Publication 2 Review 9
2 Publication
9 Review

Research Fields

Language Studies Linguistics


IJOKS was established in June 2014. The Journal publishes high quality articles, reviews and perspectives in the fields of Kurdish Studies. The journal is of interest to researchers, academics, and those people concerned with mediating research findings to practitioners. Focus & Scope The aim of our journal is to present original research on the languages and peoples of Kurdish from its beginning down to the present. In addition to Kurdish itself any aspects of Kurdish relations with an influence on the areas of the Middle East, Mesopotamia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Europe and Kurdish who are all around the world, falls within the journal’s scope Section Policies IJOKS supports open access policy, so that every article published online can be accessed without any restriction or subscription worldwide. Open access is based on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. IJOKS accepts mansucripts, book reviews or translation texts for publication. As soon as the editorial team receives the submissions, two experts are assigned as reviewers. Our journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers. All reviewers evaluates the manuscript in terms of originality, methodology and its contributions to the field. Publication Frequency IJOKS publishes two issues per year, in January and August. Indexing / Abstracting IJOKS is an international refereed journal and enriches its indexes. Now our Journal is accepted and hosted by Turkish JournalPark Academic, supported by TUBITAK, Turkey, and indexed by the following indexes and lists.



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