e-ISSN: 2667-7989
Founded: 2019
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Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of Science and Engineerin is indexed by EBSCO as of 01/01/2024.

Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of Science and Engineering  is a non-profit, peer-reviewed scientific journal that accepts articles related to science and engineering fields. Our journal is published online 3 issues a year (April, August, December). Submitted manuscripts should be in English or Turkish and authors should strictly adhere to publication ethics. There is no publication fee in our journal, which gladly accepts submissions from domestic and international authors.

Manuscripts are evaluated by reviewers (blind refereeing) after preliminary control and plagiarism review. Manuscripts are published after the review of at least two (2) reviewers. For a research to be published, at least two (2) reviewers must have a favourable opinion. The final decision on the publication of articles belongs to the editorial board.

Our journal accepts manuscripts in the fields of engineering and science, the qualifications of which are described below.

Research Article: These are articles reflecting original research with its findings and results. The study must contribute to science.

Review Article: These are articles that review a sufficient number of scientific articles, summarise the subject at the current level of knowledge and technology, evaluate and interpret the findings by comparing them.

Correspondence Address: Journal of Science and Engineering Sciences Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram/KONYA

Tel: 0 332 321 20 17- 324 31 82

E-mail: neufmbd@erbakan.edu.tr

2024 - Volume: 6 Issue: 3

Research Article

Encapsulation of Some Flavonoid Mixtures Using Electrospinning Technique for Enhanced Bioactivity and Controlled Release Studies

Research Article

Geometrik Ortalama Optimizasyonunu Kullanarak PV Parametre Tahmini

Research Article

Pestisit Tespiti için Konjuge Polimer Nanopartikül Tabanlı Biyosensörün Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi

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