Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 8/15/24

Year: 2024


Ergonomic Journal has started its publication life in 2018 with the aim of bringing together the academic studies of scientists and practitioners who have been providing scientific support to Ergonomics for years. In the journal, Ergonomics oriented topics (Anthropometry, Occupational Health and Safety, Cognitive Ergonomics, Quality of Work Life and Ergonomics, Ergonomics in Various Industries etc.) and closely related to the theoretical and practical work in science and fields are located.  Articles with the word “Ergonomics” in the title and / or summary of the article and / or keywords of these subjects may be accepted. 

All manuscripts submitted for publication in Ergonomics must not have been sent to another journal or published before.

Ergonomic Journal, which is an academic peer-reviewed e-journal, will be published three times in a year (April, August, December).

Within the framework of the following topics, the journal publishes your articles with theoretical or empirical content after passing through a double-blinded referee process. Articles without one of these requirements are rejected in the pre-control process.

Article topics:

  • Anthropometric Design

  • Cognitive Ergonomics

  • Biomechanics

  • Quality of Work Life and Ergonomics (musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic risk assessment etc.)

  • Digital Technologies (Industry 4.0, etc.) and Ergonomics

  • Education Ergonomics

  • Industrial Ergonomics

  • Ergonomics for the Disabled and Elderly

  • Physical Ergonomics

  • Occupational Health And Safety

  • Urban Ergonomics

  • Ergonomic Design of Space

  • Psychosocial Environment and Ergonomics

  • Ergonomics in Health Systems

  • Sport Ergonomics

  • Ergonomics in Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Sectors

  • Textile and Clothing Ergonomics

  • Transportation Ergonomics

  • Product Design and Ergonomics

  • Managerial Ergonomics 

    Psychology and Ergonomics.

Ergonomics publishes theoretical and empirical research papers in a wide range of areas in ergonomic sciences.
The journal publishes manuscripts either in Turkish or in English.

Main Text: Abstract, Introduction, Scientific Literature Review, Method, Results, Discussion (If any), Conflict of Interest and Resources are included. The surname and contact information of the author or authors should not be included in the text. The scientific literature review can also be given in the Introduction section. Tables and figures and attachments are included in this file.

Page Layout: The article to be published in the journal should be prepared in two columns in the form of standard A4 size (210 * 297 mm) with 30 mm top, 25 mm from the bottom and 15 mm with side edges.

Text Characters: Articles should be applied to all of the Cambria-style 10-point words in a Windows-compatible Word word processor. Paragraphs should be started from the beginning of the line (no tab) and must be 6 points before each paragraph.
The article, including abstract and references, should not exceed 8,000 words.

Title of the Article: The title, in the language of the article, should be written in bold typeface, in 12 font style, and all words should be written in capital letters, centered on not exceeding 80 characters.

After leaving a row blank in the title of the article, the author's information will be included. This information will be transferred from the author's information file after acceptance of the article. Therefore, the author's information should be left as specified in the template.

Two columns have been created for Turkish and English abstracts. Keywords in the left column and the abstract in the right column will be placed.

Abstract: Abstracts should be written in English and Turkish. The Turkish name of the pre-abstract article should be centered. The abstract should include the main theme of the article, problem and solution method and partial results, not more than 250 words. It does not include the reference. The Cambria style should be 10-point italic.

Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords should be given after the abstract.

Introduction and Other Sections: After the abstract, the article should start with the Introduction section and be divided into several parts, and the discussion should be included and ended with the references.

Main and sub-headings should be numbered, left-aligned, all titles, the first letter of each word should be large, the other letters should be small and dark style. One row is left blank before each title.

The article sent to be published should be anonymous and a cover page containing the author information should be sent with the article. The cover page should include the title of the article, the institution and titles of the author or authors, addresses, mobile, business and fax numbers, ORCID and e-mail addresses.

Ethics Committee Permission:

TR Directory Journal Evaluation criteria were updated to be implemented in 2020, and the items related to the ethical committee permit required in scientific research were detailed. According to this; The addition of the "Documents and information requested for the studies requiring ethics committee permission", which is stated under the title of ethical rules, is mandatory for the publications that started in 2020. See ( )

For more information: Article Writing Rules 

Use the template when preparing an article Download Article Template 

Refereed articles are studies that ensure the application of the scientific method and impartiality. In the realization of scientific production, all components of the publication process; publishers, editors, authors, referees and readers must comply with ethical principles.

In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the Ergonomics, in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (For example, the "Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Code of Conduct and the Best for Journal Editors" Good Practice Guidelines, "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors") require that all components of the publication process comply with ethical principles.

For the principles expressed under the title of Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing: 

The following ethical principles and rules have been prepared in accordance with the directive of the Publication Ethics Committee (Committe on Publication Ethics - COPE (

Editorial Board Responsibilities

Members of the Ergonomics Editorial Board are experts in their fields.

As the head of the Editorial Board, a chief editor and depending on the situation, one or more editors and their assistant and field editors are determined.

According to the subject of the article, when necessary, the editor may send an article to the faculty members who are not members of the Board of Editors for review as a field editor.

The relationship between the Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on the principle of independence, and all decisions taken by the editors are independent of the publisher and other persons and organizations.

The Editorial Board ensures the determination and implementation of journal policies such as publication, blind refereeing, evaluation process, ethical principles. It protects the copyright of the article authors published in Ergonomics.

The Editorial Board is responsible for taking measures regarding intellectual property rights, unscientific and unethical behaviors, plagiarism, sending (citation) gangs during the publishing process of articles and journals.

Editors Responsibilities.

Editors strive to meet the information needs of referees, author (s), researchers, practitioners and readers, to provide feedback when necessary, to act according to the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation during the publication process.

When deciding on the publication of articles, editors take care that the articles are original and contribute to the scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners.

Editors apply the policies of blind review and evaluation process, which are among the publication policies of the journal, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in time.

Editors send articles taking into account the field of expertise of the editors and referees, and they support the impartial and independent evaluation.

Editors take into account whether there is a conflict of interest between editors, referees and author (s) for unbiased evaluation of the article.

Editors seek to ensure that the referee pool is diverse and constantly updated..

Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed articles; protect individual data of authors, referees and readers.

Editors; They pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, they care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article, the approval of the ethics committee for the participants of the article, and they reject the article when they do not have permission for experimental research.

Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation. In addition, they take necessary measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; They do the authenticity-similarity check.

In the Ergonomics Journal, if an unethical situation is encountered in the journal of editors or referees, a behavior that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding the authors or an article in the evaluation process, early appearance or published, it should be reported to the journal management.

If requested by the editor and / or referees, it has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors.

Responsibilities of Referees

During the article evaluation process of the Journal of Ergonomics, the principle of two-way blind refereeing is applied, in which the author (s) referees and the referees do not recognize the authors.

Referees cannot communicate directly with authors; The article evaluation forms and the notes stated on the text and the correction requests are forwarded to the author (s) by the editors through the journal management system.

The referees should not have conflicts of interest with the authors and / or the financial supporters of the research regarding the article submitted to the journal.

Referees are obliged to make their evaluations in an impartial manner.

Reviewers should ensure that all information regarding submitted articles is kept confidential and report to the editor if they notice any copyright infringement or plagiarism on the part of the author.

If the referee does not feel qualified about the subject of the article or if it does not seem possible to provide timely feedback, he should inform the editor of this situation and ask him to not involve himself in the referee process.

During the evaluation process, the editor clearly states that the articles sent to the referees for review are the private property of the authors and that this is a privileged communication.

Referees and editorial board members cannot discuss articles with other people.

Care should be taken to keep the identity of the referees anonymous.

In some cases, with the decision of the editor, the comments of the relevant referees on the article can be sent to other referees who interpret the same article and the referees can be enlightened in this process.

Authors' Responsibilities.

The author (s) should not send their articles published elsewhere or submitted for publication to Ergonomics Journal. Original articles are accepted for the journal.

If situations such as manipulating and distorting the data used in the articles and using fake data are detected, this situation is officially reported to the institution where the author / authors work and the article is rejected.

The author (s) must correctly refer (cite) to the sources they use during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.

The names of persons who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the order of the author of an article submitted for publication, to remove or add authors.

Individuals who have a conflict of interest and a common interest related to the article for publication must be notified to editors.

If information or raw data is requested from the author (s) during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the Editors.

The author (s) must document that the rights of use of the data they use in their articles, permission for research-analysis or the approval of the participants on which they have researched.

The author (s) should contact the editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error in the evaluation and early view or electronically published article.

Ethics Committee Permission

The TR Index Journal Evaluation criteria were updated to be implemented in 2020, and the articles related to the ethics committee approval, which should be required especially in scientific research, were detailed. Under the heading of ethical rules, "Documents and information requested for studies requiring ethics committee approval" is mandatory for publications whose process started in 2020. (No permission is required if research data is used before 2020) See ( en / en / pub / ergonomics / page / 9612)

The author (s) have obtained the approval of the ethics committee for studies that require data collection by quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require the decision of the ethics committee; The name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision should be stated on the first-last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article. In addition, case reports should include information about obtaining informed consent / consent form in the article.

The author (s) should present in the article the evidence that they adhere to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should be stated in the articles that the copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was carried out on human and animal subjects, it should be reported that the research was carried out in accordance with international papers, guidelines, etc.

Ethics committee approval is not required from the author (s) for review articles. However, for articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated that an ethics committee decision is not required, on the first-last page and method section of the article.


Article publication and execution of the article processes in the journal are not charged. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles sent to the journal or accepted for publication. All articles that have been refereed and accepted are published online without any charge.


Submissions to the Journal of Ergonomics are made through the online DergiPark® and referee evaluation system. The article is uploaded with the "Submit Article" link on the Dergipark web page ( with all its files.
Journal Editor checks the files uploaded to the system. Correction is requested if there are missing file uploads, the total similarity level is above 25% (except for tables, references and appendices) or if there are important deficiencies in the article.
Eligible articles are transferred to the Field (Section) Editor. The Field Editor evaluates the work from a scientific point of view. If it is deemed that it can be published in the journal, at least 3 referees proposed by the author and available in the referee pool are appointed to evaluate the article. In the evaluation of the articles, the information of the referee and the authors is not shared by the parties (double-blind review). Each referee evaluates the article and fills in the "Referee Evaluation Form" and sends it to the journal. Considering the opinions of the referees, a decision of acceptance or correction or rejection is made with the recommendation of the Field Editor.

The publication of articles and the execution of article processes in the journal are free of charge. No processing fee or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication.

The journal is published three times a year (April, August and December). In addition to these issues, with the decision of the Editorial Board, the papers presented at the National Ergonomics Congress can be published as "Special Issue".