Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 13, 6/30/24

Year: 2024


International Journal of Human Studies is the journal of the social sciences. In our journal, in which Turkish and English articles are accepted in the field of Social Sciences, it aims to present the articles written in the discipline of social sciences to the benefit of the researchers.

International Journal of Human Studies is an international refereed journal published twice a year. The journal accepts studies in the Social and Human areas. In this framework, in the journal, Social and Humanities (Anthropology, Archeology, Geography, Linguistics, Language-Literature, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Communication, Art History, Sociology, History, Tourism), Educational Sciences, Research articles written in Administrative Sciences, promotional articles and translation articles will be included.

  • You candownload the Journal Article Template here. Click on the ...


    Ø  Journal publishes Turkish and English articles in the fields of social sciences. Turkish abstracts must be summarized in English.

    Ø  Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other publication before.

    Ø  Users who use different fonts must specify the fonts in the message segment to the editor while submitting the article.

    Ø  If necessary, the editor may make spell corrections. Again, the abstract in a foreign language can be edited by editor.

    Ø  Scientific studies and attachments (photos, figures, tables, etc.), Microsoft Office program

    Ø  At the beginning of the article, Abstract and Key Words should be placed in Turkish and foreign languages (English, French, German), not less than 200 words and not more than 300 words.

    Ø  The articles should not contain any information (name, surname, address, etc.) that will call to mind the author. This information should be sent to the editor as a note. The information about the author will be added when it is accepted by editor.

    Ø  Legal responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors.

    Ø  It is recommended that the scientific studies to be sent not to be more than 20 pages. Multiple articles of the same author cannot be published in the same volume.

    Ø  The articles must be submitted electronically to the journal by 15 May for the June issue and 15 November for the December issue.

    Ø  The manuscripts to be published in the journal will be reviewed by iThenticate or turnitin.



    If your article is in English, you should write some statements differently. Please check the appendix at the end of this guide.


    The APA writing style was developed by group of scientists working in social and behavioral fields to standardize scientific writing.


    Ø  It can be used in

    Ø  Term papers

    Ø  Research reports

    Ø  Empirical studies

    Ø  Literature review studies

    Ø  Theoretical articles

    Ø  Methodological articles and case studies




    Ø  The page should be 2.5 cm apart from the right, left, bottom and top.

    Ø  Garamond should be used 12 punto and line spacing should be 1.15.

    Ø  Paragraphs should be start with a tab (1.25 cm) from the inside.

    Ø  The author should write her/his name in capital letters and it should be repeated in footnote with name, institution, department and e-mail.

    Ø  It should be written name, surname, title of the article with capital letters as a header.

    Ø  When quoting the block, the entire quotation should be in a tab (1,25cm). When you finish quoting, do not forget to give references (Source, year, page number).



    APA-style text is divided into sections. The main sections are as follows:


    Ø  Title

    Ø  Abstract

    Ø  Introduction

    Ø  Method

    Ø  Results

    Ø  Discussion

    Ø  References

    Ø  Attachments



    In the centered form, both the Turkish and the English titles should be written with the first letters capitalized.



    The article should include a summary (in Turkish and English) of at least 200 and not more than 300 words. Title of the summary should be called Abstract and also 5 English 5 Turkish key words needed.



    Level 1: Centered, Bold, Initials large rest is small
    Level 2: Left-aligned, Bold, Initials large rest is small

    Level 3: One tab inside, Bold, Initials Large rest is small

    Level 4: One tab inside, Bold, Italic, Initials large rest is small

    Level 5: One paragraph inside, Italic, Initials large rest is small




    Citation within the text can be done in several ways:

    Ø  Walsh (1998) … stated (s. 108).

    Ø  …opened (Lopez and Rice, 2006, ss. 13-14).

    Ø  Kessler’s …environment (s. 146).


    As the International Journal of Human Studies, we adopt the principle that the names of the authors and the year of publication of the manuscript should include the page number from which the cited part is taken. Both the paraphrase and the direct quote should include the page numbers in parentheses. If the source does not consist of pages, the number of paragraphs mentioned in the paragraph (Author, Year, x) should be indicated.


    If more than one work is cited in the same parenthesis, the first one is written in the bibliography should be written first.


    If reference is made to two or more works of the same author, the letters following the alphabetical order should be added to the publication year: For example: (Cemil Meriç, 2000a); (Cemil Meric, 2000b).

    Atıfın cinsi

    Metinde esere yapılan ilk atıf

    Metinde aynı esere yapılan diğer atıflar

    Parantez formatında metinde esere   yapılan ilk atıf

    Parantez formatında metinde aynı esere yapılan diğer


    Bir yazarlı

    Walker (2007),

    Walker (2007)

    (Walker, 2007, s.

    (Walker, 2007, s. 9)

    İki yazarlı

    Walker ve Allen (2004)

    Walker ve Allen


    (Walker & Allen, 2004, s. 15)

    (Walker & Allen, 2004, s.15)

    Üç yazarlı

    Bradley, Ramirez, ve Soo (1999)

    Bradley vd. (1999)

    (Bradley, Ramirez, & Soo, 1999. s. 27)

    (Bradley vd., 1999, s.27)

    Dört yazarlı

    Bradley, Ramirez, Soo, ve Walsh (2006)

    Bradley vd. (2006)

    (Bradley, Ramirez, Soo, & Walsh,  2006, ss.

    (Bradley vd., 2006, ss.16-17)

    Beş yazarlı

    Walker, Allen, Bradley, Ramirez, and Soo

    Walker vd. (2008)

    (Walker, Allen, Bradley, Ramirez, & Soo,

    (Walker vd., 2008, s. 4)

    Altı veya daha fazla yazarlı

    Wasserstein vd. (2005)

    Wasserstein vd. (2005)

    (Wasserstein vd., 2005, s. 3)

    (Wasserstein vd., 2005, s. 3)

    Yazar grupları (kısaltmayla anlaşılan)

    Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı (ASPB, 2003)

    ASPB (2003)

    (Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı [ASPB], 2003,

    s. 5)

    (ASPB, 2003, s. 5)

    Yazar grupları (kısaltmasız)

    Ankara Üniversitesi (2005)

    Ankara Üniversitesi (2005)

    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2005, s. 23)

    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2005, s. 23)



    If the author of the work is not given, the first few words of the title should be written when quoting.


    When referring to such a structure, the title of the book is written in italics and then date will be specified.


    (Aile Eğitim Rehberi, 2008) or Aile Eğitim Rehberi (2008)


    If reference is made to more than one author with the same surname, the names of the authors should be indicated in the sentence even if the publication years of the works are different: Turan Yay (1993); Gülsün Yay (2012)


    Personal interviews can be present in the text but not in the bibliography. (Hikmet Öğüt,

    Personal interview, December 2000).


    In the studies, it is essential to reach the primary sources, but if it is not reached due to some complexities, the reference quoted or transmitted is indicated.




    All references (except classical texts and personal interviews) used and cited during the study are included in the Bibliography.


    Works that are not cited in the study are not included in the Bibliography.


    Refer to the last edition of the work.

    If workable, include the page numbers of the article and the volume number of the issue.

    If the DOI number is present, add it to the last part of the reference.


    You can create the bibliography in two ways. Our preference is to use Microsoft Word, so the margin of error is reduced to zero.


    Automatically in Microsoft Word


    1.       Before you start writing the article in the word, go to the “Manage Resources” and “ Style” section of the “References” tab. Select “APA Sixth Edition” from the style.


    2.       Click on Manage Resources and click on the new opened tab and add the resources used in the article one by one.




    1.       When writing the article in Word, click Add Quote from the “References” tab and select Add New Source after each quote you make. From the tab that opens, enter and save the information for the resource that you are using.

    2.       After article is done when you click on Add References the program will add the citation sources to the end of the document in the appropriate style.





    References are listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. If there is no author name, the name of the work is taken as the basis. If multiple works of an author are used, references are written in chronological order. If more than one work of an author published in the same year is used, it is listed as “2009a” and “2009b in alphabetical order of the titles.


    1.       Books


    In the bibliography, the surname of the author, the initials of the first name, the year of the publication, the name of the work, the information of the publication, are separated by dots. Book names are written after the first letter of the title (except for special names) in lowercase and italic letters.


    a.      single-authored or edited book


    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The name of the book is italic and completely lowercase after the first letter (except for special names). Place of Publication: Publisher.





    b.      Two and more authored or edited book

    First Author's Last Name, Initial Author's First Name. and Surname of the Second Author, Initials of the Second Author's Name. (Year). The name of the book is italic and completely lowercase after the first letter (except for special names). Location: Publisher.


    c.      revised or expanded editions

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The title of the book is italic and completely lower (except for special names) after the first letter (revised / extended x. Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.


    d.       books with uncertain authors

    The name of the book is italic and completely lowercase after the first letter (except for special names). (Year). Location: Publisher.


    e.       books of two or more volumes

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The title of the book is italic and after the first letter (completely small (x. volume). Place of Publication: Publisher.


    f.        Translated books

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The title of the book is italic and completely lowered after the first letter (except for special names). (First Letters of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname, Translated.) Print Place: Publisher.


    g.      Compilation

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). Title of the article. The name of the book is italic and completely lower (after page number range) after the first letter (except for custom names). Place of Publication: Publisher.


    h.      A text or an article in a compilation

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). Title of the article. The initial of the editor's name (s). Editor's last name (Ed.), Title of the book is italic and after the first letter (except for special names) completely small (page number range). Place of Publication: Publisher.


    i.        A text in a reference book

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). Title of the article. The name of the book is italic and completely lower (after page number range) after the first letter (except for custom names). Place of Publication: Publisher.


    2.      Articles:

    a.      For Journal Articles

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year, month if any). The name of the article is only in the first letter of the first word, and the rest is lowercase if it is not a special name. Name of the Journal Italic and First Letter of Each Word Capital, Volume Italic (Number), Page Number Range. doi: xxxxxx


    3.      Other Resources


    a.      Movie

    Director's Surname, Initials of Director's Name. (Director). (Year). The film's name is in italics. Production City: Name of production company.


    b.      Resources of Internet

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Date of publication). The name of the manuscript is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is uppercase, the rest is lowercase if it is not a special name. Access date: Day Month Year, post link.


    c.      Unpublished master and doctorate dissertations

    Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Date of publication). The name of the manuscript is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is uppercase, the rest is lowercase if it is not a special name. Access date: Day Month Year, post link.




    In articles written in English, a number of expressions we use to cite should also be written in English. Below is a table of these.


    Türkçe                                                  İngilizce

    s.                                                            p.

    ss.                                                          pp.

    Erişim Tarihi (tarih), (link)                     Retrieved from (link), on (tarih)

    Çev.                                                       Trans.

    b.t.                                                          n.d.

    vd.                                                          et al.

    ve                                                           and

    Yayımlanmamış Bitirme Tezi                  Unpublished Dissertation

    Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi        Unpublished Master’s Thesis

    Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi                 Unpublished Doctoral Thesis

    Yayımlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi               Unpublished Expertise Thesis

    aktaran                                                     as cited in

The International Journal of Human Studies is an independent publication related to scientific research, and its editorial policy is determined by the editor. This declaration contains the ethical behavior of the owner, editor, referees and authors of the journal. The ethical statement of the International Journal of Human Studies is based on the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and these sources can be found in

1. Responsibilities of the Prerogative Powers of the Journal:

1.1. Editorial Independence

International Journal of Human Studies provides the independence of editorial decisions without the influence of people or commercial partners.

1.2. Intellectual Property and Copyright

International Journal of Human Studies protects the property and copyrights of the articles published in the journal and provides a record of the published version of each article. International Journal of Human Studies maintains the integrity and transparency of every published article.

1.3. Scientific Abuse

The International Journal of Human Studies always takes precaution to plagiarism.

2. Responsibilities of Editor:

2.1. Publication and Responsibility Decision

The editor of the International Journal of Human Studies maintains the order in the journal and efforts fulfill the needs of readers and authors. The editor is also responsible for deciding which of the documents submitted to the journal will be published and which policies are subject to legal requirements. The editor may negotiate with the referees during the review process. The editor is responsible for the content and publication quality in general. The editor must provide a fair and appropriate review process.

2.2. Neutrality

Articles submitted to the journal must be evaluated without any bias.

2.3. Privacy

Any information about an article sent to the journal should not be revealed to anyone but the editorial board, referees and owner of the journal.

2.4. Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure

The editor of the International Journal of Human Studies does not allow any conflicts of interest between authors, reviewers, and editors. Unpublished materials in an article submitted to the journal should not be used by anyone without the written permission of the author.

3. Responsibilities of Referees:

3.1. Evaluation

Referees evaluate the works without regards to their origin, gender, sexual orientation or political philosophy. The referees also provide a impartial blind review process for the evaluation of the articles sent to the journal.

3.2. Confidentiality

All submitted information to the journal is kept confidential. Referees should not negotiate with others, but the people authorized by the editor.

3.3. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

There should be no conflict of interests between referees and authors, funders, editors.

3.4. Support for Editor

Referees assist editors during the decision process and also, they can assist authors in improving texts.

3.5. Neutrality

An objective decision assessment must be made by referees. The referees express their views explicitly, with appropriate supporting arguments.

3.6. Reference of the Resources

The referees must inform the editor about the similarities between the articles sent.

4. Responsibilities of the Authors:

4.1. Reporting Standards

Each article sent to the journal must be original and the authors will be responsible of them for not being published in any journal before. The data of the research should be specified in full in the article. The article sent to the journal should include enough details and references to enable others to work.

4.2. Originality

The authors who want to send their works to the journal, they must ensure their works are completely original and sentences quoted appropriately.

4.3. Publication in Multiple Places

Authors should not submit the published work for publication. Submitting the same study to more than one journal carves out an unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

4.4. Reference of Sources

Appropriate references should be provided regarding the work of others. Authors should give reference to publications that have been effective in determining their work. All resources used in the work should be specified.

4.5. Author of an Article

Authors should be limited to those who contribute significantly to the work. If there are others involved in the research process, they should be listed as contributors. There should also be a writer responsible for the contact with the editor of the journal. This author should ensure that all co-authors are included in the article.

4.6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

All resources related to financial support should be disclosed. All authors should reveal conflicts of interest involved in the process of writing their work.

4.7. Basic Errors in Published Studies

The authors notice a remarkable mistake in their work when they find it, they must immediately inform the journal. The authors have the responsibility to work with the editor to adjust their works.

International Journal of Human Studies Article Submission Policy:

1. Submitting articles means that the study has not been previously published in any journal or in any meeting (Symposium, Congress, Conference, etc.) with its DOI number.

2. Articles must be original research articles in any field related to social sciences.

3. The article should not be translated into Turkish, English or any other languages without written permission of the copyright holder.

4. Articles should be written in decent English or Turkish.

5. It is significant that the article submission file is saved in the current format of the word processor template used.

6. The sources must be specified.

7. Source files of figures, tables and graphics used in the text should be added to the system separately during application.

8. It is recommended to do spell and grammar checks to avoid errors.

9. International Journal of Human Studies carries out the article evaluation process with the “Double Blind” review policy. In this duration, the referees cannot access the author data of the article they are evaluating, and the authors cannot access the information of the referees who are evaluating their articles.

10. According to the referees' evaluation report, it will be decided by the editors whether the articles are suitable for publication.

11. Authors are obliged to comply with the application policy of International Journal of Human Studies.

12. International Journal of Human Studies is published twice a year.

13. International Journal of Human Studies doesn’t charge any fees during the evaluation process.

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