Mesned Journal of Theological Studies It continues to contribute to national and international knowledge by publishing original research articles, review articles, research notes, book reviews and translation-commentary studies in the fields of specialization in theology and social sciences.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies, Basic Islamic Sciences: Arabic Language and Literature, Hadith, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Kalam, Qur'an, Sufism and Tafsir; Philosophy and Religious Studies: Religious Education, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religions, Islamic Philosophy and Logic; Islamic History and Arts: It includes studies in the fields of Islamic History, History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature and Religious Music.
The order of article items should be as follows:
Articles Produced from PhD Thesis
Spelling rules apply for articles produced from doctoral thesis.
If the article will be published before the acceptance of the thesis;
Article writing rules apply for Book Reviews.
In the submitted studies, the problem, purpose, method used, scope and processes of the research should be clearly stated.
Writing rules apply for articles produced from doctoral thesis.
If the article will be published before the thesis is accepted;
The "novelty" feature of the doctoral thesis must be preserved.
Article writing rules apply for Symposium Evaluations.
Article writing rules apply for Interview Evaluations.
In submitted studies, the research problem, purpose, method used, scope and research processes must be clearly stated.
The publication process in the Journal of Theological Studies in Mesned was established for the development and presentation of information in an objective way. For this reason, the processes applied are reflected in the quality of the authors and the quality of the works of the institutions supporting the authors. The reviewed articles embody and promote the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referee and editors) comply with the standards related to ethical principles.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies expects all stakeholders to bear the ethical responsibilities described below within the scope of publication ethics.
The ethical duties and responsibilities adopted by the Mesned Journal of Theological Studies have been prepared by taking into account the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and policies.
Actions against science research and publication ethics:
Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as their own work, in whole or in part, without attribution in accordance with scientific rules,
Fraud: To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or change the presented or published work based on untrue data, to report or publish them, to make an unfinished research appear as if it has been done,
Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, to present methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research as if they were used, not to evaluate data that do not comply with the research hypothesis, to manipulate data and/or results to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, in line with the interests of the people and organizations that receive support. falsify or shape research results,
Republishing: To present more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professor examination evaluations and academic promotions,
Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in the evaluations of associate professorship exams and academic promotions, by breaking the integrity of the research, into parts inappropriately, and by making multiple publications without citing each other,
Unfair authorship: Including non-active contributors among authors, not including active contributors among authors, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of active contributors from the work at the time of publication or in subsequent editions, using their influence, even though they have no active contribution. include among the authors,
Other types of ethical violations: Not stating the supporting people, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of supported research, not following the ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting the rights of patients in their publications, appearing in a work assigned to review as a referee. to share the field information with others before it is published, to misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or reserved for scientific research, to accuse completely baseless, groundless and intentional ethical violations (YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8).
Ethical Statement
It should comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals.
It should be noted that copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used.
Scales, surveys, photographs, etc. belonging to others. Owners' permission must be obtained and specified for use.
In case reports, it should be stated that an “informed consent form” was obtained.
If the research has been conducted in the fields listed below, an "Ethics Committee Permission" must be attached to the study.
Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical studies on humans,
Animal studies,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.
Author's Responsibilities
• Article Authoring
All authors cited as authors must contribute significantly to the research. Other contributors must be listed as co-authors. Contributors to the research should be referred to as 'contributors'. Collaborative work The corresponding author should send the work to the journal with the consent of the other authors. Those who do not directly contribute to the research should not be cited as authors.
• Authenticity and Reality
All data in the research must be real and original. The author should present an objective discussion of the importance of his work based on accurate data. Deliberately presenting false information is unacceptable and immoral.
• Multiple, Redundant, or Simultaneous Publishing
The author should not attempt to publish the same research in more than one journal, or to republish a previously published article, and should comply with scientific research and publication ethics. Such attempts are unacceptable immoral behavior.
• Resources
It is obligatory to show/cite all sources used in the studies.
• Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
All authors must openly disclose potential financial and conflicts of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of the study. If financial support has been received for the study, its sources should be indicated.
• Publishing Fee
No fee is charged to the authors for all research published in our journal.
• Correction in Published Studies
It is the author's responsibility to notify the editor if significant deficiencies or inaccuracies are detected in the published work. The author should cooperate with the editorial team of our journal to take the necessary actions within the scope of rectifying the situation.
• Article Withdrawal
The author can withdraw his/her work, which is evaluated in the publication processes of our journal, only during the pre-control phase. Studies cannot be withdrawn at other stages of the publication processes.
• Authenticity and Plagiarism
Authors should aim to conduct and report original research. Appropriate references should be made to the studies he has benefited from. Illegal transfers made by the author from other publications, including his own work, are an important moral issue and a crime. When plagiarism is detected in the studies submitted to our journal, it is immediately removed from the publication processes. If it is detected after publication in our journal, information is given to the necessary places about the author and his work.
• Double-Sided Blind Arbitration
Since double-blind refereeing is applied in our journal, author information should not be written in the article file.
Responsibilities of the Referees
Contribution to editorial decisions
• The referee is obliged to consider the “Referee Evaluation Criteria” in the evaluation process from the moment he is appointed through the system and accepts the task. It assists editors in editorial decisions and assists authors in improving their articles through editorial communication. It should be pointed out that other articles, works, sources, citations, rules and similar deficiencies related to the article should be completed.
Don't follow the schedule
• Any reviewer who does not feel qualified to review the manuscript proposal or who knows that the review will not occur in a timely manner should immediately notify the editors and decline the review invitation so that new reviewers can be appointed.
• Revised articles should be kept confidential before publication.
Must not share information contained in a study for which it has been commissioned to review as a referee before it is published.
This also applies to referees who decline an invitation to review. The names of the reviewers who make the evaluation are not disclosed/published.
• Referees should be objective in the publication decision of the studies they have reviewed.
Comments on the article proposal should be made impartially and suggestions should be made in a way that the authors can use to improve the article. Personal criticism of the authors is not appropriate.
• Reviewers should identify relevant published work not cited by the authors. The referee should also notify the editor of any significant similarity of the reviewed article and any other article (published or unpublished).
conflicts of interest
• Conflicts of interest should be reported to the editor. There should be no conflict of interest between the referees and the stakeholders of the article that is the subject of evaluation. In case of any conflict of interest and assignment outside the field of expertise during the peer-review process, it is recommended to present the situation to the Editor and withdraw from the refereeing if necessary.
• At any stage of the evaluation process, the referees are not exposed to ethical violations, plagiarism, etc. in the work. If it is detected, it should be forwarded to the Editor.
Reviewers acknowledge that works submitted for review are the exclusive property of the authors.
Editorial Responsibilities
The Editorial Board has full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
The Editorial Board does not have a conflict of interest regarding the accepted or rejected articles.
Studies in publication processes; It is selected and evaluated according to scientific and academic criteria such as contribution to the field and originality.
Supports the publication or withdrawal of corrections when errors or deficiencies are detected in published research.
Since double-blind refereeing is adopted in the journal, the names of the referees are kept confidential and not published.
The peer-review process is central to the success of scientific publication. Maintaining and improving the arbitration process is part of our commitment.
Mesned Journal of Theology Studies takes the necessary measures sensitively in cases of violation of publishing ethics.
All kinds of complaints, suggestions, etc. for the studies published in the Journal of Mesned Theology Studies, publication processes and the editorial team. It can be sent to
All kinds of feedback from stakeholders are considered as an important contribution to R&D studies.
Publication Language
The publication language of Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is Turkish. In addition, scientific studies in Arabic and English are also published.
Publication Principles
All control and evaluation processes of the texts are reported and archived in the Dergipark system.
Articles are accepted between 1 January-15 April for the June issue and 1 July-15 October for the December issue. Except for these date ranges, the system is closed for article submission.
The texts that are not adjusted according to the Spelling Rules are returned to the author without being taken into the evaluation process.
Texts that have not been published elsewhere before are published in the Journal of Mesned Theological Studies.
The texts that are in the process of evaluation in another publication are returned to the author.
He publishes scientific texts published in the field of theology in the Journal of Mesned Theological Studies. Texts published in the interdisciplinary field related to the field of theology can also be included in the evaluation process by considering their contributions to the field.
A maximum of one (1) work of the same author, regardless of type, can be published.
A maximum of two (2) studies can be published in the same volume, provided that the type of publication is different.
Journal editorial board members can send texts to the journal, but they cannot take part in the publication processes during the period when the text is being evaluated.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies has adopted the mission of contributing to the author and academic journalism as well as publishing qualified scientific research.
Publishing Processes carried out by the Editorial team, who are experts in their fields and work devotedly, have been determined in line with this mission.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is the publication of Inonu University Faculty of Theology.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is published in print and electronic media.
The Journal of Mesned Theological Studies is published as one volume and two issues per year, in December and June issues.
All policies and processes in Mesned Journal of Theological Studies are determined by the editorial board.
Special issues can be published with the decision of the editorial board.
Changes in journal publication policies and processes are announced on the journal's official website.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies has an original 6-stage Publication Process. Each stage in the publication process is carried out according to the original evaluation criteria within the framework of the determined job descriptions and work flows.
Evaluation Policies
Manuscript and translation texts are subject to two types of analysis:
1. Evaluation in Terms of Shape
Spelling Check: The texts are examined in terms of shape, spelling rules, and compliance with the ISNAD Citation System. Authors of the texts for which correction is requested must make the corrections within 11 days.
Plagiarism/Similarity Check: Texts are reviewed for plagiarism/similarity rate via Turnitin software. The plagiarism/similarity rate determined by the Editorial Board is 15%. Manuscripts exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process.
Language Check: For Turkish texts, Abstract, for texts written in other languages, Abstract and Abstract sections are grammatically checked.
Correction and Editing: Without interfering with the content of the text, corrections are made regarding the language and style of the text, within the knowledge of the author, to ensure linguistic expression and orthographic unity. After this stage, no correction is requested from the author, but the text is sent to the author for final reading.
Academic Evaluation
2. Evaluation in Terms of Content
2.1. Editorial Board Evaluation:
Studies submitted to the journal are reviewed by two editorial board members, taking into account the field.
Members of the Editorial Board examine, evaluate and make referee suggestions according to the Editorial Board Evaluation Criteria within the framework of the double-blind evaluation system.
The articles reviewed and evaluated by the Editorial Board are subject to a score ranking, and the first 15 articles are included in the evaluation process.
Book and Symposium Evaluations are made by the field editor assigned by the editor.
2.2. Referee Evaluation:
The texts are subjected to academic evaluation by the referees determined by the editorial board according to the Referee Evaluation Criteria. In the referee evaluation process, if the referee requests, the text is sent to the author for corrections. The author shows the corrections made in the text in the Author Correction Form.
If the articles receive a positive report from both referees, the Editorial Board is submitted to its final decision.
If one of the two referees gives a negative report and the other a positive report, the editor can send the work to a third referee after examining it. Manuscripts found negative by two referees are returned to the author.
It is important that the authors do not exceed the deadlines given for revisions in order for the journal publication process to run smoothly. The texts of the authors who do not make the corrections within the specified dates are excluded from the evaluation process.
Referee Policy
In Mesned Journal of Theological Studies, a double-blind refereeing system is applied.
Confidentiality is essential in referee reports; For this reason, the names of the referees are not included in the imprint of the journal.
More than one article can be sent to a referee in one issue.
Archive Policy
The journal is sent to domestic and international libraries and international index institutions determined by the Editorial Board within one month from the date of publication.
Copyright Policy
Publisher allows authors to use the final published version of an article (publisher pdf) for self-archiving of an article (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository after publication.
Authors may self-archive their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based archives. There is no embargo period, but the published source should be cited and a link should be set to the journal homepage or DOI of the articles.
Authors can download the output of the article as a PDF document. Authors can send copies of the article to their colleagues without any embargo.
The publisher permits all versions of the articles (sent version, accepted version, published version) to be stored without embargo in an institutional or other archive of the author's choice.
Plagiarism Policy
The plagiarism/similarity rate determined by the Editorial Board is 15%. Manuscripts exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process.
Plagiarism/control of studies is done with Turnitin program, similarity report is uploaded to Dergipark.
Fiscal Policy
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is an open access journal, no fee is charged for the journal.
No fee is paid to the author for the published texts.
No fee is paid to the editorial board and referees.
All financial and legal copyright transactions of translations are made by the translator.
No financial support is provided to the translation owner for copyright and any other fees.
The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility from the date of sending the translation to the Journal of Theological Studies.
Mesned Journal of Theological Studies is an open access journal, no fee is charged for the journal.
No fee is paid to the author for the published texts.
No fee is paid to the editorial board and referees.
All financial and legal copyright transactions of translations are made by the translator.
No financial support is provided to the translation owner for copyright and any other fees.
The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal and scientific responsibility from the date of sending the translation to the Journal of Theological Studies.