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Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 4/23/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

The Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences (YUJSS) strives to advance the theoretical and practical applications of sports sciences by providing a scientific platform for researchers to share their knowledge, experience, evaluations, opinions, and suggestions. The journal publishes original research and adopts an open access policy, while also performing double-blind peer reviews to ensure high-quality content. Its goal is to reach a broad audience within the sub-disciplines of sports sciences and contribute to the development of sports in all aspects.

The Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences (YUJSS) comprises research articles and comprehensive publications such as literature reviews, meta-analysis studies, model proposals, case reports, and discussions with high scientific standards. The journal welcomes submissions on various contemporary subjects related to exercise and sports performance, such as biomechanics, sports nutrition, exercise and sports psychology, motor behavior, sport pedagogy, sport sociology, sport management, leisure time, and all other sub-disciplines of sports sciences. Manuscripts addressing these topics are encouraged. Furthermore, this is an internet-based and freely accessible publication that features various sections, including editorial pieces, letters to the editor, sports-related issues and solutions, news and impressions from sports sciences meetings, updates from sports sciences associations, introductions to unique websites, as well as introductions to book theses.

Journal Rules
1. The studies to be published in the journal must not have been published in any publication organ before, the publication rights must not have been granted, or they must not have been sent to more than one journal simultaneously for publication.
2. The authors agree to give the publication rights of the study to Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences if the study is accepted for publication.
3. The authors accept that the principles recommended in the Declaration of Helsinki for human and animal studies are followed in the study submitted to the journal. The responsibility in this regard lies entirely with the authors.
4. A plagiarism report obtained from plagiarism programs such as iThenticate Turnitin and signed by the authors should be uploaded as an additional file.
5. If the study is supported by an institution/organization or prepared from a doctoral/master's thesis, it should be indicated as a footnote on the first page.
6. The authors' names and their institutions should not be given in the text. Author ranking and institutions should be made in the relevant step during the application.
7. After the manuscript is submitted to the journal for publication, none of the authors can be deleted from the author list without the written permission of all authors. No name can be added as an author, and the author order cannot be changed. The primary author must be indicated in the study.

Spelling Rules
1. Study: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if necessary), References, and each section title should be written in bold, initial capital letters, and 12 pt.
2. The study title should be capitalized, bold, and in 14-point font.
3. If the study is in Turkish, after the author's name(s) following the title, Turkish, abstract, and keywords, then the English title of the study, English Abstract, and "Key Words" should be written, respectively.
4. Abstract should be between 150-250 words. Keywords should consist of at least three and at most five words. Keywords title should be written in 10 pt, bold, and italicized. Commas should separate keywords (,) and capitalize their first letters. There should be 1 line space between the introduction and keywords.
5. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word software program in Times New Roman with 2.5 cm margins and should not exceed 20 pages. The abstract text of the study should be written in 10 font size and one spacing; the text of the study should be written in 12 font size and 1.15 spacing; the bibliography text should be written in 10 font size and one spacing.
6. Tables, graphs, and statistical reporting should be prepared according to APA style. The table font size should be 10 points, single-spaced.
7. Figures, graphs, photographs, etc. should be indicated as "Figure" and numerical values as "Table." Figure names should be written under the relevant graphic, and table names should be above the appropriate numerical value. Pictures, graphics, and similar images should be saved as a separate file and in jpg format for print quality.
8. While writing an article, in-text citations and references should be by the following rules;

1. Direct quotation
When directly quoting a source, in-text citations should always include the author, year, and page number, and if the direct quotation is less than 40 words, it should be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Bandura (1997) defines self-efficacy as "an individual's judgment about his or her capacity to organize and successfully perform the activities necessary for a given performance" (p.65).
If the direct quotation consists of 40 or more words, start the quotation on a new line by typing half an inch (1.25 cm) from the left side. If the quoted passage is to be followed by a second paragraph, the first line should start half an inch further in.
The description method is defined by Kaptan (1995) as follows: "These are studies that try to describe and explain what events, objects, entities, institutions, groups and various fields are. It aims to find an answer to the question, "What are these?". With this, existing situations, conditions, and characteristics are tried to be revealed exactly. Descriptive research aims to explain the interaction between situations, considering the relations of current events with previous events and conditions" (p. 59).
2. References to single-author works include the surname and date of the author.
Example Reference.
Öntürk, Y. (2019). Examining the relationship between mobbing behaviors towards academicians and quality of work life. Turkish Studies Social Sciences Volume:14(6), 3321-3340.
Citation (Öntürk, 2019).
Important Note: When citing two or more references, the author(s) should ensure integrity in using -ve, -& in the text and the imprint. For example, if it is written as (Öntürk and Yıldız, 2020) in the text, -ve should be used throughout the article (in-text and imprint). It is not appropriate to use -ve in one source and -& in another source.
3. For a study with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each reference.
Example Reference.
Önturk, Y., & Yıldız, Y. (2020). Investigation of the motivational persistence levels of the students studying at the faculty of sports sciences according to some demographic characteristics. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 6(3), 514-519.
Submission (Öntürk & Yıldız, 2020).
4. When referring to studies with three, four, and five authors, the surnames of all authors are given only in the first reference in the text. For other references, the phrase and others should be added next to the first author's surname. In articles written in English, the expression et al. should be used instead of others when referring to publications with three, four, or five authors.
Example; First reference (Öntürk, Karacabey, & Özbar, 2019), Second and subsequent references (Öntürk et al., 2011).

Example Refence;
Öntürk, Y., Karacabey, K., & Özbar, N. (2019). Research on the question of why football comes to mind first when it comes to sports today. Spormetre Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 17(2), 1-12.
5. When referring to studies with six or more authors, only the first author's surname is indicated.
Example; Citation (Yıldırım et al., 2016).
Example Refence;
Yıldırım, İ., Işık, Ö., Ersöz, G., Büyükkök, M., Zengin, G., & Özel, Ö. (2016). The relationship between depression and eating attitudes and behaviors in individuals who engage in regular physical activity. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3590-3599.
6. If a group/legal entity (such as associations, companies, government agencies, and other working groups) is referred to as the author, the name of this group should be given in a very clear and understandable way in the reference in the text. In some cases, the name of the group can be abbreviated. In the first use, the full and abbreviated forms can be used, and in subsequent services, only the abbreviation can be used.
Example; If the reference is made at the end of the sentence; the First reference (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TÜBİTAK], 2013)
Second and subsequent references; (TÜBİTAK, 2013). If the reference is made in a sentence, the First reference is the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK, 2013)
Second and subsequent references; TUBITAK (2013)
7. Multiple references within the same parenthesis; Multiple references within the same parenthesis should be in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author and separated by semicolons.
Example; (Akçay & Doğan, 2013; Derman, 2003; Yıldırım, 2017)
8. If different studies by the same author are to be given in the same parenthesis, the year order from past to present is followed, and the author's surname is written once at the beginning of the reference.
Example; (Yıldırım, 2015, 2017)
9. Studies by the same author or a group of authors with the same name in the same year are separated by the letters a, b, c.
Example; (Yıldırım, 2015a, 2015b)
10. The References section should start on a new page. All references cited in the text should be included in the 'References' list. References should be given in alphabetical order in the References section. For Turkish and foreign references with more than one author, 'and' should be written before the last author's surname.

11. References, including the title, should be written alphabetically in 10 pt: font size and single line spacing without any spaces. The hanging paragraph indent is 1.25 cm. Each bibliography's second and subsequent lines should be indented 1.25 cm, as shown in this text.
Öntürk, Y. (2018). Mobbing in Sports Environment. Ankara: Gece Akademi- Gece Kitaplığı.
Güvendi, B. (2018). The relationship between personality traits and psychological performance strategies and decision-making styles of protected football (American football) athletes. Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
Öntürk, Y. (2019). A Research on the Sports Personality of Martyr Leader Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu. 17th International Sports Sciences Congress, Oral Presentation Paper.
Edited books
Güçlü, N. (2000). Communication. In: L. Küçükahmet (Ed.), Classroom Management. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
Özgüven, İ. E. (1992). HKE Hacettepe personality inventory handbook (Second revision) Ankara: Odak Ofset.
Translation books
Hellman, H. (2001). The significant controversies: Ten selected debates from the history of science (Trans. Füsun Baytok). Ankara: TÜBİTAK.
The Chicago Manual of Style: Fourteenth edition. (1993). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Newspaper Article
Ekşi, O. (2002, 03, 23). Was this what was wanted? Hurriyet Newspaper. 21.
Institution publications
State Planning Organization (2000). Long-term strategy and eighth five-year development plan 2001-2005. Ankara: SPO.
Electronic resources with DOI number
Chan, H. F., Guillot, M., Page, L., & Torgler, B. (2015). The inner quality of an article: Will time tell? Scientometrics, 104, pp. 19-41. doi:10.1007/s11192-015-1581-y

Electronic resources without a DOI number
Al, U. and Soydal, İ. (2014). Kütüphan-e Turkey Project: Public library usage research. Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 28, 288-307. Retrieved from: http://www.tk.org.tr/index.php/TK
Hacettepe University. (2017, December 10). Mission, vision, and values. Retrieved from: http://hacettepe.edu.tr/hakkinda/misyonvizyondegerler
Submission ("Hacettepe University," 2017)

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Author(s) submitting a study to Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
- The publication processes applied in Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences constitute the basis for developing and distributing knowledge in an impartial and reputable manner. The processes applied in this direction directly reflect the quality of the authors' work and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) must comply with the standards for ethical principles. Within the scope of Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences publication ethics, all stakeholders are expected to carry the following ethical responsibilities.
- The studies submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) utilize or use other studies, they must cite and quote them entirely and accurately.
- Individuals who did not contribute intellectually to the content of the study should not be listed as authors.
- All manuscripts submitted for publication must disclose any conflicts of interest and relationships, if any.
- The author(s) may be requested to provide raw data on their manuscripts within the framework of the evaluation processes; in such a case, the author(s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.
- The author(s) should have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data used, the necessary permissions related to the research/analyses, or that the consent of the experimental subjects has been obtained.
- If the author(s) becomes aware of an inaccuracy or error in the published, early view, or under review manuscript, the author(s) must notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to correct or withdraw the manuscript.

- Authors cannot have their work in the submission process of more than one journal simultaneously. Each application can be started after the completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to the Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences.
- It cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities (such as adding an author, changing the author order, or removing an author) of a study whose evaluation process has started.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
The editors and field editors of Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access:
General duties and responsibilities
The editors are responsible for every Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences publication. In the context of this responsibility, editors have the following roles and obligations:
- Making efforts to meet the information needs of readers and authors,
- Ensuring the continuous development of the journal,
- Carrying out processes to improve the quality of studies published in the journal,
- Supporting freedom of thought,
- Ensuring academic integrity,
- Maintaining business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
- Demonstrating openness and transparency regarding publication in matters requiring correction and clarification.
Relations with the reader
Editors should decide by considering the expectations of knowledge, skills, and experience needed by all readers, researchers, and practitioners. They should pay attention to the contribution of the published studies to the readers, researchers, practitioners, and scientific literature and that they are original. In addition, editors must consider the feedback from readers, researchers, and practitioners and provide explanatory and informative feedback.
Relations with authors
The duties and responsibilities of editors towards authors are as follows:
- Editors should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of expression, and the aims and objectives of the journal.
- Unless the manuscript has a severe problem, it should be included in the preliminary evaluation stage.

- Editors should not ignore positive referee recommendations unless there is a serious problem with the study.
- New editors should not change the decisions made by the previous editor(s) unless there is a serious problem.
- The "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" should be published, and editors should prevent deviations that may occur in the defined processes.
- Authors should be notified and returned in an explanatory and informative manner.
Relations with referees
- The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the reviewers are as follows:
- Determine the reviewers by the subject of the study.
- They must provide the information and guidelines the reviewers need during the evaluation phase.
- Monitor whether there is a conflict of interest between authors and reviewers.
- Keep the identity information of the reviewers confidential in the context of blind reviewing.
- Encourage reviewers to evaluate the manuscript impartially, scientifically, and objectively.
- Determine practices and policies to improve the performance of reviewers.
- Take necessary steps to update the referee pool dynamically.
- Prevent unkind and unscientific evaluations.
- Ensure that the referee pool consists of a broad spectrum.
Relations with the editorial board
Editors should ensure that all editorial board members carry out the processes in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines. They should inform editorial board members about publication policies and keep them informed about developments. Editors should also;
-Ensure that editorial board members evaluate the work impartially and independently.
- Identify new editorial board members who can contribute and are of appropriate quality.
- Send manuscripts suitable for the expertise of the editorial board members for evaluation.
- Interact regularly with the editorial board.
- Organize meetings with the editorial board at regular intervals to develop editorial policies and the journal.
Relations with the journal owner and publisher
The relationship between editors and publishers is based on the principle of editorial independence. According to the written agreement between the editors and the publisher, all editorial decisions are independent of the publisher and the journal owner.

Editorial and blind review processes
Editors must implement the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that each study's evaluation process is completed f Quality assurance
Editors are responsible for publishing each article in the journal per the journal's editorial policies and international standards.
Protection of personal data
Editors are responsible for protecting the personal privacy of the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. Unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented, they are responsible for rejecting the study. Editors are also responsible for protecting the personal data of authors, reviewers, and readers.
The ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors ensure that human and animal rights are protected in the studies evaluated. They are responsible for rejecting the study without ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies and permissions for experimental research.
Precautions against possible abuse and misconduct
Editors are obliged to take precautions against possible misconduct and wrongdoing. In addition to conducting a rigorous and objective investigation in identifying and evaluating such complaints, the editor's responsible for sharing the relevant findings. airly, impartially, and timely.
Ensuring the integrity of academic publications
Editors should promptly correct errors, inconsistencies, or misleading judgments in manuscripts.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all published articles and defending the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations. Editors are also responsible for taking the necessary measures to ensure that the contents of all published articles do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
Constructivism and openness to discussion
-Consider convincing criticisms of the works published in the journal and show a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
-Allow the author(s) of the criticized studies the right to reply.
-They should not ignore or exclude studies with negative results.

Editors must carefully review complaints from authors, reviewers, or readers and respond in an enlightening and explanatory manner.
Political and commercial concerns
The journal's owner, the publisher, and no other political or commercial factors influence the independent judgment of the editors.
Conflicts of interest
The editors guarantee the independent and impartial completion of the publication process, considering conflicts of interest between the author(s), reviewers, and other editors.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Evaluating all studies by "Blinded Review" directly affects the quality of the publication. This process provides confidence through independent and objective assessment of the publication. Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences evaluation process is carried out with double-blind reviewing. Reviewers cannot communicate directly with the authors; evaluations and comments are transmitted through the journal management system. Reviewer comments on evaluation forms and full texts are displayed to the author(s) through the editor during this process. In this context, referees who evaluate studies for the Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
- Only accept to evaluate studies related to their field of expertise.
- Evaluate with impartiality and confidentiality.
- If they think they are faced with a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
- In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed only after publication.
- Evaluate objectively only the content of the study. They should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and commercial concerns to influence the evaluation.
- Evaluate constructively and courteously. They should not make derogatory personal comments containing hostility, slander, and insult.
- Carry out the work they accept for evaluation promptly and with the above ethical responsibilities.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences Editors and Editorial Board act with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities:
- Editors are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences. In this context, editors are the decision-makers without considering economic or political gains.
- It is committed to independent editorial decision-making.
- Protects the ownership and copyright of each article published in Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences and is obligated to keep a record of each published copy.
- It is responsible for taking measures against all kinds of scientific misconduct, citation mongering, and plagiarism related to editors.
If You Encounter an Unethical Situation
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content in Yalova University Journal of Sports Sciences other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please report it via e-mail to yavuzonturk@hotmail.com or Yalova University sporbilimleri@yalova.edu.tr.

Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences does not charge any fees from any author or institution.