Born in 1961 in Istanbul. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Business Administration in 1982. He received his master's degree in Marketing in 1984 and his doctorate degree in 1991 from Istanbul University. He worked in the private sector between 1986-1996. Between 1996-1999, he worked as an assistant professor at Kırıkkale University, Department of Business Administration. He continued his academic career at Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Business Administration between 1999-2012. In 2002, he became an associate professor and in 2007 he became a professor.
Prof. Dr. Ömer Torlak has published books and book chapters on marketing and business ethics, as well as many articles published in national and international journals and many papers presented in national and international congresses and symposiums. His publications received many citations.
He served as the Rector of KTO Karatay University between 2012-2015 and as the President of the Competition Authority between 2015-2019. He served as a member of the Scientific Board of TUBITAK between 2016-2018. Torlak, who is currently continuing his academic studies at Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Business Administration, served as the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration between 2020-2023. On 19 January 2023, he was appointed as Acting Rector by the Board of Trustees. With the decision published in the Official Gazette dated 6 June 2023, he was appointed to this position as a principal.
Yuksel Ekinci is a Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth. His research focuses on destination branding, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, and global marketing strategy. His scholarly work has been widely published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Analysis, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and Psychology & Marketing. Additionally, Yuksel serves on the editorial boards of several prominent journals in tourism and marketing, such as the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and the Journal of Travel Research.
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