Publication 3 Review 3 TR Dizin Cited 8
3 Publication
3 Review
8 TR Dizin Cited

Research Fields

Environmental Sociology Computer Technology in Landscape Architecture Landscape Planning Landscape Design Landscape Management Landscape Architecture (Other)


Melih was born in Ankara, Turkey. He was inspired by arts and architecture from early ages and wanted to be a landscape architect in High school. Melih studied landscape architecture in Ankara University, which is one of the major universities in Turkey. Following the graduation, he moved to Istanbul and worked for several private companies as a landscape architect and illustrator. He was awarded a scholarship by Turkish Ministry of National Education for his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in the United Kingdom. He started his studies with “Landscape Research” master’s degree at the University of Sheffield in 2009 and He was awarded Master of Arts in Landscape Architecture in 2010. After having completed his Master’s degree, Melih started to study PhD degree at the same institution and he was completed his PhD in February 2015. After moving back to Turkey, he has started to work in İstanbul Technical University in the Department of Landscape Architecture as a lecturer. In June 2019 he promoted to Assistant Professorship and in September 2022 he was promoted to Associate Professorship. Melih’s research focuses on human experiences in built environment, specifically children’s relationship and issues with urban open and green spaces. Recently he focused on project identifying children’s use of urban open spaces and their physical activity levels in turns, its impact on children’s health. 


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