
İnönü University Faculty of Communication Journal İNİF E- Journal is a scientific and refereed journal. İNİF E- Journal started its publication life in May 2016 and is published twice a year in May and November. All of the articles in İNİF E- Journal are published after the approval of at least two referees. Articles previously published in the journal, accepted for publication, and being evaluated for publication are not accepted. Although the responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author, if a correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made within 1 month at the latest. In İNİF E- Journal; A comprehensive compilation of scientific studies on a particular subject until recently, articles written in a scientific format that present original research and results, articles prepared in the theoretical level that will contribute to the relevant discipline, and book introductions are published.

İNİF E- Journal is published twice a year, in May and November. All articles are published collectively in several articles with their table of contents.

1) Articles are written following the İNİF E- Journal 's writing rules and uploaded to the journal system.

2) The received article is delivered to the editor after the procedural review by the assistant editors of İNİF E- Journal (5 days).

3) The article reviewed and approved by the editor is forwarded to the relevant referees according to the theme (10 days).

4. Studies are sent to at least 2 referees. If one of the referees gives a negative report, the study is recommended to the 3rd referee.

5) Authors are informed according to the referee reports (within 1 month at the latest).

6) The articles requested to be corrected must be corrected and returned within 1 month in accordance with the reports.

7) If the article gets acceptance from two referees, it is published in the following issue.

8) After an article is sent to the INIF e-journal, the publication decision process is concluded between 1.5 and 3.5 months.

Criteria requested from the referees in the review:

1. The article title is compatible with the content.

2. The summary (in both languages) briefly describes the article.

3. Keywords (in both languages) are sufficient and relevant.

4. Is the purpose of the study adequately explained in the article?

5. Does the article contribute to communication science, its sub-branches and their application?

6. The research question (hypothesis) and method are appropriate.

7. The language of the article is understandable.

8. The article has subject integrity.

9. Tables and figures are sufficient and understandable.

10. The resources used are sufficient.

11. The conclusion section examines the article sufficiently.

12 The article is qualified to contribute theoretically and/or practically.

If you are thinking of submitting an article to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal publication policy and Author's Guide on the About page. Authors must register before submitting to the journal. After signing up, you can start the 3-digit submission process via the Login link. It is recommended that readers register for the journal notification service. This can be done from the Registration link at the top of the journal home page. Each time a new issue is published, the CONTENTS page is sent to the reader who registers for this service via e-mail. As stated in the journal's privacy statement, the authors' credentials and e-mail addresses will not be used for other purposes in any way. We recommend that research libraries include this journal in the electronic journal collection. It should be noted that the journal's open-source publication system may also be suitable for use in other journals in which academicians using the library participate in the publication process. Detailed information about Open Journal Systems can be obtained from the Public Knowledge Project page. Authors can publish their work published in this journal before and after publication, on their personal websites, or incorporate archives, by referencing this journal in accordance with librarianship rules.


The Journal provides instant open access to its content following the principle that providing scientific research free of charge to the public will increase the global sharing of knowledge.

Since open access increases the universal change of knowledge and produces universal beneficial results, INIF e-journal has a policy of providing open access.

Names and e-mail addresses on this journal site will only be used for the stated purposes of this journal; It will not be made available for any other purpose or to the use of other persons. I clearly state that the article I sent to be published in İnönü University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal İNİF E- Journal  has not been published anywhere before, has not been accepted for publication, and is still not in the process of being evaluated for publication elsewhere. If my article is accepted for publication, I accept that İnönü University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal İNİF E- Journal has all the publishing rights. The copy editing phase aims to improve the fluency, comprehensibility, grammatical structure, word selection and format of the article. This is the last opportunity for the author to make significant changes to his article; because in the next step, only the corrections regarding the string and format will be made. Since the file to be copied is in MS Word or .rtf file format, it can be easily edited as a word processing document. Two approaches for corrections are suggested here. The first is to use the "Track Changes" feature of the MS Word program. However, when this path is chosen, the author, copy editor and editor should be able to access the program. The second proposed system is independent of software and was taken here with the permission of Harward Educational Review. The editor of the journal can change these instructions to make them more suitable for the journal's own functioning.

Copy editing systems
1. When the "Track Changes" feature of MS Word and the "Track Changes" feature under Tools in the menu bar is activated, the copy editor can make the changes it deems necessary. The text he adds is shown in a different color, the places he removed are strikethrough, colored or deleted in the margin. The copy editor can write whatever he/she wants to ask the author or editor in square brackets. The document passing through the copy editor is uploaded to the system to be forwarded to the editor. The editor reviews the text and presents it to the author's opinion. The editor and the author approve the corrections they see fit and bring them to their normal form, they can change if they want, or make new additions or subtractions in different colors. If there are questions in square brackets in the text, the author and editor must answer these questions in the relevant brackets. The copy editor reviews the text that has been reviewed by the writer and editor one more time, confirms the changes and makes it ready for the text page editing and typesetting phase. 2. Instructions for making electronic edits in the article draft with the Harward Educational Review method
When making electronic edits to draft text, follow the procedure below:

Responding to suggested changes
If you approve of the proposed changes, change the relevant text from bold to regular font. If you don't approve of the proposed changes, re-enter the original text and make it bold. Adding and subtracting: Mark the part you are adding in bold font. Mark the text to be deleted with square brackets as below: [text to be deleted] If you are deleting a sentence or more, add a note in the corresponding field. For example: [2 sentences deleted: text to be deleted] Responding to questions directed at the author Do not touch, delete the questions leave them in bold font in the text. Add your answer as [Author note:] at the end of the questions directed to the author. For example: [Author note: The methodology discussion has been expanded as you suggest.] Commenting Use the Comment section to explain the changes and major revisions regarding the editing of the article. For example, [Comment: The above paragraph has been moved from page 5 to page 7] Note: When giving the page numbers, use the page numbers in the hard copy you received. Page numbers may change during electronic processes.

An example of electronic editing
The first copy editor file: The journal's copy editor reviews and edits the text in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, grammar, word selection and format and adds questions to be forwarded to the author at the necessary points. He/ she uploads an article whose first edition is completed to the journal's web page. He/She also sends a note to the author to review the article.

Author editing file: The author should seek the views of the editors who have followed the article before making any major changes to the structure or layout of the article whose first editing has been completed. He/She should answer all questions posed by approving the changes made during the first arrangement, if it deems appropriate, or rejecting it if not.

Editing the final copy: The journal copy editor will approve the changes made by the author and integrate the answers with the text and prepare the final copy. He/She will prompt the page layout editor to complete the formatting after uploading the final copy to the journal web page.

Last Update Time: 2/12/21, 12:01:35 AM