Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 10/28/24

Year: 2024
Tourism Economics, Hospitality Management
Prof. Dr. Burhan KILIÇ MUĞLA SITKI KOÇMAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-1136-5107
Food and Beverage, Tourism Marketing, Gastronomy, Consumer Behaviour, Hospitality Management, Tourism
Tourism, Cultural Geography, Environmental Geography, Human Geography, Geography Education
Digitalization, Cultural and Natural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies, Sustainable Tourism, Environmental Management in Tourism
Intelligent Robotics, Big Data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Artificial Intelligence, Tourism, Tourism Management, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks
Hospitality Management, Tourism
Tourism Policy, Tourism (Other)
Tourism Sociology, Gastronomy Tourism, Food Culture, Sustainable Tourism, Sociology of Food, Sustainable Gastronomy
Tourism, Gastronomy, Customer Relationship Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge GÜDÜ DEMİRBULAT Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Burhaniye Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi 0000-0001-7652-7966
Sustainable Tourism, Tourist Guidance
English As A Second Language

Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research (JGTTR) is a scientific journal published online bi-annually by the TROAS International Tourism Research Association, which aims to share original scientific studies in the field of tourism and technology at national and international levels with researchers and the public.

Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research (JGTTR) is a scientific journal published online bi-annually by the TROAS International Tourism Research Association, which aims to share original scientific studies in the field of tourism and technology at national and international levels with researchers and the public.

Preparing a Manuscript for Submission:
To facilitate double-blind review, please ensure that your manuscript does not reveal your identity. To do this, please submit the following as two separate parts:

1- A Title Page containing the Authors’ details and the Acknowledgements (The cover page should include the title of the study, full names of all authors, institutional information of the authors and responsible author, address, telephone number, e-mail address and ORCID number.
2- The Complete Anonymous Text with no author details

Studies should be in Turkish or English and should consist of the following sections. (The order below is not mandatory for non-empirical studies.)

The "Template File" is a helping guide to the authors on preparing a manuscript. Please click for template file.

Title: Title should be brief, specific and informative. The writing caracter of title on article should be initials capital, 14 punto, bond and Palatino Linotype. and aligned left. If the article is in Turkish,  Title in English should be under the Turkish title and written in 12 pt, italic, bold, and aligned left as Palatino Linotype. Articles in English do not need a Turkish title and Turkish abstract.

Abstract: Should be informative and fully descriptive, should summarize the purpose of the study, the research method (if any), the research findings, and the results and recommendations obtained from the research. The Abstract should be in about 150 to 200 words. written in 10 pt, italic, bold, and aligned left as Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing.

Key words: Not less than 2 and more than 4 words should be listed and given in alphabetical order. written in 7.5 pt, italic, and aligned left as Palatino Linotype.

Introduction: The Introduction should put your study into context. It should begin broadly, with the general context of your study, and focus down to the specific question that you address. The importance of study for literature and tourism enterprises should be briefly emphasized. Necessary details can be given and the purpose of the aims can be explained, it should be stated that it consists of sections. Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only introduction title is bold and 11 pt.

Literature: Literature can consist of a single chapter or subsections.The subject should be discussed based on the relevant scientific literatüre and by referring, it should be as concise and complete as possible. Different studies and different opinions should be included, it should include more analysis, clear language, comments, criticizes and compares the findings of previous studies. Unnecessary definitions, explanations and Repetition of statements should be avoided. Research hypotheses should be developed in this section.
Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only introduction title is bold and 11 pt.

Methods:It should inform the reader about appropriate methodology etc. The reasons why the data collection techniques used were chosen and how they were used should be explained. Sufficient information should be given about the research population, the sampling and data analyzed.
Title should be in the middle of the line and initials capital letter, Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only Methods title is bold and 11 pt.

Population and sampling: The universe and sampling should provide information about the population of the research and explain how the research sample is determined. Necessary information about the population and sampling should be included.
Main text Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only Population and Sampling title is bold, 11pt, aligned left and initials capital letter,

Data Collection Tools: Information about the article's data collection tool (s) should be included here. Information about questionnaire form used in data collection and the validity and reliability of the data should also be included.
Main text Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only Data Collection Tools title is bold, 11pt, aligned left and initials capital letter,

Finding and Discussion: The finding should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations. Findings should be presented clearly in tables and figures. The discussion should emphasize the importance of the findings.
Main text Written in 10 pt, Palatino Linotype and as a single line spacing. Only Finding and Discussion title is bold, 11pt, aligned left and initials capital letter,

Results and Conclusions: Conclusions are not an extension of the discussion or a summary of the results. Authors are advised to list important implications of their work in form of a bulleted list. Conclusions must not contain references to the cited literature.

Ethics Statement: Authors must add the text below at the end of the article.

During the writing process of this study titled "……………………..………………….", scientific rules, ethics and quotation rules were followed; No falsification has been made on the data collection and this study has not been sent to any other journal for evaluation.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments should include sources of support, grants, disclaimers, names of those who contributed but are not authors, etc. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

Plagiarism Report:Authors are required to control the manuscript (excluding references) through plagiarism detection software (Turnitin, iThenticate, etc.) and to upload a signed screening report (signed by at least correspondent author) indicating that it is at most 20% similarity texcluding references
References: For in-text citations and references are done according to the rules in the guideline book of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). For summary information about writing rules click here.

Page Layout:
1- A4 paper size;
2- 1.5 cm on left, right and top edges, 2.0 cm on bottom edges.
3- Must align on both sides
4- Paragraphs should be indented 0,5 cm
5- Paragraph Structure: Click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button, then select After space 6 nk and 1 line spacing option.
6- Writing Fonts: Writing characters are specified for each section. However, the main text "Palatino Linotype" should be 10 pt. Single line space.
7- Manuscript should be maximum 7,000 words including Tables and Figures but excluding references.

All the papers are peer reviewed. The responsibility for any statement in the article rests with the author(s). The corresponding author should commit that the article or its data has not been sent/will not be sent elsewhere for publication. If a manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, it must be resubmitted within 20-25 days of its receipt.

Publishing Fee: No charge for publishing.

Open Access Policy: This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Original Studies previously unpublished elsewhere are evaluated by reviewers based on double blind review process and published twice a year in March and October

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