Writing Rules

Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal (INASJ)

e-ISSN: 2587-2389


1. The Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal Publishes original research articles and reviews in the field of Science, Engineering and Natural Sciences in Turkish or English.

2. The work sent for publication is subject to preliminary examination by the Editorial Board of the Journal in accordance with the publication principles. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to return the articles that it does not find suitable for publication in the journal without sending them to the referees. In addition, articles that do not comply with the spelling rules are returned to the author for correction.

3. Prepared articles; It should only be sent by the author responsible for the article in Word file format. It is also recommended to present a graphical abstract within the article.

4. Turkish and English article titles should be short, descriptive, capitalized (excluding words such as “and”, “with”…), centered and bold, and should not exceed fifteen words. In both titles, abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible.

5. Except for the Turkish and English article titles, all text including the titles should be written justified and should not be indented. In the original works, the text of the article should be written on the A4 size page, 12 points (Abstract and Abstract 10 points), Times New Roman font and one and a half line spacing. There should be 3 cm margins on the right, left, bottom and top of the page. The text should be written in a column, all pages should be numbered and the lines should be numbered starting from (1) for each page.

6. When entering the article in the journal tracking system, the name(s) of the author should be written clearly, should not be abbreviated and no academic title should be specified. Author names and addresses should not be given in the main text of the article, which is uploaded to the system.

7. Article; It should consist of Turkish Title, Turkish Abstract, Keywords, English Title, English Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any) and References.

8. Turkish “Abstract” and English “Abstract” should not exceed 300 words and abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible in both abstracts. In accordance with the Turkish spelling rules, it should be written in "Times New Roman" font with 10 font size and one and a half line spacing. In Turkish and English abstracts, the words "Abstract" and "Abstract" should be used, respectively. Keywords should be written as a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 words following the abstracts. The words should be followed in alphabetical order, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, the letters of the other words should be lowercase, and the words should be separated with a comma (,) and other words should be written with a space left, no dot at the end. The words “Keywords” and “Keywords” should be written in bold.

9. The main headings of the article should be bold and numbered. All of the main section titles should be written in capital letters, the first letter of the 2nd degree titles should be capitalized, and all the 3rd degree titles should be written in lowercase letters in bold in sentence order.

10. When citing sources in the text, references should be specified according to the "(surname, date)" system. When citing sources in the text according to the surname date system, the surname of the author should be written in parentheses with the first letter of the source capitalized and the others lowercase, then the publication date of the work should be written by placing a comma (Tanriverdi, 2020). If more than one author is to be named, semicolons should be placed after the dates (Tanriverdi, 2021; Yildiko, 2022) and should be ordered from oldest to newest (Surname, 1977; Surname et al., 2013). If the reference is to a work with two authors, the conjunctions “and” if it is published in English and “and” if it is published in Turkish (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1990; Akdeniz and Cakmak, 2007) should be added among the surnames of the authors. While references are cited in the text according to the surname of the author, if the number of authors is three or more, after the surname of the first author, “et al.,” if the article is published in English, “et al.,” if it is published in Turkish (Adiguzel et al., 2022; Yildiko et al. , 2021) expressions should be used. While citing the source in the text according to the surname of the author, if there are publications by the same author and authors in the same year, the letters a, b, c should be used after the publication year. (Tanriverdi, 2021a; 2021b).

11. SI (Systeme International d'Units) measurement units should be used in all articles. In numbers and units, only a period (.) should be used as a decimal separator (20.23), “/” sign should not be used when writing units, it should be exponentiated by leaving a space (g L-1) in writing very large numbers, the numbers should be separated by triples (such as 100 000). ).

12. In the Turkish article for Figures and Tables; “Figure”, “Table”; In the English article, the expressions “Figure”, “Table” should be used (Table 1/Table 1., Figure 1 / Figure 1.). Explanations and footnotes of tables and figures should be written at the bottom of the table or table in 10 font size and should not contain a dot (.) at the end.

13. The title of the table should be 12 points and above the table, and the content should be given in 10 points. Figures, graphics, photographs and the like should be written with the title "Figure" at the bottom and in 12 points. Figures and Tables should be given in the text and should not be added to the end of the text.

14. Formulas should be numbered and the formula number should be shown in parentheses, aligned to the right next to the formula. Formulas should be in 12 points, main characters and variables should be in italics, numbers and mathematical expressions should be plain.

15. References section should be in 11 font size and should be as follows;


Yildiko U., Turkan F., Tanriverdi A.A., Ata A.C., Atalar M.N., Cakmak I. (2021). Synthesis, enzymes inhibitory properties and characterization of 2- (bis (4-aminophenyl) methyl) butan-1-ol compound: Quantum simulations, and in-silico molecular docking studies. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 98(11), 100206.

Tanriverdi A.A., Yildiko U., Cakmak I. (2020). New Type Sulfonated Polyimide Membrane Fuel Cells and Applications. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(4), 2714-2729.


Fessenden R.J., Fessenden, J.S. (1986). Organic Chemistry. Third Edition, Brooks, Cole Publishing Company, California, 892.

Book Chapter;

Castillo E., Marty A., Condoret J.S., Combes, D. (1996). Enzymatic Catalysis in Nonconventional Media Using High Polar Molecules as Substrates. In: Annals of the New York Academy of Science.

Dordick, J. S. ve Russell, A.J. (eds), The NewYork Academy of Science, New York, 206-211. Bildiri, Sempozyum; Soyadı-ilk ad(lar)ının baş harf(ler)i-nokta-virgül-(yılı)-nokta-bildirinin başlığı-noktakongre, sempozyum vb’nin adı-virgül-tarihi-virgül-yapıldığı yer-virgül-başlangıç ve bitiş sayfası-nokta

Atalay Y., Arıoğlu Ç., Tamer Ö., Avcı D., Başoğlu, A., Atalay A.S. (2015). LMetiyoniyum Nitrat (LMN) Bileşiğinin, Geometrik, Optik ve Spektroskopik Özelliklerinin Teorik İncelenmesi. 2. Ulusal Hesaplamalı Kimya Kongresi. 2-5 Haziran, Kars, 9.


Tanriverdi A.A., (2022). Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Studies and AIM Analysis of Some Sulfonated Polyimides. Master Thesis, Kafkas University, Institute of Science and Technology, Kars.


Elmacı C., Öner Y., Yeşilbağ K., Tuncel E. (2009). Türkiye Koyun Irklarında Prion Proteini Geni (PRP) Polimorfizmi. TÜBİTAK-TOKVAG-106 O 718 nolu Proje Kesin Raporu, Bursa.

Internet References;

http://www.aku.edu.tr/akademik/enstitüler/fenbil.html, (21.03.2003).

Warrence N.J., Bauder J.W., Pearson K.E. (2004). Basics of Salinity and Sodicity Effects on Soil Physical Properties. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Department, Montana State University, http://waterquality.montana.edu/docs/methane/basics.pdf, (15.12.2004).

NOTE: It is recommended to use sample article templets based on article type from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/kujs/about-journal.