Current Issue

Volume: 11 Issue: 22, 7/15/24

Year: 2024


Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review is an international journal that periodically publishes all the articles to be prepared in the Basic Fields of Theology, Religion and Linguistics, as well as translated articles, book and symposium introduction-evaluation articles (once every 6 months).

Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review is an International Journal Available in Related Links on Article Evaluation Criteria and Peer Evaluation Process. Kafkas University Journal of Theology Faculty is an Open Access Refereed Journal. This Means All Content of the Journal is Subject to Open Access by the User or Institution. It Meets the BOAI Open Access Definition.

According to the Publication Policy of our Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review, Plagiarism Attempts Will Never Be Allowed. In this sense, all articles submitted for publication to our journal are scanned by plagiarism programs.

Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review publishes academic studies prepared in the field of Theological Studies.
Basic Islamic Sciences: Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, Arabic Language Rhetoric and Literature.

Philosophy and Religious Studies: Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, Logic.
Islamic History and Arts: History of Islam, History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Religious Music.

Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Education.

A work of one genre at most by the same author can be published in a single issue.

1. Since our journal receives the articles from the "Dergipark Article Tracking System" and the "Blind Refereeing System" is applied, article authors will never write their identity information in the article. In the system, who the article belongs to and who sent the article can be seen by the editor.
In system entries and the provided sample template, article titles must be in title case, with only the initial letters capitalized.

Click for Sample Word Template. After editing your article according to this format, upload it to the system.

2. Turkish and English “Abstract” consisting of 150-300 words in each article; There should be 5 "Keywords" in Turkish and English. No footnotes should be used in the abstract and conclusion sections of the articles. Between the main title of the article and the abstract, even if it is related to the article, there should be no aphorisms etc. should not be written. Manuscripts should not exceed 12000 (twelve thousand) words, including the Abstract and Bibliography sections.

3. The page size for the articles prepared for publication in the journal should be A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) in Microsoft Office Word. Page margins; 4 cm from the top, 4 cm from the bottom, 3 cm from the left, 3 cm from the right. Pages should not be numbered. In addition, headers and footers should not be added to the article.

4. Manuscripts should be written in “Cambria” font, “11 pt”, and line spacing should be “Full: 16 pt”. Footnotes should be set in “Cambria” font, “9 points”, “Single” line spacing and hanging “0.50” cm. (After the footnotes are set as hanging 0.50 cm, the footnote texts should be aligned/hanging by using the “Tab” key after each footnote number). Abstract and Keywords in Turkish and English in the article should be “10 point” and “italic” in “Cambria” writing style. A 1.25 cm indent should be left at the beginning of the paragraph.

5. The main title of the article is “Cambria” in 12 pt and bold; other titles should be 11 points and bold. In the article, the main title in Turkish, the abstract, the English title and the abstract should be centered, and the other headings should be written in line with the paragraph, that is, with a 1.25 cm indent from the left. Automatic numbering should not be used in titles or within the article.

ISNAD CITATION SYSTEM has been started to be used in the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review as of 15.08.2019. Articles to be sent as of this date must be arranged according to the Isnad Citation System.

Kafkas University, as they should have been produced from original material. The journal's author publication policy and ethical principles prefer ethical rules standards that must be followed for the uses of this action, journal/editors/editors, subject editors, referees and publishers.
General Ethical Rules
 Impartiality and Independence
Evaluation editors, assistant editors and referees of the submissions to the journal apply fair procedures and ethical principles. It cannot influence internal or external design that is not under its editorship.
 Confidentiality
The phone for Kafkas University is not used or shared for personal use, such as the contents of the articles and the authors, e-mail address, e-mail address. It is also carried out within the scope of the evaluation.
 Authorship and Author Rights
The authors who appear in the publications of the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review may not need school design, design or interpretation. As an example, it can be created using a sample sample, or it can be used in a sample, such as a sample sample that has availability in a sample, such as a sample sample. The authors contributing to the work and the term must be common in their decisions.
The authors included in the article, the task of studying the subject of study and their competence to be studied is also the regulation of deontological rules.
The main author of the article reviews the contributions of the authors under “Author contributions”. The primary responsible person is responsible for these positive problems.
Multidisciplinary author, each from a separate discipline, 2 authors as "co-first names"; in the same way, it can be stated as "at most 3 authors with value participation, second name author" from different disciplines.
 Originality of research
Authors are from a product prepared from the original research product of their article, ensuring the accuracy of the study data, and are eligible for eligible. The use of statements such as "this is the first study done", "this is not studied before", "limited number of studies" for the article is not justified, and the material belonging to this product may be blocked.
 Similarity (Similarity)
Comparative analyzes within the articles submitted to the journal and with software suitable for you. Comparability with similarity comparison.  Plagiarism/Self-Plagiarism, Duplicate Publication Articles submitted to the journal are examined for plagiarism/self-plagiarism, and if this works, the article "Which can be evaluated" is rejected. Also, the same article can not get used to a large number of clothes simultaneously. If unsuccessful, it is also rejected.
 Multi-Part Broadcasts (Part Broadcast)
Some occasional use may be used by more authors to be divided and used by the small notation method. Such articles are submitted to different journals and interestingly, an article can be different in number and all kinds of articles. Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review is against multi-section articles in principle. When necessary, the author's ethics committee approval information, project information, and congress presentations are examined and compared and reported accordingly, which will create ethical problems.
Authors may consider the necessity of publishing their work in separate chapters that complement each other. For this, each part of the article should be titled as "Part-I", "Part-II" and submitted to the journal "simultaneously". This issue can be evaluated by the editor/field editors/referees, and it can be decided to publish the article in sections, or it can be suggested to the authors that all sections be combined and resubmitted to the journal as a single article. On the other hand, if the article presented in sections is not accepted for publication, it means that all sections will be rejected.
 Conflicts of Interest/Competing Interests
The editor pays attention to whether there is a conflict of interest between the field editors, referees and the author(s) for the objective and unbiased evaluation of the article. In addition, authors are required to disclose any financial interest or affiliation, or any circumstances that may raise the issue of bias in research and article, under the above heading.
 Copyright Notice
The authors of the articles submitted to the Journal "Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review" and found suitable for publication must fill in the "Copyright Notice Form" document available on the journal website. Authors sending articles from abroad should scan the signed form and send it to the editor via the system or by e-mail.
All authors participating in the study agree that if the article is published in the Journal of the Faculty of Theology of Kafkas University, it will be licensed and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-4.0).
 Withdrawn of the Article
If the authors detect a significant error or deficiency in their manuscripts under evaluation, or if this error is reported to them by the editor/subject editor/referee, they can contact the editor immediately and request to withdraw the article by stating the reason. The decision on this matter belongs to the editorial board.
 Erratum
For errors or inaccuracies noticed by authors, editors or readers after an article is published, the responsible author may request an "erratum" from the editor. The editor prepares the content of the Erratum article in cooperation with the authors and publishes it in the first issue to be published. These articles, like other publications, should include the publication tag and DOI number.
 Retraction of the Article
If, after publishing the article, an irreparable ethical problem is detected about the article that cannot be resolved with erratum, the editor and his assistants prepare a justification for the article and apply a retraction procedure to the article. The file of a retracted article on the text web page is blocked and the reason for the retraction is added to the system as a file, ensuring that it is constantly in the archive.
 Advertising
Articles sent to the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review are rejected without being evaluated if the work is for the promotion of a commercial product and/or the work carried out is directly supported by the company.
Archive Policy
The Editor and Publisher of the Journal of the Faculty of Theology of Kafkas University (Dean of the Faculty of Theology of Kafkas University) keeps all the articles (electronic and printed) published in the journal in its archive. All articles and their appendices sent to the journal are kept in a secure archive. In the light of technological developments, the Editor of the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review (provided that the original documents and information of the article are reserved) regularly performs electronic transactions for the development and updating of the materials in the digital environment and presents them to the reader.
Even if the publication of the journal ends for any reason, the publisher (Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Kafkas University) will continue to protect the content of the journal in the long term and provide convenient access to users. In order to maintain this responsibility, electronic services of the Department of Information Technologies of Kafkas University will be used.
Responsibilities of Subject Editors
Subject editors make examinations and evaluations in accordance with the main publication purposes and policies of the journal and in line with the criteria that will contribute to the development of the journal.
Author information is kept confidential in articles sent to the subject editor for preliminary evaluation by the editor.
Subject editors examine the introduction, material and method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections of the studies in detail in terms of journal publication policies and scope, originality and research ethics. After the evaluation, the subject editor submits his decision (rejection, revision or peer-review can be reviewed) to the editor-in-chief in the form of a reasoned report.
Subject editor may request some additional information and documents related to the study from the authors when necessary through the editorship.
In multidisciplinary studies, the article can be submitted to the evaluation of more than one field editor.

Referee Responsibilities
A double-blinded peer-review procedure is applied in the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review so that the articles sent to the journal can be evaluated in accordance with the principle of impartiality and objective (objective) criteria; that is, reviewers and authors do not have information about each other.
Referee(s) submit their opinions and reports to the Editor in order to control and conformity of a submitted article, scientific content, scientific consistency and conformity with the journal's principles. When a referee makes a decision that an article cannot be published, he/she prepares its justifications in accordance with scientific norms and presents it to the editor.
Referee(s) also give authors the opportunity to improve the content of the article. In this direction, the revisions requested from the authors should be in the nature of explaining/questioning specific issues rather than general statements.
The referees appointed for the evaluation of the articles accept that the articles are confidential documents and will not share any information about these documents with third parties, except for the editors participating in the evaluation.
Referees should place their criticisms on a scientific basis and write their explanations based on scientific evidence. All comments made by reviewers to improve manuscripts should be clear and direct, and should be written in a way that does not offend the author's feelings. Insulting and derogatory expressions should be avoided.
If a referee has a conflict of interest with the author(s) on one or more issues, he/she should notify the editor and request his/her withdrawal from refereeing. The same is true in cases where the authors illegally learn about the referee of the article and try to influence them.
The editor can also ensure that the decision to be made about the article is in the most appropriate way by sharing the explanations and reports from the referees with the editors / assistant editors and the relevant field editor when necessary. When necessary, the editor can share the critical decision and justifications sent by a referee about the article with the other referee(s) and bring them to their attention.
The referee(s) may request revisions for the article they have evaluated many times.
The content of the referee reports are reviewed and evaluated by the editor/editors/assistant editors. The final decision authority rests with the editor.
Author Responsibilities
It is not tolerated that the author(s) submit an article they have sent to another journal to the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review within the scope of "whichever accepts" or "whichever publishes first" approach. If this is detected, the article will be rejected regardless of the stage of the evaluation. As a possible result of these attempts, the request for retraction, including this justification, to be sent by the authors for the article whose evaluation process is ongoing in our journal, following the acceptance of the article sent to another journal before, is evaluated by the journal editor and his assistants, and disciplinary action is taken against those responsible for ethical violations. process is initiated. This unethical action is also reported to the journal editor (if known) that accepted the article.
It is essential that the articles to be sent to the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review include current, original and important clinical/practical studies and should be prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules.
Authors should choose the sources they used during the writing of the article in accordance with ethical principles and should cite them in accordance with the rules.
The authors are responsible for revising the article in line with the issues communicated to them during the initial evaluation, preliminary evaluation and peer review stages of the article and explaining the changes they have made or not made in the "reponse to editor" and "reponse to reviewer comments" sections sequentially.
In the event that information, documents or data regarding the study are requested during the evaluation process, the responsible author is obliged to present this information to the editor.
Authors should know and take into account the issues listed in the "General Ethical Rules" section regarding scientific research and authors.
The authors do not have the right to send more than one article to the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review simultaneously. Spreading this out to appropriate time intervals is a more appropriate behavior in terms of journal policies.

Article submission/process operation is free of charge.