Special Issue

Volume: 19 Issue: 41, 4/19/24

Year: 2024

Memleket Politics and Administration Journal seeks to explore studies that ask original questions about administrative reality, wherever and whenever they are, and examine these questions through historical materialist research methodology.

Memleket Politics and Administration (MSY) is a national refereed journal that has started its publication in 2006. Since 2011, the journal has published two issues a year and is included in ULAKBIM TR Index of Social and Humanities Database, IBSS, EBSCO and ASOS Index.

Turkish literature on Turkey’s administration problem is quite strong. Our accumulation can be considered as remarkable. Nonetheless, generations of scholars are so disconnected from each other that bringing generations and accumulated knowledge into interaction requires an effort of its own. One reason for this disconnection is that the tradition of research that has once broken away from the language of the people and relied on Persian-Arabic was replaced in the 19th century by the French language. French constituting itself as ground zero has been replaced about a century later with English, which led again to the disregard of the previous period. The ruptures marked by language were also deepened by sharp political shifts and coups. Perhaps for these reasons, knowledge production has been divided into the worlds of the “university with a roof” and the “university without a roof”. The ruptures over time and the spatial divisions within the same time span, have created formidable obstacles to the utilization of our remarkable accumulation. Memleket Politics and Administration is a product of the desire to overcome these obstacles. Memleket Politics and Administration is interested in studies that ask original questions about administrative reality and explore these questions in depth, no matter when and where they are. The journal will bring together researchers from roofed and unroofed universities and will try to heal intellectual ruptures by bringing the forgotten works of previous periods as result of the change in the language of research to the present.

The main problem of studies on the phenomenon of administration is the lack of relationship between theory and practice. This is a problem not only of the present but also of the past. On the one hand, there is a peculiar understanding that identifies theoretical work with reading and summarizing the works in the literature (especially from the English literature). This understanding is sometimes presented in the form of the need to thoroughly explore Weberian, Marxist or liberal literature. High intellectual constructs such as schools, theories and approaches can only be produced by advanced Western capitalism. Contributions from the rest of the world can be accepted if they can pass through the intellectual filter of the same center. Therefore, any statement produced in the intellectual world of the underdeveloped Turkey cannot be named with high level constructs such as school, theory, or approach. When the work of reviewing and summarizing a series of books is considered as a theoretical activity, the work of researching the administrative reality of the country is equated with the effort to make sense of the country’s phenomena in the feeble light of the theories/models that have already been put forward. This is an unexciting and colorless work of testing; in more general terms, it is a transfer process. However, theory and practice are integrated. Research moves from the abstract to the concrete; the concrete is put into abstract terms and the reality is explained. The exciting work is the work of explaining reality and thereby reaching generalizations that will give us the power to reconstruct life; in other words, it is the process of creation. This is a task that can be accomplished by “constructing” theory statements, not by “taking and using” theory statements that have already been produced. Other models, theories, schools, whether produced in the south or the north, whether from old or contemporary times, are very valuable as indispensable inputs for our theoretical explanatory capability. To claim that they limit our explanatory power is to deny their value. Memleket Politics and Administration is published with the aim of creating a space where researchers can work together as theorists rather than theory transferring theorists.

Research, in a way, means the method. In Turkey, administrative research is dominated by either positivist or phenomenological/hermeneutic approaches. On the other hand, the number of studies using the dialectical-historical materialist method is not negligible. However, very few of the studies have discussed the methodology that they have used. The number of studies that directly discuss the question of method is quite rare. How can the phenomenon of administration be researched? The journal is designed as a publication that invites researchers to discuss this fundamental question. Memleket Politics and Administration aims to analyze Turkey’s general and current problems through a dialectical-historical materialist research method. 

1. The article is in Word format, 1.5 line spacing, 12 point font in main sections; Sections such as footnotes, abstracts, bibliography, tables and figures should be written in 10-point font size and Times New Roman characters. Following the bibliography, Extended Abstract in 700-1000 words, 11 font size, single line spacing should be added to the article. Extended English Abstract in the range of 700-1000 words, 11 point font, single line spacing should be added to the article at the end of the bibliography.

2. Except for the introduction and conclusion sections, primary level headings (1, 2, 3,…), secondary level headings (1.1., 1.2, 1.3.), tertiary level headings (1.1.1., 1.1.2, 1.1.3) should be shown.

3. Institutional names generally used with their abbreviations in the text should be written clearly when first used, and their abbreviations should be given in parentheses, and when used again, only their abbreviations should be used. For example: The World Bank (WB) continued to develop the concept of governance with its report dated 1994. DB explains more in this report…

4. The names of books, booklets, magazines, reports, films and documentaries included in the text should be written in italics, with the first letter of each word capitalized, and the names of articles should be written in quotation marks and normally, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

5. Each of the tables and figures included in the text should be given a number and title, and these numbered titles should be written at the bottom of the table or figure, in 10-point size and bold. When referring to relevant tables and figures in the text, it should be written as "as seen in Table-1" or "as shown in Figure-1".

6. If the quotations to be made in the text do not exceed a few sentences, they should be added within the relevant paragraph by enclosing them in quotation marks. If the quote is a long quote exceeding a few sentences, then the quote should be written as a separate paragraph, also in quotation marks. In cases where it is used like this, the size of the long quote should be 10 points and a tab key indent should be written inside.

7. APA 6th style should be used in text citations and bibliography. 


MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration expects from authors, referees, and editors to adhere to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing declared by organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and do not to engage in “actions contrary to the ethics of scientific research and publication” as specified in the Interuniversity Council Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics.

a) Open Access: MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration is committed to the principle of open and free academic publishing. Authors are not expected to pay any fee for article processing, submission, and publication. Each published article can be instantly accessed full text on dergipark website without any restriction.

b) Plagiarism: Presenting the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one’s own work without citation in accordance with scientific rules.

c) Scientific falsification: Using non-existent or falsified data in scientific research.

d) Data falsification: Falsifying research records or data, pretending that the devices or materials which are not used in the research as if they were used, falsifying, or changing the results of the research in line with the interests of the persons and organizations funding the research.

e) Republishing: Submitting an article which exactly or partly contains the results of the research or the original ideas of a published scientific work.

f) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research in multiple scientific works through disrupting the integrity of the study by inappropriately dividing the results into different parts.

g) Unfair authorship: Adding authors who have not actively contributed to the study to the author list or not including authors who have contributed to the study, changing the author ranking in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, including the name of the thesis advisor among the authors in articles produced from thesis studies.

h) Other types of ethical violations: 1) Failure to specify the individuals, institutions or organizations that have provided support to the research, 2) Using theses or studies that have not yet been submitted or defended and accepted as a source without the permission of the writer, 3) Not respecting the rights of patients, 4) Using the information that s/he has acquired in his/her capacity as the reviewer without the expressed permission of the author, 5) Publishing the data obtained in surveys conducted within the scope of a scientific study without obtaining the explicit consent of the participants or without obtaining the permission of the institution in which the survey has been conducted, 6) Failure to obtain the required written permissions from authorities before starting the studies, to carry out studies contrary to the provisions of the legislation or international conventions to which Turkey is a party, 7) Failure to comply with the obligation to inform and warn authorities about possible harmful practices related to the scientific research, 8) Using data and information obtained from individuals and institutions beyond the limits permitted by them or not respecting the confidentiality of this information, 9) Failure to obtain Ethics Committee permission within the scope of all kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques.

In addition to the ethical principles stated above, MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration expects from authors, referees, and editors to comply to the following issues.

1. Responsibilities of Authors

a) Submitted article should be the original work of the author.

b) All authors should actively participate to and take full responsibility for their study.

c) All authors should approve the final version of the submitted manuscript.

d) The article should not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

e) The text, figures and documents in the article should not infringe the copyrights of other parties.

f) They should give the copyright free of charge in case the article is accepted for publishing.

g) In case that the identity of the referee, which must remain confidential under the blind referee rule, is guessed, or learned, the author should immediately notify the editor.

2. Responsibilities of Referees

a) The evaluation should be objective and impartial.

b) S/he should not be in a conflict or harmony of interest with the authors, the study or with those who provide financial support to the research. When s/he realizes that there is a conflict, s/he should withdraw as a referee.

c) In case that s/he has the opinion that s/he is not competent to evaluate the submitted manuscript or when s/he understands that s/he cannot complete the evaluation within a reasonable period, s/he should withdraw as a referee.

d) S/he should not violate confidentiality and should not share the manuscript or his/her report with anyone other than the editor.

e) S/he should not use any data derived from the article that s/he reviewed in his/her studies before its publication.
3. Responsibilities of the Editors

a) They share responsibility with the Editorial Board for accepting, rejecting or resubmitting an article for revision.

b) They check the congruence of articles, original scientific research, reviews, book reviews or documents submitted for publication in the journal with the ethical, general and spelling rules.

c) They should not be in conflict of interest with the authors, the study, the institutions or with those who provide financial support for the research. When they realize that there is conflict should withdraw from the editorship.

d) They should not violate confidentiality and should not share the manuscript with third parties other than the corresponding author(s), other editor(s), Editorial Board or referees.

e) They should not use any data the derived from article that has been accepted before its publication.

f) The names of the referees determined by the Editor and the Editorial Board should not be shared with the authors. The process of determining referees for the articles submitted by the editor or editors to the issue that they edit is carried out by the Editorial Board. The process of determining referees for the articles submitted by one of the members of the Editorial Board is carried out by the editor and other members of the Editorial Board.


1. The Editorial Board may reject the article without determining referees in case the article does not comply to the goals and domain of publication of the journal, ethical principles or author responsibilities defined above. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the final decision on the acceptance of the article in terms of both its content and format.

2. When the manuscripts are accepted for publication, MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration will possess the rights of processing, reproduction, representation, printing, publication, distribution, and all kinds of public communication, including transmission via the internet. However, intellectual property rights such as patent rights of the author, the right to use the entire article in his/her future books or other works without any payment, provided that the author gives a reference to the article, and the right to reproduce the article for his/her own purposes, provided that s/he does not sell the article.

3. The manuscript submitted to the journal must not have been published anywhere before or it should not be sent elsewhere for publication.

4. Unpublished manuscripts submitted to the journal will not be returned to the author.
5. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must comply with the spelling rules. Manuscripts that do not comply with the spelling rules will be rejected by the Editorial Board without initiating the peer review process..

6. Incoming manuscripts will be uploaded to programs such as Ithenticate, Turnitin, plagiarism.net, etc. and will be subjected to ethical review within the scope of both its content and format. Manuscripts that do not comply with ethical rules will be rejected by the Editorial Board without initiating the peer review process.

7. Manuscript proposals will be evaluated according to the blind peer review system. The Editorial Board will decide whether the manuscript will be published after a minimum of two referee reviews. After the manuscripts are received by the Editorial Board, a positive or negative response will be given to the author within three months.

8. In case of revisions are requested from the author, the revised version of the manuscript must be submitted to the Editorial Board within two months.

9. The length of the articles should not exceed 8,000 words. Manuscripts exceeding this limit will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and the editor.

10. The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the article in Turkish and English, an abstract in Turkish and English not exceeding 150 words, and 5 keywords in Turkish and English. Extended English Abstract in the range of 700-1000 words, 11 point font, single line spacing should be added to the article at the end of the bibliography.

11. When submitting their manuscripts, authors should provide their title, institution, contact address, telephone number, e-mail address and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number on a separate page (http://orcid.org)

12. Authors are not paid any royalties.

13. Manuscripts should be sent to MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration

14. Special issue topics can be determined, and the editor of the special issue can be undertaken by a member of the Editorial Board or an external scholar.

15. In special issues, priority is given to articles submitted in the determined topic. Author(s) submitting articles outside the determined topic agree that their articles may be published in later issues.

16. In addition to scientific articles, MEMLEKET Journal of Politics and Administration prints “book reviews” and “article translations” related to the determined topics.

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