ISSN: 2645-8942
e-ISSN: 2645-8942
Founded: 2018
Publisher: Ömer Kamil ÖRÜCÜ
Cover Image



Turkish Journal of Landscape Research (TJLR) in Turkey, multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary branch of science that landscape architecture disciplines and other relevant issues for original research articles and English and Turkish publishing language of compilation (English extended summary) is a magazine qualifications covering.

Research articles sent to the journal are sent by the assistant editors for at least two referees (Domestic - Foreign) after the editorial review. The editor confirms its suitability to the journal in terms of subject. Assistant editors, on the other hand, check the compliance of the journal in terms of content and form requirements in accordance with the writing format. Articles that do not conform to the journal's writing format in terms of form and content are sent back to the author for correction. The journal is published electronically twice a year. Submitted articles must not have been published in any journal and sent to another journal for publication.


2024 - Volume: 7 Issue: 1

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