Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 8/29/24

Year: 2024

Original Empirical Research

Letter to the Editor

Book Review

Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER), the official journal of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed scientific journal on higher education studies. It is published triannualy (April, August, December) in both printed (p-ISSN 2146-796X) and electronic (e-ISSN 2146-7978) versions and welcomes manuscripts in Turkish or English. One volume is completed every year. The regular issues may be published in multiple parts if deemed necessary. The journal may also publish supplements or special issues on specific topics.

The journal is currently indexed in the following abstracting and indexing services: TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Index, ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), EBSCO Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson) Database Coverage List, and Google Scholar.

The aim of the journal is to establish a scientific platform to evaluate the essential functional characteristics of higher education in Turkey and the world, to address similarities and differences among countries’ higher education systems in terms of practice, and to examine common problems and to suggest solutions for these problems. In this way, the journal aims to establish an academic archive that will contribute to the development of applicable, sustainable, innovative, entrepreneurial and strategic approaches in higher education.

Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) primarily welcomes manuscripts concerned with all aspects of higher education in an interdisciplinary manner such as original conceptual and empirical research papers, literature reviews, case studies, viewpoint articles, historical views and letters to the editor. Publication decision for these types of manuscripts except the letters to the editor is based on peer review process that is processed following the pre-evaluation of the Editorial Board. All manuscripts to be evaluated by peer review should contain abstracts, keywords and references. 

There are further types of submissions, which are not evaluated by external reviewers, some of which are written upon invitation and of which publication decision is only given by the Editorial Board, such as short reports, guidelines, obituaries, book reviews, abstracts, and news and announcements on higher education activities.

The journal welcomes the following types of submissions:

• Original Empirical Research
• Conceptual Research
• Case Study
• Literature Review
• Viewpoint
• Historical View
• Letter to the Editor
• Short Report
• Guidelines
• Obituary
• Book Review
• Abstracts
• News
• Announcements

The coverage of Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) basically includes the following topics:

• Management of Higher Education
• Policies and Strategies of Higher Education
• Education and Training in Higher Education (general education topics at national or international scale: educational policies, educational competencies, curriculum, programs, educational technologies, assessment & evaluation, etc.)
• Structuring of Universities in Higher Education
• Quality and Accreditation in Higher Education
• Faculty Development in Higher Education
• Financing of Higher Education
• Internationalization in Higher Education
• Diversity in Higher Education
• Ranking Systems in Higher Education
• Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Research & Development Strategies in Higher Education
• The Relations among Industry and Society in Higher Education
• Campus Life in Higher Education
• New Trends in Higher Education
• The Transition from High School/College Education to Higher Education

Manuscript Evaluation Process

All manuscripts that are submitted to the Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) must be original, unpublished, and not under the review of any other publication. The journal does not publish manuscripts that are previously published as full text in conference proceedings (except in the form of an abstract). Manuscript evaluation process starts with the preliminary evaluation of Editorial Board. The Editorial Board evaluates whether manuscripts are within the scope of the journal or not, and when they are not within the scope, the Editorial Board either rejects them directly or sends back to authors to make the papers comply with publication scope and rules. At the next stage of the evaluation, papers that are within the scope of journal undergo double-blind peer review. The Editorial Board is authorized to suggest required corrections and changes upon the comments and suggestions of reviewers or reject the manuscript at any stage of evaluation. After the acceptance of the paper for publishing, it will be submitted to the publisher where it will be typeset. After page layout process, corresponding author will receive a proof of the manuscript to proofread. Following the author’s approval of the proof, the manuscripts are assigned a DOI number and published online.

Manuscript Preparation Rules

Except following ones, common rules (APA, 2009) suggested by American Psychological Association (APA) widely used in social sciences are valid when preparing manuscripts to be published in Yükseköğretim Dergisi/Journal of Higher Education (Turkey) (www.apastyle.org).

Manuscripts should be prepared by Word 6.0 or higher versions as double spaced and aligned to the left with 11 font size of Times New Roman leaving a space of 2.5 cm on page edges. It should be paid attention not to exceed 25 pages including reference list and tables/figures/pictures including text (except title page).

Sections required to exist in manuscripts are:

Page 1–Title Page (should be submitted as a separate file)
Page 2–Turkish Title, Abstract and Keywords (will be provided by the publisher for the submissions from outside Turkey)
Page 3–English Title, Abstract and Keywords
Page 4 and next pages–Main Text
Next page–References
Next page–Table Description and Table (each table should be specified on a separate page)
Next page–Figure Legends and Figures (each figure should be specified on a separate page)
Last page–Appendices (footnotes, survey forms etc.)

Title Page

The title page should be prepared to be uploaded to the system as a separate file, especially information such as the name of the author and institutional identity should not be specified directly or indirectly on any page other than the title page.

• Title of the article

• Full name and surname(s), title(s) and ORCID IDs of the author(s) (www.orcid.org)

• Name and city of the institution where the study was conducted or the author(s) affiliated to (indicating the authors from different departments or institutions)

• In articles with long titles, a shortened title not exceeding 80 characters, to appear above the continuation pages when published in the journal

• Author's name, contact address, telephone and e-mail address for correspondence

• Name, project number and date of the fund or institution supporting the study, if any

• If the study has been previously presented in a congress or similar scientific meeting (provided that only its abstract is published), an explanation

• Statement of compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law and the applicable copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works

• Briefly expressing the individual contributions of the authors in articles with more than one author and a statement of conflict of interest

• Statement of whether the approval of the Ethics Committee and/or legal/special permission is required for research articles

Abstract Page

Abstract should be written on a separate page including minimum 150 and maximum 250 words following the title. Following the abstract on abstract page, there should be at least 3 keywords separated with comma, ordered alphabetically and written by lower cases.

Main Text

Original research articles should be presented with four main sections. First section is the part where introductory information is given without any title. Titles of following sections which are Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions (when required, Conclusion and/or Acknowledgment additionally) should be written, respectively. This standard is not needed in other manuscript types; however, the text (except introduction section) should be submitted as separated into subtitles. Each subtitle should be written as distinguishing into subtitle categories and more. 

In the Method section of the studies requiring Ethics Committee approval (clinical or experimental studies using human or animal subjects, and any research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group studies, observation, experimentation, interview techniques, etc.), it is necessary to indicate from which institution the consent or permission was obtained (by giving date and number information). In such cases, the copy of the relevant document should be uploaded to the system separately.


References should be listed alphabetically without placing an order number in the beginning. All references should be referred within the text.

 • Citation within the text

In order to citing within the text, surname of author and publication date of the work is given within parenthesis. In citations with up to five authors, all author names should be given. Citing works by two authors should always contain both author names. A work by three to five authors should be cited with listing all the authors at first time. In subsequent citations only the first author’s name followed by “et al.”. In citations of the works by six or more authors, only the first author’s name followed by “et al.” should be used.

— Example: (Uyanik & Kandir, 2010) or (Meyer, Ramirez, Rubinson, & Boli-Bennet, 1977) or (Gottfredson et al., 2008)

If referring will be done by using author name in the beginning or middle of the sentence, only publication year of related source is given within parenthesis.

— Example: Uyanik and Kandir (2010) think different on the subject… or According to Gottfredson and others (2008)…

When direct citations are used, page numbers should be specified additionally.

— Example: (Uyanik & Kandir, 2010, p. 119)

When it is required to cite more than one work at the same sentence, sources are specified within parenthesis by ordering author names alphabetically separated with semicolons.

— Example: (Gottfredson et al., 2008; Uyanik & Kandir, 2010)

 • Reference list

It should be prepared according to general examples given below. In publications with two to seven authors, & conjunction should be used before the last author. In publications with more than seven authors, after sixth author’s name an ellipses in place of the author names should be used and than the final author name should be given. There should be no more than seven names. The titles of periodical publications should be written as italic without any shortening. On references related with books, it is required to write book names as italic and with lower cases except initials. Publication place (city) and publisher should certainly be specified on references of books without DOI (digital object identifier) code and edition number in books with more than one edition. DOI code is written on source page by placing a colon without any space after DOI phrase with lower case.

Article example of periodical publication:

Gottfredson, N. C., Panter, A. T., Daye, C. E., Allen, W. A., Wightman, L. F., & Deo, M. E. (2008). Does diversity at undergraduate institutions influence student outcomes?Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 1(2), 80-94.

Article example of periodical publication showing continuity on journal issue number but not showing continuity on page numbers among issues:

Mizikaci, F. (2010). Isomorphic and diverse institutions among Turkish Foundation Universities. Egitim ve Bilim, 157, 128-139.

Article example of periodical publication including online published DOI code without printed issue and page number yet:

Meer, J., & Rosen, H. S. (2010). Family bonding with universities. Research in Higher Education, doi:10.1007/s11162-010-9174-3

Example of book:

Witt, S. L. (1990). The pursuit of race and gender equity in American academe. New York, NY: Praeger.

Example of book with more than one edition:

Raudenbush, S. W., & Bryk, A. S. (2002). Hierarchical linear models (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Example of book with editor:

Brown, O. G., Hinton, K. G., & Howard-Hamilton, M. (Eds.). (2007). Unleashing suppressed voices on college campuses: Diversity issues in higher education. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Example of book chapter:

Niemann, Y. F. (2003). The psychology of tokenism: Psychosocial realities of faculty of color. In G. Bernal, J. E. Trimble, A. K. Burlew, & F. T. L. Leong (Eds.), Handbook of racial and ethnic minority psychology (pp. 100–118). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Example of a chapter from book series:

Paulsen, M. B., & Toutkoushian, R. K. (2008). Economic models and policy analysis in higher education: A diagrammatic exposition. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. 23, pp. 1–48). New York, NY: Springer.

Thesis example:

Cowan, L. Y. (2006). An examination of policies and programs used to increase ethnic and racial diversity among faculty at research universities. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.

Electronic reference examples:

Electronic documents obtained through World Wide Web (www) are listed as below:

— Example 1: ÖSYM. (2009). High education statistics. Retrieved from ... (March 15, 2010).

— Example 2: The Economist. (2004, Jan 8). The curse of nepotism. Retrieved from ... (March 15, 2010).

Figures, Pictures and Tables

They should be numbered in different categories in the manuscript and Roman numerals not to be used in numbering. Table descriptions should be on top of the tables. Figure legends should be presented on separate pages according to their orders. Figures prepared by vectorial software (drawings and graphics) can be saved in TIF or EPS format. Color figures should be saved in TIF format as RGB (8 bits), black/white drawings should be saved in EPS format. Pictures should be prepared in 300 dpi resolution and be in TIF or JPG format. Non-standard abbreviations may be used in figures, tables or pictures when required. In this case, those non- standard abbreviations should be explained below related title or figure/picture. Figures, tables or pictures published before can only be used for comparison purposes and by receiving written consent from their author or publisher (copyright holder) and by referring the source.


Explanations desired to be given in a separate page (as a footnote) can be given in this part for not allowing them to occupy place within text. Related footnotes given with order number as exponential character within square bracket in required places within text should be presented in this part (endnotes). It is not suggested to authors to use endnotes unless it is unavoidable. Except that, other elements such as survey form, map, plan, etc. can be given in appendices part. Descriptions related with them also should be given in this part. When it is needed to present more than one additional material, separate order number should be given by Roman numbers for each addition.

Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and observes the following principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement which is based on the recommendations and guidelines for journal editors and publishers developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
All manuscripts that are submitted to the Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) must be original, unpublished, and not under the review of any other publication. The journal does not publish manuscripts that are previously published as full text in conference proceedings (except in the form of an abstract). Manuscript evaluation process starts with the preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board evaluates whether manuscripts are within the scope of the journal or not, and if they are not within the scope, the Editorial Board either rejects them directly or sends them back to authors to revise their papers to comply with the publication scope and rules. At the next stage of the evaluation, papers that are within the scope of journal undergo double-blind peer review. The Editorial Board is authorized to suggest required corrections and changes upon the comments and suggestions of reviewers or reject the manuscript at any stage of the evaluation. After the acceptance of the paper for publishing, it will be submitted to the publisher where it will be typeset. After page layout process, corresponding author will receive a proof of the manuscript to proofread. Following the author’s approval of the proof, the manuscripts are assigned a DOI number and published online.

Our journal reserves the right to examine the manuscripts, at any stage, for plagiarism by means of a plagiarism software. We check for plagiary and fraudulent data; falsification (fabrication or manipulation of research data, tables, or images) and improper use of humans or animals in research. Manuscripts that do not comply with these standards are not published in the journal. This also applies to any possible malpractice discovered after the publication. Any published manuscripts not in accordance with these standards will be removed from the publication. In accordance with the code of conduct we will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing. We follow the COPE Ethics Flowcharts for dealing with cases of possible scientific misconduct and breach of publication ethics. For more details on COPE, please click here.

Author Responsibilities
Authors should ensure that submitted work is original. They must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, in any language. They must follow the applicable copyright laws and conventions. Copyright material (e.g. tables, figures or extensive quotations) must be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgement. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources must be appropriately credited and referenced.

The author(s) of the original research articles must confirm that they were involved in at least 3 of the 5 stages of the study as "designing the study", "collecting the data", "analyzing the data", "writing the manuscript," and "confirming the accuracy of the data and the analyses". The authors of the submitted manuscript must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. All financial contributions, supports or sponsorship of projects must be clearly explained. Conflict of interest does not prevent the publication of the manuscript in the journal.

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author's obligation to promptly contact the Editor to make the necessary retractions or corrections.

Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based only on scientific content, without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief, or political philosophy of the authors. They may not have any conflict of interest or competing interest with respect to the research, the authors, and/or the research funders. Their judgments must be objective.

Reviewers should identify the relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. They must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential, and must report any copyright infringement and plagiarism by the author to the Editor.

A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor and excuse him/herself from the review process.

Editorial Responsibilities
The Editorial Team of the Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) consists of the Editor-in-Chief, Editors, and Assistante Editors. All editors ensure the editorial independence. They should only evaluate manuscripts for their scientific content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief, political philosophy of the authors, or personal influences from association staff or volunteer leaders. They must provide a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles for publication. They should ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept confidential before publishing. Editors are responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. They should publish errata pages or make corrections when needed.

Editor-in-Chief should not allow any conflicts of interest or competing interests between the authors, editors and reviewers. The Editorial Team has the full authority to assign a reviewer and is responsible for the final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the Yükseköğretim Dergisi / TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER).

No payment is done for manuscripts under the name of copyright or others approved for publishing in the journal and no publication cost is charged; however, reprints are at authors' cost.

Yükseköğretim Dergisi/TÜBA Higher Education Research/Review (TÜBA-HER) does not officially agree with the ideas of manuscripts published in the journal and does not guarantee for any product or service advertisements on both printed and online versions of the journal. Scientific and legal responsibilities of published manuscripts belong to their authors. Materials such as pictures, figures, tables etc. sent with manuscripts should be original or written approval of copyright holder should be sent with manuscript for publishing in both printed and online versions if they were published before. Authors agree that they transfer all publishing rights to the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), the publisher of the journal. Copyrights of all published contents (text and visual materials) belong to the journal. No payment is done for manuscripts under the name of copyright or others approved for publishing in the journal and no publication cost is charged; however, reprints are at authors' cost.

To promote the development of global open access to scientific information and research, TÜBA provides copyrights of all online published papers (except where otherwise noted) for free use of readers, scientists, and institutions (such as link to the content or permission for its download, distribution, printing, copying, and reproduction in any medium, without any changing and except the commercial purpose), under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND3.0) License, provided the original work is cited. To get permission for commercial purpose please contact the publisher.