Current Issue

Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 10/13/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Asst. Prof. Dr. İhsan KOLUAÇIK Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi 0000-0001-5525-2182
Cinema Sociology, Documentary Film - Political Cinema, Movie Review, Cinema Theories, Cinema and Aesthetics, Cinema Studies (Other), Cinema History
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akıl Fikret TOSUN Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Sinema-Tv 0000-0002-1493-1784
Cinema and Aesthetics, Cinema-Tv Production and Management
Digital Game Design, Cinema Studies, Movie Review, Cinema and Aesthetics
Cinema Sociology, Cinema Studies, Movie Review, Filmmaking and Directing, Cinema Theories, Cinema and Aesthetics

International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies, in general, is open to all branches of social sciences, however, in particular, it focuses on communication and the relations of art with other disciplines.

Despite the historical production and consumption paradox, it focuses on all theoretical and empirical studies that focus on changing and transforming socio-economic and cultural structures. Particularly, it aims to increase the contribution of new orientations in the fields of communication, art, culture and education and carry out cooperation between disciplines focusing on science and social benefit as their main target.

The journal, which aims to make sense of the old and synthesize the changing world within the social sciences, brings all social science disciplines to the center of attention, especially archeology, art history, language, museology, and all branches of art.

It aims to support academic studies covering all branches of science, especially for the personal and social development of disadvantaged individuals, as well as establishing the relationship of these fields with communication, theoretical new approaches and technological changes in the field of communication, sectoral structures shaped by consumption habits, changes and transformations in communication education related to higher education. The journal also attaches great importance to health communication, which includes work peace and patient rights in the field of health, which is of social importance, as it is another area that needs to be developed academically.

Studies focusing on language, which is considered to be the most fundamental element of communication, and academic studies of disciplines in this field are also valued provided that scientific criteria are fulfilled at a high level.

Aiming to support the inclusion of high-level academic studies in all the aforementioned disciplines in scientific life, the journal accepts and publishes articles free of charge in order to support young academics.

The article should be prepared as an MS Word file. Articles in the text should not exceed 8,000 words. The text should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 points, and line spacing should be 1 pt (single). Margins should be set as (top 5 cm, bottom 5 cm, left 4 cm, right 4 cm, gutter 0). Headings should be given in 11 points (bold). Explanatory footnotes should be written in 9 points and single line spacing. Paragraph indents and spacing should be created as follows:
Alignment: Justify

Outline Level: Body Text

Indent: Left and Right “0 cm”

Special: First Line “1.25 cm”

Interval: Before and After “6 pt”

Line Spacing: Single “1 pt”

A maximum of 250 words, one in the language of the article and the other in English, should be added to the beginning of the article. Abstracts should be written in 11 font size and single line spacing.
Between 3-5 keywords should be determined regarding the subject of the article, both in the language in which it was written and in English.
The article should start with the introduction, this section should focus on the hypothesis, scope and purpose of the article. The development section, which can be supported by intermediate and sub-titles, should be supported by data, observations, opinions, comments and discussions, and in the conclusion section, the results of the study should be explained with the support of suggestions.
Article Headings: In the article, main and sub-headings should be written based on the number-letter system in accordance with the treatment of the subject.
Photographs, maps and tables: Care should be taken that the photographs, plans and tables used in the text not go beyond the page borders. Such documents should be in a resolution suitable for the printing technique and if there is more than one, they should be numbered.
Quotations and References: Quotations should be written in quotation marks and italicized. References should be made next to or below the quotations using the APA and footnote technique.
Footnote technique and APA technique should be used in citing references. Citations and references, the surname of the author, the publication date of the cited or referenced work, and the page number of the citation should be indicated by opening parentheses at the appropriate place in the text (see III. Footnote and Bibliography Rules). The use of footnotes should only be for a limited number of explanations and should be numbered.
Except for mandatory cases, the current Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution must be taken as a basis in the writing of the articles.
III. Footnote and Bibliography Rules

The bibliography used in the International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies has been prepared on the basis of the rules of reference, reference and citation, the APA (American Psychological Association) rules and the "Scientific Publications Citation Principles" of our university. For situations not covered in this document, the seventh edition of the APA's Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the APA website ( can be used.

a) General Rules
- If the number of authors is more than six, the names of the first six authors are given in the bibliography, the expression "et al" is used after the sixth author (et al.). The names and surnames of the authors are clearly indicated, no abbreviations are used. In multi-author publications, the authors are separated by using a semicolon (;) after each author's name and surname. (See References 1.2.).

- After the name of the person who prepared the publication, the abbreviation (AU.) is used instead of the author(s), and the abbreviation (Ed.) is used instead of the editor(s).

- Journal and book names are written in italics without abbreviation.

- Proceedings books are indicated as a book, and a paper taken from the proceedings book is indicated as a book chapter.

- The information that is used from a certain part of the reference resources (encyclopedia, dictionary, biography, etc.) is transferred as a chapter in the book.

- If the author of the article is not known in the reference sources, the entry is made from the article name.

- Master's thesis, doctoral thesis or proficiency in art thesis are used after the name of the thesis in the context of theses. The name and location of the university where the degree was awarded are also written. It is also indicated whether the thesis has been published or not.

- In laws and regulations, the imprint entry is made from the name of the law. After the name of the law, the date of adoption of the law (only in year) is indicated in brackets, and at the end of the imprint, the date of the journal in which the law was published (as day, month, year).

- In addition to basic information, access date and access address information are also given in electronic resources.

- In e-resources, the last update date is taken as the publication date.

- Personal conversations such as letters, e-mails, telephone conversations do not need to be included in the bibliography, the interviews are referenced in the text.

b) Footnote and Bibliography Presentation
Presentation in the Book

1.1. Book – If Single Authored

Bibliography Presentation:

Author's Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Caferoglu, Ahmet. (1993). Old Uyghur Turkish Dictionary. Istanbul: Enderun Bookstore Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Caferoğlu, 1993: p. 50)

Warning: If the same author has more than one publication with the same date, the references and footnotes should be as follows:

Bibliography Presentation:

Caferoglu, Ahmet. (1995/1). Compilations from the Dialects of Anatolian Provinces. Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.

Caferoglu, Ahmet. (1995/2). Collections from the Dialects of Our Eastern Provinces. Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Caferoğlu, 1995/1: p. 56), (Caferoğlu, 1995/2: p. 68)

1.2. Book - If there are multiple authors

Bibliography Presentation:

Author, A.; Author, B.; Author, C.; Author, D.; Author, E.; Author, F. et al. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Isen, Mustafa; Horata, Osman; Macit, Muhsin; Kilic, Filiz; Aksoyak, Ismail Hakki. (2005). Old Turkish Literature Handbook. Ankara: Graphics Publishing.

Footnote Presentation:

First reference: (Isen, Horata, Macit, Kılıç ve Aksoyak, 2005: p. 57)

Second and subsequent references: (Isen et al., 2005: p. 60)

1.3. If the Book is Legal Entity Authorship

Bibliography Presentation:

Legal entity. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Turkish Language Society. (2005). Turkish Dictionary (10th ed.). Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Turkish Language Institution, 2005: p. 55)

1.4. If there is no book author

Bibliography Display:

Book Name. (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Opinions on Our Librarianship. (1987). Ankara: Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Footnote Presentation:

(Opinions on Our Librarianship, 1987: p. 20)

1.5. If the Book is Translated

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Name Surname (Trans.). Place of Publication: Publisher. (Year of publication of the reference work).


Gabain, Annemarie Von. (1988). Grammar of Old Anatolian Turkish. Mehmet Akalın (Trans.). Ankara: TDK Publications (Originally published in 1941).

Footnote Presentation:

(Gabain, 1941/1988: p. 70)

1.6. If Publication in a Book (Chapter or Article)

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). “Publication Name”. Name Surname (Jun./Ed.). Book Name. (Page numbers of the publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Ozkan, Nevzat. (2007). "Gagauz Turkish". Ahmet Bican Ercilasun (Ed.). Turkish Dialects Grammar. (p. 81-170). Ankara: Akçağ Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Özkan, 2007: p. 85)


2.1. If a Scientific Journal Article has a Single Author

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). “Article Title”. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page numbers.


Dashdemir, Muharrem. (2013). “Amount and Number System in Turkish”. Turkish Studies, Issue: 8/13, p. 309-336.

Footnote Presentation:

(Daşdemir, 2013: p. 320)

2.2. If a Scientific Journal Article Has Multiple Authors

Bibliography Presentation:

Author, A.; Author, B.; Author, C.; Author, D.; Author, E.; Author, F., et al. (Year of Publication). “Article Title”. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page numbers.


Kurnaz, Jamal; Tatci, Mustafa. (1997). “A Bibliographic Essay About Ahmed Yesevî”. Bilig, (4), p. 253-263.

Footnote Presentation:

First reference: (Kurnaz, Tatçı, 1997: p. 258)

Second and subsequent references: (Kurnaz et al., 1997: p. 258)

2.3. If the Author of the Journal Article is known

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Month year). “Article Title”. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page numbers.

Gullu, Canan. (March 2017). “Strong Economy is the Cement of Strong Society”. Popular Management, Issue: 2, p. 6.

Footnote Presentation:

(Güllü, 2017: p. 6)

2.4. If there is no Magazine Article Author

Bibliography Presentation:

“Article Title”. (Month year). Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page numbers.


“Globalization of Local Knowledge”. (April 2006). Focus, Issue: 12, p. 14-17.

Footnote Presentation:

(Globalization of Local Knowledge, 2006: p. 14)

2.5. Newspaper Article

Bibliography Presentation:

Author surname, First name. (Day month Year). “Article Title”. Newspaper Name, page numbers.


Akyol, Taha. (28.02.2005). "Social Science Awards". Milliyet, p. 21.

Footnote Presentation:

(Akyol, 2005: p. 21)


3.1. If the paper is published

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). "Title of Paper". Editor (Ed.). Book Name. (page numbers). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Borekci, Muhsine. (2004). "The Concept of Roof in Turkish Teaching". Proceedings of the V. International Turkish Language Congress I 20-26 September 2004. (p. 487-500). Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Börekçi, 2004: p. 489)

3.2. If the paper is not Published

Bibliography Presentation:

Speaker Surname, First Name. (Month year). "Title of Paper". Meeting Name, Meeting Place


Aydemir, Yasar. (26-27 May 2000). “Poetry View Based on the Works of Bursalı İsmail Hakkı”, I. International İsmail Hakkı Bersavî Symposium, Bursa.

Footnote Presentation:

(Aydemir, 2000)

Advisory Resources Report and Thesis

4.1. Consultation Resources is the Dictionary

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Artifact Name. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Pala, Alexander. (2009). Encyclopedic Divan Poetry. Istanbul: Kapı Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Pala, 2009: p. 26)

4.2. Reference Resources – Encyclopedia Article

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). "Substance name". Title, Volume (Issue), page numbers. Place of Publication: Publisher.


Kutluer, Ilhan. (1999). "Ibn Tufayl". Turkish Religious Foundation Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol: 20, p. 142-148. Ankara: Turkish Diyanet Foundation Publications.

Footnote Presentation:

(Kutluer, 1999: pp. 142-148)

4.3. If it is a report

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No:). Publication Place: Publisher/Prepared Organization.


Gencel Bek, Mine. (1989). Mediscape Turkey 2000 (Report No: 2). Ankara: BAYAUM

Footnote Presentation:

(Gencel Bek, 1989)

4.4. If it is a thesis

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Thesis Name. Master's/PhD/Art Proficiency Thesis, Name of University, Place.


Kotan, Husna. (2015). Syntax of Yunus Emre's Divan. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences, Erzurum.

Footnote Presentation:

(Kotan, 2015: p. 98)

Electronic Resources

5.1. If the Electronic Source is an Article

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Year of Publication). Article title. Journal Name, Volume, Issue, page numbers. Date of access. Access address.


Akalın, Sukru Haluk. (1998). “Turkology World on the Internet”, Türk Dili, Issue: 556, p. 52-69. (ET: 01.04.2005). .

Footnote Presentation:

(Akalın, 1998: p. 57)

5.2. If it is an Electronic Resource Report

Bibliography Presentation:

Author Surname, First Name. (Month year). Report Name (Report no). Retrieved from http//network on (Day-Month-Year).


State Planning Organization. (July 2004). e-Transformation Turkey Project Short Term Action Plan: Evaluation Report (Report No: 2). On April 02, 2006, accessed from.

Footnote Presentation:

(State Planning Organization, 2004)

5.3. If the Electronic Source is Anonymous Web Page

Bibliography Presentation:

Name of the resource. Retrieved from http://web address on Day-Month-Year.


Science Ethics and Fraud in Science. Retrieved on April 04, 2006, from

Footnote Presentation:

(Science Ethics and Fraud in Science, 2006)

Dergi yayın politikasında akademik ilke ve etik değerlere bağlıdır. Etik ilke ve değerlere ilişkin ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara uygun olarak yayın hayatını sürdürmektedir. Bu kapsamda, COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) tarafından belirlenen standartlar ve YÖK "Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi"nde belirlenen esaslar dikkate alınmaktadır (…).

Makale değerlendirme sürecinde kabul edilen araştırma ve yayın etiği standartlarına aykırılığı tespit edilen eserlerin yayın talebi reddedilir. Eserin yayınlanmasından sonra söz konusu aykırılığın tespit edilmesi halinde eser yayından kaldırılır. Derginin yayın politikası çerçevesinde, temel amaç, genel çerçevede tüm sosyal bilimler başlığı altındaki bilim dallarına açık olmakla birlikte özelde ise iletişim ve sanatın diğer disiplinlerle ilişkileri üzerine odaklanarak makalelere yer vermektir.

Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, İletişim Araştırmaları Merkezinin Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak, iletişim biliminin diğer disiplinler ile ilişkilerinin, farklı perspektiflerden hareketle, alana katkı sağlayacak, kuramsal temeli kuvvetli, yeni ve özgün akademik araştırmaları, yılda iki Sayı (Kış/Ocak, Yaz/Temmuz) basılı ve elektronik olarak uluslararası yayınlayan, açık erişimli (open-access), çift-taraflı kör (double-blind) hakemli ve bilimsel bir dergidir.

Değerlendirme Süreci
Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi için gönderilen akademik çalışmalar, öncelikli olarak, derginin odak ve kapsamına uygunluk açısından editör kurulu ön değerlendirmesinden geçer. Uygun bulunan çalışmalar, alan editörüne aktarılarak, alana uygun belirlenecek çift hakeme değerlendirme amacıyla gönderilir. Çift Kör hakem (double-blind peer review) uygulaması geçerli olup akademik çalışma sahiplerine ait bilgiler hakem tarafından görülemez. Hakemlere biçimsellik ve orijinallik açısından incelemelerini tamamlamaları amacıyla 45 gün süre tanınır
Hakemlerden raporları sonucunda,
1. Başvuruyu kabul et (hiçbir düzenlemeye ihtiyaç yoktur),
2. Küçük düzenleme gerekli (Yazar kendisine belirtilen küçük düzeltmeleri yaparsa kabul edilir),
3. Büyük düzenleme gerekli (Yazar kendisine belirtilen önemli düzeltmeleri yaparsa kabul edilir),
3. Başvurusunu reddet (yazı standartların altındaysa)
Seçeneklerinden birini belirtmek durumundadır.
Hakemlerden bir “başvuruyu kabul et”, bir “başvuruyu reddet” değerlendirmesi gelmesi durumunda; makale biçimsellik ve orijinallik açısından incelenmek üzere, 3. bir hakeme gönderilir.
Daha sonra konuya ilişkin tüm değerlendirmeler yazara gönderilir. Dil ya da yazı stili standartların altındaysa biçimsel değişiklik istenebilir. Çalışmaların yayını ile ilgili son karar, editör kurulu tarafından verilir.
Yazarlara makale önerilerini yazarken yol göstermesi için derginin kullandığı tüm değerlendirme formlarını (biçim ve içerik ön değerlendirme, alan editörü ve hakem formları) dergi web sitesinden indirerek incelemeleri tavsiye edilir.

Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Sanat Araştırmaları dergisinde makale gönderim/süreç işletim ücreti bulunmamaktadır.

International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies
ISSN: 2792-0968

Call for Articles – January 2022
(Volume 2 – Issue 3)

Dear Scientists and Researchers,
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies, which started its publication life in 2022 with its 1st issue, is an open access international academic journal subject to double refereeing process, which publishes twice a year, in January and July. Our journal covers the fields of history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, archeology, art history, behavioral sciences, linguistics, literature and fine arts, in which the relations of communication science with other disciplines are supported by new and original academic research that will contribute to the field from different perspectives. It publishes theoretical and/or applied original and compilation articles belonging to disciplines such as No fee is charged for the articles during the application and publication process.

Publication Process
All authors are regularly informed about the processes of the articles. The articles sent to the journal are directed to the field editors after the pre-evaluation process of the editorial board and sent to two referees who are experts in the field. Referee returns vary between 6-8 weeks. In line with the evaluation reports from the referees, it is decided to publish the article, request correction from the author or reject the article. Accepted articles enter the publication process for the next issue. Detailed information about the process can be accessed at

You can submit your article applications via the DergiPark system using the link The articles to be sent must be arranged in accordance with the principles specified in the "Article Writing Rules" section on the main page of the journal. Thank you in advance for your contribution.


International Journal of Social Sciences and Art Studies Editorial Board
Address: Near East University, Center for Communication Studies, Nicosia