Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

The aim of Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences is to contribute to science by publishing high-quality publications of scientific significance. For this purpose, original research articles, reviews, case presentations, and letters to the editor in all areas related to basic or expanded clinical experience in the field of health sciences are published. Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to publish articles in all relevant scientific fields and is published online in June and December.

The journal focuses on original research in the field of Social and Political Sciences. Works must describe original data that have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English, and Turkish works must include an expanded abstract in English. Manuscripts considered appropriate for submission according to the submission rules and scope of the journal are sent to at least two expert reviewers for scientific evaluation. In the case of acceptance by one reviewer and rejection by another, a third reviewer is invited. The Editorial Board of  Necmettin Erbakan University Jornal of the Faculty of Political Sciences, which discusses the appropriateness, then takes into account the comments of the reviewers for each submission. The final decision on publication/non-publication for all submitted articles rests with the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board of Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences commits to complying with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Subject Category: Social Sciences
Scientific Fields: Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Labor and Social Security Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, Econometrics, Finance, Applied Sciences
Keywords: Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Labor and Social Security Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, Econometrics, Finance, Applied Sciences

Publication Language
Full Text Publication Language:
• Primary Language: Turkish
• Secondary Language: English
Content Written in English and the Latin Alphabet:
• Article Title: Turkish & English
• Author Name: Turkish (via Latin Alphabet)
• Author Address: Turkish (via Latin Alphabet)
• Keywords: Turkish & English
• References: Turkish (via Latin Alphabet)
Full Text: Turkish (via Latin Alphabet)

Article Submissions
Submitted manuscripts must be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the journal. Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.

The target readership is members of professions, specialists, researchers, specialty and doctoral students as well as students related to this field in all areas of health. It aims to contribute to the spread of continuous professional development and research culture.

Fee Policy
The publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes are not subject to any fee. No processing or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. In addition, Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences does not accept sponsorship and advertisement in accordance with its publication policies. All expenses of the Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences are covered by the Dean's Office of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences.

The copyrights of the works published in Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences belong to their authors. Authors consent to the publication of their intellectual work by Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Science Journal under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Originality of Articles
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences does not accept works previously published elsewhere. There are a few exceptions to this situation. The Journal accepts the abstract of a published paper as long as the full text is not included in another work. Even if the thesis is published or cataloged as a whole on the web page of a university or institute, works derived from the thesis are accepted for publication by the Journal if they meet the publication requirements. In addition, foreign language articles that have been previously published in another work can be processed with the decision of the editor-in-chief if they have a positive scientific externality. This last article is not absolute.

Article Preparation
Language: Turkish, English
The journal is published in Turkish (Türkiye) and English.

Accepted Article Types: Research Article, Review Article, Book Review, Compilation, Technical Note, Thesis Abstract, Conference Paper, Short Communication, Translation, Case Presentation, Interview, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, Short Report, Monograph, Clinical Research, Photo-Quiz, Letter to the Editor, Note, Conference Summary, Law Review, Decision Review, Correction, Editorial, Biography, Bibliography, News, Report, etc.
We recommend that authors include Turkish and English abstracts whenever possible to help disseminate their work. In the case of research and review articles written in Turkish, it is mandatory to provide an expanded English abstract, in addition to the initial abstract, following the references.

Article Format: Word (doc/docx)
Citation Style: APA 7

Authorship Changes: Changes in authorship are only processed before the article is accepted. Authors should carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles and provide the definitive author list at the time of the original submission.

Writing Rules
Please first check the "article template." When there is a conflict between the Writing Rules and the article template, the current article template is valid. This template can be found on the "About" section of our journal's homepage. 

* After the article is uploaded to the system, it will be checked by the editorial office using the plagiarism scanning program, and if the similarity rate is below 15% without a bibliography and below 30% with a bibliography, the refereeing process will be started. Otherwise, it will be returned to the author. This rule does not apply to publications derived from the thesis, provided that the decision of the chief editor is valid.

1. Publication languages are Turkish and English.
2. Studies should include the following sections:
• Title, full names of the Author(s) and their institutions, contact information, article title), Turkish Abstract, key concepts, English abstract and key concepts,
• Main article text,
• References,
• Appendices, tables, figures.
3. Turkish abstract consisting of 150-250 words and Turkish keywords of 3-5 words at the beginning of the article; Turkish title should be included.
4. The English abstract should be between 150-250 words, and the English abstract and 3-5-word English keywords should be included.
5. For articles written in Turkish, the Extended English Abstract of the article should also be attached. This broad summary should be between 750-1500 words and an English title should be included. The title of the article should also include subheadings and all references. The Extended Abstract section can also be submitted after the work is accepted for publication. In this case, the work should be submitted without writing the Extended Abstract section, preserving the existing formatting. Proofreading of the long summary is the responsibility of the author. Articles whose abstract is insufficient in terms of language will not be published until language validity is achieved.
6. Turkish abstracts (including extended abstracts) will not be written for works whose language is English.
7. Abstracts should include the purpose, scope, method and brief conclusions of the article.
8. The works should be done on A4 paper size, leaving 2.5 cm margins from the top, bottom, right and left.
9. Studies to be sent to the journal must be written in MS Word processor and must be in .doc or .docx format.
10. Articles should be at least 5000 and maximum 10,000 words (excluding Extended abstracts), and book reviews should be an average of 1000 words. It is imperative that the number of words in book reviews should not be less than 1000 words. However, the eligibility of articles with more than 10,000 words is decided by the editorial board.
11. The letters of the words in the main title should be written in capitals, Cambria should be 16 pt, bold.
12. A maximum of two subtitles should be used. The second title should also be italicized.
13. The name of the author should be written in the upper right corner, one line below the title, in Cambria 12 pt; author(s) title, place of duty and e-mail address and ORCID number or link should be given as footnotes (8.5 points). Footnotes for other explanations should be numbered in the text and at the bottom of the page.
14. Abstracts should be Cambria 10 pt.
15. Main texts should be Cambria 11 pt.
16. Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt and line spacing should be 1.0.
17. The first line indent should be 0.5 cm.
18. Footnotes should be Cambria 8.5 points.
19. Double quotes (“…”) should be used in direct quotations.
20. Figures, pictures, graphics and tables should be numbered. Under the names of figures, pictures and graphics; The table name should appear above the table. Text and numbers in figures, pictures, graphics and tables should be written in 10 points.
21. Graphics must be openable in Windows MS Word, graphics and tables must be numbered.
22. Tables, figures, pictures and charts should be sized to fit the page of the journal. If necessary, they can also be written in smaller fonts and single line spacing.
23. Photos should be in .jpeg format and of sufficient size and at relevant places within the text.
24. APA 7.0 (http://www.apastyle.org/) style should be used in the bibliography of the referenced works.
25. For citations from the Internet, the guide published by Harvard University can be used http://www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf
26. Articles should be uploaded to the DergiPark site
Address: http://dergipark.org.tr/neusbf
27. Authors should be given page, size, line spacing, paragraph, citation, reference, etc. An article template that can help with technical issues is available in the appendix. The texts that are not prepared in accordance with this template will be sent back to the author without being included in the refereeing process and the authors will be reminded that the text should be prepared according to this template.

* It should be stated in articles that ethics committee approval is obtained for studies such as surveys and experiments conducted on humans and/or animals that require ethical committee approval. In addition, it must be documented by uploading documents to the system.
**In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first and last pages of the relevant article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article. In addition, for the intellectual and artistic works used, it is necessary to comply with the copyright regulations and when a work is sent under the title of book evaluation, it should be ensured that the full tag of the book is included on the last page of the article, as well as the reference to the book.
*** Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences accepts and declares that it complies with the ethical rules for each published article and evaluates it accordingly.

Citation Style
Articles should be prepared according to the APA 7 Citation System. In the field of science, either APA 7 footnote or in-text citation system can be used, depending on which one is commonly used. APA 7 Guidelines

Final Checklist
It is hoped that this checklist will be useful during the final check of the prepared article before it is uploaded to the journal system.

Please ensure that the following items are present on a separate title page for all authors:
1. Author information is added
- ORCID number
- Email address
- Author's title
- Author's affiliated institution information
- Full and, if possible, institutional information and city information of the institution
- Phone number (for the corresponding author)
2. All required files are uploaded.
- Full article text
- Similarity Report (Although a report is requested, the editorial board always obtains the similarity report for each work. This section is important for testing the validity of the honesty protocol between the author and the journal.)
- Copyright Notice Text
- Title page (containing author information)
- Necessary tables and graphics (should be uploaded separately from the full text)
3. The article has undergone "proofreading" and "grammar check."
4. All references mentioned in the bibliography are cited in the text, and vice versa.

Submitting the Article
In submissions, the account of the corresponding author should be used. All correspondence related to the submission is sent to the corresponding author via electronic mail through the journal system.
When uploading the article file, ensure that it does not contain any elements that would disclose the author's identity, due to the double-blind peer-review process.
Files Must to Upload Separately:
1. Full Article Text
2. Title Page
3. Copyright Noctice Text
4. Similarity Report

Author Commitment during Submission
1. I am authorized to submit this work to your journal or have been authorized by co-authors.
2. The article is original, has not been officially published in another peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by another journal, and does not violate any existing copyrights or other third-party rights.
3. I agree that if the article is editorially accepted for publication, it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
4. The copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s) or the employer of the author(s), if any, are reserved. The author(s) acknowledge that the publisher has no responsibility for any claims or lawsuits arising from copyright infringement, and that all responsibility lies with them.
The author(s) guarantee that there are no criminal elements or illegal statements in the article, and that no illegal materials or methods were used in the research.

Author GuidelinesAuthor Guidelines
Author Responsibilities and Contributions

Authorship and Contribution
Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. All individuals who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Those who have contributed very little, such as language editing, should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and have agreed to its submission for publication. Authors are expected to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles and provide the definitive author list at the time of the original submission. In exceptional cases, the editor may consider adding, removing, or rearranging authors after the article is submitted, but all authors must agree to such additions, removals, or rearrangements. Authors share joint responsibility for the work.

Requests for Author Changes
Changes to the list of author names can only be made before the article is accepted and only if approved by the journal's Editor. If such a change is requested, the Editor will ask the corresponding author to provide written consent (email) from all authors stating (a) the reason for the change in the author list and (b) their agreement to the addition. The Editor will only consider adding, removing, or rearranging authors after the article is accepted in exceptional cases.

Writing the Article
Authors of original research articles should address the topic with originality and objective discussion. The article should contain sufficient detail and references to allow others to reproduce the study. Deceptive or knowingly false statements are unethical and unacceptable.

Authors must ensure that the article is original, has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and does not violate any existing copyrights or other third-party rights. However, the journal does not rely solely on the author's statement, and it is not to be expected from authors. The journal's editorial board always obtains a similarity and originality report for each work. If the program used by the author(s) to generate the originality report produces different results from the program used by the editorial board, the editorial board informs the author(s) of the results using a second similarity program. Appropriate action is taken depending on the similarity percentage.

Use of Original Sources and Citation
Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works and, if they have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited. Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, should not be used without the express written consent of the source.

Data Access and Preservation
Authors may be required to provide the research data supporting their articles for editorial review and/or to comply with the journal's open data requirements. Authors should be prepared to provide access to such data, if possible, and to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication. Our journal recommends that research data be uploaded to TUBITAK's Aperta Portal.

Multiple and Simultaneous Publication
An author should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical. Authors should not submit previously published articles except in abstract form.

Publication of Survey and Interview-Based Studies
For all research in all disciplines that requires ethical committee approval (ethical committee approval must have been obtained, this approval should be mentioned in the article and documented), the information related to the approval (committee name, date, and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last pages of the article. In case presentations, information about obtaining informed voluntary consent/consent form should be included in the article.

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest refers to any financial or other interests that could interfere with a person's objectivity, significantly compromise their objectivity, or provide an unfair advantage to any person or organization. Authors should disclose any sources of financial support for the conduct and preparation of the research and the role of the sponsor. If there is no source of funding, this should also be indicated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest to be disclosed include consultancies, employment, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as early as possible.

Error Reporting
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal editor. The author must cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article when necessary. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error or inaccuracy, it is the obligation of the editor to work with the author to retract or correct the article.

Image Integrity
Altering, enhancing, moving, removing, or introducing a specific feature in an image is unacceptable. Authors should adhere to the journal's policies regarding graphic images.

Publication Ethics Principles
Publication ethics can be defined as a self-regulation mechanism on behalf of authors, reviewers, and publishers, insisting on honesty to establish higher editorial processing standards. Ethical standards for publications exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and the credibility of individuals' ideas.
• Honest researchers do not engage in plagiarism.
• They do not incorrectly attribute sources.
• They do not hide objections they cannot refute.
• They do not distort opposing viewpoints.
• They do not destroy or conceal data.

Peer-reviewed studies are research that supports and implements the scientific method. In this regard, adherence to ethical principles by all parties involved in the publication process (authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers, and editors) is of great importance. Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences adheres to national and international standards regarding research and publication ethics. It complies with the Press Law, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, and the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. Necmettin Erbakan UniversityJournal of the Faculty of Political Sciences has also adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). It also commits to the decisions of the Turkish Editors Workshop.
Press Law (National Legislation)
Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (National Legislation)
Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (National Legislation)
Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing (International Criteria)
Turkish Editors Workshop Decisions (National Criteria)

Duplicate Publication
Duplicate publication is the publication of the same article or substantially similar articles in multiple journals. The editor will reject such articles without review. Subsequently, the editor may impose an embargo on the author attempting duplicate publication, publicly disclose this situation in the journal where the article was previously published (perhaps as a simultaneous announcement with the editor of the previous journal that published the article), or apply these measures together.

Simultaneous Submission to Multiple Journals
Authors cannot submit the same article to multiple journals simultaneously. The editor reserves the right to consult with the editor(s) of the other journal(s) if they learn about a possible simultaneous submission. Additionally, the editor may return the article without review, reject it without considering the reviews, or make this decision after discussing it with the relevant other editor(s) and may decide not to accept article submissions from the authors for a certain period. Moreover, they may also inform the authors' employers or implement all of these measures simultaneously.

Preventing Plagiarism
Presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures, or works of others as one's own, either partially or entirely, without giving proper scientific attribution in accordance with established rules is considered plagiarism. Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences scans all submitted articles to prevent plagiarism. The presence of plagiarism in the submitted works is checked using Turnitin & iThenticate software, and a similarity rate of less than 15% without reference and/or less than 30% with references is expected. The primary measure of similarity rate is whether the author adheres to citation and referencing rules. Even if the similarity rate is below 1%, if proper citation and referencing are not done, plagiarism may still be considered. Therefore, authors should be familiar with citation and referencing rules and apply them carefully.

Generating data not based on research, manipulating or altering a presented or published work to be based on fabricated data, reporting or publishing these, making it appear as though research that was never conducted has been completed, falsifying research records and obtained data, using methods, devices, and materials not used in the research, failing to consider data that is inconsistent with the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit relevant theories or assumptions, and distorting or shaping research results to align with the interests of the supported individuals and organizations are all considered unethical behaviors. All articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards are removed from publication. This includes articles that are found to contain possible irregularities and improprieties after publication.

Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences requires that all research involving personal or sensitive data or materials related to non-public individuals undergo official ethical review.

Handling Research Misconduct Allegations
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences complies with COPE's Ethical Tool Set for Successful Editorial Boards. The journal's editors will take measures to prevent the publication of articles where plagiarism, citation manipulation, data manipulation, data fabrication, and other research misconduct have occurred. In no case will the editors of Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences knowingly allow such misconduct to occur. If the journal's editors become aware of any allegations of research misconduct related to a published article, they will follow COPE's guidelines in addressing the allegations.

Ethical Violation Reports
Readers who notice a significant error or mistake in an article published in Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences or have any complaints about editorial content (plagiarism, duplicate publications, etc.) can report them by sending an email to neusbfj@gmail.com. We welcome such reports as they provide an opportunity for improvement, and we will respond promptly and constructively.

Correction, Retraction, Expression of Concern
Editors may consider publishing a correction if minor errors that do not affect the findings, interpretations, or conclusions are identified in a published article. When major errors or violations that render the findings and results invalid are found, editors should consider retracting the article. If there is a possibility of research or publication misconduct by the authors, and there is evidence that the findings are not reliable or that the authors' institutions have not investigated the matter, editors should consider an expression of concern. Guidelines from COPE and ICJME are taken into account regarding correction, retraction, or expression of concern.

Publication of Survey and Interview-Based Studies
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences adopts the principles of "Behavioral Rules and Best Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Behavioral Rules for Journal Publishers" of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to establish ethical assurance in scientific periodical publishing. In this context, the following should be observed in the studies submitted to the journal:
For research in all fields requiring ethical board approval, it should have been obtained, this approval should be stated in the article and documented.
In research requiring ethical board approval, information regarding the approval (committee name, date, and number) should be provided in the methodology section, as well as confirmation in the first/last pages of the article for case reports, stating that informed voluntary consent was obtained.

Special Issue Publication Policy
Upon the request of the Publication Board, one special issue may be published in the journal each year. Articles submitted for inclusion in a special issue undergo initial editorial review. They are then reviewed for compliance with the journal's writing rules and subjected to similarity checks to prevent plagiarism. After these stages, they are subjected to a peer review process using a double-blind model, where both the author and the reviewers are anonymous.
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences takes the editorial confidentiality obligation seriously, treating all submitted articles as confidential documents. This means that information about a manuscript will not be disclosed to anyone without the author's permission. During the manuscript review process, only the following individuals have access to the manuscript: Editors, Reviewers, and Members of the Editorial Board. The only circumstance under which details about a manuscript can be communicated to a third party without the author's permission is if the editor suspects a serious case of research misconduct.

Scientific Misconduct Allegations and Suspicions:
Scientific misconduct can be defined in various ways. While following the guidance provided by major publication ethics bodies, Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences addresses these issues on a case-by-case basis. Editors are obliged to take action if they suspect scientific misconduct or if an allegation of misconduct is made. This duty applies to both published and unpublished manuscripts. Editors should not simply reject manuscripts that are subject to allegations of misconduct. They should investigate the allegations ethically. When necessary, editors should follow COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) flowcharts. Editors should first request a response from the individuals under suspicion of misconduct. If they are not satisfied with the response, they should ask the relevant employer or institution to investigate. Editors should make every reasonable effort to ensure that an appropriate investigation of alleged misconduct is conducted; if not, they should persistently seek a resolution to the problem. This is a laborious but crucial task.
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences adheres to COPE's Ethical Toolkit for Successful Journal Publishing. The Journal editors will take precautions to prevent the publication of articles where plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification, data fabrication, and other forms of research misconduct have occurred. In no case will the Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences or its editors knowingly permit such misconduct to take place. The editors of  Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences are committed to following COPE guidelines if they become aware of any allegations of research misconduct regarding an article published in their journal.
Reviewers should report to the Editor any suspicions they have regarding research or publication misconduct. The Editor is responsible for taking the necessary actions in line with COPE recommendations.

The Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences commits to applying COPE flowcharts when encountering allegations of misconduct in the following or similar areas:
• What to do if you suspect redundant (duplicate) publication
• What to do if you suspect plagiarism
• What to do if you suspect fabricated data
• What to do if you suspect fake authorship/institution
• What to do if you suspect a change in authorship is planned
• What to do if you suspect undeclared conflict of interest
• What to do if you suspect ghost/gift authorship
• What to do if you suspect ethical problems with a paper
• What to do if you suspect misconduct reported via email or other means
• What to do if you suspect ethical misconduct reported on social media

Complaints Procedure:
This procedure applies to complaints regarding content, procedures, or policies for which Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences or its editorial staff is responsible. Complaints can provide an opportunity and incentive for improvement, and we aim to respond quickly, courteously, and constructively.
Complaints should be related to content, procedures, or policies that are the responsibility of Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences or its editorial staff. Complaints should be sent by email to neusbfj@gmail.com and will be treated as confidential. The Editor will respond promptly to complaints. If the complainant is not satisfied with the initial response, the complainant may request that the complaint be escalated to a more senior member of the editorial team.
Where the complainant remains dissatisfied, complaints may be referred to the Senior Editor. A full response will be provided where possible within two weeks.
COPE publishes an application code for editors of scientific journals. This will facilitate the resolution of disputes between journals and publishers. However, it can only be approached after the Journal's own complaints procedure has been exhausted.

Appeals Process:
We welcome serious appeals regarding evaluations made by editors and reviewers. If you believe we have rejected your paper because we misunderstood the scientific content, please contact our editorial team via neusbfj@gmail.com. At this stage, please do not attempt to submit a revised version of your manuscript. If, after reading your appeal, we agree that your appeal is justified, we may invite you to submit a revised version of your manuscript for further review. In this way, your paper will be resubmitted to the external peer-review process. Please provide as much detail as possible in your appeal letter. Finally, please be aware that we can consider only one appeal for each paper; therefore, write the appeal letter carefully and with full details—you have one chance, so use it wisely. We do not generally engage in lengthy reconsiderations of rejected papers, as we have found that such discussions are often unsatisfactory for both authors and editors.

Conflicts of Interest:
A conflict of interest arises when a primary interest could be unduly influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). We believe that we need to know about authors' competing interests to be able to make the best decision about how to handle their paper. It is also important for readers to be aware of authors' competing interests, if any, when they read a paper.
A conflict of interest can take many forms, and examples include consultancies, employment, grants, and honoraria. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed, and the role of the sponsor(s) in the research should be briefly described. If there is no funding, this should be stated. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as early as possible.
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences has a process for handling submissions from editors, employees, or board members. Such submissions will be subject to the same peer-review process. The editors, employees, and board members involved in the processing of these submissions are not involved in the decision-making process of their own work. These submissions undergo double-blind peer review.
The editor should not be involved in decisions about papers that they have written themselves. The submission should be assigned to another editor and undergo the full peer-review process. Editors must follow the ICMJE guidelines on conflicts of interest in editorial decision-making.

Research Ethics Principles
Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences upholds the highest standards of research ethics and embraces the international research ethics principles described below. Compliance with ethical rules in articles is the responsibility of the authors.
The design, review, and conduct of research should adhere to principles of integrity, quality, and transparency.
The research team and participants should be fully informed about the purpose of the research, methods used, potential uses of the research, the requirements of participation, and any associated risks.
The confidentiality of information provided by research participants and the privacy of respondents should be ensured. Research should be designed to safeguard the autonomy and dignity of research participants.
Research participants should volunteer to take part in the study and should not be under any form of coercion.
Measures should be taken to prevent harm to participants, and research should be planned to minimize any risks to participants.
Independence in research should be clearly and transparently articulated, and any conflicts of interest should be disclosed.
In experimental studies involving human subjects, written informed consent should be obtained from participants who decide to take part in the research. For children, wards, or those with certified mental illnesses, the approval of a legal guardian is required.
If the study is conducted in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained to conduct the study in that institution or organization.
For studies involving human subjects, the "method" section should indicate that informed consent was obtained from the participants, and ethical approval from the institution where the study was conducted should be noted.

Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences (JNEUSBF) does not charge any fees for the submission, evaluation and publication of the articles. Authors do not pay article processing fees for the studies they send to the journal. All expenses of the journal are covered by Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences.

Journal of Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Political Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).