
Journal of Computer and Education Research (JCER) (ISSN 2148-2896) started publishing in 2013. JCER is an international open access double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Articles sent to the journal are evaluated in a double-blind system. JCER has been indexed by TR Index since 2018 and it is also a national refereed journal. It is published twice a year in March and October. JCER also publishes articles in Turkish and English.

Journal accepts articles in Turkish and English. Articles whose full papers are in Turkish must have abstracts both in Turkish and English.

Articles whose full papers are in English must not have abstract in Turkish.

Abstracting and Indexing : TR Dizin, IndexCopernicus, ERIH Plus, DRJI, Cite Factor, Series and Publishers SOBIAD Indexing, OAJI, Research Bible, Scientific Indexing Service, Ulrichs

Last Update Time: 9/17/24, 7:55:21 PM

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We would like to inform you that ORCID, which includes 16 digit number will be requested from the authors for the studies to be published in JCER. It is important to be sensitive on this issue. 

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