e-ISSN: 2645-9078
Founded: 2016
Publisher: Yusuf KARAKUŞ
Cover Image

  Call for Paper - Special Issue 2: Sustainability, Innovation and Changing Dynamics in Tourism: From Local to Global

ISSN: 2645-9078
Publication Frequency: 3 issues per year (April - September - December)
Access Availability: Full-open access
Publication Fees: There is no submission and publication fees
Publication Language: English
Peer Review Evaluation Procedure: Double Blind Peer Review
License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License*
Copyrights: All contents are retained by their author(s).
Publisher: Yusuf KARAKUŞ

* Jomat changed its licensing terms after 2022. While the CC BY NC ND license was used before, it started to use the CC BY license as of September 2022.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Tourism (JOMAT) is an explicitly international and multidisciplinary double blind (anonymous) peer-reviewed scientific journal founded in 2016. JOMAT aims to publish both empirically and theoretically based articles which advance and foster knowledge of tourism and research that explores one or more of the economic, social, cultural, political, organizational, marketing, management or environmental aspects of the subject. We are also trying to give a new perspective to tourism-related activities. The journal publishes Main Papers, Book Reviews, Review Essays and occasional Opinion Pieces. Book reviews and Opinion Pieces are by invitation only.

Jomat requests ethics committee approval from authors within the scope of TRDizin criteria. Click to see the criteria for TRDizin

Journal History

Journal Previous Name
Journal Previous ISSN
Disiplinlerarası Akademik Turizm Dergisi

Contact Journal History

2024 - Volume: 9 Issue: 1

Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis

6. Bibliometrics of Brand-related Social Media Content





Cabi Leisure, Hospitality & Tourism

 Leisure Tourism Database 

 Agricultural Economics Database 

 Nutrition and Food Sciences Database 

 Rural Development Abstracts 

 World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts

Environmental Impact






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88x31.png   All the contents of this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License (From September 2022) and available as full open access.

© Copyrights of all contents published in this journal are retained by their author(s).