Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/26/22

Year: 2022
Philosophy of History, Intellectual History of Ottoman, Late Modern Ottoman History
History of Ottoman Socio-Economy, Late Modern History
Late Modern Military History
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih DURGUN İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi
Medieval European History
Doç. Dr. Güneş IŞIKSEL İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi 0000-0002-9610-364X

Tarihyazımı is an international, academic, peer-reviewed, and online journal publishing research, review, critics, and translation articles.

Tarihyazımı publishes articles including the subjects below:

1. Review/academic essays regarding principles and issues related to the research and writing process which is brought by Modern Historiography.
2. Studies evaluating the historiography of each sciences from past to contemporary (law historiography, science historiography, sociology historiography etc.) and the trace (historiography) of the discipline of History discipline both in local and international context.
3. Analyses including the discussions and issues in the methodology of history and historiography, also the studies of the prominent historians
4. Local studies which are found significant both locally and internationally in the field of historiography.
5. Studies focusing on the interdisciplinary or auxiliary methodologies of the discipline of history
6. Compilations or original and theorical studies written on the philosophy of history, sociology of history, psychology of history etc.
7. Copyrighted or translated studies which enrich the discipline of history in the world or bring new perspectives.
8. Original studies which break new grounds in terms of the methodology of history by applying a historical theory or adapting a new method to historical sources successfully.
9. Critics on the book, article, conference paper, report, or studies in line with the concept of the journal.
10. Important international articles translated into Turkish which give information about the history studies in diverse countries.

Spelling Rules

The articles sent to tarihyazimi must be prepared in accordance with the Publication Template. Critics and translations must be in line with the publication template; however, chapters and their titles should be stated by writers in compliance with the content.
The reference style must be APA 6 (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2009). For further information…
Translation Article:
This part aims to evaluate and share the Turkish translations of the important articles on historiography, interdisciplinary history, the philosophy of history, the sociology of history, etc. which were published in any language apart from Turkish and mostly theoretical.
Important Points for the Submission of Translation Articles:
• Getting publication permission for the translation and republication from the owner of the copyright (person or institution).
• Translating the entire article (without skipping a chapter or paragraph)
• Not including any additional statements to the main text in translation, making necessary explanations and evaluations in the footnote as (T.N)
• Sending original text and its Turkish translation with the permission statement.
(Template for the translation)
The convenience of the article to all points below in the process of submission is obligatory and they are all checked by the writer, or else, the article is returned to the writer.
3. At the end of the articles in Turkish, an Extended Summary is required under the main titles of the article (at least 750, at most 1000 words). (The extended summary can be sent after the acceptance of the article for publishing). The articles in English do not require a short and extended Turkish summary.
4. The extent of the article for the Turkish articles must be at least 5000 + 1000, 9000 + 1000 at most (Abstract, extended summary) = 10000 words. For the articles in English, it must not exceed 9000 words for the whole of the article.
5. The total table and figure number must not exceed 10. The writers make tables for the important points and for the matters that can be hardly summarized in the text.
6. The article must be in line with the 6th Edition (APA-6) (http://www.apa.org).
7. In “Introduction”, the reason for writing the article is stated with the analytical presentation of the general literature related to the topic. Even if the new title is not entitled, the "method" of the research should be briefly elucidated. In the main part of the article, the "findings” must be mentioned and "discussed". In conclusion, final remarks on the problem of the article must be underlined. The titles in the article are determined by the writer in accordance with the article itself as in the case of theoretical, essay, and compilation studies.
8. Research articles are prepared in accordance with the tarihyazımı Publication Template.
9. Critics and translations are also in compliance with the points mentioned in the publication template in terms of form, however, chapters and titles are mentioned in line with the content of the article by the writer independently from the publication template.
10. The submission is in the format of a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
11. The writers’ names, institutions, and addresses must not be written in the text.

1. The article should not be published elsewhere or should not be sent to other journals for evaluation.
2. The article language can be Turkish or English. There should be Turkish and English abstracts of the article which do not exceed 250 words as in the format mentioned in the publication template. Turkish abstracts are not required for English articles. The title of the article should be short, and it does not exceed 15 words. Keywords should be between 5 – 7 words.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The open access policy and the publication ethics of tarihyazımı, in line with the guidance and policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), is prepared on the basis of the rules in "Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors - 2011". The responsibilities of editor, reviewers and writers are mentioned below:

a) The Responsibilities of the Editor:
1. The journal editor decides on the convenience and the publication of the submissions.
While the decision of the editor is taken, s/he does not decide on the writer or writers’ ethnicity, gender, belief, nationality, or political approach but to the convenience of the journal publication policy, originality, and importance.
2. The editor of the journal does not share the personal information related to the submission with third parties.
3. The editor or the reviewers do not use the information and the documents of the rejected/the articles in the process without the written consent of the writer(s).

b) The Responsibilities of the Reviewers:
1. The reviewers support the editorial board about the control in the convenience of the publication of the submission.
2. The reviewers should be fair, objective, and constructive in the evaluation of the submission.
3. The reviewers make suggestion for the development of the submission and the prevention of possible mistakes.
4. The reviewers must inform the editor when they feel insufficient about the submission or when they cannot complete the examination of the articles in time.
5. The reviewers are responsible for the security of the ideas and information in the submissions. The reviewers do not share this information with third parties or do not use it for their own research.

c) The Responsibilities of the Author:
1. The studies based on fraudulent/fake data are not accepted. The writers must guarantee the righteousness and the originality of the data.
2. If the research involves people, the approval of the Ethical Committee from the institutional authorities and other required permissions should be taken. This approval should be mentioned in the chapter of "Method" and the signed Ethical Committee approval should be uploaded to the system with the article. If the Ethical Committee approval is not required, should be mentioned in the chapter of "Method" again.
3. There should be a written consent of related institution or people for the material used in the article such as "data collection tool, table, graphics, map and other visuals" which belong to third parties and which are subjected to copyright.
4. In the process of article submission, the conditions which are mentioned in "submission list” being accepted by the responsible writer is considered as accepted by the other writer of the article.
5. All the writers who made a valuable contribution to the article should be added as co-writer. The people who do not make a contribution to the research is not suitable to be added as a co-writer and this situation will not be tolerated.
6. The writers should accept the reasonable revisions suggested by the journal’s reviewers and editors. If the writer rejects the revision without acceptable reasons, the article will be declined.
7. All the writers must correct all the mistakes in the article and withdraw the erroneous information.

8. All the writers must send their Copyright Form for submitting their article.

Ethical Committee Approval

With the decision of ULAKBİM on February 25th, 2020, there is a condition that "All the disciplines of science (including social sciences), there should be an Ethical Committee Approval for research involving human and animal (clinical and experimental) separately and this approval must be mentioned in the article and it should be documented". The research conducted by quantitative or qualitative approaches which require data collection such as questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group study, the experiment is regarded under the aforementioned content.

The statement of Ethical Committee Approval:
If a study is conducted with people disregarding the age limit, the required permissions should be taken from the related institutions and it must be stated in the first and last pages of the article, also in the chapter of Method by giving the information of institution, date, and number. A copy of the signed Ethical Committee approval should be uploaded to the system with the article and other documents. If the Ethical Committee approval is not required, should be clearly mentioned in the chapter of "Method" again.


In lieu of ULAKBİM Ethical Codes, scales, questionnaires, and visuals are not used without the permission of the owner: Referring to the copyright owner(s) (or institution) is not sufficient. In these types of works, it should be mentioned that the work is not under copyright or the required permissions are taken from the owner of the copyrighted material by stating the person (or institution) and date in the footnote.

The Declaration of Conditions which are not Suitable for the Ethical Principles:

If there is a non-ethical situation is detected related to the journal editors, reviewers, and writers or an article in the process of evaluation, preview, or published one please send an e-mail to editortarihyazimi@gmail.com.

If the data in the articles are found and detected to be manipulated, distorted or the fake data is used, this situation is declared primarily and officially to the institution that the writer has been working. The article is rejected and if it is published, it will be withdrawn. Our journal has a right to demand raw data or the results of analysis according to the assessment of the editor and reviewers.

Publication Policy
1. tarihyazımı is free of charge and open access journal. The writers are not subjected to payment under the fee of delivery and article evaluation.
2. As the journal publishes thematic issues, the articles which are suitable to the related theme of the journal are taken into consideration.
3. The studies sent to the journal must be in line with the Spelling Rules.
4. Under normal circumstances, the evaluation and reviewer process of the articles are completed in three months.
5. The Editorial Board ultimately decides on the publication of the articles.
6. The results of the evaluation will be stated in Dergi Park system to the writers.
7. Studies that do not make the required corrections will not be evaluated.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Access: http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf

No fee is charged for the articles sent to our journal.

Ethical Committee Approval

With the decision of ULAKBİM on February 25th, 2020, there is a condition that "All the disciplines of science (including social sciences), there should be an Ethical Committee Approval for research involving human and animal (clinical and experimental) separately and this approval must be mentioned in the article and it should be documented". The research conducted by quantitative or qualitative approaches which require data collection such as questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group study, the experiment is regarded under the aforementioned content.