PhD in Art History (Universitat de València, 2005). He has taught at the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Since 2010 he teaches Art History and Film History at the Universitat de València.
As curator he is responsible for several international exhibitions dedicated to HR Giger (València 2007; Sant Sebastià 2009; Gruyerés 2017; Nantes 2017, Ciutat de Mèxic 2019; Barcelona 2021; Tabasco 2022), José Hernández (València, Madrid 2016; Denia 2022, Alcoi, Villena 2023), Joan Castejón (València 2017; Denia 2022), Film Design (València 2009) and Fantastic Art (València i Alacant 2013; Sant Sebastià 2014; Tabasco 2023).
In addition to conferences and lectures on art, film and avant-garde art, he has published numerous articles in specialized magazines and exhibition catalogs related to art and fantastic cinema.
As a screenwriter he has worked in television (Culto Cinemascope, Rolling Stone Colombia 2021) and film (Bayne Studios, New York, 2023).
Serkan COŞTU, who is married and has 3 children, was born in 1980 in Karabük. He completed his primary education at Karabük Demir-Çelik Primary School and middle school at Karabük Anatolian High School. Then, he attended his education at Çankırı TOBB (Süleyman Demirel) Science High School. After that, he started his education at Gazi University, Faculty of Education in Elementary Mathematics Teaching Program. He completed bachelor degree in 2003 and started his career as a teacher at Trabzon MoNE. He resigned from his job and November 2004 at started to work as a research assistant at Kafkas University. Later on September 2005, he was appointed do postgraduate education at Karadeniz Technical University. In 2009, he completed his master's degree in Elementary Mathematics Education. Between the years of 2009-2011, he take part in his doctoral studies and attended some projects and researches in Sweden and Denmark. After returning to Turkey, he gave his doctorate qualification and he participate in various projects within the scope of his work. In 2016, he went back to Kafkas University and is currently working in the Department of Elementary Mathematics Education at Dede Korkut Education Faculty.