Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 12/30/11

Year: 2011

Araştırma Makaleleri


Mediterranean Journal of Humanities / Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi is published semiannually as a peer-reviewed print journal by Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters. As a print and electronic journal, the journal’ scope includes all research papers in the fields of Mediterranean culture, Anthropology, Archaeology, Arts, Art History, Cultural Studies, Education, Gerontology, History, Languages, Philosophy, Psychology, Literature, Education, Geography and Sociology among others. Each paper is reviewed by two expert reviewers and the final decision is sent to author(s) within three months of the arrival of the article.
Mediterranean Journal of Humanities is an international peer-reviewed journal published annually in June.
MJH adopts the open access policy and the whole content that presented in the journal is available for access.

The Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH) is the annual publication of the Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters is published in June. The journal accepts articles written in: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian in addition to Turkish. MJH is an academic peer-reviewed journal accepting articles on: Mediterranean Culture, Anthropology, Archaeology, Language and Literature, Education, Philosophy, Philology, Gerontology, Media Studies, Psychology, Art History and Sociology, containing original unpublished documentary or other material.

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(5) Tüm figürlerin (tablo, şekil, grafik, fotoğraf, resim, çizim ve haritaların) kullanımına metin ve sayfa bütünlüğünü bozmayacak şekilde yer verilmelidir. Figür yazısı, figürün altında 10 punto büyüklüğünde ve italik yazılmalıdır.

(6) Makalelerin e-posta yoluyla mjh@akdeniz.edu.tr ya da A4 boyutlu kâğıda basılı kopya ve dijital (CD-DVD) olarak gönderilmesi gerekmektedir.

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(9) Makalede en az 4, en fazla 6 anahtar kelime kullanılmalıdır.

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(11) Başvuru formunda, yazarın ad ve soyadıyla birlikte akademik unvanı, görev yaptığı kurumun adı, yazışma ve e-posta adresi, ORCID numarası, telefon ve varsa faks numaraları eksiksiz olarak belirtilmelidir.

(12) Dipnotlar metinde sayfa altında verilmeli, kaynakça bölümü makalenin sonunda yer almalı ve metinde kullanılan kısaltmalar burada açıklanmalıdır.

(13) Metinde kullanılan kaynaklar; Harvard stili referans verme sistemi baz alınarak oluşturulmuş derginin yazım ilkelerine, kısaltma ve dipnot ile bibliyografya verimine (yazar soyadı, yayın tarihi ve sayfa numarası, varsa levha, figür, no.) şeklinde kısaltma olarak verilmelidir, bir defa kullanılan yayınlar için de aynı kurala uyulması gerekmektedir (Bk. Yazım Kuralları).

(14) Latin alfabesiyle yazılmamış yayın isimleri gibi yazar isimleri de orijinal alfabesiyle yazılmalıdır.

(15) Makale içerisinde bulunan ara başlıklarda ilk harf hariç, küçük harf kullanılmalı ve koyu (bold) yazılmalıdır.

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(18) Yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen her makale, Baş Editör, Dergi Editörü ve Alan Editörleri tarafından incelenmektedir.

(19) Makaleler, ana editörlerin önerileri doğrultusunda Baş Editör tarafından seçilen en az iki hakem tarafından değerlendirilmekte ve yayım konusundaki kesin sonuç yazara üç ay içinde bildirilmektedir.

(20) Birbirini takip eden sayılarda aynı yazarın makaleleri art arda yayımlanamaz.

(21) Dergiye makale gönderen yazarın gerek kendi çalışmalarından (makale/kitap) gerek tez (Yüksek Lisans-Doktora) gerekse başka bir makalenin ya da kitabın bir kısmını kopyalaması ya da başka bir makalenin önemli bir bölümünü (atıf yapmadan) paraphrasing ile ifade etmesi veya başkaları tarafından yapılan araştırma sonuçlarını kendisine atfetmesi ayrıca hakemlik süreci devam eden makalelerin yayın sürecinden çekilmesi gibi her çeşit etik ve ahlaki olmayan gibi her çeşit etik olmayan yayıncılık davranışı dergi tarafından kabul edilemez. Böyle bir durum tespit edildiğinde ilgili yazar/ların söz konusu duruma istinaden Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi’nde 5 yıl süreyle herhangi bir yayın için başvuruda bulunmaya uygun olmadığı kabul edilir.

(22) Tezlerden yararlanılarak yazılmış makalelerde mutlaka makalelerin ilk dipnotunda ya da yazar künyesinin hemen altında hangi tez baz alınarak üretildiği belirtilmelidir.

(23) Dergide sempozyumlar için özel sayı yayımlanmamasına karar verilmiştir.

(24) Hazırlanan metin, başlık, öz ve bibliyografya hariç 7.500 kelimeyi (yak. 20 sayfa) geçmeyecek şekilde yazılmalıdır.

(25) Makalenin başlığıyla konusu, amacı, yöntemi, kapsamı ve ana problematiği uyum içinde olmalıdır.

(26) Makale yazımında genel kabul görmüş bilimsel ilke ve etik kurallarına uygun şekilde kaleme alınmalıdır.

(27) Makalelerdeki fikir ve sonuçlar yazarların şahsi görüşü olup doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak derginin görüşü niteliğini taşımaz.



Monografiler | Monographs
Özüdoğru Ş. 2020, Kibyra Kazı ve Araştırmaları Monografi Serisi I, KIBYRA: Kibyra Maior / Caesarea Cibyra. İstanbul. (Stil: Kaynakça)


Tek yazarlı kitaplar | Book by a single author
Goldsworthy A. 2020, Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors. New York.

İki ya da daha fazla yazarlı kitaplar | Book by two or more authors
Heckel W. & Yardley J. C. 2004, Alexander the Great, Historical Texts in Translation. Malden – Oxford.

Edit edilmiş kitapta bölüm | Chapter in an edited work
Matthews R. 2011, “A History of the Preclassical Archaeology of Anatolia”. Eds. S. R. Steadman & G. McMahon, The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. Oxford, 34-55.

Bir seride yayınlanmış kitaplar | Occasional publications
Jones D. W. 2021, Four Economic Topics for Studies of Antiquity: Agriculture, Trade, Population, and the Behaviour of Aggregate Economies (BAR IntSer 3018). Oxford.

Ek Yayınlar | Supplements
Durugönül S. 2007, Dağlık Kilikia’da Bir Antik Kent Kazısının Sonuçları – NAGIDOS / Results of an Excavation in an Ancient City in Rough Cilicia (Adalya Suppl 6). İstanbul.

Tez (Doktora & Yüksek Lisans) | Thesis-Dissertation (PhD & MA)
Coşkun-Abuagla A. 2012, Roma Dönemi Küçük Asya Procuratorleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi. Antalya.

Kongre-Sempozyum YayınlarıBurragato F., M. Nezza, A. F. Ferrazzoli & M. Ricci 2007, “Late Roman 1 Amphora Types Produced at Elaiussa Sebaste”. Eds. M. Bonifay & J. C. Treglia, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking, Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry 2. (BAR IntSer 1662). Marseille and Arles, 13-16 April 2005. Oxford, 689-700.

Kitap tanıtımları | Book reviews
Köker H. 2020, “The Storm before the Storm. The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic”. Yazar: M. Duncan, Libri VI, 361-363.

Dergi Kısaltması | Journal Abbreviations
MJH Mediterranean Journal of Humanities.
JRS Journal of Roman Studies.

Dergide makale | Journal article
Duggan T. M. P. 2015, “From Mid-October to the End of March – Voyaging in the Medieval Mediterranean”. Cedrus III, 277-310.

Popüler dergide yazı | Magazine article
Tassinari P. 2014, “Antik Dünyada Tıp ve Sağlık”. Aktüel Arkeoloji 24, 56-67.

DOI’si olan haftalık popüler dergide yazı
Hoff K. 2010, March 19, “Fairness in Modern Society”. Science, 327, 1467-1468. doi:10.1126/science.1188537

Bir yazarın aynı yılda yayınlanmış birden fazla yayınına atıf | Citation for an author with more than one cited publication within the same year
McGing B. C. 1986a, The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator King of Pontus. Leiden.
McGing B. C. 1986b, “The Kings of Pontus: Some Problems on Identity and Date”. RhM 129, 248-259.

Latin alfabesiyle yazılmamış yayın isimleri ya da yazar isimleri | Publication or author names unwritten with Latin alphabet
Τσαραβοπογλος A. N. 2019, “Η αρχαία πόλη της Χίου”. Horos 29, 124-144.

Referans yayınlar | Works of standard reference
Oberhummer E. 19702, “Bosporos (1)”. RE III/1, col. 741-757.

Çevirisi yapılmış yayınlar | Translated Works
Selz G. J. 2020, Sümerler ve Akadlar: Tarih: Toplum, Kültür. Çev. F. G. Gerhold, İstanbul.

Çeviri Makale | Translated Article
Oktan M. 2018, “Quintus Asconius Pedianus, Yüceliğe Hakaret Davasında Cornelius Savunması”. Libri IV, 251-313.

Basılı günlük gazetede haber-makale | Newspaper article
Şahin S. 25 Kasım 2000, “Kültürel Miras, Kültürel Kimlik ve Eskiçağ Bilimleri”. Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Bilim-Teknik Eki 714, 18-19.


DOI’si olan makale
Krueger R. F., Markon K. E. Patrick C. J. & Iacono W. G. 2005, “Externalizing Psychopathology in Adulthood: A Dimensional-Spectrum Conceptualization and its Implications for DSM-V”. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 114, 537-550. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.114.4.537

DOI’si olmayan makale
Marlowe P. Spade, S. & Chan C. 2001, “Detective Work and the Benefits of Colour Versus Black and White”. Journal of Pointless Research 11, 123-127.

Yalnızca bir veri tabanından erişilebilen makale
Liquor advertising on TV. 2002, January 18, Kaynak: http://factsonfile.infobasepublishing.com
Liquor advertising on TV. 2002, January 18, Issues and Controversies veri tabanından alınmıştır.

İnternetten yayımlananan dergide makale
McDonald C. & Chenoweth L. 2009, “Leadership: A Crucial Ingredient in Unstable Times”. Social Work & Society 7. Kaynak: http://www.socwork.net/2009/1/articles/mcdonaldchenoweth

İnternetten yayımlanan dergide yer alan 8 ya da daha çok yazarlı makale

Paradise S., Moriarty D., Marx C., Lee O. B., Hassel E., Thyme E. J., . . . Bradford J. 1957, July, “Portrayals of Fictional Characters in Reality-Based Popular Writing: Project Update”. Off the Beaten Path 7. Kaynak: http://www.newsletter.offthebeatenpath.news/otr/complaints.html

İnternetten yayımlanan gazete makalesi
T24 Bağımsız İnternet Gazetesi 2010, Aralık 14, Türk ve Kürt Evliliği Bitiyor mu?. Kaynak: http://t24.com.tr/haber/ kurt-ve-turk-evliligi-bitiyor-mu,116721. Erişim Tarihi: 08 Aralık 2014.

Yazarı belli olmayan makale

“Britain Launches New Space Agency”. 2010, March 24, Kaynak: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/technology/1031221/ britain-launches-new-space-agency

Yazarı ve tarihi olmayan makale (Wikipedia girdisi gibi)
“Harry Potter”. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. 28 Ağustos 2010 tarihinde şu kaynaktan alınmıştır: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/ index.php?title=Harry_Potter&oldid=380786432

Yıl ve yazarı belli olan sözlük ya da ansiklopedi girdisi
Çiftçi A. 2001, “Karakol Binaları”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi 24, 431-434. İstanbul.

Yıl ve yazarı belli olmayan sözlük ya da ansiklopedi girdisi
“Verisimilitude”. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary (11th ed.). Kaynak: http://www.merriamwebster.com/ dictionary/verisimilitude.

E-posta ya da görüşme/sohbet
Hasbahçe Çiçekçilik, (Sahibiyle Yapılan Görüşme). İstanbul: Göztepe, Kasım 2005.

CD’de yer alan kitap
Nix G. 2002, Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [CD]. New York, NY: Random House/Listening Library.

Kasette yer alan kitap
Nix G. 2002, Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr [Cassette Recording No. 1999-1999-1999]. New York, NY: Random House/Listening Library.

Gilby A. (Producer) & Schlesinger J. (Director) 1995, Cold Comfort Farm [Film]. Universal City, CA: MCA Universal.


Ael. Anim. (= Aelianus, De Natura Animalium)

Fr. (= Aelianus, Fragmenta)

Var. (= Aelianus, Varia Historia)

Ael. Arist. (= Aelius Aristides, Hioroi Logoi)

Isth. (= Isthmikos eis Poseidona)

Ael. Her. pros. cath. (= Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo-Herodianus, De Prosodia Cath­olica)

Aen. Tac. (= Aeneas Tacticus)

Aët. (= Aëtius)

Aiskhin. Fals. Leg. (= Aiskhines, De Falsa Legatione)

Ktes. (= In Ctesiphontem)

Aiskh. (= Aiskhylos)

Ag. (= Agamemnon)

Eum. (= Eumenides)

Per. (= Persai)

Pr. (= Prometheus Desmotes)

Suppl. (= Supplices)

Tr. (= Septem Contra Thebes)

Alex. Trall. Febr. (= Alexander Trallianus, de febribus Vermibus/epistula de ver­mibus )

Amm. Marc. (= Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum Libri)

Ampel. (= Lucius Ampelius, Liber Memorialis)

Andok. de Pac. (= Andokides, De Pace)

Androitas fr. (= Androitas, Fragmentum)

Anonymi (Arriani, ut Fertur)

Anth.Graec. (= Anthologia Graeca)

Antiph. fr. (= Antiphanes, Fragmenta)

App. (= Appianus, Rhomaika)

civ. (= Bella civilia)

Hann. (= Hannibalike)

Hisp. (= Hispaniensis)

Illyr. (= Illyrike)

Mac. (= Makedonike)

Mithr. (= Mithridateios)

Num. (= Nomadike)

Pun. (= Punike)

Samn. (= Samnitike)

Sic. (= Sikelike)

Syr. (= Syriake)

Apollod. bibl. (= Apollodoros, Bibliotheke)

Apoll. Rhod. argon. (= Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautica)

Apollon. frg. (= Apollonios; Aphrodisiensis, Karika. frg.)

Apul. Mund. (= Apuleius, De Mundo)

Arat. (= Aratus)

Aret. CD. (= Aretaeus, Chroniôn nousôn therapeutikon)

Aristeias epist. (= Aristeae, Epistula ad Philocratem)

Aristot. Ath. Pol. (= Aristoteles, Athenaion Politeia)

Fr. (= Fragmenta)

Gen. Anim. (= De Generatione Animalium)

Hist. an. (=Historia Animalium)

Mag. Mor. (= Magna Moralia)

Met. (= Meteorologica)

Meta. (= Metaphysica)

Mir. Ausc. (= Mirabilium Auscultationes)

Oik. (= Oikonomika)

pol. (= Politica)

Prob. (= Problemata)

Rhet. (= Tekhnes Retorikes)

Ypn. (= Ypnon Mantikes)

Aristoph. (= Aristophanes)

Akh. (= Akharnes)

Ekk. (= Ekklesiasouzai)

Ran. (= Scholia in Ranas)

Nub. (= Nubes)

Arnob. (= Arnobius Siccensis)

Arr. anab. (= Arrianus, Anabasis)

Bithy. frg. (= Bithynicorum fragmenta)

Ind. (= Historia Indika)

periplus (= Periplus Ponti Euxini)

Arus. (= Arusianus Messius)

Arkhestr. fr. (= Arkhestratos, Fragmenta)

Ascon. (= Q. Asconius Pedianus, Orationum Ciceronis Quinque Enar­ra­tio)

cont. Pis. (= In Senatu Contra L. Pisonem)

pro Scaur. (= Pro Scauro)

pro Corn. (= Pro Cornelio)

pro Mil. (= Pro Milone)

Tog. Cand. (= In Toga Candida)

Asklep. fr. (= Asklepiades, Fragmenta)

Ath. Deip. (= Athenaios, Deipnosophisticarum Epitome)

Aug. CD. (= Augustinus, De Civitate Dei)

Aur. Vic. de Ceas. (= Aurelius Victor, De Caesaribus)

Auct. Liber de Vir ill. (= Incerti Auctoris Liber, De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romae)

de Caes. (= De Caesaribus)

Av. Or. Ter. (= Avienus, Descriptio Orbis Terrae)

Caes. Gall. (= Caesar, De bello Gallico)

Bell. Alex. (= De bello Alexandrino)

civ. (= De bello Civili)

Cass. Chron. (= Cassiodorus, Chronica)

Cass. Dio (= Cassius Dio, Rhomaika)

Catull. (= Catullus)

Cato Agr. (= Marcus Porcius Cato, De Agri Cultura)

Orig. (= Origines)

Ced. Comp. Hist. (= Georgius Cedrenus, Compendium Historiarum)

Cels. Med. (= Celsus, De Medicina)

Christ. Epig. (= Christodorus, Epigrammata)

Cic. Acad. (= Cicero, Academica [= Lucullus])

ad Brut. (= Epistulae ad Brutum)

ad Herenn. (= Rhetorica ad Herrenium [sp.])

ad Q. fr. (= Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem)

Arch. (= Pro A. Licinio Archia Poeta Oratio)

Att. (= Epistulae ad Atticum)

Balb. (= Oratio pro Balbo)

Brut. (= Brutus)

Cat. (= In Catilinam)

Cluent. (= Pro A. Cluentio Habito Oratio ad Iudices)

de amic. (= Laelius de Amicitia)

de fin. (= De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum)

de nat. deor. (= De Natura Deorum)

de Or. (= de Oratore)

de prov. Cons. (= De Provinciis Consularibus)

Deiot. (= Oratio pro rege Deiotaro)

Div. in Caec. (= Divinatio in Q. Caecilium)

div. (= De divinatione ad M. Brutum)

dom. (= Oratio de Domo sua da pontifices)

Fam. (= Epistulae ad Familiares)

Flacc. (= Oratio pro L. Flacco)

Font. (= Oratio pro M. Fonteio)

har. resp. (= Oratio de Haruspicum Responsis)

leg. agr. (= De lege agraria)

Leg. Man. (= Pro Manilia or Oratio de Imperio Cn. Pompei)

Leg. (= De Legibus)

Marc. (= Pro Marcello)

Mil. (= Pro Milone)

Mur. (= Oratio pro L. Murena)

Off. (=De Officiis)

Orat. (= Orator)

Phil. (= Orationes Philippicae in M. Antonium)

Pis. (= In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio)

Planc. (= Pro Cn. Plancio)

Rab. Post. (= Pro C. Rabirio Postumo Oratio)

Red. Quir. (= Post Reditum ad Quirites)

Red. Sen. (= Post Reditum in Senatu)

Rep. (= De Re Publica)

Rosc. Amer. (= Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino)

Scaur. (= Pro M. Aemilio Scauro)

Sen. (= De Senectute)

Sest. (= Oratio pro P. Sestio)

Tusc. (= Tusculanarum Disputationum)

Vat. (= In Vatinium)

Verr. (= In Verrem)

Clem. Alex. prot. (= Clemens Alexandrinus, Protrepticus)

Const. Man. Comp. Chron. (= Constantinus Manasses, Compendium Chronicum)

Const. Porph. (= Constantinus VII Porphyrogenitus, Imperator)

de Ceri. (= De cerimoniis aulae Byzantinae)

de Insid. (= De Insidiis)

de legat. (= De Legationibus)

de Sent. (= De Sententiis)

de Them. (= De Thematibus)

Geopon. (= Geoponica)

Corn. Nep. Han. (= Cornelius Nepos, Hannibal)

Curt. (= Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historiarum Alexandri Magni Ma­ce­donis)

Dam. Isid. (= Damascius, Vita Isidori)

Deinarkh. Dem. (= Deinarkhos, In Demosthenem)

Demon fr. (= Demon, Fragmenta)

Dem. Alex. (= Demosthenes, Alexander)

Apat. (= Contra Apatourium)

Arist. (= In Aristocratem)

Cor. (= de Corona)

de fal. leg. (= De Falsa Legatione)

de Hal. (= De Halonneso)

de Pac. (= De Pace)

Ep. (= Epistulae)

Epist. Phil. (= In Epistulam Philippi)

Exord. (= Exordia)

Kher. (= De Chersoneso)

Lakr. (= Contra Lacritum)

Lept. (= Leptines)

Meid. (= In Meidiam)

Neaer. (= In Neaeram)

Olyn. (= Olynthiaka)

Phil. (= Philippica)

Polyk. (= Contra Polyclem)

Rhod. (= De Rhodiorum Libertate)

Steph. (=In Stephanum)

Didym. Dem. (= Didymus, In Demosthenem)

Diod. (= Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheke Historike)

Diog. Laert. (= Diogenes Laertios)

Dion. Byz. (= Dionysios Byzantios, Dionysii Anaplus Bospori)

Dion. Chr. Orat. (= Dionysos Chrysostomos, Orationes)

Dion. Hal. ant. (= Dionysios Hallikarnassos, Antiquitates Romanae)

amm. (= Ad Ammaeum)

Is. (= Isaios)

Isok. (= Isokrates)

Dion. Perieg. (= Dionysios, Periegesis)

Diph. fr. (= Diphilos, Fragmenta)

Donat. (= Donatus Terentius)

Dsc. Med. (= Dioscorides/Dioscurides Pedanius, De Materia Medica)

Eup. (= Euporista vel de sim­pli­cibus medicinis)

Enn. Ann. (= Ennius, Annales)

Epikt. Disc. (= Epiktetos, Discourses)

Etym. Magn. (= Etymologicum Magnum)

Eun. vit. Soph. (= Eunapius, Vitae Sophistarum)

Eur. Alc. (= Euripides, Alcestis)

Andr. (= Andromache)

Bakkh. (= Bakkhai)

fr. (= Fragmenta)

Hypsipyle (= Fragmenta Hypsipyles)

IT. (= Iphigenia in Taurica)

Med. (= Medeia)

Rhes. (= Rhesos)

Euseb. chron. (= Eusebios, Chronicorum)

de Laud. Const. (= De laudibus Constantini)

Exc. Barb. (= Excerpta Latina Barbari)

Chron. Synt. (= Chronographeion Syntomon)

Chron. Pasc. (= Chronicon Pascale)

Vit. Const. (= Vita Constantini)

Eust. Comm. in Dion. Per. (= Eustathius, Commentarium in Dionysii Periegetae Orbis Descriptionem)

Comm. ad Hom. Il. (= Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem)

Eutr. (= Eutropius, Brevarium ab urbe condita)

Evagr. Hist. eccl. (= Evagrius, Historia Ecclesiastica)

Excerpta Polyaeni Excerpta Polyaeni.

Exsuper. (= Iulius Exsuperantius)

Fest. Brev. (= Rufius Festus, Breviarium)

FGrHist (= Die fragmente der griechischen Historiker)

Flor. epit. (= Annius Florus, L. Annaei Flori Epitoma De Tito Livio Bellorum Omnium Annorum DCC Libri II)

Frontin. strat. (= Sextus Iulius Frontinus, Strategematon)

Front. (= Fronto)

Gal. de Antid. (= Galenus, De Antidotis Libri II)

de san. Tuend. (= De Sanitate Tuenda Libri VI)

Gell. (= Aulus Gellius, Noctae Atticae)

Geoponica (= Geoponica)

Georg. Mon. chron. brev. (= Georgius Monachus, Chronicon Breve)

Geor. Cedr. C. hist. (= Georgus Cedrenus, Compendium Historiarum)

Gyllius Bosp. (= Petrus Gyllius, De Bosporo Thracio Libri Tres: Quibus Re­liqua Anapli Fragmenta in Latinum Versa Continentur)

Harpok. lex. (= Harpokration, Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos)

Herodian. (= Herodianus, Ab Excessu Divi Marci)

Hes. theog. (= Hesiodos, Theogonia)

fr. (= Fragmenta)

Hdt. (= Herodotos, Historiae)

Hesykh. lex. (= Hesychius Alexandrinus, Lexicon)

Hesykh. Mil. Patr. Const. (= Hesychius Milesius, Patria Constantinopoleos)

fr. (= Fragmenta)

Hieron. chron. (= Eusebius-Hieronymus, Chronicon)

Him. dec. et or. (= Himerius, Declamationes et Orationes)

Hippokr. Aer. (= Hippokrates, Peri Aeron)

Hist. Aug. (= Scriptores Historiae Augustae)

Gall. (= Gallieni Duo)

Hadr. (= Hadrianus)

Prob. (= Probus)

Val. (= Valeriani Duo)

Hom. Il. (= Homeros, İlyada)

Od. (= Odysseia)

Honor. Art. Don. (= Honoratus, Artem Donati)

Hor. (= Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

Carm. (= Carmina)

Epist. (= Epistulae)

Hor. Odes (= Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Odes)

Hyg. fab. (= Hyginus, Fabulae)

Ioann. Anth. fr. (= Ioannes Antiochenus, Fragmenta)

Ioseph. Ant. Iud. (= Flavius Iosephus Historicus, Antiquitates Iudaicae)

Bell. Iud. (= Bellum Iudaium)

Cont. Ap. (= Contra Apionem)

Isid. Etym. (= Isidorus Hispalensis, Etymologiae)

Isok. Antid. (= Isokrates, Antidosis)

Areop. (= Aeropagiticus)

de Pac. (= de Pacem)

Panath. (= Panathenaicus)

Paneg. (= Panegyricus)

Phil. (= Philippus)

Plat. (= Plataicus)

Trap. (=Trapeziticus)

Iust. (= Marcus Iulianus Iustinus, M. Iuliani Iustini Epitoma Histo­ria­rum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi)

Iuv. Sat. (= Iunius D. Iuvenalis, Saturae)

Joan. Scyl. Syn. Hist. (= Joannes Scylitzes, Synopsis Historiarum)

Jos. Gen. Basil. (= Josephus Genesius, Basileiai)

Kallim. Dian. (= Kallimakhos, in Dianam)

hymn. del. (= in Delum)

Ksen. Anab. (= Ksenophon, Anabasis)

Cyr. (= Cyropaedia)

Hell. (= Hellenika)

Lake. polit. (=Lakedaimonion Politeia)

Lact. Inst. Div. (= L. Caelius Lactantius Firmianius, Divinarum Institutionum)

Lib. Or. (= Libanius, Orationes)

Licin. (= Granius Licinianus, Grani Liciniani Reliquiae)

Liv. (= Livius, Ab Urbe Condita)

perioch. (= Ab urbe condita librorum periochae)

Lucan. Bell. civ. (= M. Annaeus Lucanus, Bellum Civile)

Phar. (= Pharsalia)

Lucian. (= Lucianus)

Alex. (= Alexander)

Anachar. (= Anacharsis)

dial. deor. (= Dialogi Deorum)

Icar. (= Icaromenippus)

Marc. (= Macrobii)

Lucr. (= T. Lucretius, De Rerum Natura)

Lyd. de Mag. (= Ioannes Laurentius Lydus, De Magistratibus Populi Romani)

Lykop. Alex. (= Lykophron, Tragoediae Alexandra)

Lykurg. Leokh. (= Lykurgos, Oratio in Leocratem)

Lysias (= Lysias)

Macr. Sat. (= Macrobius, Saturnalia)

Malal. chron. (= Malalas, Chronographia)

Maneth. fr. (= Manetho, Fragmenta)

Mart. epigr. (= Martialis, Epigrammata)

Mela (= Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia)

Mem. (= Memnon)

Men. fr. (= Menandros, Fragmenta)

Sam. (=Samia)

Menipp. Periplus [fr.] (= Menippus, Periplus=Fragmenta)

Mic. Gyl. ann. (= Michael Glycis, Annales),

Mnaseas frg. (= Mneaseas, fragmenta)

Niceph. Hist. (= Nicephorus Gregoras, Historia Romana)

Nikolaos fr. (= Nikolaos, Fragmenta)

Nikostrat. fr. (= Nikostratos, Fragmenta)

Nonius (= Nonius)

Nonn. Dion. (= Nonnus, Dionysiaca)

Not. Dig. Or. (= Notitia Dignitarum, Oriens)

Obseq. Prodig. (= Iulii Obsequentis, Ab Anno Urbis Conditae DV Prodi­gi­orum Liber)

Orib. (= Oribasius)

Eclog. (= Eclogae Medicamentorum)

Syn. (= Synopsis ad Eustathium Filium)

Coll. Med. Reliq. (= Oribasii Collectionum Medicarum Reliquae)

Origen. Cont. Cel. (= Origenes Adamantius, Contra Celsum)

Oros. hist. (= Orosius, Historiarum adversus paganos libri VII)

Orphica argon. (= Orphica, Argonautica)

Ovid. Fast. (= Ovidius, Fasti)

Met. (= Metamorphoses)

Her. (= Heroides)

Pont. (= Epistulae ex Ponto)

Tri. (= Tristia)

Oxyrh. Pap. XIII (= Oxyrhynchus Papyri XIII)

Parthen. (= Parthenius)

amat. (= Narrationes Amatoriae)

poes. (= Poesis Reliquiae)

fr. (= Fragmenta et Tituli)

Patr. Const. parast. (= Patria Constantinopoleos, Parastaseis Suntomoi Kronikai)

Peripl. mar. Erythr. (= Anonymi Periplus Maris Erythraie)

Peripl. mar. Mag. (= Periplus Maris Magni)

Paul. Aeg. (= Paulus Aegineta)

Paus. (= Pausanias, Periegesis tes Hellados)

Petron. Sat. (= Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon)

Phaed. Fab. (= Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum)

Phil. (= Philostratus)

Phil. Imag. (= Philostratus “Maior”, Imagines)

vit. Apoll. (=Vita Apollonii)

Her. (= Heroicus)

vit. Soph. (= Vitae Sophistarum)

Philum. Ven. (= Philumenus, de Venenatis Animalibus)

Phylark. fr. (= Phylarkhos, Fragmenta)

Phleg. Fr. Hist. (= Phlegon Trallianus, Fragmenta Historica)

Phot. Bib. (= Photios, Bibliotheka)

Pind. Nem. (= Pindaros, Nemeian)

Pyth. (= Pythian)

Plat. Alk. (= Platon, Alkibiades)

Men. (= Meneksenos)

Nom. (= Nomoi)

Phaed. (= Phaidon)

Phaid. (= Phaidros)

Rep. (= Republica)

Plin. nat. (= G. Plinius Secundus “Yaşlı”, Naturalis Historia)

Plin. epist. (= G. Plinius Caecilius Secundus “Genç”, Epistulae)

Plut. (= Plutarkhos, Bioi Paralleloi)

Aem. (= Aemilius)

Agis (= Agis)

Alex. (= Aleksandros)

Alk. (= Alkibiades)

Ant. (= Antonius)

Arat. (= Aratus)

Arist. (= Aristeides)

Artaks. (= Artakserkses)

Brut. (= Brutus)

Caes. (= Caesar)

Cam. (= Camillus)

Cat. Mai. (= Cato Maior)

Cat. Min. (= Cato Minor)

Cic. (= Cicero)

Crass. (= Crassus)

Dem. (= Demetrios)

Eum. (= Eumenes)

Fab. (= Fabius Maximus)

Flam. (= Flaminius)

Galb. (= Galba)

Kim. (= Kimon)

Luc. (= Lucullus)

Luc-Kim. (= Lucullus-Kimon “Comp.”)

Lykur. (= Lykurgos)

Lys. (= Lysandros)

Lys-Sull. (= Lysandros-Sulla “Comp.”)

Mar. (= Gaius Marius)

Marc. (= Marcellus)

mor. (= Moralia)

Nik. (= Nikon)

Num. (= Numa)

Per. (= Perikles)

Perik. (= Perikles)

Phil. (= Philopoemen)

Phok. (= Phokion)

Pomp. (= Pompeius)

Pyrrh. (= Pyhrros)

Sert. (= Sertorius)

Sert.-Eum. (= Sertorius-Eumeses “Comp.”)

Sull. (= Sulla)

Them. (= Themistokles)

Tib. Gracch. (= Tiberius Gracchus)

Plut. mor. (= Plutarkhos, Moralia)

Poll. (= Pollux)

Polyain. Strat. (= Polyainos, Strategemata)

Pol. (= Polybios, Historiai)

Pomp. Trog. prolog. (= Pompeius Trogus, Prologues)

Porph. Abst. (= Porphyrius, De Abstinentia)

chron. (= Chronica)

Priscian. Inst. (= Priscianus, Institutionum Grammaticarum Libri)

Prok. (= Prokopios)

Aed. (= de Aedificiis)

anek. (= Historia arcana ‘† Anecdota’)

Bell. (= de Bellis)

Prop. eleg. (= Sextus Propertius, Elegiae)

Ps.-Dsc. Alex. (= Dioscorides/Dioscurides Pedanius, De venenis eorumque praecautione et medicatione –† Alexipharmaca–)

Ther. (= De iis, quae virus ejacu­lan­tur, animalibus libellus, in quo et de rabioso cane –† Theri­aca–)

Ps.-Kallist. (= Pseudo Kallisthenes)

Ps.-Kodin. Patr. Const. (= Pseudo-Codinus, Patria Constantinopoleos)

Ps.-Lucian. Dem. encom. (= Pseudo Lucianus, Demosthenis encomium)

Ps-Plut. de fluv. (= Pseudo Plutarkhos, De Fluviis)

Ps.-Skymnos (= Pseudo Skymnos, Ad Nicomedem Regem)

Ps.-Sym. chron. (= Pseudo-Symeon, Chronographia)

Ptol. geogr. (= Claudios Pto­lemaios, Geographika Hyphege­gis)

Publ. Syr. Sent. (= Publilius Syrius, Sententiae)

Quadratus (= Quadratus)

Quint. Inst. (= Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, Institutio Oratoria)

Quint. Smyr. (= Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica)

Sall. Catil. (= Sallustius, Bellum Catilinae)

Hist. (= Historiae)

Iug. (= Bellum Iugurtinum)

Schol. Aesch. Pr. (= Scholia in Aeschinem, Prometeus)

Schol. Aesch. (= Scholia in Aeschinem)

Schol. Apoll. Rhod. argon. (= Scholia in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica)

Schol. Aristoph. sch. Akharn. (= Scholia in Aristophanem, Acharnenses)

Schol. Dem. (= Scholia in Demosthenem)

Schol. Dion. Byz. Bosp. (= Scholia in Dionysii Byzantii, Per Bosporum Navigationem)

Schol. Eur. (= Scholia in Euripidem)

Schol. Gronov. (= Scholia Gronoviana)

Schol. Hom. Il. (= Scholia in Homerum, Ilias)

Schol. Hom. Od. (=Scholia in Homerum, Odyssea)

Schol. Kallim. Jov. (Hymn. 1) (= Scholia in Callimachum, In Jovem ‘Hymn.1’)

Schol. Lycophr. (= Scholia in Lycophronem)

Sen. Contr. (= Seneca, Controversiae)

Dial. (= Dialogi)

Ep. (= Epistles)

Her. Oet. (= Hercules Oetaeus)

Med. (= Medea)

QNat. (= Naturales Quaestiones)

Serv. Aen. (= Maurus Servius Honoratus, In Vergilii Aeneidos Libros)

Georg. (= In Vergilii Georgicon Libros)

Sid. Carm. (= Apollinaris Sidonius, Carmina)

Sisenna hist. (= L. Cornelius Sisenna, Historiae)

Sil. pun. (= Silius Italicus, Punica)

Skylaks (= Skylaks, Periplus Scylacis)

Sok. HE. (= Sokrates, Historia Ecclesiastica)

Sol. Coll. Mem. (= Gaius Iulius Solinus, Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium)

Steph. Byz. Ethnika (= Stephanos Byzantios, Ethnika)

Str. (= Strabon, Geographika)

Suda (= Suda-Suidas, Suidae Lexicon)

Suet. (= Suetonius, De Vitae Caesarum)

Aug. (= Augustus)

de gramm. (= De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus)

Iul. (= Divius Iulius)

Ner. (= Nero)

Tib. (= Tiberius)

Sozom. Hist. Eccl. (= Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus, Historia Ecclesiastica)

Stat. Silv. (= P. Papinius Statius. Silvae)

Stat. Theb. (= P. Papinius Statius, Thebais)

Sulpit. (= Sulpitius Severus)

Sym. Logoth. chron. (= Symeon Logothetes, Chronicon)

Tac. ann. (= Tacitus, Annales)

germ. (= Germania)

hist. (= Historia)

Tert. Apol. (= Tertullianus, Apologeticus)

Theoc. Idyl. (= Theocritus, Idyllia)

Theoph. chron. (= Theophanes, Chronographia)

Theophr. hist. plant. (= Theophrastos, Historia Plantarum)

de lapid. (= De Lapidibus)

Thuk. (= Thukydides)

Tz. Hist. (= Tzetzes, Historiarum variarum chiliades)

Val. Flac. (= C. Valerius Flaccus, Argonauticon)

Val. Max. (= Valerius Maximus, Facta et dicta memorabilia absoluti, ambusiti, damnati, externi)

Vales. Orig. (= Valesius, Origo Constantini Imparatoris)

Var. ling. (= Marcus Terentius Varro, De Lingua La­ti­na)

R. (= De Re Rustica)

Veg. mil. (= Vegetius Renatus, Epitoma rei militaris)

Vell. (= Velleius Paterculus, Historia Romana)

Verg. (= Vergilius)

Aen. (= Aeneis)

Ecl. (= Eclogue)

Georg. (= Georgica)

Buc. (= Bucolica)

Vit. Arat. genus (= Vitae Arati et Varia de Arato, Arati Genus)

Vitr. de Arch. (= Vitruvius, De Architectura)

Zon. epit. hist. (= Ioannes Zonaras, Epitome Historiarum)

Zos. (= Zosimos, Historia Nova)



The Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH) is the annual publication of the Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters is published in June. The journal accepts articles written in: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian in addition to Turkish. MJH is an academic peer-reviewed journal accepting articles on: Mediterranean Culture, Anthropology, Archaeology, Language and Literature, Education, Philosophy, Philology, Gerontology, Media Studies, Psychology, Art History and Sociology, containing original unpublished documentary or other material.


Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH)

Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH) is an international electronic journal which does not disclose either the authors submitting articles to the journal or the referees who evaluate the articles as the experts of the field through a double-blind peer review process without compromising on the principles of transparency and justice, which are the most delicate elements of the publication and review process. It is also an open access journal which gives an undertaking to provide a universal platform prioritising publication ethics.

The peer review process of an article submitted to Mediterranean Journal of Humanities begins by being sent to two expert referees within the scope of the double-blind peer review process. The article is accepted if both referees present positive opinions. Should the referees present negative opinions, the process of rejecting the work is applied. Should one of the blind referees evaluate the article as positive and the other as negative then the article is sent to a third referee. According to the final decision, the acceptance or the refusal of the article is reported to the author together with the reasoned reports of the referees. Subsequently, the editorial process begins. In line with this the author is asked to make the necessary amendments on the article (if not applied in advance) with regard to the publication principles formed on the basis of the Harvard style as well as to the abbreviations, citations in footnotes and bibliography. In addition to this, he or she should the probable/necessary amendments stated by the referees and provide the necessary reasons, supplying examples if he or she does not agree to apply the amendments which have been requested. After this addendum and corrigendum process, the article is read by the proofreaders of the journal several times. Afterwards, the reading process carried out by the journal editors and the editor in-chief is completed. After that, the MJH publication format is applied by the publication editors and the article is submitted to the approval of the editor-in-chief. Following the evaluation of the editor-in-chief, the final version of the article is sent to the author for his or her approval and is included in the publication process of the relevant issue.

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Submitting Articles and Authorship

The articles submitted by the authors are expected to be in accordance with the objectives, aims and scope of the Mediterranean Journal of Humanities. In addition, authors should submit a statement explaining in which way their article complies with the content of the journal, either verbally or in writing. The articles submitted to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the journal publication principles formed on the basis of the Harvard style (see: Publication principles). Otherwise, it would be an unnecessary waste of time and energy. Authors should not send their articles to another journal to be published simultaneously. Should the MJH Journal be informed of such a malpractice/process – and one of our colleagues was caught in such an undesirable position – the aforesaid author would not be allowed to publish any article in the journal for 5 years. The same process is also applied to authors who withdraw their articles after the peer review process and the necessary amendments have been completed.

The articles submitted to the MJH Journal should not be published or applications sent for publishing in any other journal either in the same or a similar form. Moreover, the identical parts of an MA or PhD Dissertation may not be published as an article in the journal. A similarity rate of %15 to %20, excluding the bibliography, is allowed on condition that proper quotation and citations are provided. Should the similarity score exceed this percentage, the article cannot be published.

The MJH Journal publishes common articles written by a maximum of three joint authors. Should the article be written by more than three authors, the article only undergoes the editorial evaluation on condition that each author clearly explains which part was written by him/her and the reasons for this, in a reasoned statement.


The Publishing Policy and the administration of unethical publication

The publisher with the aid of the editors carries out the necessary examinations and investigations in order to determine the articles which are a subject for malpractice. Should any malpractice be detected, the publisher would take necessary precautions to prevent it being publishing. Neither the administrative board nor the editors encourage or permit any type of malpractice.

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Publication Decisions

Editors ensure that all applications undergo a swift and just editorial process. Even if the peer-review process is affirmative, the editor in-chief takes all responsibility relating to the article which will be published in the Mediterranean Journal of Humanities. Thus, whether the article is accepted or not depends on the decision of the editor in-chief.

However, it must be highlighted that any article review process of which the result is negative or which does not undergo the review process cannot be published in the journal under any circumstances.


Editors evaluate submitted articles in terms of its problem, authenticity, quality and intellectual content rather than its author, institution or political tendencies. Editors should not be affected by other factors such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political opinion and personal disputes. Should editors state their concerns about an article and examine the subject and find any evidence of abuse of research or publication, they will take action immediately.


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Reporting Standards

Authors are expected to make necessary endeavours to control and verify the publication process. All information provided by the author should be stated as being produced by the author and being accurate

The authors of the results of survey studies or the inter-disciplinary authors of the excavation reports should present a correct narration of the studies which have been carried out, as well as an objective discussion of their importance. The findings which have been revealed in the studies carried out that year should be stated correctly, in these types of preliminary examinations. The expressions stated and the findings set forth here should be able to be utilised as references in the scientific studies carried out by other researchers who are interested in the subject matter and their colleagues, as well as containing sufficient details and references which they can refer to. The authors are required to provide information concerning the methodologies of research they have used in the matters they are discussing. This is especially valid where biological materials, in the anthropological, zoological, floral and faunal sense have been collected and used in the study. Any unethical behaviour, in the form of the use of dishonest or knowingly incorrect expressions by the authors in their articles will not be accepted by the administrators of the journal and such studies will not be published in the journal.

Authenticity and Plagiarism

Where necessary, the authors may be required to provide the raw data of their studies for an editorial control and, if applicable, their data should be ready to be made public. In any event, subject to the protection of the confidentiality of the participants and the prevention of release of legal rights in connection with registered data, the authors should ensure that this data is accessible to other authorised professionals for a period of 10 years following publication (preferably through an institutional or subject based data store or other data centre).

The authors should be certain that they have written and sent only original works, and if they have used the works and / or expressions of others, should specify these in the appropriate manner, with the necessary references. The authors may only send original works to the journal and quote the works and / or statements of others by specifying so in the appropriate manner. The publications and periodicals which were effective in determining the characteristics of the quoted study should also be stated. No forms of unethical publishing behaviour, such as the copying of any part of a different article, book, study or thesis (Master’s – Doctorate Degree thesis) either of the author’s own work or the work of anyone else, the stating (paraphrasing) of a significant part of another article without showing references, or the self-accrediting of the results of the studies carried out by others, will be accepted by the administrators of the journal. Where articles have been written by utilising theses, the thesis on which the article is based must be stated in the first footnote of the article or immediately underneath the identity of the author.

Articles sent to the Mediterranean Journal of Humanities should be original and not plagiarised. All articles sent to the journal will be checked for plagiarism using software such as Turnitin and iThenticate. If the similarity index (SI) of the article is above 20%, apart from in the introduction, materials and methods, tables and references sections and the bibliography of the article, it will be returned to the relevant author for revision, in order for the SI to be reduced to less than 20%. In this sense, the first stage of the article will be concluded with the study being rejected. In the event that any plagiarism or abuse is determined and this is proven after the article has been published, the article will immediately be removed and taken off the website. It will then be deemed that any applications by the relevant author(s) to the Mediterranean Journal of Humanities are not suitable for acceptance for a period of 5 years, as a result of this.

Acceptance of Sources

The author(s) should be certain that he/she/they has/have understood the works of other correctly when citing references to them and also cite references to the publications which have been effective in determining the characteristics of the referenced works. Information which has been obtained privately (conversations, written communications or discussions with third parties) should not be used or reported in the study without obtaining express written permission from the source. Authors should not use the information obtained through the provision of confidential services, such as applications for arbitration for handwritten manuscripts or grants, unless they have obtained the express permission of the authors involved in such services. The list of abbreviations related to the ancient sources used in the article and the standard and periodic publications used in the texts is shown in the relevant tabs in the publication principles of the journal website.

Article Writing

Authors who meet these writing criteria should be listed in the article to ensure that they take responsibility in the public domain. First of all, the authors must have made significant contributions to the correct understanding, design, conduct, obtaining of data or analysis / interpretation of the study. Secondly, authors are expected to ensure that the work they have prepared has been critically revised for significant intellectual content, contains general assessments on the subject matter, enlightens problems in the light of examples, synthesises, sets forth hypothetical ideas or brings analytical solutions to the subject. Thirdly, the authors should have seen, checked and approved the final version of the article, as well as having accepted that the article will be published in that particular edition of the journal and signed a declaration on copyright. Any other individuals who have made a significant contribution to the work (technical support, support with authoring and editing, general support, unnecessary acknowledgements, etc.), but who do not meet the writing criteria should not be listed as authors, and should be stated in the “notifications” section after having obtained written permission. This should especially be written in the relevant areas of the reports where annual assessments are made concerning Archaeological Excavations and Surface Studies and above the sections related to the names of the academicians working in the disciplines, with the identity details and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number of the author being given in the footnote section, immediately below it.

The relevant author should ensure that all appropriate joint authors (according to the definition set out above) and inappropriate joint authors are not included in the list of authors and verify that all joint authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and agreed to it being published. Applications to the journal should only be made once these approvals have been obtained.

Multiple, Unnecessary and Simultaneous Publications

In general, an article which presents studies which are fundamentally the same should not be published in more than one journal. The submission of the same article to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and cannot be accepted. Moreover, withdrawal of articles publishing process of which are still continuing, whether with a justified reason or not, will also be evaluated within this scope. They result in the loss of additional time and energy for the journal and referees. Therefore, it will be deemed that any applications by the relevant author(s) to the Mediterranean Journal of Humanities are not suitable for acceptance for a period of 5 years.

Articles which have been published as materials which are protected under copyright elsewhere cannot be submitted to the journal. In addition to this, any articles which have been examined by the journal should not be re-submitted to publications which are protected under copyright. Authors only protect the publication rights of published materials by submitting articles. They permit the use of their studies under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. This license entitles all parties to copy, share and redistribute all the articles, data sets, figures and supplementary files published in this journal in search engines, web sites, blogs and other digital platforms under the condition of providing references.

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Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest (if any), which can be interpreted as possibly having an effect on their conclusions or inferences in the article, as early as possible, in particular by adding an explanatory note at the time of submission and by making a statement to that effect in the article. Examples of any potential conflicts of interest which need to be disclosed are complimentary teaching or other forms of financing, participation in speakers rostrums, memberships, employment, consultancy, share ownerships or other interests related to shares, statements made by specialists in return for a fee, patent licensing arrangements, personal or professional relationships, related parties, non-financial matters, such as information or beliefs or the materials being discussed in the article. All sources of financial support for the study should be disclosed (including grant numbers or other reference numbers if any). If the study is supported by any national / international bursaries or by a project, this should also be stated with a relevant footnote, at the start of the article.

Risks and Human or Animal Related Subjects

Where studies involve chemicals, procedures or equipment which constitute extraordinary dangers when used, the authors should state this in their articles. Where studies involve use by animals or human participants and experiments related to these, the authors must ensure that all procedures are in accordance with relevant laws and institutional directives and that the relevant institutional committees have approved these. A statement to this effect should be written in the introduction to the article. The authors should also have informed human participants regarding the content of the experiments to be carried out and include a statement to the effect that their approval has been obtained, in the article. The rights of confidentiality of the human participants should always be protected within the article.

In accordance with national and international index criteria, as of 2020 Ethics Committee Permissions are required in order for articles possessing the following characteristics (in general) to be published in the MJH Journal:

The use of humans and animals (including material and data related to them) for experimental and other scientific purposes;
Clinical research carried out on humans;
Research carried out on animals;
All types of studies conducted with quantitative or qualitative approaches requiring the collection of data from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, experiments and discussion techniques;
Retrospective studies, in accordance with the legislation concerning the protection of personal data.

Blind Reviews

Authors are required to respond immediately to any requests for raw data, explanations, ethics approvals and copyright permissions by the editors, and to participate in blind reviews and cooperate in full. Where an initial decision has been made that “revision is necessary”, authors should provide systematic and timely answers to the comments of referees and re-submit their articles to the journal by the final due date, after having reviewed them.

Involvement in the same edition of the MJH Journal as both a blind referee and an author is not permitted. The articles of any authors who are employed as blind referees in the edition which is to be published cannot be published in the same edition. Similarly, the editorial group of the MJH Journal may not appoint an author in one edition of the journal as a blind referee in the same edition.

Fundamental Errors in Unpublished Works

Where authors have discovered significant errors or mistakes in their own works, which have been published, they have an obligation to notify the editors or published of the journal immediately and to cooperate with them to correct or retract the article. Where editors or the publisher learn from a third party that a study which has been published contains significant errors or mistakes, the authors have an obligation to prove to the editors that the said information is correct, or to correct or retract the article, immediately. Under these circumstances, if the article has not been placed on national and international indices, or sent to the publishing house for publication, or where any revisions or corrections would not constitute any problems, the editors may correct important errors and mistakes in the study.

Data Access and Storage

Authors may be required to provide the raw data of their studies for an editorial control and, if applicable, their data should be ready to be made public. In any event, subject to the protection of the confidentiality of the participants and the prevention of release of legal rights in connection with registered data, the authors should ensure that this data is accessible to other authorised professionals for a period of 10 years following publication (preferably through an institutional or subject based data store or other data centre). Authors should only send notifications concerning studies which have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and which abide by all the relevant regulations.


Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Referee reports assist the editor in the making of editorial decisions at the stage where the article is being assessed. At the same time, the editor may also assist the author to improve the article. The editor may share any inconsistencies in the narrative of the subject of the article, the fluidity of the language of the narrative, grammatical mistakes and errors in the terminology with the author, providing advice in this way. Similarly, the editor may also warn the author about any methodological, logical or speculative errors in the study and any problems with the article. The editor may guide the author on matters such as consistency / inconsistency between the title and content of the work and situations where the author has diverged from the focus and main problem of the study.

The MJH Journal expressly declares that it has an obligation to carry out a fair assessment of all articles submitted to the journal by all academicians who wish to make a contribution to the cultural and historical accumulation and the scientific process regarding the Mediterranean Basin.


Articles which have been received for examination should be treated as confidential documents by double-blind referees. Unless permission has been given by the Executive Editor who is to perform this, in only exceptional and special circumstances, referees may not disclose or discuss studies which have been received to be examined, with anyone else. This is also valid for referees who have not accepted the invitation to examine articles.

Standards of Objectivity

Examinations in the journal are carried out in an objective manner. Any persona or unnecessary criticism of the author is not appropriate. Referees should express their views clearly, with a supporting argument.

Acceptance of Sources

The referees and the editorial team should define the relevant studies which have been published, but not stated or overlooked by the authors. Any expressions to the effect that an observation, derivation or independent variable has been reported previously should be provided together with the relevant reference.

Should a referee find a significant similarity or overlap with other published works related to the published article, by taking into consideration anything overlooked by the editors, he/she may notify the editors of the journal on this matter, in a clear manner. The administrators of the journal will only be happy to receive such notifications.

Explanations and Conflicts of Interest

Privileged information or ideas which have been obtained through double-blind reviews will be kept confidential by the administrators of the journal. They cannot be used for personal gain under any circumstances. This is also valid for referees who have not accepted the invitation to examine articles. Academicians should not assess the work where they have joint interests or a conflict of interest with the authors, companies or organisations related to the article, through competition, cooperation or other relationships or ties. They should also notify the relevant editors concerning the said circumstances, immediately.


Neither the editors, nor the editorial committee, nor the administrators of the MJH Journal can be held responsible for any of the views of the authors or the content of any of the articles published in the journal. Authenticity, the reading of the articles and individual errors are the responsibility of the authors. All articles submitted for publication to MJH: Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, for the purposes of examination, research, complication, critique, etc., will be subjected to double-blind reviews in connection with authenticity, ethical matters and beneficial contributions. The decisions of the referees are the final and sole vehicle for the articles to be published in the journal.

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