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7 Yayın
7 Hakemlik

Uzmanlık Alanları

Matematik Eğitimi


1995: Doktora tezi, “Modulus Fonksiyonu Yardımıyla Tanımlanmış Bazı Yeni Dizi Uzayları ve İstatistiksel
Yakınsaklık “ Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr.Rıfat ÇOLAK
1990: Yüksek Lisans Tezi, “Yarıperyodik Dizi Uzayları Arasındaki matris dönüşümleri” Tez Danışmanı
Prof.Dr.Ekrem SAVAŞ
Published Papers (Basılı Yayınlar)

1.Esi, Ayhan. Some new sequence spaces defined by a modulus function. J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci.
Math. Ser. 8 no. 2, 81—86 (1995).

1.Esi, Ayhan; Et, Mikail. Some new sequence spaces defined by a modulus function. Pure Appl.
Math. Sci. 43 no. 1-2, 95—99 (1996).
Esi, Ayhan. The A-statistical and strongly A-p-Cesaro convergence of sequences. Pure Appl. Math. Sci. 43 no. 1-2, 89—
93 (1996).

1.Esi, Ayhan. Some new sequence spaces defined by a sequence of moduli. Meeting in Honor of Cahit Arf (Istanbul, 1995).
Turkish J. Math. 21 (1997), Special Issue, 61--68.

Esi, Ayhan; Et, Mikail. Statistical semiperiodic sequence spaces and [f]-lacunary statistically convergence. Far
East J. Math. Sci. 6 no. 5, 831—838 (1998).

1.Esi,Ayhan,”Some New Sequence Spaces Defined By A Modulus Function”, Math.Slovaca, 49,no:1,
53-61, (1999).(SCI)
2. Esi, Ayhan. Some new sequence spaces defined by Orlicz Functions. Bull.Inst.Math.Acad.Sinica,
27 No:1, 71-76, (1999).
3. Esi, Ayhan, Some new sequence spaces defined by a modulus and strongly-almost statistical convergence.
J.Indian Math.Soc.(N.S.) 66, No:1-4, 81-87, (1999).
4. Esi, Ayhan; Catalbas,N. On solutions of mU=f(r, ,z) . J. Inst. Math. Comput. Sci. Math. Ser. 12 no. 2, 85—93 (1999).


1.Esi,Ayhan, Et, M., “Some New Sequence Spaces Defined By A Sequence of Orlicz Functions” Indian J.Pure
Appl.Math., 31,no:8, 967-973 (2000). (SCI-Exp.)

2. Et, Mikail; Esi, Ayhan. On Köthe-Toeplitz duals of generalized difference sequence spaces. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci.
Soc. (2) 23, no. 1, 25—32 (2000). (SCI).

3. Esi, Ayhan. A new sequence space defined by a modulus function. J.Analysis 8, 31-37, (2000).

4. Esi, Ayhan. Some new sequence spaces defined by a modulus function. Istanbul Üniv. Fen Fak. Mat. Derg. 55/56
(1996/97), 17--21 (2000).


1.Esi, Ayhan.Generalized matrix transformations between some sequence spaces. J. Inst. Math.
Comput. Sci. Math. Ser. 14 no. 1, 11—14 (2001).


1.Esi,Ayhan. Some new generalized sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions.
Commun.Fac.Sci.Univ. Ank.Series A1 V.52.(No.1) pp.33-41 (2003).

1.Esi,Ayhan,Işık,M.,ve Esi,A., “On Some New Sequence Spaces Defined By Orlicz Functions” Indian J.Pure Appl.Math. 35
(1),31-36, (2004). (SCI-Exp.)
2. Esi, Ayhan. On a class of new type difference sequence space related to the space p l . Far East Journal of
Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Vol:13,No:2, 167-172 (2004).
3. Esi,Ayhan. Some new type generalized difference sequence spaces defined by a modulus’ Analele Universitatii din
Timisoara,Seria Mathematica-Informatica, Vol:XLII, fasc. 2, 27-34 (2004).
4.Gökhan,A.,Et,M.,and Esi,Ayhan.Generalized difference sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions. F.Ü. Fen ve
Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 16 (1),139-144 (2004).
5. Esi,Ayhan and Tripathy,Binod Chandra On some new difference sequence spaces Commun.Fac.Sci.Univ. Ank.Series A1
V.53.(No.2),57-66 (2004).
1.Tripathy,B.C,Esi,Ayhan and Tripathy Balakrushna, On a New Type Of Generalized Difference Cesaro Sequence Spaces,
Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol:31, No.3 pp 333-340, (2005).

2.Esi,Ayhan and Işık Mahmut.’Some Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces,Thai Journal of Mathematics, Vol:3,No:2,
241-247, (2005).

3. B.Chandra Tripathy and Esi, Ayhan. Generalized lacunary difference sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions,
Matimyas Mat.28(2005), no:1-2, 50-57.


1.Esi,Ayhan. On Some New Paranormed Sequence Spaces Of Fuzzy Numbers Defined By Orlicz Functions and Statistical
Convergence.Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Volume 11 Number 4, pages 379-388 (2006).(SCI-Exp.)

2.Esi,Ayhan and Harun Polat.’On Strongly
n -Summable Sequence Spaces, Iranian Journal of
Science and Technology, Transaction A:Sciences, Vol:30 No:A2, 229-234.(2006).(SCI-Exp.)

3.Tripathy,Binod Chandra and Esi,Ayhan A new type difference sequence spaces, International Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol:1, Number 1, 11-14, (2006).
1.Esi,Ayhan and Tripathy,B.C.’Generalized Strongly difference convergent sequences associated with multiplier
sequences,Mathematica Slovaca, 57, No. 4, 339-348 (2007).(SCI-Exp.)
2.Esi,Ayhan, B.C.Tripathy and B.Sarma, On some new type generalized difference sequence spaces,Mathematica Slovaca,
57, No.5,1-8, ( 2007). (SCI-Exp.)
1.Esi, Ayhan. On some new classes of sequences of fuzzy numbers, Int.Journal of Math.Analysis, Vol.2,no:17, 837-844,
2.Esi, Ayhan and Esi,Ayten. On strongly FB -summable sequences, Int.J.Contemp.Math.Sciences, Vol.3,no:26, 1273-1281,
3. Esi, Ayhan and B.C.Tripathy. On some generalized new type difference sequence spaces defined by a modulus function
in a seminormed space, Fasciculi Mathematici, Vol.40, 2008.
4. Esi, Ayhan. On some classes of generalized difference sequences of fuzzy numbers defined by Orlicz functions, GJPAM ,
Vol:4, No:1, 2008.
5.Esi, Ayhan and Esi, Ayten. On  -Asymptotically Equivalent Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers, International Journal of
Mathematics and Computation, Vol.1(10), 2008, 29-35.
6.Esi, Ayhan, On some classes of generalized paranormed sequence spaces associated with multiplier sequences, Iranian
Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, Vol:32, No:A4.(2008), 283-288.(SCI-Exp).
7.Esi, Ayhan, Generalized Lacunary strongly  m-convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers, Iranian Journal of Science and
Technology, Transaction A, Vol:32, No:A4.(2008) 243- 248,(SCI-Exp).
1.Esi, Ayhan. "Strongly Almost Convergent Classes of Sequences of Fuzzy NumbersGenerated By Infinite Matrices Defined
By A Modulus Function" Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics, 4(1)( 2009) 31-39.
2. Esi, Ayhan. "Some Classes of Generalized difference paranormed sequence spaces associated with multiplier sequences",
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications", Vol:11, No:3, 536- 545, 2009. (SCI-Exp)
3. Esi, Ayhan. "On some generalized difference sequence spaces of invariant means defined by a sequence of Orlicz
functions", "Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications", Vol:11, No:3, 524-535, 2009. (SCI-Exp)
4. Esi, Ayhan. "Lacunary strongly almost convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers", "Journal of Concrete and Applicable
Mathematics", Vol:7, No:1, 64-69, 2009.
5. Esi, Ayhan and Mehmet Acikgoz. "Some generalized classes of difference sequences of fuzzy numbers defined by a
modulus function", Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, Vol:7,No:2, 139-144. 2009
6.N. Subramanian and Ayhan Esi , On Lacunary Almost Statistical Convergence Of Generalized Difference Sequences Of
Fuzzy Numbers, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 11(1), 44-48,2009.(SCI-Exp.)
7. Esi, Ayhan Lacunary Strong Almost Convergence of Generalized Difference Sequences With Respect to a Sequence of
Moduli, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Journal of Advanced Research In Applied Mathematics, 1(1),2009, 9-18.
8.Esi,Ayhan, On Asymptotically Double Lacunary Statistical Equivalent Sequences, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (2009),
9. Esi, Ayhan, Strongly generalized difference [V^{},^{m},p]-summable sequence spaces defined by a sequence of moduli,
Nihonkai Mathematical Journal, 20(2)(2009) 99-108.
10. Esi, Ayhan, Generalized difference sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions, General Mathematics, 17(2)(2009), 53
1. Esi, Ayhan.On  -asymptotically statistical equivalent sequences, Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences,
4(2)(2010), 183-189.
2. Esi, Ayhan and Ayşegul Gokhan. "Lacunary strong almost A-convergence with respect to a sequence of Orlicz functions ",
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications", 12(4) (2010), 853-863. (SCI Exp.) .
3. Esi, Ayhan. "On A-Asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalent sequences",Journal of Applied Functional Analysis".
5(2)(2010), 221-226.(SCI)
4. Esi, Ayhan On A Class of Sequence Related to The p l Space Defined By A Sequence of Orlicz Functions , Mathematici
Vesnik, 62(1)(2010), 85-93.
5. Esi, Ayhan “On some generalized new type difference sequence spaces defined by a modulus function” Acta Mathematica
Vietnamica, 35(2)(2010), 243-252.
6. Esi Ayhan and Esi Ayten, “ Strongly convergent generalized difference sequence spaces defined by a modulus” Acta
Universitatis Apulensis, No: 22/2010, 113-122.
7. Esi, Ayhan “Some Classes of Ac-convergent Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers Generated by Infinite Matrices” The Journal of
Fuzzy Mathematics, 18(2)(2010), 483-488.
8. Esi, Ayhan ”Some classes of strongly almost convergent sequences of fuzzy numbers generated by infinite matrices, The
Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 18(2)(2010),465-471.
9. N.Subramanian and Esi, Ayhan "The Norlund space of double entire sequences" Fasciculi Mathematici, 43(2010), 147
10. Esi, Ayhan, The classes of strongly V(A-p)-Summable of sequences of fuzzy numbers, New York J.Math.16(2010), 13
11.S.Nagarajan and Esi, Ayhan, The difference Orlicz space of entire sequence of fuzzy numbers, Commun.Korean
Math.Soc.25(2)(2010), 193-206.DOI 10.4134/CKMS.2010.25.2.001
12. Esi, Ayhan, On some new generalized difference double sequence spaces defined by modulus functions, Journal of the
Assam Academy of Mathematics (JAAM), 2(2010),109- 118.
13. Yurdagül Acar and Ayhan Esi, Some Generalized difference sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function in a seminormed
space, Int.J.Open Problems Compt.Math. 3(5)(2010), 201- 210.
14. Esi, Ayhan and Acıkgoz, M., On some new sequence spaces via Orlicz function in a seminormed space, Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference, 1(2009), 178-184.
15. Ayhan Esi, Some difference sequence spaces with an index defined by a modulus function, Int.Elect.Jour.of Pure and
Appl.Math, 1(2)(2010), 1-6.
1. Ayhan Esi and Mehmet Acikgoz, Some Classes of Difference Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers Defined By A Sequence of
Moduli, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 31B(1),(2011), 229- 236. (SCI-Exp)
2. Ayhan Esi and Kemal Özdemir, Generalized Delta-m Statistical Convergence in Probabilistic Normed Space, Journal of
Computational Analysis and Applications, 13(5)(2011), 923-932. (SCI-Exp)
3. Ayhan Esi and Mehmet Acikgoz, Some new classes of sequences of fuzzy numbers, International Journal of Fuzzy
Systems, 13(3)(2011),218-224. (SCI-Exp)
4. Ayhan Esi , Strongly [V₂,₂,M,p]-Summable Double Sequence Spaces Defined By Orlicz Function, Int.J.Nonlinear
Anal.App.2(1)(2011), 31-39.
5. Ayhan Esi, Strongly almost lamda-convergence and statistically almost lamda convergence of interval numbers, Scientia
Manga,7(2)(2011), 117-122.
6. Ayhan Esi, Lacunary statistical convergence of difference double sequences, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 28(2011), 41
7. Nurten Fıstıkçı, Mehmet Acikgoz and Ayhan Esi, I lacunary generalized difference convergent sequences in n-normed
spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2(1)(2011), 18- 24.
8 Ayhan Esi, On some new generalized difference double sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function, Matematika,
27(1)(2011), 31-40.
9 Ayhan Esi, On some new difference double sequence spaces via Orlicz function, Journal of Advanced Studies on Topology,
2(2)(2011), 16-25.
10. Ayhan Esi, On some double lamda(delta,F)-statistical convergence of fuzzy numbers, , Acta Universitatis Apulensis,
25(2011), 99-104.
11. Ayhan Esi, A new class of interval numbers, Qafqaz University Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 31(2011), 98-102.
12.Ayhan Esi, A new class of double interval numbers, Scientia Magna, 7(4)(2011), 54-59.
13. Ayhan Esi and Eda Eren, Some classes of difference fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz function, Scientia Magna,
7(4)(2011), 120-129.
14. Ayhan Esi and M.N.Çatalbaş, Some new generalized difference double sequence spaces via Orlicz functions, Scientia
Magna, 7(3)(2011), 59-68.

1.Ayhan Esi, On asymptotically double lacunary statistical equivalent sequences in probabilistic normed space,
An.St.Univ.Ovidius Constanta, 20(1), (2012), 89-100. SCI.
2. Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Özdemir, Lacunary statistical convergence of double generalized difference sequences on
probabilistic normed space, J.Math.Comput.Sci, 2(1)(2012), 23-36.
3. Ayhan Esi, Strongly Lacunary summable double sequence spaces in n-normed spaces defined by ideal convergence and
an Orlicz function, Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 14(1)(2012), 79-86.
4. Ayhan Esi, Strongly summable double sequence spaces in n-normed spaces defined by ideal convergence and an Orlicz
function, Kyungpook Math.J.52(2012), 137-147.
5. Ayhan Esi and B.C.Tripathy, Some new type of difference sequence spaces defined by modulus and statistical
convergence, Analysis in Theory and Appl. 28(1)(2012),19-26.
6. Ayhan Esi , On new classes of double sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function, Journal of Applied Functional Analysis,
7(1-29(2012), 148-156.
7. Y.Fadile Karababa and Ayhan Esi, On some strong zweier convergent sequence spaces, Acta Universitatis
Apulensis,29(2012), 9-15.
8.Ayhan Esi and Necdet Çatalbaş, Asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalent sequences of fuzzy numbers,
Bol.Soc.Paran.Math. 30(2)(2012), 57-62.
9. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi, U.K.Misra and M.S.Panda, The generalized difference gai sequences of fuzzy numbers defined
by Orlicz functions, , Bol.Soc.Paran.Math. 30(2)(2012), 9-18.
10. Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Ozdemir, On almost asymptotically statistical equivalent sequences of fuzzy numbers, British
Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2(1), (2012), 44-51.
11. M.Acikgoz and Ayhan Esi, Lacunary invariant statistical convergence of fuzzy numbers, Gen.Math.Notes, 2(1)(2012), 44
12.Ayhan Esi, Some new paranormed sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function, International Journal of Science,
Environment and Technology, Vol. 1, No 2, (2012), 49-55.
13. Ayhan Esi, Lacunary Strongly almost generalized convergence with respect to Orlicz function, Gen.Math.Notes.
9(1)(2012), 44-51.
14. Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Ozdemir, On some I-convergent double almost summable classes of double fuzzy real numbers
defined by Orlicz function, Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1(2)(2012) 14-25.
15. Ayhan Esi, Strongly almost summable sequence spaces in 2-normed spaces defined by ideal convergence and an Orlicz
function, Stud.Univ.Babeş-Bolyai Math. 57(1)(2012), 75-82.
16.Ayhan Esi, Asymptotically -invariant statistical equevalent sequences of fuzzy numbers, Springer Open, Mathematical
Sciences, 2012, 6.52, doi:10.1186/2251-7456-6-52.
17.Ayhan Esi and Naim Braha,On -statistical convergence in random 2-normed spaces, Springer Open, Mathematical
Sciences,6,62, 2012, doi: 10.1186/2251-7456-6-62.
18.Ayhan Esi and Bipan Hazarika, -Ideal convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed linear space, Journal of Intelligent and
Fuzzy Systems, doi:10.3233/IFS-2012-0592, SCI.
19. Ayhan Esi and Bipan Hazarika, Some new generalized classes of sequences of fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz
function, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 4(2)(2012), 401-406.
20. Ayhan Esi, Double lacunary sequence spaces of double sequence of interval numbers, Proyecciones Journal of
Mathematics, 31(1)(2012), 297-306.
21.Ayhan Esi and Bipan Hazarika, Lacunary summable sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by ideal convergence
and an Orlicz function, Afr.Mat.DOI 10.1007/s13370-012-0117-3 (2012)
22. E.Savaş and Ayhan Esi, Statistical convergence of triple sequences on probabilistic normed space, Annals of the
University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 39(2)(2012), 226-236.
23. V.K.Khan, S.Tabassum and Ayhan Esi, A-double sequence spaces and double statistical convergence in 2-normed
spaces defined by Orlicz functions, Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2(1)(2012), 61-71.
24. Ayhan Esi and M.Acıkgoz, I-lacunary strong convergent sequences in n-normed spaces, J.Assam Acad.Math., 5(2012),
25.S.Aracı, M.Acıkgoz and Ayhan Esi, A note on the q-Dedekind-Type Daehee-Changhee sums with weight  arising from
modified q-Genocchi polynomials with weight , J.Assam Acad.Math., 5(2012), 47-54.
26. Ayhan Esi and A.Sapsızoğlu, On some lacunary -strong zweier convergent sequence spaces, Romai J.8(2)(2012), 61
27. V.K.Khan, S.Tabassum and Ayhan Esi, Statistically convergent double sequence spaces in nnormed spaces, Arpn Journal
of Science and Technology, 2(10)(2012), 991-995.
28. Ayhan Esi, Lacunary sequence spaces of interval numbers, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 10(2)(2012), 445-451.
1.Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Ozdemir, -strongly summable sequence spaces in n-normed spaces defined by ideal
convergence and an Orlicz function, Mathematica Slovaca,63(4) (2013), 829-838. SCI
2. Ayhan Esi, Lacunary strong Aq-convergence sequence spaces defined by a sequence of moduli, Kuwait Journal of Science,
40(1) (2013); 57-65. SCI.
3. Ayhan Esi, M.Acikgoz and Ayten Esi, On a class of generalized sequences related to the lp space defined by Orlicz function,
Bol.Soc.Paran Mat. 31(1)(2013), 113-123.
4. Ayhan Esi and Bipan Hazarika, On interval valued generalized difference classes defined by Orlicz function, Turkish Journal
of Analysis and Number Theory, 1(1)(2013), 48-53.
5.Ayhan Esi and Naim Braha, On asymptotically -statistical equivalent sequences of interval numbers, Acta Scientarium.
Technology, 35(3)(2013), 515-520. SCI
6.Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Some generalized lacunary statistically difference double seminormed sequence spaces
defined by Orlicz function Acta Scientarium. Technology, 35(1)(2013), 131- 138. SCI
7.Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On Some I-convergent generalized difference lacunary double sequence spaces defined
by Orlicz functions, Acta Scientarium. Technology, 35(3)(2013), 527-537. SCI.
8.Ayhan Esi, On Asymptotically Lacunary Statistical Equivalent Sequences in Probabilistic Normed Space, Journal of
Mathematics and Statistics, 9(2)(2013), 144-148.
9.Ayhan Esi, Strongly Lacunary Summable Generalized Difference Double Sequence Spaces in nNormed Spaces Defined
by Ideal Convergence and an Orlicz Function, Progress in Applied Mathematics, 5(1)(2013), 1-10.
10.Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Ozdemir, On lacunary statistical convergence in random n-normed space, Annals of Fuzzy
Mathematics and Informatics, 5(2)(2013), 429-439.
11.V.A.Khan, K.Ebadullah,Ayhan Esi and M.Shafiq , On some Zweier I-convergent sequence spaces defined by a modulus
function, Afr.Mat.DOI 10.1007/s13370-013-0186-y (2013)
12. M.K.Özdemir, Ayhan Esi, Ayten Esi, On some new double spaces of lamda convergent and lamda bounded sequences
of Orlicz function, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1558, 785 (2013); doi:10.1063/1.44825611 SCI.
13.Ayhan Esi and Ayten Esi, Asymptotically lacunary statistically equivalent sequences of interval numbers, İnternational
Journal of Mathematics and its Applications, 1(1)(2013), 43-48.
14. Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Statistically almost -convergence of sequences of sets, European Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, 6(2)(2013), 137-146.
15. V.A.Khan, K.Ebadullah, Ayhan Esi, N.Khan and M.Shafiq, On paranorm Zweier I-convergent sequence spaces, Journal
of Mathematics, Volume 2013, Article ID 653501, 6 pages.
16. Ayhan Esi, On a class of new type generalized difference sequences related to p-normed lp space defined by Orlicz
functions, American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 1(4)(2013), 52- 56.
17.S.K.Sharma and Ayhan Esi, Some I-convergent sequence spaces defined by using a sequence of moduli and n-normed
space, Journal of the Egyption Mathematical Society, 21(2013), 29-33.
18. Ayhan Esi, Double sequences of interval numbers defined by Orlicz functions, Acta Et Commentationes Universitatis
Tartuensis de Mathematica, 17(1)(2013),57-64.
19.Ayhan Esi, 3-statistical convergence of triple sequences on probabilistic normed space, Global Journal of Mathematical
Analysis, 1(2)(2013), 29-36.
20. V.A.Khan, N.Khan, Ayhan Esi and S.Tabassum, I-pre-Cauchy double sequences and Orlicz functions, Engineering,
5(2013), 52-56.
21.Ayhan Esi, p-Absolutely summable sequences of fuzzy real numbers, Maejo Int.J.Sci.Technol., 7(01)(2013), 107-112. SCI
22. H.Dutta, Ayhan Esi and A.B.Khalaf, Some Orlicz extended I-convergent A-summable classes of sequences of fuzzy
numbers, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2013; 2013:479. SCI.
23. Ayhan Esi, Statistical convergence of triple sequences in topological groups, Annals of the University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 40(1)(2013), 29-33.
24. Ayhan Esi and B.Hazarika, Some ideal convergence of double -interval number sequences defined by Orlicz functions,
Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 1(3)(2013), 110-116.
25.Ayhan Esi and M.Açikgoz, On some double lacunary strong Zweier convergent sequence spaces, Annals of the University
of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 40(2)(2013), 121-127.
26. A.J.Dutta, Ayhan Esi and B.C.Tripathy, Statistically convergent triple sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions, Journal
of Mathematical Analysis, 4(2)(2013), 16-22.
1.Ayhan Esi, Statistical and lacunary statistical convergence of interval numbers in topological groups, Acta Scientarium.
Technology.(2014) SCI
2.Ayhan Esi, Asymptotically double lacunary equivalent sequences defined by Orlicz function, , Acta Scientarium.
Technology.(2014) SCI
3.Ayhan Esi and M.Acikgoz, On asymptotically double  2 -statistical equivalent sequences, Int.Jour.of Nonlinear Analysis
and Appl. (2014)
4.Ayhan Esi and M.Açikgoz, On almost -statistical convergence of fuzzy numbers, Acta Scientarium. Technology,
Maringa,v.36.no.1, 129-133,(2014) SCI
5.Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Generalized ideal convergence of double sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed linear
spaces, Matematicki Vesnik (2014) SCI.
6. B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On -asymptotically Wijsman generalized statistical convergence of sequences of sets, Tatra
Mt.Math.Publ.56(2013), 67-77. SCI
7. Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Some lacunary ideal convergence of interval number sequences defined by Orlicz function,
Publ.Inst.Math. (2014)
8. Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On ideal convergent sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers associated with multiplier
sequences defined by a sequence of Orlicz functions, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 7(2)(2014), 289-301.
9. Ayhan Esi and M.Necdet Çatalbaş, Almost convergence of triple sequences, Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2(1),
10. A.Jyoti Dutta, Ayhan Esi and B.C.Tripathy, On lacunary p-absolutely summable fuzzy real valued double sequence space,
Demanstratio Mathematics, (2014).
11.Ayhan Esi, -convergence of interval numbers, Appl.Math.Inf.Sci 8, No:3, 1099-1102,(2014) SCI
12. Ayhan Esi, On almost asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalent sequences induced probabilistic norms, Analysis 34,
1001-1010/DOI 10.1524.1211, 2014. SCI
13. B.Hazarika, Ayhan Esi and N.L.Braha, On asymptotically Wijsman lacunary -statistical convergence of set sequences,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis 4(3)(2013), 33-46.
14. B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On generalized statistical convergence in topological groups, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Pol.Torino,
1.Ayhan Esi and E.Savaş, On lacunary statistically convergent triple sequences in probalistic normed space,
Appl.Math.Inf.Sci. (2015) SCI
2. Ayhan Esi and M.Kemal Ozdemir, On real valued I-convergent A-summable sequence spaces defined by sequences of
Orlicz functions, Southest Asian Math.,39 (2015),477-485.
3. Ayhan Esi and Hemen Dutta, Some sets of double lacunary invariant sequences defined by four dimensional summable
matrices and Orlicz Functions, Miskolc Mathematical Notes,16(2)(2015),805-816. SCI
4.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On asymptotically ideal fi-statistical equivalent sequences of fuzzy real numbers,
J.Ana.Num.Theor3(2)(2015) 70-88.
5.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Generalized ideal limit point and cluster point of double sequences in intuitionitic fuzzy 2-normed
linear spaces, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 9(6)(2015), 941-955.
6. S.K.Sharma and Ayhan Esi, -statistical convergent double lacunary sequence spaces, Afr.Math.26(2015), 1467-1481.
7.V.A.Khan, N.Khan and Ayhan Esi, On some generalized I-convergent double sequence spaces defined by a sequence of
moduli, Romai J.11(1)(2015), 105-113.
8.Ayhan Esi, M.K.Özdemir, Asymptotically double lacunary equivalent sequences in topological groups,
Appl.Appl.Math.10(2)(2015), 1093-1103.
9.U.Duran, M.Acikgoz, Ayhan Esi and S.Araci, Some new symmetric identities involving qGenocchi polynomials under S4,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 6(5)(2015), 22-31.
10.N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Some new seminormed triple sequence spaces defined by sequence of moduli,
J.Ana.Num.Theor, 3(2)(2015), 121-125.
11. V.A.Khan, K.Ebadullah, Ayhan Esi and M.Shafiq, On some zweier I-convergent sequence spaces defined by a modulus
function, Afr.Math.26(2015), 115-125.
12. Ayhan Esi and S.K.Sharma, Some paranormed sequence spaces defined by a MusielakOrlicz function over n-normed
spaces, Konuralp Journal of Mathematics 3(1)(2015), 16-28.
13. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The generalized triple difference of Ki3 sequence spaces, Global Journal of Mathematical
Analysis 3(2)(2015), 54-60.
14. K.Raj and Ayhan Esi, On some I-convergent sequence spaces over n-normed spaces, J.Ana.Num.Theor.3(1)(2015), 21
1.H.Dutta, A.Kılıçman and Ayhan Esi, On fully fuzzy p-absolutely summable sequences, Indonesian Math.Soc. (accepted).
2.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Statistically convergent difference double sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions, Thai
Math.Journal (accepted)
3.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On fi-ideal ward contiunity, Facta Universitatis, Ser.Math.Inform. 31(3)(2016), 681-690.
4. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The study on X3 sequence spaces, Songklanakarin J.Sci.Technol.38(5)(2016), 581-590.
5. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The X2I-statistical convergence of fuzzy numbers over p-metric space-II, Asia Pacific
Journal of Mathematics, 3(1)(2016), 86-98.
6.Ayhan Esi,M.K.Özdemir, Ayten Esi, On some real valued I-convergent -summable diffrence sequence spaces defined by
sequences of Orlicz functions, Inf.Sci.Lett.5(2)(2016), 47-51.
7.Ayhan Esi,B.Hazarika and Ayten Esi, On some new generalized difference sequence spaces,
8. B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On ideal convergent interval valued generalized difference classes defined by Orlicz function,
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics,19(1)(2016), 37- 53.
9.V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi, Jasmeen and H.Fatima, On some generalized I-convergent sequence spaces of double interval
numbers, NTMSCI, 4(1)(2016), 125-137.
10.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On ideal convergence in locally solid Riesz spaces using lacunary mean, Proceedings of the
Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 19(2)(2016), 253-262.
11.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On asympotically Wijsman lacunary statistical convergence of set sequences in ideal context,
12.Ayhan Esi, B.Hazarika and Ayten Esi, New type of lacunary Orlicz difference sequence spaces generated by Infinite
matrices, FİLOMAT 30:12 (2016), 3195–3208.SCI.
13.V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi, Yasmeen, H.Fatima and A.Ahmad, On paranorm type intuitionistic fuzzy zweier I-convergent
sequence spaces, Annals of Fuzzy Math.and Inf. (accepted).
14. B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On generalized statistical convergence of sequences of sets order , Mislock Math.Notes
(accepted) SCI.
15. V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi and Yasmeen, Intuitionistic fuzzy Zweier I-convergent sequence spaces defined by Orlicz function,
Annals of Fuzzy Math.and Inf. (accepted).
16.N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The spectrum operator of X2 sequence spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, Tbilisi
Jour.Math., (accepted).
17. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Characterization of triple X3 sequence spaces via Orlicz function, Mathematica Moravica,
20(1)(2016), 105-114.
18. Ayhan Esi and B.Hazarika, Statistically convergent difference double sequence spaces defined by Orlicz functions, Thai
Jour.Math. (accepted)
19. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The growth rate of X2 defined by modulus function, Palestine Journal of Mathematics,
5(1)(2016), 17-29.
20. Ayhan Esi, S.Aracı and M.Acıkgoz, Statistical convergence of Bernstein Operators, Appl.Math.Inf. Sci.10(6)(2016), 1-4

1.A.Esi, N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Triple rough statistical convergence of sequence of Bernstein operators, Int.Jour.of
Adv.and Appl.Sci., 4(2)(2017), 28-34. ESCI
2.V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi, Yasmeen and H.Fatima, On paranorm type intionistic fuzzy zweier I-convergent sequence spaces,
Annals of Fuzzy Math.and Inform., 13(1)(2017), 135-143. SCOPUS.
3.B.Hazarika, M.K.Ozdemir and Ayhan Esi, Slowly oscillating sequences in locally normal Riesz spaces, Int.Jour.of
Adv.and Appl.Sci., 4(1)(2017), 96-103. ESCI
4. Ayhan Esi and S.Araci, Lacunary statistical convergence of Bernstein operator sequences, Int.Jour.of Adv.and Appl.Sci.,
4(11)(2017), 78-80. ESCI
5.M.K.Ozdemir, N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, The T2-statistical convergence of real numbers over Musielak p-metric
spaces, Int.Jour.of Adv.and Appl.Sci., 4(5)(2017), 101-108. ESCI
6.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, On generalized statistical convergence of sequences of sets of order alpha, Mislock
Math.Notes,17(2) (2017) 893-910, SCI
7.Ayhan Esi and B.Hazarika,. On asymptotically Wijsman lacunary statistical convergence of sets sequences in ideal
context, FİLOMAT, 31(9)(2017),2691-2703. SCIE.
8. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi and M.K.Özdemir, Some new triple intuitionistic sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined
by Musielak-Orlicz function, J.Assam Acad.Math.7(2017), 14-27.
9. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi, Wijsman rough convergence of triple sequences, Matematychni Studii, 48(2)(2017), 171
179. SCOPUS.
10. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi, Rough variables of convergence, Scientific Studies and Research Series Mathematics and
Informatics, 27(2)(2017), 65-72. SCOPUS.
11.Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian and Ayten Esi, The multi rough ideal convergence of difference strongly of X2 in p-metric
spaces defined by Orlicz function, Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory, 5(3)(2017), 93-100.
12. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi, On triple sequence spaces of random variable in probability of rough statistical
convergence of metric defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering,
13. Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian and Ayten Esi, On triple sequence space of Benstein operator of rough I-convergence pre
Cauchy sequences, Proyecciones Journal. Mathematics, 36(4)(2017), 567-587. SCOPUS.
14. N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi, The generalized non-absolute type of triple X3 sequence spaces, Romai J.13(1)(2017),
15. Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, Wijsman rough statistical convergence on triple sequences, International journal of
Sciences: Basic and Applied Research., 32(3)(2017), 13- 27.
16.Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, Some double almost (mn) convergence in X2-Riesz spaces defined by Musielak
Orlicz functions, Inter.Jour.of Recent Research Aspecst, 4(1)(2017), 1-7.
18.K.Raj, Ayhan Esi and S.Jamwal, Orlicz-Quasi Cauchy double sequence spaces for RHRegular Matrix, Journal of
Classical Analysis, 10(1)(2017), 67-76. SCOPUS.
19. M.Shafiq and Ayhan Esi, On some spaces of lacunary I-convergent sequences of interval numbers defined by sequence
of moduli. Proyecciones Journal. Mathematics, 36(2)(2017), 325-346. SCOPUS.
20. Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, A new sequence spaces defined by spectrum operator and Musielak-Orlicz function,
Journal of Math.and Statistics, 13(2)(2017), 70-76. SCOPUS.
21. Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, The triple X3 sequence spaces, İnt.Jour.of Math.and its Applications, 5(2)(2017), 115
22. V.A.Khan, H.Fatima, Ayhan Esi, S.A.A.Abdullah and K.M.A.S.Alshollol, On some new i-convergent double sequence
spaces defined by compact operator, Int.Jour.of Adv.and Appl.Sci., 4(4)(2017), 43-48. ESCI
23.V.A.Khan, Y.Khan H.Altaf, Ayhan Esi and A.Ahamd, On paranorm intutionistik fuzzy iconvergence sequence spaces
defined by compact operator, , Int.Jour.of Adv.and Appl.Sci., 4(5)(2017), 138-143. ESCI
24. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Randomness of lacunary statistical acceleration convergence of T3 over p-metric
defined by Orlicz function, In.J.Computing Science and Mathematics,8(4)(2017), 291-300. ESCI
25. B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Quasi-slowly oscillating sequences in locally normal Riesz spaces, İnt.Jour.of Analysis and
Applications, 15(2)(2017), 229-237. ESCI.
26. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Wijsman rough lamda weak statistical convergence of order alpha of triple sequence of
functions, Asia Pasific Journal of Mathematics, 4(1)(2017), 49-61.
27. Ayhan Esi, S.Araci and Ayten Esi, -statistical convergence of Bernstein polynomial sequences, Advances and
Applications in Mathematical Sciences, 16(3)(2017), 113-119. ESCI.
28.Ayhan Esi, N.L.Braha and A.Rushiti, Wijsman -statistical convergence of interval numbers, Bol.Soc.Paran.Math.
35(2)(2017), 9-18. ESCI.
29.Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, The triple sequence spaces of X3 on rough statistical convergence defined by Musielak
Orlicz function of p-metric, Asian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1(1)(2017), 19-25.
30. Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian and M.Aiyub, Wijsman rough lamda statistical convergence of order alpha of triple sequence
of functions, Oriental Journal of Physcial Sciences, 2(1)(2017), 1-9.
31. Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian, Sliding window rough measurable function on Riesz triple almost () lacunary X3R
sequence spaces defined by a Orlicz function, Commun.Nonlinear Anal 3(2017), 91-103.
32. Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian, On triple sequence spaces of sliding window rough statistical convergence for measurable
function of probability defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, Tamap Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.2017, Article
ID 6.
33. Ayhan Esi and M.K.Özdemir, Asymptotically double lacunary equivalent sequences defined by ideals and Orlicz
functions, Research and Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures, 4(2)(2017), 7-16.
34. V.A.Khan, Yasmeen, Ayhan Esi and H.Fatima, Intuitionistic fuzzy I-convergent double sequence spaces defined by
compact operator and modulus function, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 33(2017), 3905-3911. SCIE.
35. M.Aiyub, Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, The triple entire difference ideal of fuzzy real numbers over fuzzy p-metric
spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 33(2017), 1505-1512. SCIE.
36.V.A.Khan, R.K.A.Rababah, Ayhan Esi, S.A.A.Abdullah, K.M.A.S.Aslhlool, Some new spaces of ideal convergent double
sequences by using compact operator, Journal of Applied Sciences,Doi:10,3923/jas,2017. ESCI
37. S.K.Sharma and Ayhan Esi, Some strongly almost summable sequence spaces, Journal of Mathematics and
Applications, 40(2017), 171-183.
38. Ayhan Esi and B.Hazarika, İdeal convergence of double interval valued numbers defined by Orlicz function, Journal of
Scientific Perspectives,1(1(2017), 47-58.
39. Ayhan Esi, Mathematics and Arts, Journal of Awareness,(2017), 515-522.
1.Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian and Ayten Esi, On triple space of Bernstein-Stancu operator of rough I-lamda-statistical
convergence of weighed g(A), Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 16(3),(2017), 337-361. SCOPUS.
2.U.Duran, M.Acikgoz, Ayhan Esi and S.Aracı, A note on the (p,q)-Hermite polynomials, Appl.Mat.Inf.Sci.12(1)(2018), 227
231. SCIE
3.B.Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Lacunary ideal summability and its applications to approximation theorem, The Journal of
Analysis, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-018- 0158-6.
4. N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, On triple sequence space of Bernstein operator of X3 of rough -statistical convergence
in probability defined by Musielak-Orlicz function of pmetric, Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
6(1)(2018), 198-203.
5.B.Hazarika, N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, On rough weighted ideal convergence of triple sequence of Bernstein
polynomials, Proccedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 21(3)(2018), 497-506. SCOPUS.
6. Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, Generalized rough Cesaro and lacunary statistical triple difference sequence spaces in
probability of fractional order defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, İnt.Jour.of Analysis and Applications, 16(1)(2018), 16-24.
7.N.Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Wijsman rough lacunary statistical convergence on ICesaro triple sequences, İnt.Jour.of
Analysis and Applications, 16(5)(2018), 643-653. ESCI.
8.B.Hazarika, Ayhan Esi and M.K.Ozdemir, Lacunary ideal convergence of interval number sequences defined by Orlicz
function, Int.J.Open Problems Compt.Math. 11(3)(2018), 1-13.
9.N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi and M.Aiyub, Generalized difference d(x2I) of fuzzy real numbers over p-metric spaces
defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, The journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 26(4)(2018), 1-13.
10.Ayhan Esi, Ayten Esi, M.Aiyub and N.Subramanian, The triple sequence spaces of X-of fuzzy numbers defined by a
sequence of Musielak-Orlicz functions, The journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 26(4)(2018), 911-930.
11. S.Saha, Ayhan Esi and S.Roy, On fuzzy real valued triple sequence space lp, The journal of Fuzzy Mathematics,
26(3)(2018), 669-680.
12. Ayhan Esi and S.Nagarajan, Some triple difference rough Cesaro and lacunary statistical sequence spaces, Journal of
Mathematics and Applications, 41(2018), 1-13.
13.Ayhan Esi, S.Nagarajan and V.A.Khan, The rough intuitionistic fuzzy zweier lacunary ideal convergence of triple
sequence spaces, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 14(2018), 72-78. SCOPUS.
14. H.Dutta, A.Kilicman and Ayhan Esi, Fuzzy p-absolutely summable difference sequences, New Mathematics and Natural
Computation, 14(2)(2018), 221-233. ESCI.
15.M.J.Bharathi, S.Velmurugan, Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, On rough convergence of triple sequence spaces of
Bernstein-Stancu operators of fuzzy real numbers defined by a metric function, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics,
37(4)(2018), 713-730, SCOPUS.
16. Ayhan Esi and N.Subramanian, On triple sequence spaces of Bernstein operator of  3 of rough l statistical
convergence in probability of random variables defined by MusielakOrlicz function, , Int.J.Open Problems Compt.Math.
11(2)(2018), 62-70.
17. S.Y.Gölbol, Ayhan Esi and U.Değer, On some double sequence spaces of interval number, Proyecciones Journal.
Mathematics, 37(3)(2018), 535-546. SCOPUS.
18. W.A.Khan, S.Araci, M.Acikgoz and Ayhan Esi, Laguerre-based Hermite-Bernoulli polynomials associated bit bilateral
series, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 11(2)(2018), 11-121. ESCI.
19. Ayhan Esi, N.Subramanian and Ayten Esi, Wijsman rough I-Convergence limit point of triple sequences defined by a
metric function, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 15(1)(2018), 47-57. SCOPUS.
20. Ayhan Esi and S.Nagarajan, On triple sequence spaces of X3, World Scientific News, 95(2018), 159-166.
21.N.Subramanian, Ayhan Esi and M.Aiyub, Riesz triple probabilistic of almost lacunary Cesaro C111 statistical
convergence of T3 defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, World Scientific News, 96(2018), 96-107.
22. A.Esi, Science and Hope, Journal of Awareness, 3(Special Issue)(2018), 53-58.
1. A. Esi, N. Subramanian, A. Esi, Arithmetic rough statistical convergence for triple Sequence, Annals of Fuzzy
Mathematics and Informatics, Volume 17, No. 3, (June 2019) pp. 265-277.
2. Bipan Hazarika and Ayhan Esi, Lacunary Ideal quasi Cauchy sequences, Annals of the University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series Volume 45(2), 2018, Pages 1-12. ESCI.
3. A. Indumathi, Nagarajan Subramanian and Ayhan Esi*, Geometric difference of sixdimensional Riesz almost lacunary
rough statistical convergence in probabilistic space of χ3f, Analysis 2019, 39(1): 7–17 ESCI.
4. N. Subramanian and A. Esi, Sliding window rough measurable function on I-core of triple sequences of beta Stancu
operator, J. Assam Acad. Math. Vol.9(2019),26-45.
5. Nabanita Konwar,Ayhan Esi,¶ and Pradip Debnath, New Fixed Point Theorems via Contraction Mappings in Complete
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Linear Space, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2019) 1–19. SCIE
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 7(1) Jan. 2019, 331-340.
7.N.Subramanian, A.Esi, M.Aiyub, Generalized Difference of d(c 2I ) of Fuzzy Real Numbers over p Metric Spaces Defined
by Musielak Orlicz Function, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019.
8. Vakeel A. Khan, Yasmeen, Ayhan Esi, Hira Fatima and Henna Altaf, On Some New Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sequence
Spaces, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019.
BY A ORLICZ FUNCTION-I, J. Appl. Math. & Informatics Vol. 37(2019), No. 1 - 2, 37 – 52.ESCI.
CONVERGENCE, Journal of Classical Analysis, Elemath, (2019, kabul edildi).
11. M. Aiyub,, A. Esi and N. Subramanian, Poisson Fibonacci binomial matrix on rough statistical convergence on triple
sequences and its rate, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36 (2019) 3439–3445. SCIE
12. Nagarajan Subramanian and Ayhan Esi, Triple AlmostλmiμnℓγkjLacunary Riesz χ3 Rλmiμnℓγkj Sequence Spaces
Defined by Orlicz Function, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.) v. 37 2 (2019): 127–142.ESCI.
13. N. Subramanian and A. Esi, The Backward Operator of Double Almost (λmμn) Convergence in χ2−Riesz Space Defined
By a Musielak-Orlicz Function, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.) v. 37 3 (2019): 85–97. ESCI.
VARIABLES IN PROBABILITY, Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Vol. 173 (2019), 111-120. SCIE
15. Ayhan Esi, Nagarajan Subramanian, M. Kemal Ozdemir, Riesz triple probabilisitic of almost lacunary Cesáro 𝑪𝟏𝟏𝟏
statistical convergence of 𝚪𝟑 defined by a Musielak Orlicz function, WSN 116 (2019) 115-127.
16. Sangita Saha,Ayhan Esi and Santanu Roy, Some New Classes of Multiplier Ideal Convergent Triple Sequence Spaces
of Fuzzy Numbers Defined by Orlicz Functions, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 2019, Yayına kabul edildi.
OPERATOR SEQUENCES, Southest Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2019, Yayına kabul edildi.
18. Bipan Hazarika and·Ayhan Esi, On ideal summability and a Korovkin type approximation Theorem, The Journal of
Analysis, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41478-019-00166- 4, SCOPUS.
19. Nagarajan Subramanian 1, Ayhan Esi, and M. Kemal Ozdemir, Rough Statistical Convergence on Triple Sequence of
Bernstein Operator of Random Variables in Probability, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 41 (3), 567-579, May – Jun. 2019
20. Ayten Esi, Esen Hanaç, and Ayhan Esi, Difference convergence on partial metric Space, AIP Conference Proceedings
2086, 030016 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5095101, SCIE.
21. Ayhan Esi, Esen Hanaç, and Ayten Esi, I-acceleration convergence of double Sequences, AIP Conference Proceedings
2086, 030014 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5095099. SCIE.
22. A. Esi, N. Subramanian, and M. K. Ozdemir, On the triple paranormed sequence space of binomial Poisson matrix, AIP
Conference Proceedings 2086, 030015 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5095100. SCIE.
23. N. Subramanian1 and A. Esi, Triple Pascal Sequence Spaces, ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS,
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, 2019, 13-22.
24. Vakeel A. Khan, Rami Kamel Ahmad Rababah, Mobeen Ahmad1 Ayhan Esi and Mohd Imran Idrisi, I-CONVERGENT
Letters ICIC International c2019 ISSN 1881-803X Volume 13, Number 11(tentative), November 2019, ESCI.
25.A.Indumathi, A.Esi and N.Subramanian, L1 of triple sequence sums in six dimensions, Journal of Interdisciplinary
Mathematics ISSN: 0972-0502 (Print), ISSN: 2169-012X (Online) DOI : 10.1080/09720502.2019.1640962, ESCI.
26. Ayhan Esi1*, N. Subramanian and Ayten Esi, On triple sequence spaces of 𝝌𝟑 of rough 𝝀−statistical convergence in
probability defined by Musielak-Orlicz function of 𝒑− metric space, WSN 132 (2019) 270-276.

Mesleki Deneyimler

Dekan Yardımcılığı
01-03-2000- 28-12-2002
Adıyaman Eğitim Fakültesi
Senato Üyeliği
03-04-2000- 28-12-2002
Gaziantep Üniversitesi
Bölüm Başkanlığı
31-12-2001- 15-09-2008
Inönü Universitesi, Adıyaman Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik
ÖSYM Temsilci Baş Yardımcısı
01-01-2002- 30-06-2007
Açık Öğretim Fakültesi
ÖSYM Temsilci Yardımcılığı
02-12-2002- 06-12-2004
ÖSYM Temsilci Yardımcılığı
02-01-2006- 31-07-2007
Bölüm Başkanlığı
01-07-2009- 30-06-2010
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik
Dekan Yardımcısı
30-12-2009- 14-10-2009
Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Teknoloji Fakültesi
Published Books (Basılı Kitaplar)
1.V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi, K.Ebadullah,N.Khan, Zweier I-Convergent Sequence Spaces and Their Properties
(English),Publisher:Science Publishing Group, New York, ISBN:987-1- 940366-42-5, 2016.
2.Ayhan Esi and V.A.Khan, Summable Sequence Spaces of Interval Numbers, (English) Matrix Rom Publisher, 2016, ISBN:
3. V.A.Khan, Ayhan Esi and Ayaz Ahmad, Basics of Differential Equations (English), Narosa Publishing House, 2018, ISBN:

Some of Editorial Board Membership: (Bazı Dergi Editörlükleri)
D1.Journal of Mathematical Analysis, ISSN-2217-3412 www.ilirias.com D2. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Publication, Australia, http://thescipub.com/editorial_jmsssp D3. General Mathematics Notes, ISSN 2219-7184,
http://geman.in/editors D4. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,
http://www.pphmj.com/journals/fjam_editorial_board.htm D5. International Journal of Science, Environment and
Technology, ISSN 2278-3687, http://www.ijset.net/editorial.asp D6. International e- Journal of Abstract and Applied
Engineering Mathematics http://www.ieems.org D7. Progress in Applied Mathematics, Canadian Research and
Development Center of Sciences and Cultures, Quebec, Canada,
http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/pam/about/editorialTeam D8. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
http://www.sciepub.com/journal/AJAMS/EditorialBoard D9.Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis
http://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/gjma/about/editorialTeam D10.European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
http://www.journalsgate.com/journalsgate/index.php?route=product/category&path=92_102 4.
Yönetilen Yüksek LisansTezleri •
1 Eda Eren, Orlicz fonksiyonu yardımıyla tanımlanan bulanık fark dizilerinin bazı sınıfları, 2010 •
2.Yurdagül Acar, Genelleştirilmiş fark dizi uzayları,2010 •
3.Y.Fadile Karababa, Kuvvetli lamda-zweier yakınsak dizi uzayları, 2011 •
4.Ayşe Eldem, Çift indisli diziler ve seriler, 2012, •
5.Aliye Sapsızoğlu, Kuvvetli lacunary invariant yakınsak zweier dizi uzayları ve istatistiksel yakınsaklık, 2013. •
6. Aralık Sayı Dizilerinin Bazı Dizi Uzayları, Sibel Yasemin, 2013 •
7. Aralık Sayıları, Aralık Fonksiyonları ve Uygulamalar, Lokman Dündar, 2018
8.Orlicz Fonksiyonu Yardımıyla Tanımlanmış Yeni Bir Dizi Uzayı ve Uygulamalar, Zeynep Topraktan,2020




Some New Difference Sequence Spaces
Yazarlar: Ayhan Esi
Yayın Bilgisi: 2024 , NATURENGS
DOI: 10.46572/naturengs.1472008



Yazarlar: Ayten Esi
Yayın Bilgisi: 2019 , Journal of Awareness
DOI: 10.26809/joa.2018548646



Yazarlar: Ayhan Esi
Yayın Bilgisi: 2019 , Journal of Awareness
DOI: 10.26809/joa.2018548641



Yazarlar: Ayhan Esi
Yayın Bilgisi: 2019 , Journal of Awareness
DOI: 10.26809/joa.2018548615



Yazarlar: Ayhan Eşi , S. K. Sharma
Yayın Bilgisi: 2015 , Konuralp Journal of Mathematics
DOI: -





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