Sayı: 37, 31.12.2021

Yıl: 2021

Araştırma Makalesi

Journal of New Theory aims to share new ideas in pure or applied mathematics with the world of science.

Journal of New Theory is an international, online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal.

Journal of New Theory publishes original research articles and reviews from all science branches that use mathematics theories.

Journal of New Theory is concerned with the studies in the areas of AMS2020, but not limited to:

· Fuzzy Sets

· Soft Sets

· Neutrosophic Sets

· Decision-Making

· Algebra

· Number Theory

· Analysis

· Theory of Functions

· Geometry

· Applied Mathematics

· Topology

· Fundamental of Mathematics

· Mathematical Logic

· Mathematical Physics

· Mathematical Statistics

Authors should prepare the article using the Journal’s templates. The manuscript preparation rules, article templates (LaTeX and Microsoft Word), Copyright Form, and Response Letter can be accessed from the following links.

Author who submitted the article for publication manages all communication and correspondence with the JNT. To submit a manuscript, kindly login to

In the submission, Author should suggest at least two potential reviewers with full names, universities, and e-mail addresses. Proposed reviewers must be experienced researchers in the related area. Besides, these potential reviewers must not be co-authors, advisors, students, etc., of the Author. Please be aware that the assigned editor doesn’t have to use the list of recommended reviewers.

Author declares that the article is clean in terms of plagiarism. The legal and ethical responsibility of the article belongs to Author. Author also accept that the manuscript will be subjected to a plagiarism check using plagiarism detection software. 

Allowed Article Types

Research Article and Review

Submission Checklists

All Authors have read and approved the most recent version of the paper. 

The docx file has been uploaded as a Supporting File. / The tex file has been uploaded as a Latex Source File.

The paper (Full Text) and the Copyright Form are in PDF format. 

The Authors’ title has not been included in any personal information. 

All the Figures have been uploaded since the paper format is “tex”. / Any Figures have not been uploaded since the paper format is “docx”. 

The paper has been prepared using JNT’s template. 

The paper’s reference-excluded similarity rate by iThenticate or Turnitin is 30% or less. 

Any abbreviation has not taken part in the authors’ names and surnames.

Submission last step confirm text

The manuscript has been prepared using JNT’s template.

The manuscript’s reference-excluded similarity rate by iThenticate or Turnitin is 30% or less.

My/our title(s) has not been included in any personal information, such as Prof, Mr, and Dr.

Any abbreviation has not taken part in my/our name(s) and surname(s).

The reviewers we suggest are not co-authors with us and not our colleagues in the same university, our master’s advisors, PhD supervisors, or students (current or old).

Necessary Files (When submitting the paper)

Full-Text File The manuscript (pdf)

Copyright Form The copyright form (pdf)

Latex Source File The manuscript (tex) OR Supporting file The manuscript (docx)

Figures For only LaTeX (pdf, png, etc.)

Supporting file(if any) For only LaTeX (bib)

Necessary Files (After revisions)

Full-Text File The revised manuscript (pdf)

Latex Source File The revised manuscript (tex) OR Supporting file The revised manuscript (docx)

Figures for only LaTeX (pdf, png, etc.)

Response to Reviewers The response letter (pdf)

Manuscript Preparation Rules for JNT

The manuscript should be prepared according to the templates provided on the webpage of JNT. Details of the rules are as follows:

Kindly ensure that your manuscript’s reference-excluded similarity rate by iThenticate or Turnitin is 30% or less. Moreover, add two Mathematics Subject Classification (2020) Numbers: Primary and Secondary, add your current ORCID number, an Introduction, and a Conclusion. Do not add an acknowledgement to editors or referees. Do not include your title in your personal information. Do not abbreviate your name and surname (first name, middle name (if any), and last name)

The manuscript should be prepared in British English and A4 size.
The manuscript should be prepared using LaTeX or Microsoft Word with Times New Roman or equivalent font.
Only boldface or italic forms should be used to emphasise.
The manuscript is written with 1,15-space and in one column.
The manuscript’s set margins are 2 cm, 2 cm, 2 cm, and 2 cm for the top, left, right, and bottom, respectively.

Table 1. Manuscript font sizes and formatting
Title 15 pt, bold, centre
Authors’ names 11 pt, bold, centre
Authors’ e-mails 10 pt, justify
Affiliations 10 pt, justify
Abstract Title 9 pt, bold, justify
Abstract Text 9 pt, justify
Keywords Title 9 pt, bold, italic, justify
Keyword Text 9 pt, italic, justify
Section Title 13 pt, bold, left-justified
Subsection Title 13 pt, bold, left-justified
Body Text 11 pt, justify
Definition, Theorem, etc. 11 pt, bold, justify
Figure and Table Titles 11 pt, bold
Figure and Table Texts 11 pt, centre
Footnote Text 10 pt, justify
Acknowledgements Title 13 pt, bold, justify
References Title 13 pt, bold, justify
References Text 11 pt, justify

Title, Author’s Information, Abstract and Keywords

Leave a space (24 nk) between the logo and title. The title of the article should be suitable for the contents of the article. It should be 15 pt, bold, centred, Capitalise the First Letter of Each Word except in, on, and, etc.
Leave a space (24 nk) between the title and the Author’s names and leave a space (18 nk) between the Author’s names and Abstract. Omit titles or degrees such as Dr., Prof., PhD, etc. Indicate the corresponding Author, the Author’s address, and the Author’s e-mail address with the footnote. Do not abbreviate your name and surname (first name, middle name (if any), and last name).
Abstracts and Keywords should be 9 pt. Keywords contain a maximum of 6 keywords with italic.

Section and Text

Sections should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
All headings are bold, capitalise the first letter of each word and flush left.
In the Introduction, no indent the first paragraph but indent the others therein (0.75cm).
Leave a space (6 nk) before and after the paragraphs.
Referred equations must be numbered consecutively, with the numbers parenthesised at the end of the corresponding line flush right.


Referred equations should be referred to in the text by their number, such as “in Figure 1”.
Definition, Theorem, Proposition, Lemma, Corollary, Example and Remark should be 13pt, bold and flush left. Proof should be 11 pt (P), 7pt (ROOF), and flush left.
Leave a space (6 nk) before and after the equations.
The technical terms, symbols, abbreviations must be defined when they are used in the article.
All the mathematical expressions should be written by the equation editor. For example, A=cos3x+xA=cos⁡3x+xA=cos3x+x should be used instead of A = cos3x + x.

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be centred.
Tables and figures must be captioned and numbered.
Captions should be located under the figure and on top of the table and must be 11 pt.
Figures and tables should be referred to by the number in the text.


Footnote (if any) must be used in the paper and appears at the foot of the page typed in 10 pt and separated by a short line from the text.


Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently after that.

Acknowledgements (if necessary)

All acknowledgements should be included at the end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth but not editor or referees. Do not number acknowledgements.


At the end of the manuscript, references should be listed in order of use and numbered consecutively enclosed in square brackets.
The citation of references in the text should be indicated by the same number enclosed in square brackets.

The governance structure of JNT and its acceptance procedures are transparent and designed to ensure the highest quality of published material. Journal of New Theory adheres to the international standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The peer-review process is summarized as follows:

1. After a manuscript is submitted to the journal, an Editor is assigned to process it.

2. Editor produces a similarity report of the submission, which excludes Sources less than 1% and Bibliography, on iThenticate and uploads this report to the system for Reviewers to consider the report during the review.
a. The manuscript is rejected if the similarity rate (SR) is greater than 50%.
b. If 30% < SR < 50%, Editor checks the manuscript for plagiarism and whether it complies with the JNT’s style guide and the required sections Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion are included in the paper. Editor then requests Author to resubmit it as SR reduced to 30% or less. If either or both of the above cases exist(s), then Author is required to reformat the paper following the style guide and/or to include the missing section(s).
c. If SR ≤ 30%, Editor checks the manuscript for plagiarism and whether it complies with the JNT’s style guide and the required sections Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion are included in the paper. If Editor detects a likely case of plagiarism or realizes incongruence with the style guide and/or an absent/incomplete section, then Author is required to revise the manuscript before resubmission.

3. If required, Editor corresponds with Author until the article is ready for review.
If Author does not accept to resubmit the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to duly satisfy the listed requests, the manuscript is rejected.

4. If Editor assigns an Area Editor,
a. Area Editor appoints at least four reviewers, two of which are proposed by Author.
b. Area Editor judges Reject, Minor revision, or Major Revision based on reviewers’ comments. If the decision is Reject, Area Editor notifies Editor of the decision.
If Author does not accept to revise the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to upload the revised version and the compulsory files by the due date, the manuscript is rejected.
c. When the Minor Revision is completed, Area Editor reviews the revised paper and the accompanying response letter. Area Editor then notifies Editor of the decision.
d. When the Major Revision is completed, Area Editor forwards the revised paper and the accompanying response letter to Reviewers. Area Editor notifies Editor of the decision made based on the reviewers’ comments.

If Editor does not assign an Area Editor,
a. Editor appoints at least four reviewers, two of which are proposed by Author.
b. Editor judges Reject, Minor Revision, or Major Revision based on reviewers’ comments.
If Author does not accept to revise the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected.
If Author has failed to upload the revised version and the compulsory files by the due date, the manuscript is rejected.
c. When the Minor Revision is completed, Editor reviews the revised paper and the accompanying response letter. Editor then notifies Author of the decision.
d. When the Major Revision is completed, Editor forwards the revised paper and the accompanying response letter to Reviewers. Editor then notifies Author of the decision made based on the reviewers’ comments.

5. Editor completes the process by forwarding the accepted manuscript to Layout Editor, Proofreading (Language) Editor, and Production Editor.

Workflow Settings

Additional time given for all assigned users, when Editor extends the due date 10 Days

Time given to make an action when a new submission arrives before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for Editor to assign an Editor in "checked" status before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the assigned Editor to take an action in "With Editor" status before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the assigned editors to take an action in "Ready for Decision" status before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for Editor to make a decision before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the assigned Editor to make the article to be ready for publishing , after the article is accepted before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the Copyeditor, Statistics editor, Layout editor, and Proofreader to complete the task before becoming overdue 20 Days

Time given for the author to answer the requested task i.e resubmission or revision requested before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the author to take action before becoming overdue 30 Days

Time given for the reviewer(s) to respond to the invitation before becoming overdue 10 Days

Time given for the reviewer to review the article after accepting the invitation before becoming overdue 30 Days

Publisher’s Ethical Responsibilities

Journal of New Theory is in the public interest and non-profit.

Editors are faculty members who have at least a PhD degree.

Editorial Board consists of an Editor-in-Chief, three Associate Editor-in-Chief, Area Editors, a Statistics Editor, a Foreign Language Editor, a Layout Editors, and a Production Editor.

In a year, the number of articles in which Editors are its Authors/Co-Authors cannot be more than 1/5 of the total number of articles published in the year.

Responsibilities of Editorial Board

Editorial Board is responsible for every manuscript submitted to the journal and is aware of this responsibility.

Editorial Board regularly makes an effort to improve the journal and increase its publication quality.

Editorial Board ensures that journal policies such as publication, blind review, review process, ethical principles are determined and carried out.

Editorial Board measures intellectual property rights, unscientific, unethical behaviours, and plagiarism for manuscripts and the journal.

Editorial Board is responsible for appointing an expert referee for the manuscripts sent to the journal.

Editorial Board is responsible for the management of the review process.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editorial Board

While deciding whether to publish submitted manuscripts, Editors pay attention to consider the original value and similarity rate of the manuscripts, their contribution to the literature, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the language, and the journal’s purpose and scope.

Editors carry out the policies of blind review and review process, among the journal’s publishing policies, keep confidential the identity information of Reviewers, and ensure each manuscript is reviewed objectively and in time.

Editors send manuscripts by taking notice of the editors and referees’ field of expertise, and they pay attention to an objective and independent review of the manuscript.

Editors endeavour to ensure the Reviewers' diversity and change.

Editors protect personal data in reviewed manuscripts.

Editors protect human rights in the manuscripts and document the participants’ explicit consent. They reject the manuscripts if the authors do not have the Ethics Committee’s approval of the manuscripts’ participants.

Editors make provisions against misconduct. If there are misconduct complaints, they make an objective investigation and share the complaints’ findings.

Editors consider the consistent criticism of manuscripts published in the journal and provide the right to reply to Author(s) for the criticism.

Editors investigate the complaints submitted to the journal and make necessary statements.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

In reviewing the manuscripts, the single-blind refereeing principle is applied.

Reviewers do not contact directly with the authors. The manuscript review forms and the notes specified on the manuscript, and requests for correction are conveyed to the author(s) by Editors through the journal management system.

Reviewers must only accept manuscripts related to their field of expertise.

Reviewers should notice the objectivity and confidentiality of the review process. In a conflict of interest, Reviewers should deny reviewing the manuscripts and acquaint Editors.

Reviewers should review the manuscripts in constructive comments by academic ethic principles and avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.

Reviewers should review their accepted manuscripts within the time specified.

Reviewers should provide detailed reasons for acceptance or refusal.

The report you prepared must include details. The reference-excluded similarity report of the manuscript is available in the Editorial System.

Reviewers do not request the Author(s) to add Reviewers' articles as a reference if it is not required.

Reviewers avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Author(s) should not submit to the Journal of New Theory a manuscript they have published elsewhere or submitted to be published elsewhere.

The manuscript submitted by Author(s) should be original.

Author(s) should pay attention to ethical principles for references used in the manuscript.

The names of people who do not contribute to the manuscript should not be added as Author(s).

It should not be suggested to change the order of Author(s), remove Author(s), or add Author(s) for the manuscript submitted for publication.

If information or data about the manuscript is requested from Author(s) during the review process, Author(s) should provide the editors’ asked information.

Author(s) should provide Ethics Committee’s approval for the research that requires quantitative or qualitative data collection methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, and focus group studies. The document indicating the Ethics Committee decision should be uploaded with the manuscript’s application to the system.

There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.

TR Dizin 26024

Electronic Journals Library (EZB) 13651

Academindex 28993

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Scilit 20865                                                  

29324 As of 2021, JNT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC).