Yazara NOT / Information to Author


* Ethics committee approval is required for studies that will be sent for review and publication. The author/s should apply to the Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committees of the universities and obtain the Ethics Committee Approval Certificates before the application of the data collection tools of the study, and upload this document to the system during the uploading phase of the article files to the Dergipark system.

** A "Plagiarism Report" is also required for the studies to be sent for review and publication. For this, the author(s) must upload their work to a reliable plagiarism program recognized by universities and receive a plagiarism report. The plagiarism (similarity) rate has been determined by the Editorial Board of the Journal as a maximum of 20%. In addition, the rate of citing a source was determined as 1% at most. Studies with a similarity rate of more than 20% will be returned without starting the peer review process.

First, manuscripts sent to TUJPED will be reviewed by the editorial board for the purpose and scope of the Journal. Since the evaluation process of the Journal is done electronically, the authors must submit their manuscripts electronically via DergiPark by arranging the "template" appropriately.

After receiving the preliminary evaluation of the manuscript in terms of form and content, the editor directs two referees with a degree of doctorate, registered in the Journal system as required by "Blind Refereeing Practice". The "Referee Evaluation Form" is added to the evaluation process so that the manuscript, author names and identity information are not included. In this process, the referees are given 30 days. The referees may accept it as if it were a manuscript; they may request a small or detailed correction or refuse the manuscript. At the end of the referee evaluation, the corrections are directed to the author along with the referee's comments. The manuscript will be published if the two referees have "publishable" opinion. If the one of the referees makes a positive and the other one makes a negative opinion, the manuscript is sent a third referee. The final decision within the framework of the evaluations of the referees belongs to the editors' board. The manuscript review process takes between 45 days and 90 days, with the exception of unexpected disruptions or delays.

Ater the serialization of the manuscripts which can be published in the magazine, it is sent to the authors and requested from the pre-printing eye. All responsibility for the submitted works belongs to the authors. If the error originates from the editorial board or prosedure, the necessary corrections or clarifications will be made in the relevant issue. The copyright of the published manuscripts are belong to TUJPED and can not be published or transferred without reference to the Journal.

** According to the decision taken by the Editorial Board in January 2021, at least two issues must pass after the last published article in order for the next article of the author whose article is published in our journal to be published. (For example, an author whose article is published in the 1st issue of 2021 (Vol. 6, 1), the next article can be published in the 2nd issue of 2022 (Vol. 7, 2).

While register to the Journal System (https://dergipark.org.tr/tujped), authors must upload the ORCID number to the Journal System and also add it as the footer to the first page of the article before the manuscript to be publish.

To get Orcid No click https://orcid.org/register   

Important Notice: The authors must upload two manuscripts, one named and the other anonymous on the system of the Journal. They must also upload a Copyright Form and Etics Decleration Form on the system. 

** In the Dergipark System, certain periods are given to the authors for various operations (revision, correction, file upload, etc.). Authors must take necessary actions within the time given to them, otherwise the article will be returned or rejected. However, the author may request additional time, provided that he/she presents a valid excuse before the deadline or within a few days after the deadline, the editor/editor board may accept or reject the excuse after evaluating it.

Click here for journal template

Download the ethics statement form here.

Download the Copyright and Author Agreement form here. 


Makale yükleyebilmek için öncelikle Dergipark sistemi üzerinden TUJPED’e kayıt yapılmalıdır. Dergimize gönderilen çalışmalar öncelikle editörler kurulu tarafından, derginin amaç ve kapsamına uygun olup olmadığı yönünden incelenecektir. Derginin değerlendirme süreci elektronik olarak yapıldığından yazarlar, makalelerini “örnek şablona” uygun düzenleyerek, DergiPark üzerinden elektronik olarak göndermelidirler.

Editör, aday makaleyi biçim ve içerik yönünden ön değerlendirmeye aldıktan sonra, “Kör Hakemlik" uygulaması gereği dergi sisteminde kayıtlı, doktora derecesine sahip iki hakeme yönlendirir. Aday makale, yazar isimleri ve kimlik bilgileri olmayacak şekilde, “Hakem Değerlendirme Formu” eklenerek değerlendirme sürecine alınır. Bu süreçte hakemlere 30 gün süre verilir. Hakemler aday makaleyi olduğu haliyle kabul edebilir; küçük veya detaylı düzeltme isteyebilir veya makaleyi reddedebilirler. Değerlendirme sonunda düzeltme alan çalışmalar hakem yorumları ile birlikte yazara yönlendirilir. Çalışma, iki hakemden “yayınlanabilir” görüşü aldığı takdirde yayınlanır. Eğer hakemlerden biri olumlu, biri olumsuz değerlendirme yaptığında, çalışma üçüncü hakeme gönderilir. Hakemlerin değerlendirmeleri çerçevesinde son karar editörler kuruluna aittir. Aday makale inceleme süreci, beklenmeyen aksaklıklar veya gecikmeler haricinde, 45 gün ile 90 gün arasında gerçekleşmektedir.

Dergide yayınlanabilecek nitelikteki yazılar dizgisi yapıldıktan sonra, yazarlarına gönderilerek baskı öncesi gözden istenir. Dergiye gönderilen çalışmaların tüm sorumluluğu yazara/lara aittir. Hata, editörlük ofisinden kaynaklandığı takdirde düzeltme yayınlanabilir. Yayınlanan çalışmaların telif hakkı dergiye aittir ve referans gösterilmeden aktarılamaz. 

Yazar(lar) Orcid ID numaralarını makalede vermek zorundadırlar.

Orcid No almak için https://orcid.org/register tıklayınız.

Önemli Not: Yazarlar dergi sistemine biri isimli diğeri isimsiz iki dosya yüklemelidirler. Ayrıca, telif hakkı formu ve etik beyan formu da sisteme yüklenmelidir. 

Etik Beyan Formunu buradan indiriniz.

Telif Hakkı ve Yazar Sözleşmesi formunu buradan indiriniz.

Last Update Time: 6/5/24, 12:52:58 AM

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