Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024


International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology is a multidisciplinary open access journal which publishes blind peer reviewed original research articles. The journal includes a wide range of fields related with automotive technologies and creates a platform for researchers to make their contribution to automotive science. International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology is a member of Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey. http://omd.org.tr/

The journal aims to publish comprehensive and reliable information on current developments, innovative technologies and discoveries in automotive science and technology. Articles will be freely available online to researchers worldwide without any subscription or restriction. Original research articles, review articles, letters to the editor, case reports and short communications prepared in English are accepted for publication without any publication or submission fees.

Topics of the Journal include powertrain systems, engine and vehicle dynamics, vibrations and control, NHV, structural analysis, energy sources, fossil and alternative fuel technologies, renewable energy in automotive, combustion in internal combustion engines (ICEs), mathematical modelling and validation, emissions, mechatronics, vehicle electronics, advanced control strategies, electro-mechanical engineering, vehicle aerodynamics, fuel cell, hybrid and electrical vehicles, design and manufacturing, automobile materials, lubrication, tribology, safety systems, logistics and transportation, traffic management, intelligent vehicle systems, communication systems and other fields related to automotive science and technology.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes 4 issues per year without special subject volumes.

Reviewing Process

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology uses Single-Blind Reviewing process. This means that the reviewer identities are concealed from the authors throughout the review process. Reviewers will not be influenced by the authors because reviewer anonymity allows for impartial decisions.


Papers must be prepared in English. The accepted paper should be prepared in two columns. The main text of the manuscript must be written in Times New Roman, font 10, 12-point line spacing. The font size, line spacing, and margin of the template must not be altered. Authors can use template document to prepare the manuscript to submission. Authors can find and download this Microsoft Word document from the website of the journal, www.ijastech.org. Other submission versions will not be accepted, so, the manuscript could not go further to reviewing process.

Main sections and subsections should be numbered consecutively. All of the references given at the end of the paper that listed consecutively should be cited in the main text with numerals in a square bracket [1, 2-5].

The paper is divided into three parts. The first part includes the title, author’s name, abstract, and keywords. The second part is the main body of the paper that includes the references and nomenclature. The third part is the author’s profile.

Sections must also be edited in double column. Tables and figures should be located at the top or bottom of the columns if possible. Tables should be prepared in font 9. If any table of figure is large than one column, figure or table can be located at the bottom or top of the page with one column. Figures must have at least 300 dpi resolution. Black and white or colored figures are acceptable. Each table and figure should be cited in the text.

Manuscript Template

Authors must declare that there is no conflict of interest in the study.

Authors should fill the "Acknowledgement" section to thank their funders.

Authors must present CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/leap.1210]) when there are two or more authors.

The corresponding author is expected to present CRediT details that provide the opportunity to share an accurate and detailed description of the authors' contributions to the published article.

The role(s) of all authors must be listed, using 14 relevant categories in CRediT taxonomy.

Authors may have contributed in multiple roles.

This information must be provided after the authors' short bios.

The roles of authors may be classified as the followings, but not limited to:

Conceptualization          : Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims.
Data curation                   : Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including                                                                                         software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.
Formal analysis            : Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize                                                                                                     study data.
Funding acquisition       : Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication.
Investigation                        : Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence                                                                   collection.
Methodology                           : Development or design of methodology; creation of models.
Project administration : Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution.
Resources                                 : Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation,                                                                     computing resources, or other analysis tools.
Software                                       : Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and                                                                                    supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
Supervision                         : Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship                                                                  external to the core team.
Validation                                    : Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/reproducibility of                                                                  results/experiments and other research outputs.
Visualization                         : Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/data presentation.
Writing - original draft : Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including                                                                    substantive translation).
Writing - review & editing : Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group,                                                                             specifically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages.

The corresponding author may use the following example to state author contributions as authorship credits:

Hamit Solmaz: Conceptualization, Supervision, H. Serdar Yücesu: Conceptualization, Writing-original draft, Validation, Alper Calam: Data curation, Formal analysis, Emre Yılmaz: Writing-original draft, writing-review&editing, software.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/leap.1210

References should be listed at the end of the paper in font 9. They should be numbered consecutively and referred in square brackets. While referring a journal paper, volume, number, page numbers and year must be given. From 2021, the reference list should be prepared using the Vancouver referencing style. Attention!: Article citations should demonstrate the integration of the published work in the scholarly community and surrounding research field. Articles reporting lists of references citing non scholarly documents, such as, webpages, blogs, commercial products, manuals of any device or software as well as references that cannot be accessed, are not acceptable.

[1] Setiyo M, Waluyo B. Mixer with Secondary Venturi: An Invention for the First-Generation LPG Kits. Int J Automot Sci Technol. 2019;3(1):21–26.

[2] Can Ö, Öztürk E, Solmaz H, Aksoy F, Çinar C, Yücesu HS. Combined effects of soybean biodiesel fuel addition and EGR application on the combustion and exhaust emissions in a diesel engine. Appl Therm Eng. 2016;95:115–124.

[3] Sezer İ. A review study on the using of diethyl ether in diesel engines: Effects on CO emissions. Int J Automot Sci Technol. 2019;3(1):6–20.

[4] İlker Ö, Kul BS, Ciniviz M. A Comparative Study of Ethanol and Methanol Addition Effects on Engine Performance , Combustion and Emissions in the SI Engine. Int J Automot Sci Technol. 2020;4(2):59–69.

[5] Solouk A, Shakiba-Herfeh M, Kannan K, Solmaz H, Dice P, Bidarvatan M, et al. Fuel Economy Benefits of Integrating a Multi- Mode Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) Engine in a Series Extended Range Electric Powertrain. In: SAE Technical Papers. 2016.

[6] Gupta HN. Fundamentals of internal combustion engines. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.; 2012.

Manuscript Temptale


Publication ethics are kept in the course of publication processes International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (e-ISSN 2587-0963) to assure the best practice guidelines and hence it is crucial for the journal’s editors, authors, and peer reviewers to abide by the ethical policies.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology conforms to the principles below that are described by COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct) and not only transparency principles, but also best practice in scholarly publishing pointed out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Duties of Editor-in-Chief & Section Editors


Editor-in-chief & section editors of the journal are account for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal ought to be published. In this process, the authors of the manuscript are not distinguished based on his/her race, ethnicity, gender, religion and citizenship by the editors. Editors´ decision to accept, revise or reject a manuscript for publication should be based merely on the importance, originality and clarity of the manuscript, and also convenience of the study performed in manuscript to the coverage of the journal.


Editor-in-chief and section editors staff must not reveal any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone but the corresponding author, reviewers/potential reviewers and the publishing personnel. Editors will assure that all material submitted by authors remains confidential during the review process.

Conflicts of interest & Disclosure

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be utilized in any reviewers’ own studies without expressing written permission of the author. Exclusive information or opinions attained from peer review process must be maintained confidential and not used for personal benefit. Reviewers ought not to take into account manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest deriving from competitive, collaborative or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the articles.

Peer review process

The editor-in-chief/section editors must assure that a single-blind peer review process is effectively performed for each manuscript submitted to journal system.

Management of unethical behaviour(s)

The editors, together with the publisher(s), should take rationally responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented regarding a submitted manuscript or published article.

Duties of Author(s)

Authorship of the paper

Authorship should be narrowed to those who have made a vital contribution to the reported study including conception, execution, design and interpretation. All authors made significant contributions to the submitted manuscript should be listed as co-authors.

Originality and plagiarism

The authors are responsible for the content, language and originality of the manuscript they submitted. The authors should assure that they have composed their original works entirely, and if the authors have used the study and/or words of other authors, that this has been conveniently cited or quoted. Plagiarism takes many forms varying from “passing off” someone´s paper as the authors’ own paper to copying or paraphrasing important parts of someone´s paper (without attribution), to claiming results from research performed by others. Plagiarism in all its forms comprises unethical publishing behaviour and is inadmissible. Before being sent a manuscript to reviewers, it is checked in terms of similarity by iThenticate to explore the plagiarism.

Acknowledgement of funding sources

All funding sources for the research reported in the manuscript should be acknowledged thoroughly at the end of the manuscript before references.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

All authors should reveal in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest which may be construed to affect the findings or interpretation of their manuscript. All financial support sources for the project should be disclosed as well. Disclosed examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest should be declared at the earliest stage possible.

Reporting standards

Authors of manuscript should present an accurate explanation of the study conducted and an objective discussion of its importance. Underlying data should be accurately given in the manuscript. A paper should include sufficient detail and references to allow other researchers to repeat the study. Tricky or knowingly imprecise statements form unethical behaviour and are unacceptable. Review and professional publication articles should also be precise, original and objective, and editorial opinion works should be described overtly as such.

Data access & retention

Authors might be asked to ensure the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review process, and should in any event be prepared to keep in such data for a moderate time after publication.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication

Submitted manuscripts must not be under consideration of any other journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently comprises unethical publishing behaviour. The authors must also assure that the article has not been published elsewhere before.

Principal errors in published studies

When an author corresponds to a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author´s obligation to notify swiftly the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the paper.

Duties of Reviewers

Reviewers should review and send the review comments in due time period. If the manuscript is not in the reviewer’s field of interest, then the manuscript must be sent back to editor so that the other reviewers can be assigned without losing time.


Reviewers are the main members contributing to the quality of the journal being a peer reviewed one. The reviewers who feel unqualified to review the received manuscript must swiftly notify the editor and reject to review that manuscript.


Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editor.

Objectivity standards

Reviews should be objectively performed. Personal criticism of the author is unsuitable. Referees should frankly express their aspects with supporting arguments.

Acknowledgement of sources

Reviewers should describe relating published study which has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also point out to the editor’s attention any vital resemblance or coincide between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal information.

Disclosure & conflict of interest

Reviewers should not take into account the manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest derived from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscripts.

The Journal aim to publish extensive and reliable information on current developments, innovative technologies and discoveries about automotive science and technology. Papers will be freely accessible online without any subscriptions and restrictions to researchers worldwide. Original research papers, review papers, letter to the editor, case reports, short communications are welcome for publishing without any publishing or submission payment.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
