ISSN: 1300-4220
e-ISSN: 2822-4647
Founded: 1990
Publisher: Nazmi KOZAK
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There is no time limitation for submission to Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research. Authors are welcomed to submit their papers at any date or period in a year.

Click here to acces our special issue article call for 36(2) "The History of Turkish Tourism".

Anatolia:  Journal of Tourism Research started its publication activities in January 1990 under the name “Anatolia: Journal of Tourism and Environment”. The journal includes theoretical, conceptual, empirical, and applied studies in the tourism field of tourism in Turkiye. The journal was published as a periodical with academic content between the years 1990 – 1997. The publication as a peer-reviewed journal started in 1997. The journal accepts academic papers on tourism and related subjects such as accommodation/hospitality, travel, and food and beverage management.

Each submitted paper is undertaken in a peer-review process by minimum two academic referees in the relevant field. The Statistics Editor may also be involved when deemed necessary. Authors are expected to respect "Publishing and Writing Rules” before submitting their manuscripts to the journal. In addition to academic research papers, Anatolia also includes various sections namely Research Notes on Recreation, Gastronomy, Tourism History, Tour Guiding and Selected Translation Articles, Conference Notes, and Tourism Research Projects which are edited by the academic experts in the relevant fields.  

2024 - Volume: 35 Issue: 2



The Republic of Turkey, with its rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty, possesses substantial potential for tourism. Leveraging its historical tourism experiences and natural, historical, and cultural assets, Turkey has become a significant destination in global tourism. The history of Turkish tourism spans a broad timeline, beginning from the emergence of the Turks on the historical stage, accelerating during the last century of the Ottoman Empire, and extending through the Republic era to the present day. It is even possible to attribute the entirety of Turkish history to the history of Turkish tourism. In this context, “Anatolia” will publish a special issue focusing on the “History of Turkish Tourism” at the autumn of 2025.
We invite well-constructed theoretical and conceptual studies with methodological integrity on the following topics and areas related to the “History of Turkish Tourism”:

1. Concepts, Methods, and New Approaches to Turkish Tourism History: Studies on the beginnings of Turkish tourism history, its subjects, content, and critical perspectives on past research.

2. Sources of Tourism History: Official records (government reports, tourism policies and regulations, Ottoman decrees, documents related to trade and travel, official Republic era documents, and ministry reports), travel writings, memoirs, newspapers and magazines (articles, news, promotional writings on tourism, brochures and advertisements for tourist regions), photographs, engravings, paintings, caricatures, postcards, and postage stamps (photos of historical and modern tourist sites, old postcards, past images of tourist regions, depiction of tourism on stamps), maps and plans (historical maps, travel routes and locations of tourist regions, development plans and projects for tourism), documentaries and films (documentary films and TV programs describing tourism development, videos and films promoting tourist areas, perspectives on tourism in Turkish cinema).

3. Oral History Studies: Experiences and narratives of individuals who have worked in the tourism sector, guides, and tourists; observations, impacts, contributions, and hindrance attempts of local populations in touristically significant settlements.

4. Interviews and Surveys: Interviews with tourists, tourism professionals, and local people, survey studies on the development and effects of the tourism sector, and evaluations related to these studies.

5. Archaeological Findings, Historical Structures, and Museums: Trade routes, accommodation sites, tourist structures, remnants of historical roads, the historical and tourism-related value of inns, caravanserais, baths, soup kitchens, almshouses, complexes, etc., significant for Turkish tourism.

6. Ethnographic Research: Studies examining the effects of local cultures and traditions on tourism and the impacts of tourism on local life.

7. Biographies: Biographies and contributions of investors, employees, administrators, academicians, and statesmen who have significantly served Turkish tourism and are no longer alive.

8. Events: Wars, terrorism incidents, coups, economic crises, natural disasters, epidemics, etc., that have disrupted or revitalized Turkish tourism.

9. Gastronomy Studies: Important foods and beverages in Turkish culture and history from a tourism perspective, places where these are made and served, cookbooks, dining etiquette, etc.

10. Enterprises: Establishment and history of all types of businesses related to tourism activities, such as hotels, stations, airports, marinas, ports, and travel agencies.

11. Various Public Institutions and NGOs Related to Tourism: Establishment and historical activities of institutions like the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Tourism Bank of the Republic of Turkey, municipalities, TURING, TÜRSAB, TUROB, TUROFED, TTYD, AKTOB, TUREB, TUYED, TUROYD, KITSAB, KETOB, KAPTID, TESTUD, ETIK, STBIR.

12. Economic Indicators and Statistics Related to Turkish Tourism: Contribution of tourism to the Turkish economy from past to present, tourism statistics over the years, and related evaluations.

13. The History of Tourism Types in Turkish Tourism: Development of various tourism types in Turkey, such as leisure, sports, cultural, religious, business, political, congress, family, health (Olympics, pilgrimage, visiting sites, hot springs, congress tourism, etc.).

14. Tourism and Tourism-related Elements in Turkish Literature: Treatment of tourism, travel, and tourist subjects in novels, essays, stories, and poems from past periods, and the handling of the theme of travel.

15. Development of Travel and Communication Means: Contributions of the development of land, sea, and air transportation, and modern communication tools to tourism.

16. Tourism in Turkish Art: Analysis of tourism-related elements in artworks such as paintings, photographs, theater, music, etc.

17. Development of Roads, Routes, Itineraries, and Package Tours.

18. Events Promoting Tourism Development: Fairs, festivals, exhibitions, business meetings, etc.

19. Periodical Studies: Tourism history activities, policies, and organizations in ancient Turkish history, Seljuk, Beyliks, Ottoman, Republic periods, and their sub-periods.

20. Turks as Tourists Abroad: The perspectives, experiences, observations, and contributions of Turks traveling abroad from the Ottoman Empire to the present

21. Tourism in the Programs of Political Parties from the Ottoman Empire to the Present.

22. Tourism in Government Programs.

23. Emergence and Implementation of Certain Tourism Concepts: The emergence and application of concepts such as room-only, half-board, full-board, all-inclusive, halal tourism, etc.

24. Compatibility and Incompatibility between Tourism and Religious, Moral, and Social Values throughout History: The Islamic perspective on tourism activities, societal moral resistance to tourism, and points where this resistance weakens.

25. Other Original Studies Proposed by Our Authors Related to Tourism.

Article Proposals:
Article proposals should be 250-300 words and sent to the special issue editor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Hanilçe (, by March 15, 2025. Proposals should include the following information:
• The purpose of the study,
• The relevant subject area and academic field,
• The type and method of the article (conceptual, theoretical, systematic literature review, qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods),
• Author(s), their areas of expertise, and contact information.
Full manuscripts must be submitted by May 15, 2025

Special Issue Editor:

Publishing Special Issue

Special issues are published in the journal Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research to enable in-depth exploration of specific topics. These special issues are prepared under the editorship of an expert in the relevant field.
The special issue editor determines the content of the topic and the announcements related to the special issue. They also assess the suitability of submitted manuscripts concerning the theme of the special issue; they accept those that are appropriate to submit and reject those that are not. After this initial phase, the editor informs the journal’s editorial team of the manuscripts that are suitable for inclusion in the special issue. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted are notified by letter that they need to upload their papers to the journal's page on Dergipark.
Following this stage, the peer review process for the manuscripts is conducted by the journal's editorial team. The final decision regarding the suitability for publication (acceptance or rejection) is made jointly by the journal editor and the special issue editor based on the peer review results.