IBAD Journal of Social Sciences provides flexibility in terms of writing rules for our authors at the time of initial submission, as long as the manuscript is formatted properly and remains internally consistent. There is no requirement for a rigid structure before the peer review process, except for the essential components that should be included in the article. The journal does not impose restrictions on writing style, article length, or tables and figures. However, to facilitate the submission process, it recommends authors use the journal's template.
To access the template for submission, click here.
1. If your article requires Ethics Committee Approval, please upload your Ethics Committee Approval as well. For detailed information regarding the Ethics Committee approval, refer to the Ethical Permission Policy.
2. For Author Copyright Agreement Form click here.
3. A similarity report for the final version of your article before publication will be requested at the end of the process.
Once the article is accepted for publication, it will be formatted according to APA 7 guidelines, based on preference. In this context, efforts will be made to ensure that accepted articles are published in accordance with the specified writing standards:
Main Text: The manuscript must be written in A4 size using MS Word, with the Palatino Linotype font, 11-point size, and single line spacing. The paragraph spacing should be set to 6nk before and after. Tables and figures should be formatted according to page size. For ease of the peer review process, the pages should be numbered.
Author(s) and Address: Author(s) names should be written in bold, with only the first letter of the first name capitalized, in 10-point size. The institution, country, and email address of the author should be listed in 9-point size. All authors must also include their ORCID ID.
Title:The title should be concise and accurately reflect the content of the paper. It must be written in 12-point bold font with capitalized first letters of each word. Efforts should be made to keep the title as short as possible. Main headings should also be in uppercase, 12-point, bold font.
Abstract: A concise abstract of the article must be included at the beginning, in both Turkish and English, with a length of at least 150 and at most 300 words. A +/-100 word variation is allowed under special circumstances. In all cases, the abstract should not exceed one page, as outlined in the template. Below the abstract, 3-8 keywords should be provided. The abstract must be written in 9-point font, without subheadings, citations, or references. It should encapsulate the introduction, development, and conclusion of the article.
Keywords: Key words (3-8) should be in English and Turkish provided below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the article.
Figures: At initial submission, figures should be at good enough quality and high contrast to be assessed by referees, preferably incorporated with the manuscript text in a single Word doc or PDF, although figures can be supplied separately as JPEGs if authors are unable to include them with the text. Figures, tables and illustrations should not exceed 10 pages.
Conference Presentations: Articles that have been presented at a symposium or conference can be published, with the conference name, location, and date specified. For studies supported by research institutions or funds (such as BAP, TÜBİTAK, or the Ministry of Development), the supporting institution and project number should be included in the Acknowledgement section. If the work is derived from a thesis, this should also be noted here.
References: For Turkish articles, "KAYNAKÇA" should be used, while "REFERENCES" should be used for English articles. References should not be numbered, and if they exceed one line, the second line should be indented. The references should be written with single line spacing and paragraph spacing set to 6nk before and after.
Citation Examples in the Text:
One Author:
(Akın, 2005, p. 15). (No page number is needed if referring to the entire work).
Two Authors:
If fully in parentheses: (Arıcı & Ungan, 2015, p. 17), otherwise: Arıcı and Ungan (2015, p. 17).
Three or More Authors:
(Aytan et al., 2021, pp. 20-25).
End of Text Reference Examples:
For multi-author publications, use "&" between authors as shown in the two-author example. Further details for citations not specified here should remain consistent with the mentioned guidelines.
Journal Articles
The article title should be written in lowercase except for special words, the journal name in italics, volume in italics, issue in parentheses, and page numbers. The DOI should be included with the URL if available. If there is no DOI, online sources should include the full URL.
Kahya, H. (2018). Aday Türk dili ve edebiyatı öğretmenlerinin “edebiyat öğretmeni” kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor yoluyla analizi. International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1), 104-117. https://doi.org/10.21733/ibad.343188
Çeliköz, N. & Çeliköz, M. (2018). Öğretmen adaylarının medya ve televizyon okuryazarlık düzeyleri. International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1), 262-274. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ibadjournal/issue/31095/399539
Book titles should be written in lowercase italics except for the first word, and the publisher should be listed without the city of publication.
Kahya, H. (2017). Karamanlıca bir çocuk dergisi: Angeliaforos Çocuklar İçün (1872). Grafiker Publishing.
Arıcı, A. F. and Ungan, S. (2015). Yazılı anlatım el kitabı. Pegem Akademi Publishing.
Book Written by a Corporate Entity
Turkish Language Association. (2005). Turkish Dictionary. TDK Publications. www.sozluk.gov.tr
Book Chapter
Başaran, M. (2019). The Ideal Teacher and Ideal Person in Nurettin Topçu. In A. F. Arıcı & M. Başaran (Eds.), The Ideal Turk (pp. 453-466). Turkish Literature Foundation Publications.
Translated Book
Crystal, D. (2016). What is Linguistics? (Trans. A. Benzer). Pegem.
The articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permissions for any materials used in the article. The scientific and legal accountability of the articles rests with the authors.