Issue: 79, 7/15/24

Year: 2024



Prof. Dr. Murtaza KORLAELÇİ It is not affiliated with an institution 0000-0003-2588-2284
History of Philosophy
Prof. Dr. Sema ÖNAL KIRIKKALE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-9882-0925
Philosophy, 18th Century Philosophy, 17th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Culture , Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Human Being, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science
Prof. Dr. Ahmet DAĞ Division of History of Philosophy, Uludağ University, Faculty of Theology, Bursa, Türkiye
Philosophy, Intelligent Robotics
Philosophy, Philosophy of Education
Asst. Prof. Dr. Aslı ÜNER KAYA Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aziz Fevzi ZAMBAK ORTA DOĞU TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-2905-1218
Prof. Dr. Banu DİRİ Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi-Elektrik Elektronik Fakültesi-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği
Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Human-Computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing
Medical Genetics (Excl. Cancer Genetics), Health Sciences Education and Development of Programs: Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Filmmaking and Directing
Comparative and Transnational Literature
Ethics, Continental Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Ontology, Metaphysics
History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Language
Ethics, Philosophy, Philosophy of Society
Virtual and Mixed Reality, Modelling and Simulation, Artificial Reality, Artificial Intelligence (Other), Computer Aided Design in Visual Communication, Digital Game Design, Graphic Design
History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Mind, Contemporary Philosophy , History of Ideas, Islamic Studies (Other)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammet ÖZDEMİR Division of Islamic Philosophy, Mersin University – Faculty of Islamic Sciences- Mersin, Türkiye
Political Theory and Political Philosophy, Teaching Philosophy, History of Turkish Ideas, Postcolonial Studies, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, 20th Century Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy , Limnology
Epistemology, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Intelligent Robotics, Metaphilosophy
Ethics, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Society, Philosophy of Law, Modern Philosophy, 21st Century Philosophy
Philosophy of History, History of Philosophy, Turkish Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nesibe KANTAR KIRŞEHİR AHİ EVRAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-3179-2314
Contemporary Philosophy , Philosophy, Philosophy of Informatics , Ethics, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, 21st Century Philosophy , Artificial Reality, Applied Ethics, Applied Philosophy (Other), Information and Computing Sciences, Management Information Systems
Education Management, Asian Cultural Studies, Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture, Educational Sociology, Economics of Education
Prof. Dr. Nurten GÖKALP Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi
Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field, Literature Sociology
Prof. Dr. Sema ÖNAL KIRIKKALE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-9882-0925
Philosophy, 18th Century Philosophy, 17th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Culture , Philosophy of Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuba Nur UMUT ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ, İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ 0000-0003-0201-6228
Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Religion, Society and Culture Studies
Contemporary Philosophy , 19th Century Philosophy, Modern Philosophy
Turkish Islamic Philosophy, Sociology of Science and Information, History of Turkish Ideas, 17th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Science
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin GÜRSOY TRAKYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ, EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ 0000-0003-2103-3410
Russian Language, Literature and Culture, Language Studies, Comparative and Transnational Literature
Turkish Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy in Turkiye, History of Turkish Ideas, Metaphysics

The Philosophy World is an academic journal that publishes for the development and understanding of philosophical thought in Türkiye. The journal publishes academic and semi-academic articles for the dissemination and dissemination of philosophical thought, as well as translations of important articles and articles containing philosophical comments. It also includes studies on the development of philosophy education. As a publication policy, it is based on academic standards that are accepted at the national and international level.

The Philosophy World includes academic articles, research, commentary, book review and translations in all philosophical disciplines such as ontology, epistemology, ethics, axiology, aesthetics etc.

The Journal is indexed by TR DİZİN and Philosopher's Index.

• All studies intended to be published in the Journal of Philosophical World should be submitted through Dergipark.
• Journal of Philosophical World is an open-access academic journal in which plagiarism screening, pre-evaluation, blind refereeing, and editorial reading processes are operated.
• Articles submitted in Turkish and English are accepted.
• Articles are expected to be related to philosophy and its subfields.
• Studies should be in the categories of research article, research note, work evaluation, translation, scientific meeting evaluation, conversation, and loyalty note.
• The publication period is twice a year, in December and July. Studies can be submitted up to 2 months before the publication period of the journal. When the publication date of the journal comes, the articles that have not completed the refereeing or editorial review processes are postponed to the next issue.
• All manuscripts are subject to pre-evaluation and blind review processes. The pre-evaluation process takes about 15 days and the refereeing process takes about 30 days. The stated times may be extended from time to time due to delays caused by the referees.
• Submitted studies must not have been previously published or submitted to more than one journal simultaneously.
• More than one work of the same author is not published in a single issue.
• Articles should be prepared on the basis of “APA (7th Edition, The American Psychological Association, 2020)” or “The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes, and Bibliography)” citation and bibliography system. The adaptation of these systems to the journal Philosophy World is shown below.

• In the submitted works, the text should be aligned on both sides and the page structure should be adjusted so that the upper 2.5 cm, the lower 2.5 cm, the right 2.5 cm, and the left 2.5 cm gutter zero (0).
• The text should be written in Times New York font with 1.5 line spacing and 11 points, and page numbers should be added.
• The title of the study should be written in capital letters, 14 points, and bold font, and the author's tag should be added under the title. ORCID number, e-mail address, and institution information should be included in the imprint.
• Subheadings of the text should be written in bold font and 12 points, with the first letter of each word being capitalized.
• Abstract sections should be added as two separate pages/sections at the end of the study, after the conclusion, and before the bibliography.
• Keywords should be added under the öz and abstract texts with a left-aligned, 11-point, and bold font; number of keywords, At least 5; should be at most 6. Words should be chosen from the basic concepts that will reflect the main subject of the study.
• Articles should not exceed 9,000 words (approximately 25 pages). Exceptions can be evaluated by the editorial board.

• The American Psychological Association (APA) style can be used in the citation system and bibliography of the articles sent to the journal. For detailed information, the page should be examined.
• When quoting in-text, APA's author-date citation system should be used; Author surnames and year of publication as in the bibliography should be written.
Logic refers to both a way of thinking and a branch of science. Therefore, there is a strong connection between logical thinking and logic (Öner, 1986).

• If a specific page is cited or related ideas are taken from a specific section, the source should be written with its page.

Contrary to metaphysics, such as science, positive philosophy, positive scholars, who are content with events, that is, with the data of experiment without asking questions about the first causes and the re-creation of things. (Korlaelçi, 2014: 4).

• More than one source should be cited in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons while in parentheses.

(Arslan, 1995; Russell, 1945; Ural, 2018; Ülken, 1956).

• In the text, more than one work of an author with the same date should be indicated as follows.

Example: (Türer, 2021a) (Türer, 2021b)

• If the number of authors is two, both names should be written in each use. In studies with two authors, “and” is used among the author names, while “&” and “and” can be used in English texts.

(Aslan and Steel, 1988: 14)
(Harman & Thomson, 1996: 160)

• If the number of authors is three or more, only the first name and others are abbreviated in the first use. In English texts, it should be abbreviated as “et al”.)

Example; (Jacqueline Russ, et al., 2012: 105).

• When citing translated, copied or reprinted sources, the year of the original work and the year of the translation/reprint are given together.

• Sources that have no author (such as religious sources) or whose author is unknown should be cited in the text, while the title and year of the source should be written for the sources without an author.

• References used in the text should be listed alphabetically as surname - name.

• If there are many references by the same author in the bibliography, the sources are listed in order from oldest to newest. Sources with the same date are sorted by letter.

For example: 2000a, 2000b.

• If the work cited as the source has more than one author, the surname of the first author in the work should be used first. If the number of authors is more than three, the abbreviation “et al” can be added after the surname of the first author.

• The publication date of the work in the source should be added in parentheses after the name.

For Example
Cohen, Martin, (2020). Platon’dan Mao’ya Siyaset Felsefesi’ trans. Hamdi Bravo, Ankara: Fol Yayınları.

• Single Author Book

Nozick, R. (2015). Anarşi, Devlet ve Ütopya, trans. Alişan Oktay, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi.

• Multi-author book

Baggett D., Walls J. (2011). Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality, New York: Oxford University Press.

• Editorial Book

Türer, C. (ed.) (2019). Felsefe Tarihi, Ankara: Bilay Yayınları.

• Chapter in an Edited book

Başdemir, H. Y. (2019). “İlk Çağ Felsefesi: Felsefi Düşünce ve Eski Toplumlar”, Felsefe Tarihi, Türer, C. (ed.), ss. 51-66, Ankara: Bilay Yayınları.

• Article Published in the Journal

Çiçek, Hasan (2020). “Çicero: Yaşlılığın Erdemleri”, Felsefe Dünyası Dergisi, 71, ss. 5-19.

• In the articles published in the journal and having more than one author, the author's identifiers are added at the beginning in alphabetical order.

• DOI numbers of the articles, if any, are written.

Stirling, J. (2002). "William Morris and Work As It is and As It Might Be", Capital & Class, 76, 127–144. doi: 10.1177/030981680207600105.

• Encyclopedias

Balkans: History (1987). In Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed. Vol. 14, pp. 570-588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

• When using an online source, the surname of the author, the name of the work and the access address should be written in quotation marks, and the date accessed should be added in parentheses.

For Example:
Zalta, N. Edward. “Moral Responsibility”, (10.10.2021).

The Manual of Style 17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography (Chicago) style can also be used in the citation system and bibliography of the articles submitted to the journal.
1. Books by an Author:
First Note:
Celal Türer, Pragmatik Estetik (Ankara: Fol Kitap, 2021), 25.
Mehmet Ata Az, İlahi Basitlik Bağlamında Tanrı’nın Bilinebilirliği (İstanbul: OTTO, 2017), 65.
Short Note:
Türer, Pragmatik Estetik, 25.
Az, İlahi Basitlik Bağlamında Tanrı’nın Bilinebilirliği, 65.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Az, Mehmet Ata. İlahi Basitlik Bağlamında Tanrı’nın Bilinebilirliği. İstanbul: OTTO, 2017.
Türer, Celal. Pragmatik Estetik. Ankara: Fol Kitap, 2011.
2.Books by Two Authors:
First Note:
Erden Miray ve Yazgan Yalkın, Çocuklarla Felsefe (İstanbul: Demavend Yayınları, 2021), 10.
Short Note:
Miray ve Yalkın, Çocuklarla Felsefe, 34.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Miray, Erden ve Yazgan Yalkın. Çocuklarla Felsefe. İstanbul: Demavend Yayınları, 2021.
3.Books by Three Authors
First Note:
İrfan Dağdelen, Hüseyin Türkmen ve Nergis Ulu, Türk Kütüphaneciliğinden İzdüşümler: Nail Bayraktara Armağan (İstanbul: Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı - Kültürel ve Sosyal İşler Daire Başkanlığı - Kütüphane ve Müzeler Müdürlüğü, 2005), 55.
Short Note:
Dağdelen, Türkmen ve Ulu, Türk Kütüphaneciliğinden İzdüşümler, 87.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Dağdelen, İrfan, Hüseyin Türkmen ve Nergis Ulu. Türk Kütüphaneciliğinden İzdişümler: Nail Bayraktara Armağan. İstanbul: Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı - Kültürel ve Sosyal İşler Daire Başkanlığı - Kütüphane ve Müzeler Müdürlüğü, 2005.
4. Books by more than Three Authors:
First Note:
Eylem Canaslan ff., Felsefe ve Tarih (İstanbul: Pinhan Yayıncılık, 2020), 77.
Short Note:
Canaslan ff., Felsefe ve Tarih, 18.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Canaslan Eylem, Sadık Türker, Funda Günsoy, M. Ertan Kardeş, E. Burak Şaman ve Gökhan Murteza. Felsefe ve Tarih. İstanbul: Pinhan Yayıncılık, 2020.
5. Books by anonymous author or editor:
First Note:
“Türkiye ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim,” Bilim ve Teknoloji (İstanbul: TÜSİAD Yayınları, 1994), 81.
Short Note:
“Türkiye ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim,” 81.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
“Türkiye ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim.” Bilim ve Teknoloji. İstanbul: TÜSİAD Yayınları, 1994.
6. Book chapters:
First Note:
Tuba Nur Umut, “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk,” In Felsefenin Vefalı Yüzü – Prof. Dr. Murtaza Korlaelçi’ye Armağan, ed. Celal Türer (Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayıncılık, 2019), 119.
Short Note:
Umut, “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk,” 123.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Umut, Tuba Nur. “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk.” In Felsefenin Vefalı Yüzü – Prof. Dr. Murtaza Korlaelçi’ye Armağan, ed. Celal Türer, 119-124. Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayıncılık, 2019.
7. Works with an editor or translator with the author:
First Note:
Tuba Nur Umut, “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk,” In Felsefenin Vefalı Yüzü – Prof. Dr. Murtaza Korlaelçi’ye Armağan, ed. Celal Türer (Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayıncılık, 2019), 119.
Suraiya Faroqhi, Osmanlı Tarihi Nasıl İncelenir: Kaynaklara Giriş, trans. Zeynep Altok. (İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2003), 57.
Short Note:
Umut, “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk,” 120.
Faroqhi, Osmanlı Tarihi Nasıl İncelenir, 58.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Umut, Tuba Nur. “Murtaza Korlaelçi Düşüncesinde Ahlakın Merkezi Unsuru: Sorumluluk.” Felsefenin Vefalı Yüzü – In Prof. Dr. Murtaza Korlaelçi’ye Armağan, ed. Celal Türer, 119-124. Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayıncılık, 2019.
Faroqhi, Suraiya. Osmanlı Tarihi Nasıl İncelenir: Kaynaklara Giriş. trans. Zeynep Altok, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2003.
1. Single-author articles
First Note:
Song Niu, “The Strategic Partnership between South Korea and the United Arab Emirates,” Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 17, (Nisan 2013): 132-136.
Short Note:
Niu, “The Strategic Partnership,” 132-136.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Niu, Song. “The Strategic Partnership between South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.” Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 17, (Nisan 2013): 122-146.
2. Articles by Two Authors
First Note:
Tom D. Lewisand ve Gerald Graham, “Seven Tips for Effective Listening,” British Journal of Social Work 30, (2003): 13-35.
Short Note:
Lewisand ve Graham, “Seven Tips for Effective Listening,” 15-23.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Lewisand, Tom D. ve Gerald Graham. “Seven Tips for Effective Listening.” British Journal of Social Work 30, (2003): 1-43.
3.Articles by Three Authors:
First Note:
Shao-Hsun Keng, Chun-Hung Lin ve Peter F. Orazem, “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality,” Journal of Human Capital 11, (Güz 2017): 9–10,
Short Note:
Keng, Lin ve Orazem, “Expanding College Access,” 23.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin ve Peter F. Orazem. “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital 11, (Güz 2017): 1–34,
4.Articles by more than three authors:
First Note:
Rachel A. Bay vd., “Predicting Responses to Contemporary Environmental Change Using Evolutionary Response Architectures,” American Naturalist 189, sayı: 5 (Mayıs 2017): 465,
Short Note:
Bay ff., “Predicting Responses,” 465.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
Bay, Rachael A., Noah Rose, Rowan Barrett, Louis Bernatchez, Cameron K. Ghalambor, Jesse R. Lasky, Rachel B. Brem, Stephen R. Palumbi ve Peter Ralph. “Predicting Responses to Contemporary Environmental Change Using Evolutionary Response Architectures.” American Naturalist 189, sayı: 5 (Mayıs 2017): 463–73,
5.Articles by Anonymous Authors:
First Note:
“Balkanlarda Türk Varlığı,” Toplumsal Tarih 7 (Mayıs 1990): 8.
Short Note:
“Balkanlarda Türk Varlığı,” 8.
Bibliography (In alphabetical order):
“Balkanlarda Türk Varlığı.” Toplumsal Tarih 7 (Mayıs 1990): 1-17.
6. Article in the Online Journal:
First Note:
Mehtap Doğan, “Biyolojik Doğalcılık Ekseninde John Searle ve Zihin-Beden Problemi,” MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi 1/2, (2018): 227, Access 5 Ocak 2019,
Short Note:
Doğan, “Biyolojik Doğalcılık Ekseninde John Searle ve Zihin-Beden Problemi,” MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi, 230.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):

Doğan, Mehtap. “Biyolojik Doğalcılık Ekseninde John Searle ve Zihin-Beden Problemi.” MetaZihin: Yapay Zeka ve Zihin Felsefesi Dergisi 1/2, (2018): 227-240, Access 5 Ocak 2019,
7.Articles From Daily Newspapers And Magazines:
First Note:
Tarık Karahan, “Sosyal Bilim Ödülleri,” Milliyet, 27 Temmuz 2018.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg ve Robert Pear, “Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote,” New York Times, 27 Şubat 2010, Access 28 Şubat 2010,
Daniel Mendelsohn, “But Enough about Me,” New Yorker, 25 January 2010, 68.
Short Note:
Karahan, “Sosyal Bilim Ödülleri.”
Stolberg ve Pear, “Wary Centrists.”
Mendelsohn, “But Enough about Me,” 68.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Karahan, Tarık. “Sosyal Bilim Ödülleri.” Milliyet, 27 Temmuz 2018.
Stolberg, Sheryl Gay ve Robert Pear. “Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote.” New York Times, 27 Şubat 2010. Access 28 Şubat 2010,
Mendelsohn, Daniel. “But Enough about Me.” New Yorker, 25 January 2010
PhD and Master's Thesis
First Note:
Avni Erdemir, “Muslihu'd-din Mustafa İbn Vefâ Hayatı Eserleri Tesirleri ve Manzum Eserlerinin Tenkidli Metni,” (Unpublished PhD Thesis, Gazi Üniversitesi, 1999), 6-10.
Azize Şahin, “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Bilinçli Farkındalık ile Yaşam Doyumu ve İyi Oluş Arasındaki İlişkiler,” (Master’s Thesis, Üsküdar Üniversitesi, 2018), 8.
Short Note:
Erdemir, “Muslihu'd-din Mustafa,” 6-10.
Şahin, “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Bilinçli Farkındalık,” 8.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Erdemir, Avni. “Muslihu'd-din Mustafa İbn Vefâ Hayatı Eserleri Tesirleri ve Manzum Eserlerinin Tenkidli Metni” Unpublished PhD Thesis, Gazi Üniversitesi, 1999.
Şahin, Azize. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Bilinçli Farkındalık ile Yaşam Doyumu ve İyi Oluş Arasındaki İlişkiler.”Master’s Thesis, Üsküdar Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2018.
Archival Documents
First Note:
BOA, İ. Mes. Müh., 2079.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA). İrade Mesâil-i Mühimme (İ. Mes. Müh). 2079.
1. Report with an Author
First Note:
Fatma Gök, Öğretmen Profili Araştırma Raporu (Ankara: Eğitim Bilim ve Kültür Emekçileri Sendikası Yayınları 1999), 6-25.
Short Note:
Gök, Öğretmen Profili Araştırma Raporu, 6-25
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Gök, Fatma. Öğretmen Profili Araştırma Raporu. (Ankara: Eğitim Bilim ve Kültür Emekçileri Sendikası Yayınları, 1999).
2. Report by Anonymous Author
First Note:
Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu, (Ankara: TİKA Yayını 1995), 7.
Short Note:
Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu, 7.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu. Ankara: TİKA Yayını 1995.
3. A Report Authored by an Institution, Firm or Institute
First Note:
Dış Politika Enstitüsü, Uluslararası İlişkilerle İlgili Anayasaya Konabilecek Hükümler, (Ankara: Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayınları, 1990), 33.
Short Note:
Dış Politika Enstitüsü, Anayasaya Konabilecek Hükümler, 33.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Dış Politika Enstitüsü. Uluslararası İlişkilerle İlgili Anayasaya Konabilecek Hükümler. Ankara: Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayınları, 1990.
First Note:
Celal Türer, “Bilinç Akışı,” Felsefe Ansiklopedisi 2 içinde, ed. Ahmet Cevizci (İstanbul: Etik Yayınları, 2004), 586.
Short Note:
Türer, “Bilinç Akışı,” 590.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Türer, Celal. “Bilinç Akışı.”In Felsefe Ansiklopedisi 2, ed. Ahmet Cevizci, 585-592. İstanbul: Etik Yayınları, 2004.
First Note:
Edward Snowden, ‘‘Edward Snowden Explains How to Reclaim Your Privacy.’’ Interviewer Micah Lee. The Intercept, 12 Kasım 2015, Access 1 Ocak 2017, .
Short Note:
Snowden, Interview.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Snowden, Edward. ‘‘Edward Snowden Explains How to Reclaim Your Privacy.’’ Interviewer Micah Lee. The Intercept, 12 Kasım 2015, Access 1 Ocak 2017, privacy/
First Note:
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, trans. Constance Garnett, ed. William Allan Nelson. (New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1917), 413,
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (New York: Penguin Classics, 2007), Chapter 6., Kindle.
Short Note:
Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, 413.
Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 6.
Bibliography (In Alphabetical Order):
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. trans. Constance Garnett. ed. William Allan Nelson. New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1917.
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics, 2007, Kindle.

Publication Policy
Philosophy World is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access academic journal published semi-annually (July and December).
Philosophy World publishes original articles, researchs, comments, book reviews, critiques, and translations covering all disciplines of philosophy, especially ontology, epistemology, axiology, and aesthetics.
Philosophy World is an academic journal that operates spelling and plagiarism control, pre-evaluation, blind peer-review, proofreading, and editing processes.
Articles submitted for publication in the Philosophy World are subject to double-blind peer-review evaluation by at least two referees.
The journal's publication policy is based on nationally and internationally accepted academic standards.
In order to submit a research article to the journal, a doctorate degree is required. Ph.D. students can send the works they have prepared with their advisors to the journal.
Articles must be submitted up to 2 months before the publication period of the journal. Articles whose reviewal or editorial processes have not been completed when the publication date of the journal comes are postponed to the next issue.
All manuscripts are subject to pre-evaluation and blind peer-review processes. The pre-evaluation process takes approximately 15 days and the reviewing process takes approximately 30 days. The stated times may be extended from time to time due to delays caused by the referees.
Submitted studies must not have been published previously or must not be under consideration elsewhere.
More than one work by the same author is not published in a single issue.
The compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical committee decisions required by TR-Dizin will be checked. In this context:
For studies/articles that require data collection from individuals using scales, questionnaires, interviews, and other data collection tools, approval from the Ethics Committee of the university to which the author is affiliated is obligatory. The certificate of approval should be attached to DergiPark as an additional file.
In manuscripts with more than one author, the contribution rates of the authors must be stated.
Philosophy World does not charge any fee from the authors for the article evaluation and publication process. No fee is paid to the authors.

Archiving Policy
To guarantee that all papers published in the journal are maintained and permanently accessible, articles are stored in Dergipark which serves as a national archival web site and at the same time permits LOCKSS to collect, preserve, and serve the content.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Philosophy World is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. It is important that all parties involved in the publication process of the journal (authors, reviewers and editors) are expected to agree on the following ethical principles. Guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access should be considered.

All submissions must be original, unpublished (including as full text in conference proceedings), and not under the review of any other publication synchronously. Each manuscript is reviewed by one of the editors and at least two referees under double-blind peer review process. Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unnethical behaviors.

All manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication. In accordance with the code of conduct we will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing.

Research Ethics

The Philosophy World adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and follows the principles of international research ethics as defined below. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.

- Principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.
- The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.
- The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents should be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
- Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.
- Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.
- The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.
- In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.
- If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.
- In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.


Submitted manuscripts are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate. If plagiarism/self-plagiarism will be found authors will be informed. Editors may resubmit manuscript for similarity check at any peer-review or production stage if required. High similarity scores may lead to rejection of a manuscript before and even after acceptance.  The overall similarity score is generally expected to be less than 20%.

All parties are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of the publication ethics of Philosophy World.

1. Responsibilities of Authors
• All named authors must contribute significantly to the research. There should be no unfair authorship.
• Actions against scientific research and publication ethics such as plagiarism, distortion and slicing should be avoided.
• All data in the article must be genuine and original.
• All authors must ensure retraction and correction of errors.
• The bibliography list should be complete.
• The same research should not be attempted to be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same article to more than one journal simultaneously with a request for publication is unethical behavior.
• Persons, institutions, or organizations that provide support for research carried out with support and their contributions to the research should be stated.
• Authors should not consider referee reports as personal criticism; should correct within academic limits and, if necessary, should respond to criticisms according to academic criteria.
• Authors should submit their articles in accordance with the journal's writing rules.

2. Responsibilities of Reviewers
• The evaluation process should be impartial and unbiased.
• If the subject of the work is outside of the field of study, he/she should not accept the review proposal.
• Reviewers are given 14 days for article evaluation. If the publication process of the journal is appropriate, additional time may be given for requesting reviewers.
• Checked articles are not shared with others by the reviewers, and the reviewer cannot use the information and data in his/her own studies before the work is published.
• Reviewers should not have a conflict of interest with the research, authors, and/or research funders.
• Reviewer evaluations must be objective. The academic adequacy of the manuscript should be taken as a basis and criticisms against the personalities of the authors should not be mentioned.
• Reviewers are expected to provide explanations to support their evaluations.
• Even if the author's ideas contradict the reviewer’s, the reviewer should respect the author's ideas to take place in the literature.
• Reviewers should indicate relevant published but not cited works.
• Reviewers should not put their personal approaches and value judgments ahead of academic style and scientific impartiality when evaluating articles and should be constructive in their criticism.

3. Responsibilities of Editors
• Articles submitted for publication are evaluated according to academic criteria. In the evaluation of the articles gender, religion, race, ethnicity, institutional relations, etc. of authors are never used as a criterion.
• Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
• Editors should not have a conflict of interest regarding the accepted or rejected articles.
• Only articles and translations that will contribute to the field should be accepted.
• Editors should support the publication of corrections or retraction of the article when errors are found in the article.
• Editors should keep the names of reviewers confidential and prevent studies against publication ethics, especially plagiarism/fake data.
• The contents of the articles submitted to the Philosophy World but not published cannot be used by the editor and the Editorial Board.

Correction, Retraction, Expression of Concern
Editor should consider publishing correction if minor errors that do not effect the results, interpretations and conclusions of the published paper are detected. Editor should consider retraction if major errors and/or misconduction that invalidate results and conclusions are detected.

Editor should consider issuing an expression of concern if there is evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors; there is evidence that the findings are not reliable and institutions of the authors do not investigate the case or the possible investigation seems to be unfair or nonconclusive.

The guidelines of COPE and ICJME are taken into consideration regarding correction, retractions or expression of concern.

The Philosophy World Journal does not charge any fee from the authors for the article evaluation and publication process. No fee is paid to the authors.