Writing Rules

Submitting a contribution to KADEM the Journal of Women's Studies in the following format will enable the rapid progress of the article management process.


TYPEFACE: 12-point Times New Roman should be used. The explanations and footnotes should 10-point. For tables and figures, please see the relevant section and download article template.

PAGE FORMAT: The upper, lower, right and left margins should be 2.5 cm on both sides on A4 size paper. The papers should be prepared as a single column. Paragraphs and titles should not contain indentations.

PAGE NUMBER: Articles to be submitted to the journal should be minimum 10, maximum 25 pages except the references and bibliography. Articles exceeding the page number limit will not be reviewed.

PARAGRAPH FORMAT: Under the paragraph tab, indentation section, before and after section should be 0,6 and line spacing should be 1,5.


Emphasis: Bold style should not be used in the text except basic variables in titles, tables and figures. To emphasize, quotation marks [“ ”] or italics should be used.

Page Number: Page numbers should be inserted at the bottom right of the page.

Listing of items: For in-text listing, to itemize, instead of listing like 1, 2, 3 one under the other, listing as (i), (ii) etc. side by side should be preferred.

Quoting: Direct quotations should be written in 9-point and left-indented regarding the main text, and should not be in italics. For quotations exceeding 3 lines, there should be a block alignment with 1,2 cm-indented on the left only based on the main text, the size should be 11-point. For quotations not exceeding 3 lines, if the quoted lines are reported directly without reference to the author’s own statements, that part should be written within quotation marks and then end with a period right after indicating the reference/source.


For structural features of article, please use the article writing template. All rules are executed on the file. Please do not change the rules about typefaces. The file should not include author’s names, should be anonymous. Do not involve any kind of information that will reveal your personal information or identity.

ARTICLE TEMPLATE (TR): https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/28963
ARTICLE TEMPLATE (ENG): https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/28964 

If you are going to refer to your own work;
• Within the manuscript; as (Author, Year) e.g. (Author, 2010)
• In the bibliography at the end of the manuscript; you can write using the explanation [Author (Year) will be added later.]


TITLE: The title of article should correspond to the content, is limited to no more than 10-12 words. It should be flush left with point-14. If the work has been presented before or originated from a project or a thesis etc., the title should end with a footnote * and an explanation should be provided. Please see the section for Title System.

ENGLISH TITLE: The title should be flush left with point-14. If the work has been presented before, originated from a project or a thesis etc., the title should end with a footnote * and an explanation should be provided. Please see the section for Title System.

: In the articles in English or Turkish, abstracts should be included at the first page of article, right after the title consecutively.

TURKISH ABSTRACT: It should be in point-11, between 100-200 words, and 1,25 cm-indented on the right and on the left. It should not include references.

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It should be in point-11, between 100-200 words, and 1,25 cm-indented on the right and on the left. It should not include references.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: It should be in English between 800-1000 words. It is the part which includes introduction, literature, method, conclusion and discussion providing detailed information about the study.

KEYWORDS: It should be between 3-6 words, at the bottom of Turkish and English abstract.

MAIN BODY/TEXT: Quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Methods, Findings and Discussion sections. In Methods, it is necessary to include Sampling/Study Group, Data Gathering Tools and Processing sub-sections. If study includes a model, there should be a Model sub-section. Studies like collections should introduce the problem; have a qualified analysis of the relevant literature; emphasize the inadequacies and conflicts in literature; and mention the essential steps to take for solution. In other studies, there may be changes based on the type of subject/topic, however one should pay attention that it should not be in too detailed sub-sections that will make it harder for readers to benefit from the manuscript.

Writing style guidelines defined by Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition) should be applied in both manuscript and citations.

In-text Citation:
For in-text citations, “&” sign should be used between authors. For in-text citations, names of authors and publication year of work should be written. e.g. (Goren, 2022). Parenthetical citations should be alphabetical like the following: (Arpacı, 2013; Arpacı & Kuyu, 2010; Karman, 2000, 2004, 2010; Zengin, et al., 2013)

Indirect Citation:
In studies, it is essential to cite primary sources, however if one cannot do that due to some difficulties, the secondary source should be cited along with the primary source via in-text citation. A citation from a reference reported from another reference would look as it does below:

• Example 1: Freud, in the book “Das Ich und das Es (Ego and Id)” (1923), explained human psyche in three structures (as cited by Kaya, 2020, 26).
• Example 2: (Torgerson, 1958, p. 1-8 as cited by Baykul, 2000; Zengin, 1957 as cited by Pınar, 1999)

Bibliography: All resources mentioned in manuscript should be under the title Bibliography or Reference List. Sources should be listed alphabetically based on the surnames of authors. Names of institutions/organizations should be mentioned explicitly. Sources should be listed with a line spacing of 1.5 and in hanging-indent (1,25 cm). For bibliography, you can examine resources recommended in the recommendation section.


TITLE: Title should be in 14-point and aligned to the left.
ENGLISH TITLE: Title should be in 14-point and aligned to the left.
BOOK INFORMATION: The information of the book reviewed should be flush left and according to the formatting guidelines defined in APA 7.
BOOK RECOMMENDATION LIST: To reach the list of the recommended books, please click.

STYLE AND FORMAT: Same format and style can be used with the research articles. Page numbers are expectional. The number of page is limited to 5-10 pages for book reviews. 

Tables and Figures: Elements like tables, figures, images, graphics should be included in-text, should not be placed separately at the end of the study. For tables and figures, apart from the general template, Times New Roman 9-point should be used. Tables and figures should be aligned to the left and text wrapping option should be turned off.
For indent section in paragraph tab, before and after should be 0 nk, with single line spacing.

Appendices: Each appendix should be given on separate pages right after the bibliography.
Other: p value should only be shown outside the table; there should not be a separate p column within the table. In-text p values should be in italics. For numbers given, there should be only two digits after the coma.

Writing title: Initials of each word constructing title should be uppercase letters (affixes like e, ile, de mi should always be lowercase). Numbers and letters should not be used in titles or subtitles. Titles of tables and figures should also be arranged according to this rule.
Formatting in title writing:

Level 1: Centered, in Bold, Title Case Heading.
Level 2: Flush left, in Bold, Title Case Heading.
Level 3: Indented a tab, in Bold, Title Case Heading, ending with a period.
Level 4: Indented a tab, in bold italics, Title Case Heading, ending with a period.
Level 5: Indented a tab, in italics, title case heading, ending with a period.
It is not recommended to construct a title apart from five levels above.
Titles of Tables and Figures: Labels of Tables and Figures should be written above the tables and figures like (Table 1, Figure 1); titles of tables and figures should be in italics.



HACETTEPE APA 7 Akademik Yayın İlkeleri: APA 7 Akademik Yayın İlkeleri

KADEM Bibliograpy File: KADEM Sample Bibliography File (Click)

1. Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). In-Text Citations: The Basics. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_author_authors.html

2. Ceylan, A. Ö., Kaya, Ö. E., Günay Öge, R. & Çakmak, Z. (2020-2021). HACETTEPE APA 7 Akademik Yayın İlkeleri. Source: http://acikders.hacettepe.edu.tr/dersler/edebiyat_fakultesi/APA/APA7%20Bolum%208-10%20Kaynak%20Gosterme%20Kurallari%20ve%20Ornekler%202021%20Bahar.pdf

For categories not included among the examples above, please see: American Psychological Association (Washington, District of Columbia) (Ed.). (2020). Publication manual of the American psychological association (Seventh edition). American Psychological Association.

Last Update Time: 4/16/24, 2:40:38 PM