their raw data with the editorial board. The authors are obliged to keep the data for a published article for 5 years.
When the authors of "ANASAY" Journal find a mistake in their work, they should inform the editor and the editorial board and cooperate for the correction or withdrawal process.
Authors of "ANASAY" Journal are responsible for the spelling, style and scientific status of the articles and must show the necessary sensitivity in the publishing process.
Authors who submit articles to "ANASAY" Journal are deemed to have accepted the publication, ethical and scientific rules that the general scientific rules of the journal are valid for.
Authors of "ANASAY" Journal must agree to make necessary corrections in the publishing process in line with the recommendations of editors and referees.

Referees of "ANASAY" Journal must evaluate the articles impartially, constructively and fairly in accordance with the publication policy and spelling rules.
"ANASAY" Journal expects the referees to agree to referee articles without conflicts of interest. When the referees notice any conflict of interest, they must inform the editor and refuse to referee the relevant article.
The "ANASAY" journal sends the "ANASAY Journal Referee Evaluation Form" as to whether the article evaluated by the referees is publishable. By filling in the sections specified in this form, we kindly request them to fill their rationale for their decisions under the detailed information heading in this form.
"ANASAY" expects that the style used by referees in correction suggestions to be polite, respectful and scientific. Referees must avoid aggressive, disrespectful and subjective-personal comments. When it is determined that the referees make such unscientific comments, they can be contacted by the editor or editorial board to review and correct their comments.
If the referees are unable to evaluate the letter sent to them within the specified time, the referees must inform the editors in this regard.

In articles submitted to the journal "ANASAY", clinical and experimental ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for studies on humans and animals requiring an ethical committee decision. This approval must be stated and documented in the article.

"ANASAY" Journal was created using the rules of the above-mentioned Ethical Rules Publication Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE) for authors, referees and editors. In addition, you can use the source " Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors " to reach a wide range of ethical rules regarding Editors' Relations with Readers, Authors, Relations with Reviewers, and Editorial Board.
For extensive information, see

ANASAY Journal does not charge any fee from its authors or readers.