Copyright Policy & Open Access

Articles published in IBAD Journal of Social Sciences have been licensed under CC-BY since the journal's first issue (2016). However, issues from 2024 were licensed under CC-BY-NC, and starting from 2025, the journal has returned to licensing under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). The article licensing information has also been included on the first pages of articles since 2024. Under the CC-BY license, authors retain copyright and full publishing rights without any restrictions. The CC BY license permits any use and adaptation of the work, with the only requirement being proper attribution to the original creator. Published scholarly articles and papers can be freely downloaded, used, copied, distributed, printed, transferred, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred to software as data, and used for any legal purpose, by all users via the internet without any legal, financial, or technical barriers. Additionally, copies of the works can be created, distributed, and a limited number of printed copies can be reproduced for personal use, provided that proper attribution is made to the author. Access to the journal for reading is unlimited and free of charge.

By submitting their work to the journal under the CC BY license, authors agree to the following terms:
1. The copyright of the published article belongs to the author.
2. Authors grant the Journal the right to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
3. Authors grant third parties the right to freely use the article, provided the original authors and citation details are acknowledged.
4. Nothing in this license shall infringe or limit an author's right to protect the integrity and ownership of their work.
5. All commercial rights related to the article remain with the authors.

Furthermore, authors:
a) Confirm that the submitted article is their original work and does not contain plagiarism,
b) Confirm that all authors have individually contributed to the work and take full responsibility for it,
c) Confirm that all authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the submitted article,
d) Confirm that the article has not been published elsewhere nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere,
e) Confirm that the text, figures, and documents in the article do not infringe on any third-party copyrights.

IBAD Journal of Social Sciences adopts the principle that providing free access to scientific research will enhance the global sharing of knowledge, and therefore offers immediate open access to its content. Access to the journal is free. Since the first issue of the journal, all published articles have been open access. The journal follows the Budapest Open Access Initiative. For detailed information, see []( For the Turkish translation of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, see [](

Last Update Time: 1/11/25, 5:59:39 PM

The articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions for any materials used in the article. The scientific and legal accountability of the articles rests with the authors.