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Yayın Politikası

Journal of Computer and Education Research (JCER) is an international double blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes two issues a year (March, October). The Journal follows the principles stated below:

ü  In compliance with our publication policy, the journal publishes qualitative and quantitative research papers in all fields of education.

ü  The journal publishes in Turkish and English.

ü  The manuscripts should not be previously published work or should not be under consideration or peer review for publication elsewhere. JCER withholds all rights of copyright and related publishing rights.

ü  All manuscripts submitted to the journal are subjected to pre-review. Following guidelines will be considered in pre-review process.

ü  The Article should;

·         comply with publication ethics

·         comply with Publication Principles and Politics of Journal

·         have a scientific originality of work and be up to date

·         be contribute to education 

·         comply with writing style guidelines stated by the Journal

ü  Manuscripts found suitable for further consideration are sent to peer review. Based on reports and comments of reviewers, co-editors or/and editorial board decides if the article will be published. If necessary, manuscripts are sent to authors for further revisions in accordance with the criticisms and suggestions of reviewers.

ü     The communication between author(s) and reviewer(s) are established by editor.

ü      Accordance to the publication policy of the Journal, in the evaluation process double-blind refereeing system is used.  

ü  For the publication of articles accepted for publication, a guarantee and liability form must be signed by the author(s).

ü  It is expected that the review processes will be completed in about 4-6 weeks  after submission depending on reviewers' feedback and the editor’s final decision.

ü  Authors can no longer make changes on the articles that have gone through final revision and have been sent to press.

ü  Author(s) are responsible from the copyrights of the figures, pictures and visuals, and the content of the manuscript, accuracy of the references and quotations and proposed ideas. 

ü  No payments are made to the reviewers and author(s) of the accepted manuscripts.

ü  According to open access policy, issues and articles of journals are permanently available for free online access on the website of journal. Articles can be accessed in  PDF format.

All of the reviewers’ name who have reviewed articles appear in journal last issue of the year.



Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 23.05.2023 12:58:13

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Değerli Yazarlar,

JCER dergisi 2018 yılından itibaren yayımlanacak sayılarda yazarlarından ORCID bilgilerini isteyecektir. Bu konuda hassasiyet göstermeniz önemle rica olunur.

Önemli: "Yazar adından yapılan yayın/atıf taramalarında isim benzerlikleri, soyadı değişikliği, Türkçe harf içeren isimler, farklı yazımlar, kurum değişiklikleri gibi durumlar sorun oluşturabilmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmacıların tanımlayıcı kimlik/numara (ID) edinmeleri önem taşımaktadır. ULAKBİM TR Dizin sistemlerinde tanımlayıcı ID bilgilerine yer verilecektir.

Standardizasyonun sağlanabilmesi ve YÖK ile birlikte yürütülecek ortak çalışmalarda ORCID kullanılacağı için, TR Dizin’de yer alan veya yer almak üzere başvuran dergilerin, yazarlardan ORCID bilgilerini talep etmeleri ve dergide/makalelerde bu bilgiye yer vermeleri tavsiye edilmektedir. ORCID, Open Researcher ve Contributor ID'nin kısaltmasıdır.  ORCID, Uluslararası Standart Ad Tanımlayıcı (ISNI) olarak da bilinen ISO Standardı (ISO 27729) ile uyumlu 16 haneli bir numaralı bir URI'dir. http://orcid.org adresinden bireysel ORCID için ücretsiz kayıt oluşturabilirsiniz. "