The aim of the Electronic Journal of Education Sciences (EJEDUS) is to contribute to the development of the educational sciences by giving place to national and international research on education. In addition, EJEDUS, which aims to benefit all educational stakeholders with its qualified and original studies, aims to spread the theoretical and applied academic studies towards the development of education policy and to solve the educational problems both locally and globally.
In the Electronic Journal of Education Sciences (EJEDUS), national and international studies that contribute to the educational literature, have a strong theoretical background and framework, and have a well-designed research model and analysis are included.
In this context, in addition to the information produced in various fields of educational sciences, quantitative, qualitative, mixed methodological research results and original compilation studies are published.
The topics covered in this context are the topics covered by the journal; sports education, biology education, geography education, environmental education, education and culture, democracy and human rights education, educational policy, curriculum and instruction, educational psychology, educational technology, education management, philosophy of education, science education, physics education, chemistry education , mathematics education, vocational technical education, music education, preschool education, teacher education and training, measurement and evaluation, special education, psychological counseling and guidance, health education, social studies education, sociology education, history education, Turkish education, distance education , foreign language education, lifelong learning, adult education.
Notes for Authors
1-The manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or submitted to another journal for publication.
2 - The works submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the academic spelling rules and with either Turkish or English language.
3 - The publication rights of all published works belong to the journal.
4-The articles sent to the journal are published after being examined by the relevant referees.
5-Arbitrary articles by the referee or editor for the purpose of checking, but the author does not have to be sent back. However, the author can request a correction.
6-Related editor can make the spelling corrections he deems necessary.
7-Scientific studies and attachments (photos, figures, tables, etc.), must be prepared in Word 6.0 / 2003 or higher in the program Times New Roman 12 point 1 line spacing (Abstract and 10 point spacing 1 line, paragraph first line 0). Margin settings: top 2.5cm, left 2.5cm, right 2.5cm, bottom 2.5 cm, paragraph first line should be 1.25 cm from the inside, inter-paragraph range should be: before 0 nk, then 6 nk. Titles should be before 12nk, then 6nk. Blank lines should not be given between paragraphs. Table names on the top and center of the table, figures and graphics should be given at the bottom center.
8-Abstract and Keywords should be placed at the beginning of the study with approximately 150 words. In addition, the title, institution, e-mail address information for EVERY AUTHOR should be included in the article's metadata. ”ORCID ait information, which has international validity, should be included along with the contact information of all the authors in the journals. Click here for sample article template. Link for the orcid code:
9-The footnotes in the manuscripts will be prepared in the form of APA 6 (American Psychological Association) or classical footnote format. For all cited references, complete bibliographic information should be available. It is recommended to use the Latin alphabet for all references cited (this is important for the coefficient of influence of the citation).
10- The bibliography of the manuscript and the manuscript of the manuscript should be written.
11- The opinions put forward in the articles published in the journal bind the authors. All legal responsibility of the writings belongs to the authors.
12-Articles published in the journal, can be quoted with the condition of showing the source. Attributes to the journal; author, article name, Journal of Electronic Education Sciences (, skin, number, year format is recommended.
13 - No copyright fee is paid to the published articles.
14-It is recommended that scientific studies to be sent do not exceed 20 pages.
15-Author information should not be given on the first page of the article. This information should be given in the "article metadata" section.
16. In scientific studies to be sent to the journal, utmost attention should be given to compliance with research and publication ethics.
Electronic Educational Sciences Journal (EJEDUS) declares that it does not accept any unethical work that includes ethical violations such as misuse of others' work, conflict of interest, and that all legal rights are reserved.
The similarity rate of candidate articles must be uploaded to the journal by the authors. In addition, the responsible author must upload the similarity rate declaration file and declare that there is no plagiarism in the article. Candidate articles are also examined by the journal secretariat in terms of similarity with the Ithenticate program. Articles exceeding the similarity rate determined by the journal are returned to the authors.
In case of any ethical complaint for published articles within 12 months, the editorial board examines the article. Documents related to the relevant complaint must be sent to the editorial board via the journal e-mail.
The Journal of Electronic Educational Sciences (EJEDUS) has taken the "Journal Editors' Code of Conduct" one by one under the titles of editorial board, referee and author responsibilities and scientific principles and stated the "Journal Editors' Code of Conduct" (COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors) under the title of publication ethics and misconduct declaration below.
Editors' Responsibilities
The publication decisions to be followed by the editor, editorial board, field editor, confidentiality, information and responsibilities regarding disagreements are stated below. The editor, editorial board and field editors working in EJEDUS are obliged to comply with the following responsibilities.
Publishing Decisions: The editor is responsible for the publication decision of the articles sent to the journal as a result of the examination of the field editors and the evaluation of the referees. In the decisions taken during the publication process of the publications, the editors evaluate the authors' ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, sect, nationality, political views or article suggestions without taking into consideration. The editor's decision is based on the purpose of the journal, scope, originality and importance of the study, validity and up-to-dateness of the study as stated by EJEDUS.
Confidentiality: The editorial board cannot share scientific studies sent to EJEDUS with any person or institution other than the author responsible for the study, referees, members of the publication board and the publishing organization.
Information and disagreements: The unpublished content of the scientific study sent to EJEDUS cannot be used for their own research purposes by the members of the editorial board and those who assume the responsibility for the publication of the relevant study without the author's permission.
· Responsibilities of Referees
The responsibilities regarding the duration, confidentiality, impartiality standards, references, information and disagreements to be followed by referees are stated below. Referees who accept the evaluation process of the articles accepted by the editor/editorial board of EJEDUS are obliged to comply with the following responsibilities.
Duration: In cases where the referees do not find the content of the article proposal sent for evaluation sufficient or believe that they will not be able to evaluate it within the evaluation period recommended to the referee, they should notify the editor and withdraw from the evaluation process.
Confidentiality: The article proposal sent to the referees should be considered a confidential document and information about its content should not be disclosed to third parties.
Impartiality standards: The evaluations made by the referees should be made in accordance with impartiality standards. Criticism of the author's personality is not appropriate. The opinions and suggestions made by the referees should be supported by justifications in accordance with scientific principles and should be expressed in a clear and understandable manner.
References indication: In cases where previously published scientific studies related to the proposal articles sent to the referees are not included in the proposal article, the referees may request that the relevant studies be included in the proposal article. The reference indications of the citations from the sources in accordance with scientific principles and spelling rules should be examined by the referees and any incorrect situations should be indicated. The referees who evaluate the proposal article should inform the editor, editorial board or field editors about the similarity or originality between the previously published studies and the proposal article.
Information and disagreements: Unpublished articles submitted to referees for evaluation should not be used for personal benefit after being reviewed by referees, and data or ideas specific to the research content should not be taken into account. The authors, companies, institutions, and conflicts of interest arising from benefits or harms in the studies submitted to referees for evaluation should not be taken into account.
Authors' Responsibilities
The reporting standards that authors must comply with, originality, multiple, dysfunctional or repetitive studies, references, authorship, data access and protection, and responsibilities for basic errors in published studies are stated below. By the editor/editorial board of EJEDUS
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