Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KAUJEAS) began publication in 2010. The journal, which is in the status of a “refereed journal”, is published at least twice a year, usually in June and December.
The writing languages of KAUJEAS are Turkish and English. Articles in all fields in Economics, Business, Political Science, Public Administration, Econometrics, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Finance and International Relations can be published in our journal. Works whose abstract were published previously or which were presented in national and international congresses or symposiums can be sent with specifying their background.
Authors who will send articles to Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KAUJEAS) should pay attention to the article writing rules which are determined in general framework below.
1. Submissions should be prepared using MS Word in size 11 pt Times New Roman, and maximum 25 pages or 7000 words.
2. Arrticles should be written in 1 line spacing; and the top margin, bottom magrin and right margin should be 3 cm and the left margin 4 cm
3. The title of the manuscript should be written in bold, centered with capital letters, not exceeding 14 pt and 12 words.
4. There must be 6 nk line-spacing after paragraphs
5. The author's name, title, university, faculty, and e-mail address should be placed just below the title.
6. The abstracts in Turkish and English, which should be minimum 75 and maximum 150 words in size 10 pt, should be prepared in 1 line spacing including the purpose, scope, method, findings and results of the article.
7. Three keywords directly related to the content of the article should be placed at the end of the abstract.
8. Three JEL codes must be specified under the keywords.
9. Under the JEL codes, the scope (i.e. Business, Economics, Public Administration) and type (i.e. Research, Review) of the search must be specified.
10. On the next page; title, author information, summary, key words, JEL codes, focus and type should be in English.
11. The bibliography should be written in size 10 pt.
12. The submitted article should not have been published elsewhere or should not be reviewed by another journal. Paper that have already been presented can be sent out by extending it and informing this extension in the footnote.
13. Since our journal is a refereed journal, there is a Referee Evaluation System.
14. The articles sent to our journal pass first through the editorial review. After the check spelling, it is scanned in the plagiarism program iThenticate. If there are “extreme direct quotes”, it is requested that the writers correct the article before sending to the referees. Articles with high similarity are rejected by the editor. “Anonymous writer anonymous referee” rule is applied in the peer review process. The articles are sent to at least two specialists in their fields. If the opinions of the two referees are different, the opinion of the editor or third referee is taken.
15. The article submission template is shown in Appendix 1 in link.
Publication Ethics
In terms of publication ethics Visionary Journal pursues the principles, standards and recommendations of the publication ethics determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). Accordingly, all the articles that do not comply with the accepted standards of ethics are rejected. The rule also applies for those articles that contains discrepancies which are detected after the publication. In the context of publication ethics, all the shareholders are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities in brief and all the ethical incidences are going to be evaluated in compliance with COPE rules.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors:
1. The manuscripts that are uploaded must comply with the article writing rules of the journal. Click here to access the journal writing rules
2. The languages of publication are Turkish and English. Scientific and linguistic responsibility for the work published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
3. The undertaking on our website must be completed and signed and uploaded with the article through the dergipark system.
4. The articles shouldn't exceed 20% plagiarism including the bibliography.
5. The opinions expressed in, and responsibilities of the articles belong to the authors.
6. If the research article is supported by any institution or is produced from earlier works, this should be indicated on the first page of the article file.
7. The articles submitted to the journal must have never been published anywhere and should not have been submitted for publication at the present time.
8. Authors should give references to all the citations in their articles.
9. Authors are accepted to declare that the article belongs to themselves, they do not plagiarise, all the responsibilities due to plagiarism belong to themselves and the journal does not have any responsibility in such cases.
10. Authors should guarantee that they give scientific contribution to the article and it should be accepted that all the authors of the article have equal responsibility.
11. Corresponding author should guarantee that all the co-authors mentioned in the article have an agreement on the publication of the article and on being named as co-authors. All the writers who give crucial contributions to the article should be named as co-authors. Others should be given place in the acknowledgement.
12. Authors are responsible for declaring the supporting institutions, financial sources or conflicts of interest.
13· In case of necessity authors should give access to the data sets utilised in the articles.
14· The authors should prepare the articles to be published in the Journal in accordance with research and publication ethics. For the research made in the article and for clinical and experimental studies on human and animal that necessitate ethics committee approval separate ethics committee approvals should be taken and these approvals should be mentioned in the article and should be documented.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers:
Our journal has a referee and advisory group consisting of faculty members from various universities. Articles approved by two judges are published both in print and on the web page of the magazine during the relevant publication period.
1. Any reviewer who is selected for reviewing the article but whose qualifications do not match with the subject of the article and/or to whom the time limitation of the review process is not appropriate should inform the editor and ask for her/his removal from the review process.
2. Reviewers are responsible for the concealment of the articles they received and for not using the information attained from the reviewing process for personal interests.
3. Reviewers should not share their evaluations reports or information about the article with others and should not directly communicate with the authors without the permission of the editor.
4. Reviewers should be intentive about potential ethical incidences in the article and should present them to the editor. This includes similarities and overlappings with the studies of the reviewer published elsewhere.
5. Reviewing should be done objectively. Personal criticisms should be avoided and the evaluations should be constructive, honest and polite.
6. Reviewers who may have potential conflict of interest with (at least) one of the authors due to a competitive, collaborative of other types of relationships or connections should inform the editor before accepting the reviewing process.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editorial Board:
1. The decision of the selection of articles to be published in the Journal is under the responsibility of the editorial board. The editorial board should carry out the evaluation independent of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy. The decision to be made should be based on the accuracy, validity and importance of the article, and its relevance with the scope of the Journal. Legal necessities should also be consulted in cases of slander, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
2. The editor or any member of the editorial board should not reveal any information about the article except for the related authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants and publishers.
3· The information in any article presented but not published should not be used in any research of the editor or of the member of the editorial board without express written permission of the authors.
Editorial Principles
Articles submitted to the journal through Dergi Park system are primarily reviewed by the Assistant Editors. In this general review stage, the assistant editor primarily controls the compliance of the study with the publication field and the ethics / principles of the journal and full application of the journal writing rules and the adequacy of the study within the journal publication standards are examined in the general review.
Following the general review, the appropriate field editor is assigned for the article. With the detailed examination of the field editor, it is determined whether the study is qualified to go to the referee and accordingly the evaluation stage is initiated.
Editorial Principles of Journal
Articles sent to the journal must not have been published elsewhere, or have not been sent for publication. If the articles are accepted to be published, KAUJEASF has all publishing rights of them. In case of quoting from published articles, it is obligatory to cite the source. The right to republish all the published material is subject to the permission of the journal.
1.The manuscripts that are uploaded must comply with the article writing rules of the journal. Click here to access the journal writing rules
2. The articles submitted to the journal must have never been published anywhere and should not have been submitted for publication at the present time.
3. The languages of publication are Turkish and English. Scientific and linguistic responsibility for the work published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
4. It will be evaluated not only by academicians, but also by researchers and practitioners.
5. The articles should be submitted to the journal via DergiPark system, in MS Office Word program (.doc or .docx).
6. Articles presented before should be expanded by at least 50% and this should be stated in the footnote.
7. The undertaking on our website must be completed and signed and uploaded with the article through the dergipark system.
8. The articles shouldn't exceed 20% plagiarism including the bibliography.
9. The date of submission should be indicated in the sample format specified in the writing rules.
10. Click here to access the referee review process.
11. The same author(s) cannot publish more than one articles in one volume.
12. There are no royalties paid to the author(s) for works published in the journal.
13. The published articles can be used in accordance with our Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided that the source is shown.
14. The opinions expressed in, and responsibilities of the articles belong to the authors.
15. If the research article is supported by any institution or is produced from earlier works, this should be indicated on the first page of the article file.
16. KAUJEASF, welcomes article submissions and does not charge any fee for any (article submission, peer review or publication) processes.
17. The authors should prepare the articles to be published in the Journal in accordance with research and publication ethics. For the research made in the article and for clinical and experimental studies on human and animal that necessitate ethics committee approval separate ethics committee approvals should be taken and these approvals should be mentioned in the article and should be documented.
Gönderilen makaleler için yazarlardan ücret talep edilmemektedir.
KAUJEASF is the corporate journal of Kafkas University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal Publishing.
KAUJEASF has been included in Web of Science since 2022 and started to be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI ), a Clarivate product.
2025 June and December quota for the Business Administration has been completed. Submissions in the scope of Business Administration will not be evaluated until further notice. Manuscript acceptance and evaluation of other fields within the scope of our journal continues.