e-ISSN: 2717-8315
Founded: 2020
Publisher: Van Yuzuncu Yıl University
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Kurdiyat is an international peer-reviewed e-journal published twice a year, in June and December. The publication language of the journal is Kurdish, but studies in the field of Kurdish Language and Culture in Turkish, English, Arabic and Persian are also accepted.
It is recommended that the studies to be submitted to the journal should not exceed a maximum of 9,000 words. Abstracts of the studies to be submitted to the journal are prepared in at least 3 languages (Kurdish and English are compulsory). It is recommended that abstracts should not exceed minimum of 250 and maximum of 400 words. The number of keywords should be at least 5 and should be ordered from general to specific. Kurdiyat, does not charge any fee from the authors during the evaluation, preparation and publication of the articles.

Kurdiyat dergisi, Haziran ve Aralık olmak üzere yılda iki kez yayın yapan, uluslararası hakemli bir e-dergidir. Derginin yayın dili Kürtçe olup Kürt Dili ve Kültürü alanında yapılan Türkçe, İngilizce, Arapça ve Farsça dilindeki çalışmalar da kabul edilmektedir.
Dergiye gönderilecek çalışmaların azami 9.000 kelimeyi geçmemesi tavsiye edilmektedir. Dergiye gönderilecek çalışmaların özetleri en az 3 dilde (Kürtçe ve İngilizce zorunlu) hazırlanır. Özetler asgari 250, azami 400 kelimeyi geçmemesi önerilmektedir. Anahtar kelime sayısı en az 5 adet olmalıdır ve genelden özele doğru sıralanmalıdır. Dergimiz, makalelerin değerlendirilmesi, yayına hazırlanması ve yayınlanması sürecinde yazarlardan herhangi bir ücret talep etmemektedir. 

Copyright and Open Access

Copyright and Open Access

Author's Copyright
Kurdiyat Journal does not asked authors of Journal articles to transfer their copyrights to our Journal since 2023. Authors retain the copyright in the article. All we ask from authors is to accept publication under the CC BY-NC licence. All articles published by Kurdiyat Journal (regardless of who funded the research) are published as open access and reuse is permitted in accordance with the terms of the CC BY-NC open access licence.
The authors own the copyright of their work published in Kurdiyat Journal and their work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). The CC BY-NC 4.0 licence permits the work to be shared, copied, reproduced, and adapted in any size and format except for commercial use, including remixing, transforming, and building upon the work, provided that proper attribution is given to the original work.
1) Authors read the following copyright agreement when uploading their work to the online system of our journal and upload a wet signed copy to the journal system (Copyright Notice Text).
2) They accept and undertake that the submitted article is the original work of the author / authors and that they have not plagiarised.
3) All authors accept and undertake that they have participated in this study individually and that they take full responsibility for this study.
4) All authors agree and undertake that they have seen and approved the final version of the submitted manuscript.
5) They accept and undertake that the article has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
6) They agree and undertake that the text, figures and documents contained in the article do not violate the copyrights of other persons.
7) Authors authorise this Journal to publish the article and to identify itself as the original publisher.
8) Authors authorise any third party to use the article freely, as long as the original authors and citation details are identified.
9) Nothing in this licence impairs or restricts an author's right to protect the integrity and ownership of their work.
10) All commercial rights related to the article belong to the authors.

Open Access Licence of Kurdiyat Journal: CC BY-NC
Licence: CC BY-NC
Embedded Licences: Yes. Kurdiyat Journal embeds licensing information in its articles.
Copyright: The authors own the copyright and full publication rights without restriction.
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Open Access is the availability of publications online to everyone free of charge and with few restrictions on reuse. The unrestricted dissemination of research is especially important for authors, readers and funders. Articles published in Kurdiyat Journal are published as open access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence. Kurdiyat Journal believes that for open access to work effectively, user rights and copyright ownership through licensing must be clear. Kurdiyat Journal is a signatory to the Budapest Declaration on Open Access.

We publish all our articles under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0). This licence allows the author and any non-commercial organisation to reuse the articles for non-commercial uses, provided they comply with the CC-BY-NC licence. The CC BY-NC licence is indicated in the articles. The full texts of all articles published in Kurdiyat Journal can be accessed by anyone via instant open access viewing at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/Kurdiyat.
Under the CC BY-NC 4.0 licence, the following can be done freely:

• Share: You may copy and redistribute the work in any medium or format.
• Adapt: Mix, transfer and build on the existing work.
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• Attribution: You must give proper credit, link to the licence and provide information if changes have been made. You may do these things appropriately, but this does not imply that the licensee approves of you and your use.
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