Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 9/25/22

Year: 2022



Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Institute of Science) is an international, peer-reviewed and scientific journal that publishes research on basic and applied sciences. At least two referees who are experts in their fields are selected by the editorial board to evaluate the submitted articles. All articles go through an initial editorial review and blind review process. Since the journal is interdisciplinary, the authors are expected to write articles in a way that people from all other disciplines can understand.

The fields of study where the journal accepts submissions are listed below.

Computer engineering
information systems
environmental engineering
Industrial Engineering
Electrical electronics Engineering
Food Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Map engineering
Civil engineering
Geophysical Engineering
Geological Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical engineering
Meteorological Engineering
Mining Engineering
metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Nano Technology Engineering
Fisheries Sciences and Engineering
Agriculture Engineering
Geographical Information Technologies
Natural Disaster Management
Energy Resources and Management
Occupational health and Safety
Landscape architecture
Space Sciences and Technologies

Articles should be written in as plain language as possible. All submissions should be prepared in MS Word. The content of the submitted works and their compliance with the following software rules are checked by the referees on the subject determined by the editor. Manuscripts with suggested corrections or whose opposite opinions are approved by the editor are accepted for publication. Articles that do not comply with the spelling rules will be sent back to the authors. The content of the articles submitted to the journal must be original, not previously published or submitted for publication. It must be stated with a cover letter that the articles to be evaluated are not sent to another journal or published. In our journal, the use of "ORCID Number" has been made mandatory in accordance with international acceptances at the time of article submission.

Click for the author's guide and sample Turkish-English templates



1. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (Formerly Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Science) is a journal established in December 2015. Our journal is a nationally refereed and internationally indexed journal that has been published regularly in four issues  (March, June, September, December) per year in the fields of science, engineering, natural and basic sciences since 2015. All articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor, publication, advisory board and referees.

2. Our journal publishes original research articles, reviews, technical notes, written in Turkish or English (70% English articles are preferred).

3. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by two referees (three if necessary); It is given by the decision of acceptance-rejection. Our journal is double-blinded refereeing. The articles that are not deemed sufficient should be developed in line with the referee recommendations. After the revision, studies that are not considered scientifically adequate are rejected without explanation.

4. It is obligatory that the articles have not been published elsewhere before or sent to any journal for publication. For the articles sent to our journal, it is mandatory to fill in and send the signed Copyright Transfer Form.

5. All responsibility of the works belongs to their respective authors. Works should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethical rules. For clinical and experimental animal studies that require an ethics committee decision, ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately.

6. The articles submitted to our journal for publication are scanned with Ithenticate, which is the similarity control program, since 05.10.2017. The submission is rejected if the similarity rate is high or if quotation is not made in accordance with academic rules. Similarity rates of 20% and above, excluding references, are not accepted for articles submitted as of March 2022. Even if the similarity rate is very low (<1%), it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that the content complies with academic ethical rules.

7. The articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal writing rules.

8. There is no limit to the number of pages and references for review articles, compilation publications are accepted only with the invitation of the editor.

9. The necessary changes should be made by the author and resubmitted within 30 days after the minor revision, 45 days after the major revision, and 60 days after the revision required to be rewritten.

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TR Dizin 20466

ASCI Database31994

Academindex 30370    

SOBİAD 20460               

Scilit 30371                        

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