Writing Rules

Article Submission
In the submission of the article, the following files should be arranged according to the spelling rules and uploaded to the system separately.
1. Title Page
2. Article Main Text
3. Ethics Committee Permission Certificate
4. Similarity Report
5. Copyright Form
6. Cover Letter
7. Reply to Reviewer/Editor

Article Submission File
1. Title Page

The title page will be prepared in both Turkish and English. The title page should contain the full name of the article (maximum 15 words), the names and surnames of the authors, title and institution information, ORCID information and e-mail information. It should also include the contact and full address information of the responsible author as a footer at the bottom of the page.
The title of the article should be written at the top of the page, the first letters in capitals, Times New Roman 11 points, centered and bold, 1.5 line spacing.
Under the article title, the authors should be given as Name and Surname, respectively, and a comma should be placed between the authors. The title, institution, e-mail and ORCID information of the authors should be given with footnotes just below the names of the authors.
You can download an example of the title page here.

2. Article Main Text
The main text of the article should not contain the names, surnames and contact information of the authors or any information that may reveal the identities of the authors. In general, it should be prepared in accordance with the following rules.
Important: The evaluation process of the Journal of the Faculty of Education of Erzincan University is carried out with the principle of double-blind refereeing. In this context, it should be noted that the main text of the article does not include content that contains personal information such as the identity of the author(s), institution, publication.

Page Structure and Spelling Rules
Important: There is no ready-made template for the article to be sent to the Journal of Erzincan University Faculty of Education. Edit your article according to the rules stated below.

The font to be used in the article should be Times New Roman and the font size should be 11 points. The article should be written on an A4 size page, justified on both sides with a margin of 2.5 cm from all edges (right, left, top and bottom). Paragraph beginnings should be indented. There should be a 12 pt space after the paragraph. Line spacing to be used in the article should be 1.5.

Numbered headings should not be used in the article. First-degree headings should be left-aligned, bold, and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. Secondary titles should be indented from the left, the first letters of each word should be capitalized and bold. Third degree headings should be left indented, sentence order, bold. Fourth-degree titles should be left indented, sentence order.

The texts in the table content should be 10-12 points. Table title should be bold and table text should be in sentence order. It should be on the table. Table content should be arranged according to APA7 format. Line lines should be used only under the Table heading and to separate the main sections. Tables should be prepared in Word format and editable.
Click for table example.

Figures and graphics
Figures should be in the middle of the page. The title of the figure should be centered under the figure. Figure title should be in bold, figure text should be in sentence order.
Click for Example Figure.

Sections of the Article
In the main text of the article, the title should include Turkish and English abstract/abstract, introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendations, bibliography and extended English summary headings.

Article title. At the top of the page, the first letters should be written in capitals, Times New Roman 11 points, centered and bold, 1.5 line spacing.

At the beginning of each article, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English. If the language of the article is Turkish, "Abstract" should come first, and if it is English, "Abstract" should come first. Abstracts should include the purpose and method of the research, sample or study group, data collection tool and important results. Abstracts should be justified and should not exceed 150-200 words. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 points and single-spaced. Under the abstracts, there should be 4-6 Turkish keywords to reflect the content of the article. A colon is placed after the abstract title in bold and the text continues on the same line.

In this section, the problem, purpose and importance of the study should be mentioned and the relevant literature should be presented. The theoretical foundations of the introductory study should be explained in a non-literary way based on basic sources, especially the keywords and the variables discussed. At the same time, studies in the field related to the study should be included in the introduction. In this section, if necessary, sub-titles can be used by the author. The purpose of the study with a subtitle or a new paragraph in the introduction should be given in a simple and understandable way and should form the basis for the research hypotheses/problems/questions. The aim of this article is to present a problem created within the framework of the theoretical structure and literature mentioned in the introduction.

In this section, the approach adopted to seek answers to the research questions should be clearly presented. For this, the following sub-headings should be explained, provided that changes can be made according to the type of research; research design, study group/sample, data collection tools, data analysis, process/process. The design of the research should be given in connection with the research questions and the process, and the psychometric properties of the data collection tools should be introduced. For the analysis of the data, if the studies on the data and the decision-making process on the analysis technique are necessary, a brief introduction of the analysis should be made.
Ethics committee information (name, date and document number) should also be included in this section. The name of the institution giving the ethics committee should be written as XXX, the name of the university and institution should not be given clearly. This information will be written after the evaluation.

Research findings should be written in this section. This section should be written according to the spelling rules specified throughout the article. Tables and figures should be written according to spelling rules. APA 7 rules should be followed in the display of figures, formulas and statistical findings in findings.

In this section, the results of the research should be presented, and the meaning of the obtained results should be compared with different data sources and related literature. Particular attention should be paid to not listing only previous studies that support or not support the findings of the research in this section, and research findings should be discussed within the framework of the relevant theoretical structure and literature. At the same time, the limitations of the research should be given.

Conclusion and Recommendations
In this section, conclusions and recommendations regarding the findings of the research should be written. The conclusion should not be in the form of a summary of the research findings, but should show what the findings obtained from the research mean in terms of theory and practice. Recommendations should be written directly based on research findings and limitations, general recommendations should not be given.

Authors Contribution (To be included on the Title Page)
It is the declaration of each author's contribution/contributions from the preparation process of the article to its publication.
Example-1. All authors took an equal part in all processes of the article. All authors have read and approved the final version of the study.
Example-2. The first author carried out the planning of the study and the literature review process. All authors contributed to the data collection process. The first and second authors performed statistical analyzes. All authors contributed to the writing of the article and read and approved the final version of the study.
Example-3. The author declares that no other author has contributed to the study and that he has read and approved the final version of the study.

Ethical Declaration (To be included on the Title Page)
The Ethics committee statement should be given in accordance with the sample text given below.
In case it is subject to the approval of the ethics committee: This study was conducted with the approval decision taken at the Ethics Committee for Human Research in Social Sciences (Protocol No. 2022/01) of XXX University, dated 01.01.2022, at the 2022/02 meeting.
In case it is not subject to ethics committee approval: The authors declare that their work is not subject to ethics committee approval and that the rules set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) were followed throughout the study.

Conflict of Interest (To be included on the Title Page)
The people who actually contributed to the article sent to the journal should be stated as the authors. Authors are obliged to report all personal and financial relations that may be a party to their work. If there is no personal or financial conflict of interest in the study, the authors may declare as follows.
“The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest with any institution or person within the scope of the study.”

Thanks (To be included on the Title Page)
If applicable, authors should write acknowledgments in this section.

Bibliography should be prepared in APA7 format. Apart from these, the following rules should be paid special attention to.
• The doi number of the references that have a doi number in the bibliography must be given. When giving the doi number, it should be in the form of “https://doi.org/”.
Example:Cikrikci, N. & Yalcin, R. U. (2023). The Relationship Between Alexithymia and Positive Beliefs to Rumination and Psychological Resilience. Journal of Erzincan University Faculty of Education, 25 (1), 72-77. https://doi.org/10.17556/erziefd.1176809
• The use of "&" must be used only for studies written in English with more than one author.
Example: In-text representation; (Çikrıkçı & Yalçın, 2023)

Extended English Summary
Authors in accordance with the general writing rules of the article; should prepare an English summary that includes the titles of introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendations and reflects the entire article in a concise manner. Extended English abstract should be at least 1500 words long.
Note: Author Contribution Rate, Ethics Committee Statement and Statement of Conflict should also be added in English in the Extended English Abstract Section.

3. Ethics Committee Permission Certificate

In all kinds of research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and interview techniques, in studies involving the use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, people and In clinical studies on animals, it is obligatory to obtain the permission of the ethics committee and upload the permission document to the system in retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.
In addition, it is obligatory to state that an "informed consent form" has been received in case reports, to obtain permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, and to indicate that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
If the study is a study that does not require ethics committee approval, it must be declared by filling out the document given below.
You can download the Ethics Statement Form here.

4. Similarity Report
Authors are required to upload the similarity report of the full text of their work. The similarity report should be prepared and uploaded in PDF format in accordance with the following rules: “Extract citations: Off; Extract bibliography: On; Extract Matches: Off, Source exclusion threshold: Word count 5.” The acceptable similarity rate for EUJEF is a maximum of 15%. It is decided after the review made by the Editorial Board whether the studies with an originality report exceeding 15% will be included in the preliminary examination.

5. Copyright Form

As part of the submission process, authors will be asked to guarantee in the Copyright Form that they are submitting their original work, that they own the rights to the work, that they have obtained and can provide all necessary permissions for the reproduction of copyright works that are not their own, that they are submitting the work for publication in the Journal for the first time and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not been previously published elsewhere.
The Copyright Form must include the name, surname, title, institution and signature of all authors, and must be signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system.
You can download the copyright form here.

6. Cover Letter
In their own words, the authors should explain the originality and importance of the study, the research problem addressed in the study, and why this study is suitable for this journal. The summary of the study should not be written exactly in this part. Authors should briefly introduce their research in the article and state why the study is important and why readers will be interested in it.

7. Answer to Reviewer/Editor
The author/s should provide a letter explaining how each of the correction and suggestions given by the referees during the evaluation process was made, and if not, the reason for not being made. The letter should be prepared in such a way as to respond to every suggestion of each referee.
You can download a sample response letter to the Reviewer/Editor here.

Last Update Time: 8/6/24, 10:59:23 AM