Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1/31/25

Year: 2025

Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education is an open access- no publication fee journal published by Kilis 7 Aralık Universtiy Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education. The aim of the journal is to serve the individuals of all countries for publication with a modern and scientific understanding. The journal accepts articles related to the education and highly encourages academicians, teachers, education leaders, and researchers to submit their valuable works. 

Studies in all fields of education are covered by the Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education (JMRFE).



The title of the article should be justified, 12 point, bold, Cambria font and the first letter of each word should be capitalized except for the conjunctions. In articles written in Turkish, the English title of the article should be included in the same format. If there are special cases related to the article, such as being produced from the thesis, presented at a conference or produced within the scope of a project, it should be written with a footnote starting with (*). This will be done after the article is accepted. Authors should not include such a footnote at the time of submission, as this may lead to an estimate of their identity. Article arrival, acceptance, online first and publication dates will be added and, Turkish and English references will be revised according to the APA 6 conventions by the editors after the acceptance process. Therefore, in the first stage, these fields should be left empty in the template.

After the acceptance of the study, the author (s) name of the study should be written in centered, bold, 11 point, Cambria font, surname in capital letters and centered. If the number of authors is more than one, they will be written in the order specified by the authors. Along with the title (s) of the author (s), full name of the place of work, city-country information and e-mail address, should be indicated with footnotes (*) paired with the author's name or names under the title and should be included in the footnote at the bottom of the first page of the article. This addition will be done after the article is accepted. Authors should not include such a footnote at the time of submission, as this may lead to an estimate of their identity.

Annotations for footnotes: If the study has been presented as a paper in any scientific activity, the footnote icon (*) should be placed in the title of the article, and the name, place and date of the activity should be indicated at the bottom of the first page of the article. If the study has been supported by any research institution or fund, the footnote symbol (*) should be placed in the title of the article, and the name of the sponsor, the number of the project and the date of completion should be indicated at the bottom of the first page. If the study has been produced from graduate theses, then the title of the thesis, the name of the supervisor and the date of the completion should be placed at the bottom of the first page by placing a footnote symbol (*) in the title of the article. All information in the footnotes should be in Palatino Linotype font, non-typed and 10 font size.

Studies can be prepared and sent in Turkish and English languages. There should be a abstract in Turkish and English on the first page of each study prepared in Turkish or English. Abstract should be written in Cambria font, 10 font size and written in single column and justified in the field specified in the template, not exceeding 200 words. References should not be cited in the abstract. Below each abstract, there should be 3-5 keywords that describe the study.

Main section titles (first level titles) should be numbered with numerals and written in Cambria font, 11 font size, bold, left justified and all must be in capital letters. Subheadings (second level headings) should be written in Cambria font, 11 font size, bold, left justified, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. The third level headings should be written in Cambria, 11 font size, bold, italic, left justified and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. The paragraphs in the text should include at least three sentences and 1,15 line space should be left between the paragraphs. Likewise, 1,15 line space should be given before and after the headings. There should be no indentation throughout the article, and the spacing values before and after the paragraphs should be 0. APA 6 writing style should be used for in-text citations, tables, figures and bibliography.

The main sections in the manuscript should be:
  • METHOD ( Universe and sample / Working Group / Participants / Subjects (only one of them),  Data collection method (s) / techniques / tools, Analysis of data)

However, according to the methodology used in the studies, authors can create additional sections or sub-sections. Main text should start with "1. INTRODUCTION". METHOD, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION parts should not be started on a new page, but should be the subsequent part of the main text. In presenting frequently used statistical techniques, statistical values should be included in the sentences based on APA 6 guidelines. Additionally, author (s) may make use of the tables and figures where appropriate. The whole manuscript should be written according to APA 6 writing style. In Turkish articles, Turkish Language Association's dictionaries and spelling guide should be taken into consideration and Turkish words should be used as much as possible. When using the Turkish equivalent of the concept / term in a foreign language specific to the field, the foreign language equivalent should be given in parentheses where the relevant concept / term is first used.

Figures can be placed as centered, where appropriate, and they should not exceed the margins for written parts. In-text references should be made to the figure and, where possible, the figure should be explained. A figure title with numerals should be placed under each figure; the same numbering should continue throughout the article and be written in accordance with the APA 6 writing style. Figure captions should be written in Cambria font style, 11 font size, Figure titles are in Cambria font, 11 font size, centered, and the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. If a source is used in figure title, the source information should be added in parentheses. If the figure includes text, it can be written in Cambria font style and 11 font size.

Tables should be left aligned and all the text in the tables should be written in Cambria font style. The title of the table should be in 11 font size and below the table number; and only the first letter of every word should be capitalized. APA 6 writing style should be used for the tables. Tables should be cited by specifying the number of tables in the text and they should be interpreted after the table. Tables should be placed in the text where they are used or on the following page. Related notes and references can be indicated at the bottom of the table after the “Note:” or “Source:" indicators.

At the end of the article, references should be given according to APA 6 writing style before any appendices. All references should be written by using Cambria font style, 11 font size, before and after the paragraph values of "0", justified, 1,15 line spacing, with no indentation. There should be a single line spacing between each reference. It should be ensured that each reference in the references part is referred from the text, and that every reference used in the text is also included in the reference part.

If the author(s) need it, they can create an appendices section after the bibliography and before the extended abstract. The appendices to be given in this section must be cited within the article. If more than one appendix is used, it can be numbered. The attachments to be included in the appendices should be in a way not to disrupt the integrity if they are given in the article. The elements that can be given in tables or figures should not be included in the Appendices.

Not all details about an article work are specified here in the “Writing Rules “. More information about formatting is included in the template file, which should be used for studies to be submitted to the journal. If the information given here contradicts the information in the template file, it should be based on the template file. In order to prepare the works according to the spelling rules of the journal, the template file should be used. If writing is completed in another file, it is recommended to transfer the contents of the file to the template file. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the template will be returned to the authors during the stylistic control stage. Please use JMRFE Turkish Template for your studies prepared in Turkish and JMRFE English Template for your studies prepared in English. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Articles should be prepared in accordance with the APA 6 Publication Manual (

Open Access Policy


Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to users and institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full-text of articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author/s as long as acknowledge the original author/s and journal name as stated in CC-BY-NC-ND license from Creative Commons. The journal «Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education» provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education fully agrees with the Budapest Open Access Initiative. For more information about the Budapest Open Access, please clickFull-text access to scientific articles of the journal is presented on the official website in the Archives section.


Creative Commons License


Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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Publication Ethics and Principles

Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education complies with the ethical rules in the acceptance and publication of manuscripts. iThenticate program is used to check plagiarism. Manuscripts with more than 20 percent excerpt and overlapping with other publications without proper citation are not reviewed and immediately rejected.

Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education accepts Publication Ethics guidelines of

1. The Council of Higher Education in Turkey (CHEd):

Article 4 - (1) Actions contrary to scientific research and publishing ethics are:

a) Plagiarism: to show others' original ideas, methods, data or works as part of or completely their own work without reference to the scientific rules,

b) Fraudulent: To use data that is not actually existent or falsified in scientific research,

c) Distortion: To falsify the research records or obtained data, to show that the devices or materials not used in the research are used, to distort or shape the research results in the favor of the support persons and organizations,

ç) Re-publication: To submit duplicate publications as separate publications in academic appointment and promotion,

d) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate publications in academic assignments and ascensions by disaggregating the research results in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research,

e) Unfair authorship: To include non-active contributors among writers, to include authors, to change the author sequence in an unjustified and improper way, to remove the names of active contributors from the works in later prints,

(2) Other types of ethical violations are:

a) Not to mention the persons, institutions or organizations that support the researches carried out by the support and the contributions thereof,

b) Using theses or works which have not yet been submitted or defended as a source without the permission of the owner,

c) Failing to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in publications,

ç) Contrary to the provisions of the relevant legislation in human biomedical research and other clinical trials,

d) To share the information contained in a work that has been commissioned for review with others before it is published without the explicit permission of the owner of the work,

e) to use the resources, facilities, facilities and devices provided or separated for scientific research purposefully,

f) To be unfounded, unintentional and deliberate in the name of an ethical violation,

g) To publish the data obtained without consulting the participants in the surveys and attitudes research conducted within the scope of a scientific study or, if the research is conducted in an institution, without obtaining the permission of the institution,

h) To harm animal health and ecological balance in researches and experiments,

ı) Not to receive written permission from the authorized units in research and experiments, which must be taken before starting work.

i) Legislation or engage in research and experimental work in contravention of the provisions of international conventions on related research and experiments which Turkey is a party.

j) Fail to comply with the obligation of researchers and authorities to inform and warn about the possible harmful applications related to the scientific research conducted,

k) To not use the data and information obtained from other persons and institutions in the scientific studies in the extent and in the manner allowed, to observe and protect the confidentiality of this information,

l) Incorrect or misleading biographical information on scientific research and publications in academic assignments and upgrades, not to be evaluated as a recurrent science research and publications.

2. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
Authors of Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education must confirm the following:

Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s).
Submitted manuscripts should not be previously published.
It is unethical to submit a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.
Any conflict of interest must be clearly stated.
Should any error be discovered in the manuscript after submission, the author(s) must swiftly communicate to the Editor about the corrections done.

Reviewers of Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education must confirm the following:

All manuscripts are fairly reviewed based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of author(s)
The reviews will be objective and constructive, refrained from being hostile or inflammatory and from making libelous or derogatory personal comments.
They have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper assessment, and they assess the manuscripts promptly.
Should any conflict of interest be observed during the review process, they must be communicated to the Editor.
All information about the manuscript is kept confidential.
Information obtained during the peer-review process will not be used for their own or any other person's or organization’s advantage, or to disadvantage or discredit others.
Any information that may be the reason for the rejection of publication of a manuscript must be communicated to the Editor.

Editors of Journal of Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education must confirm the following:

All manuscripts are fairly evaluated based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of the author(s).
Information about the manuscripts are kept confidential
Should any conflict of interest about the manuscripts be observed, they must be disclosed.
The Editorial Board takes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer's evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board and legal restraint acting against plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.

Please click to access COPE's publication ethics directive.

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