Issue: 29, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

Research Articles

Arkeoloji, Arkaik Dönem, Hellenistik Dönem, Klasik Dönem, Seramik, Yunan ve Roma Dönemi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Harun ÖZDAŞ Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü
Arkeoloji, Arkaik Dönem, Hellenistik Dönem, Klasik Dönem
Arkeoloji, Erken Tunç Çağ, Hitit, Neolitik Çağ, Seramik

TÜBA-AR, which started to be published in 2003 with the purpose of documenting, promoting and transferring cultural heritage to future generations, is an international refereed journal includes all tangible and intangible values that can be further increased in number, such as material remains, cultural landscape, decorative arts, natural environment, oral traditions and narratives, performing arts, beliefs, rituals, feasts, events and practices in the memory of society about nature and the universe.

Targeting to be a common ground for all activities under the concept of culture, TÜBA-AR forms the groundwork for studies on basic areas and sub-study areas listed below, without limitation of period and geographical region:

* Archaeology,

* History of art,

* Rural and Urban Architecture,

* Rural and Urban Landscape,

* Cultural Landscape,

* Urban Archeology,

* Industrial Archeology,

* Ethnography,

* Ethnobotanic,

* Geoarchaeology,

* History.

The journal also covers all documentation, inventory and oral history studies on different scales and qualities of cultural heritage such as practices, representations, narratives, information, skills and related tools and cultural spaces that communities, groups and individuals define as part of their cultural heritage. Along with that, TÜBA-AR is open to projects and ideas aimed at protecting, repairing, exhibiting and collecting all the practices identified in the concept of culture and evaluating them as a cultural sector and has also undertaken the function of creating a forum in these fields.

TÜBA-AR (Turkish Academy of Sciences, Journal of Archaeology) is an international periodical that is published annually by Turkish Academy of Sciences. The Editorial Board appointed by the TUBA Academy Council makes the decisions as to the publication policy, extent and content of the journal (Turkish Academy of Sciences - TÜBA).


The journal TÜBA-AR principally involves new research, comment, evaluation and methods conducted in the field of archaeology and in archaeology-related fields without any periodic and geographic area restriction. The journal includes newly conducted studies in the field of archaeology, but as a science academy house organ, it is also open to new comments, approaches and analyses in the areas of expertise like cultural heritage management, protection, nature, science and other fields of social science as long as these areas are related to the archaeology.

Excavational working paper-like reports which only offer a material advertisement or lack of new comments and initiatives about excavation and surface research lie beyond the scope of the journal. However, unique findings that break new ground in terms of cultural history can be accepted to the journal as "news."


The manuscripts may be in Turkish, English, German or French; for Turkish manuscripts an English summary must be added and for the manuscripts that are written in other languages, both a Turkish and an English summary must be provided. The official subtitles must certainly be written in two different languages, one of which is to be Turkish. The keywords and summaries for English and Turkish manuscripts must be offered in Turkish and English; the manuscripts written in other languages must be provided in Turkish and English, as well, apart from the source language of the manuscripts.

The authors are assumed to acknowledge that the manuscripts they write for the journal are authentic and have never been published previously even in another language or have not been submitted for publication elsewhere.

TÜBA-AR is a refereed journal. The editorial board expresses an opinion about the preliminary acceptance of the manuscripts and hand it over to the referees. The manuscripts are referred to at least two referees. The suggestions, criticism and corrections made by the referees are redirected to the authors provided that the referees' names remain anonymous; the authors are obliged to take referees' consult. In case the authors are insistent upon their own manuscripts, the editorial board re-evaluates them.

In accordance with the referees' opinions, the manuscripts cleared for publication by the editorial board are reviewed for their format, spelling rules, references and visual materials; the final assessment is conducted by the editorial coordinator provided there is no crucial defect.


Articles: The articles should be prepared in computer environment. Titles up two lines are allowed; the first line as the 'Title' and the second line as the 'Sub-Title.' Although there is no exact limit on the length of the articles, the average length should not exceed 50000 characters. The articles should be delivered in two phases: first, in a single file, with references and low-resolution illustrations and image subtitles, then in the second phase, once they are cleared for publication, they should be presented in separate files with the text itself, references, high-resolution illustrations and image subtitles. The texts should be prepared in a Microsoft Word processing format. The titles in the texts should be written in bold capitals, the subtitles in capitals, third degree titles in bold, in lower case except for the first letter of the words, and the fourth degree titles in italics, in lower case except for the first letter of the words.




North-Central Anatolia


Foreign words and terms found in the texts like "in situ" should be written in italics. Except for the conventional abbreviations like "Before Christ" and "Anno Domini" the abbreviations should not be used and the term should be written in full length. However, frequently-used expressions should first be written in full length with the abbreviations in parentheses, then the abbreviated forms can be used for the rest of the text; for example, General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA). Valid abbreviations:

Abbreviated form of Before Christ: BC and the date, e.g. 475 BC
Abbreviated form of Anno Domini: AD and the date, e.g. AD 456
Before present: BP
Calibrated dates: cal. BC; e.g. cal. 475 BC
Certain period names can be abbreviated; for example, Early Bronze Age, EBA; Late Iron Age (LIA)

The first letter of region names should be in capitals; for example, Central Anatolia, Central America, South-east Anatolia, Central Asia, Near East, etc. Similarly, the first letter of place names, geographic and institutional names is in Capitals ; e.g. Europe, Mediterranean Region, Barbaros Bulvarı, Kızılırmak, Euphrates, Istanbul University, Turkish Historical Society, etc.

Illustrations: The visuals should be in digital format. They should be in high-resolution and the image size should be large. The maximum image number should be 15 in the way that 6-8 images should be selected for print for a 20- page text. No matter what the language of the text is, one of the image subtitles should definitely be in two different languages, one of which is to be Turkish. All the illustrations and intra-textual references should be numbered in the same format. Pictures, images, drawings, etc. should be numbered as Pic.1,2,3 /Fig. 1,2,3... and given at the end of the text. Apart from the illustrations, tables-charts should be numbered as Chart 1,2,3.../Table 1,2,3.... and given at the end of the text.

Every kind of illustrations, whether in horizontal or vertical form, should be suitable for A4 format sizes in order to be used comfortably in the page lay-out.

All the illustrations that may or may not belong to the author should be credited and the ones that require a copyright agreement like googleearth should not be used.

Footnotes: The footnotes should be given as in the examples:

Özgüç 1978, Garstang/Gurney 1959; Forlanini 2007: 151

All the resources presented in the references should make a reference within the text.

Rules for Reference List:

ALKIM, U.B. 1979.
"İkiztepe Kazısı 1978 Çalışmaları", Belleten XLIII/72: 890-892.

Book Section:
HAMSHERE, J.D. 1987.
"Data Sources in Historical Geography", Historical Geography: Progress and Prospect (Ed. M. Pacione). London: 46-69.

HAZENBOS, J. 2003.
The Organisation of the Anatolian Local Cults During the 13th Century B.C. Leiden.

Byzantine Monuments and Topography of Pontus. Washington.

Principally, the TÜBA-AR journal covers all recent studies, comments, evaluations, and methods in archaeology, and in adjacent areas related to archaeology, without limitation to any periods or geographic regions. In addition to studies carried out in the field of archaeology, as a publication organ of an academy of science, the journal is open to all professional fields of the social sciences, provided that they are related to archaeology; it has also undertaken the function to create a forum covering recent interpretations, approaches, and analyses developing in these fields.

The journal may feature writings focused on a specific subject as a “file” in order to comprehensively cover new initiatives related to archaeology; and to this end, the Editorial Board decides whether contributions of invited writers are required, or evaluates any requests received in that context. Articles that do not introduce new interpretations and initiatives, but are rather in the form of a preliminary report containing only introductions to materials, including archaeological excavations and surface researches, are out of the scope of the journal. Important findings introducing significant innovations in terms of the cultural history can be accepted as pieces of “news”. When writers send articles to the journal, they are deemed to have agreed and undertaken that the article in question has not been published in any other journal, including its translations into any languages, and that it has not been submitted to any other journal for publication, including its translations.

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The contents of this system and all articles published in Journal of TÜBA-AR are licenced under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0".
