Volume: 13 Issue: 26, 12/27/22

Year: 2022


The Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KAUJEAS) seeks to publish research and review articles twice a year in the areas of Economics, Business, Political Science, Public Administration, International Trade, Logistics, Management Information Systems, Electronic Commerce, Technology Management, International Relations and Social Work. It does this by conducting qualitative and quantitative in-depth analyses in these fields (in June and December).

* The submitted work must not have been previously rejected in (KAUJEAS), not peer-reviewed, not published anywhere, or not under review by another journal.
* Not only studies from academicians, but also studies from researchers and practitioners are taken into consideration.
* More than one article by the same author in the next two volumes is not published.
* A maximum of three articles from the same university are included in one issue.
* A maximum of three review articles are included in one issue.
* Publication languages ​​are Turkish and English.
* Uploaded articles must comply with the journal's spelling rules.
* The iThenticate similarity report should not exceed 20%, excluding the bibliography.
* Research articles written in English and containing in-depth analysis and method (qualitative/quantitative research) are in priority.
* Previously submitted papers can be sent by expanding and specifying this situation with footnotes in the article title.
* Articles derived from master's or doctoral thesis must be submitted in English. Footnotes should be given in the title of the article from which these studies are derived from the thesis.
* Authors must have prepared the articles submitted for publication in the journal in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for the researches carried out and for the studies that require obtaining data from human participants (survey studies, laboratory experiments, field experiments, interviews, examinations, etc.) For the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others, permission must be obtained from the owners and this must be stated in the article.
* Manuscripts that are not submitted in accordance with the spelling rules, whose ethics committee approval is not documented when necessary, and/or have a high similarity rate (maximum 20% excluding references) can be rejected by the editor.
* The rule of "anonymous author anonymous referee" is applied in the refereeing process. Articles are sent to at least 2 referees who are experts in their fields. If the opinions of the two referees differ, the opinion of the third referee is taken. The final decision is made by the editor.
* No royalties are paid for the works published in the journal.
* Article submissions are welcomed and no publication fee is charged at any stage.
* Published articles can be used in accordance with our Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided that the source is indicated.
* The opinions and responsibilities in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
* For article submissions, *Commitment must be filled in, signed and uploaded through the DergiPark system.
* Articles must be uploaded to the system in MS Office Word program, in .doc or .docx format after user registration in DergiPark system.
* In order for the presented studies to be accepted as research articles, it is necessary to make an in-depth analysis, explain the method (qualitative or quantitative) in detail, or be of a type that will contribute to the literature.
* The method (qualitative or quantitative) used in research articles should be explained in detail.
* Research articles must contain new or original views on the subject.
* Authors submitting a research article should pay attention to the fact that the content of the article contains findings, results, evaluations or discussions that will contribute to the literature on the subject of the study, and that they explain the method or methods they use in the text.
* The content of the review articles should be objective and concrete.

Authors who will send articles to (KAUJEAS) should pay attention to the journal writing rules, the general framework of which is determined below. 

1. The text of the article should be prepared in MS Word format with 11 point Times New Roman font and a maximum of 25 pages or 7000 words.

2. According to the page layout, the articles should be written in single line spacing and 3 cm margins should be left at the top, bottom and right, and 4 cm from the left.

3. The title of the article should be written in capital letters, with 14 font size and not more than 12 words, in bold and centered.

4. Author names, title, university, faculty and e-mail addresses, address line, ORCID ID should be listed just below the title.

5. Abstracts in Turkish and English should be prepared in a single line spacing, with a length of at least 75 and maximum 150 words, including the purpose, scope, method, findings and conclusion of the article.

6. After the abstract, 3 keywords that are directly related to the content of the article should be specified.

7. 3 JEL codes should be specified under the keywords.

8. Under the keywords, the field of research (For example: Business, Economics, Public Administration) and under it the type should be specified. (For example: Research, Compilation).

9. Then, English title, author information, abstract, keywords, gel codes, scope and type should be specified.

10. The bibliography content should be written in 10 points.

11. The submitted work must not have been previously rejected in KAÜİİBFD, not peer-reviewed, not published anywhere, or not under review by another journal. Previously submitted papers can be sent by expanding and specifying this situation by giving footnotes to the article title.

12. In order for the presented studies to be accepted as research articles, it is necessary to carry out in-depth analysis, to explain the method (qualitative or quantitative) in detail, or to contribute to the literature.

13. The method (qualitative or quantitative) used in research articles should be explained in detail.

14. Research articles should contain new or original views on the subject.

15. Authors who submit a research article should pay attention to the content of the article, including findings, results, evaluations or discussions that will contribute to the literature on the subject of the study.

16. The content of review articles should be objective and concrete.

17. Articles derived from master's or doctoral thesis must be submitted in English. Footnotes should be given in the title of the article from which these studies are derived from the thesis.

18. Authors must have prepared the articles submitted for publication in the journal in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for studies (survey studies, laboratory experiments, field experiments, interviews, reviews, etc.)

19. Intellectual property and copyrights: For the use of scales, surveys, photographs belonging to others, permission from the owners must be obtained and this must be stated in the article.

20. In manuscript submissions, the Commitment must be filled in, signed and uploaded to the system together with the article. 

21. Since our journal is a peer-reviewed journal, there is a Peer Review System.

22. Articles submitted to our journal are first reviewed by the Editor. After compliance with the spelling rules, it is scanned in the iThenticate plagiarism program. If there are problematic “overly-quoted places” in the article, they are re-corrected by the authors and included in the referee process.

23. The "anonymous author anonymous referee" rule is applied in the refereeing process. Articles are sent to at least 2 referees who are experts in their fields. If the opinions of the two referees differ, the opinion of the third referee is taken. The final decision is made by the editor.

24. Manuscripts that are not sent in accordance with the spelling rules, whose ethics committee approval is not documented when necessary, and/or have a high similarity rate (with the exception of the bibliography, maximum 20%) can be rejected by the editor.

25. APA 6th Edition rules should be applied for in-text citation notation and bibliography writing.

The Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KAUJEAS)observes the publication ethics principles, standards and recommendations determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). Accordingly, all articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards are removed from the publication. This includes articles with possible irregularities and inconsistencies detected after publication. Within the scope of publication ethics, all stakeholders are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities, and all ethical cases will be evaluated in accordance with COPE rules.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors:

1. Uploaded articles must comply with the journal's spelling rules.

2. Publication languages ​​are Turkish and English. Scientific and linguistic responsibility of the works published in the journal belong to the author(s).

3. The undertaking should be filled and signed by the author and uploaded together with the article through the DergiPark system.

4. The iThenticate similarity report should not exceed 20%, excluding references.

5. The opinions and responsibilities in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.

6. If the article and article that is the subject of the research is supported by any institution or produced from the thesis, this should be stated in the article in accordance with the spelling rules.

7. The submitted work must not have been previously rejected in KAÜİİBFD, not peer-reviewed, not published anywhere, or not under review by another journal. Previously submitted papers can be sent by expanding and specifying this situation by giving footnotes to the article title.

8. The authors should have cited all the quotations they used in their articles.

9. The authors declare that the article is their own work, that they do not plagiarize in any way, that all responsibilities arising from plagiarism belong to them, and that the journal has no responsibility in this regard.

10. Authors should guarantee that they have contributed scientifically to the article and it should be known that all authors have equal responsibility for the article.

11. Corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors named in the article consent to publication and to be named as co-authors. All persons making significant contributions to the work should be named as co-authors.

12. Authors are obliged to declare the organizations that support the studies they submit, their financial resources or conflict of interest.

13 · Authors should provide access to the data sets in the article if deemed necessary.

14 · Authors must have prepared the articles submitted for publication in the journal in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for the researches carried out and for the studies that require obtaining data from human participants (survey studies, laboratory experiments, field experiments, interviews, examinations, etc.)

15. Within the framework of intellectual property and copyrights, it is necessary to obtain permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs belonging to others and this should be stated in the article.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees:

Our journal has a referee and advisory group consisting of faculty members from various universities. The ethical responsibilities of referees are as follows:

1. Any selected reviewer who is not qualified to review the research or who knows that it will be impossible to evaluate the article quickly should notify the editor of this situation and seek excuses from the review process.

2. The referees are obliged to keep the articles they receive confidential and not to use the information obtained from the refereeing process for their personal benefits.

3. Reviewers should not share their reports or information about the article with others and should not communicate directly with the authors without the permission of the editor.

4. Reviewers should be mindful of potential ethical issues in the manuscript and bring them to the attention of the editor. This includes substantive similarity and overlap between the review article and any other published work of which the reviewer has personal knowledge.

5. Refereeing should be done in an objective manner. Personal criticism of the authors should not be made, evaluations should be constructive, honest and polite.

6. Reviewers should consult the editor before agreeing to review a manuscript for which they have a potential conflict of interest, which may arise from a competitive, collaborative, or other relationship or affiliation with any of its authors.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board:

1. It is the editorial board's responsibility to decide which articles will be published in the journal. The editorial board evaluating the articles of the authors; should evaluate regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophies. The decision to be taken should be based on the accuracy, validity and importance of the article and the appropriateness of the scope of the journal. Current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism should also be considered.

2. The editor or any member of the editorial board should not disclose information about an article to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors and publishers.

3. Unpublished materials described in a submitted article should not be used in the editor's or editorial board's own research without the express written consent of the author.

Journal's Publication Policy:

Articles sent to the journal through the DergiPark system are first reviewed by the editors and assistant editors. In the general review phase, first of all, the compliance of the study with the journal's publication field and publication ethics / principles, as well as the complete implementation of the journal writing rules and the adequacy of the study within the framework of journal publication standards are examined. After the general review, the opinion of the field editor suitable for the field of study is taken for the article. With the detailed examination of the field editor, it is determined whether the submitted article is qualified to go to the referee, and the decision to pass to the evaluation stage is made.

* The submitted work must not have been previously rejected in KAÜİİBFD, not peer-reviewed, not published anywhere, or not under review by another journal.

* Not only studies from academicians, but also studies from researchers and practitioners are taken into consideration.

* More than one article by the same author in two volumes is not published.

* A maximum of three articles from the same university are included in one issue.

* A maximum of three review articles are included in one issue.

* Publication languages ​​are Turkish and English.

* Uploaded articles must comply with the journal's spelling rules.

* The iThenticate similarity report should not exceed 20%, excluding the bibliography.

* Research articles written in English and containing in-depth analysis and method (qualitative/quantitative research) are in priority.

* Previously submitted papers can be sent by expanding and specifying this situation by giving footnotes to the article title.

* Articles derived from master's or doctoral thesis must be submitted in English. Footnotes should be given in the title of the article from which these studies are derived from the thesis.

* Authors must have prepared the articles submitted for publication in the journal in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for the researches carried out and for the studies that require obtaining data from human participants (survey studies, laboratory experiments, field experiments, interviews, examinations, etc.) For the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others, permission must be obtained from the owners and this must be stated in the article.

* Manuscripts that are not submitted in accordance with the spelling rules, whose ethics committee approval is not documented when necessary, and/or have a high similarity rate (maximum 20% excluding references) can be rejected by the editor.

* The rule of "anonymous author anonymous referee" is applied in the refereeing process. Articles are sent to at least 2 referees who are experts in their fields. If the opinions of the two referees differ, the opinion of the third referee is taken. The final decision is made by the editor.

* No royalties are paid for the works published in the journal.

* Article submissions are welcomed and no publication fee is charged at any stage.

* Published articles can be used in accordance with our Open Access Policy and Creative Commons license, provided that the source is indicated.

* The opinions and responsibilities in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.

* For article submissions, *Commitment must be filled in, signed and uploaded through the DergiPark system.

* Articles must be uploaded to the system in MS Office Word program, in .doc or .docx format after user registration in DergiPark system.

* In order for the presented studies to be accepted as research articles, it is necessary to make an in-depth analysis, explain the method (qualitative or quantitative) in detail, or be of a type that will contribute to the literature.

* The method (qualitative or quantitative) used in research articles should be explained in detail.

* Research articles must contain new or original views on the subject.

* Authors submitting a research article should pay attention to the fact that the content of the article contains findings, results, evaluations or discussions that will contribute to the literature on the subject of the study, and that they explain the method or methods they use in the text.

* The content of the review articles should be objective and concrete.

No fee is charged from the authors for the submitted articles.

KAUJEASF is the corporate journal of Kafkas University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal Publishing.

KAUJEASF has been included in Web of Science since 2022 and started to be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI ), a Clarivate product.

2025 June and December quota for the Business Administration has been completed. Submissions in the scope of Business Administration will not be evaluated until further notice. Manuscript acceptance and evaluation of other fields within the scope of our journal continues.